TU IE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. DO A WELL MADE AND FASHIONABLE CUT SUIT CALL ON fJos. W. Kollaug Merchant Tailor, Clothes cut and made in the City of Ann Arbor. 10 E. Washington St. Great Hat andSock Sale!1 All Spring Styles $3.00; Stiff and Fedora Hats $1.98. Black and Tan Socks, worth 25c, now 2 pair for 25c. Now is the time to secure a new Hat for Easter and before going home for vacation. HATTERS AND FINE FURNISHERS. No. 9 5. Main St. 1) dUST OUT! L.IHDT E N anv~rsaI Crandafl Qpwriters$110.3 \.. "IM s i y . 5 gens WantEvrywhee Sn o aos.i. - C iAOIALL MACHINE GO. T(B Nl.0 . i Gibson &Clark, PHOTOGRAPHERS. YOU PUT YOUR FOOT IN IT" 0 0 TII A T1 0 just what we want you to do-_put 12 W. HURON ST 1IflAIFa your foot in a HANAN SHOE __________________________________andi tO will say its the nicest an1(d best fitting shoe you ever had on. Couse soid AG.Spalding &Bros, see them anyway. "The Nameiahuar- "QQ S t t , netu" t~ibat thearic eo. C . S hi ts, 88 i. S at produced. Uifrm10110g .=7re t adSupplies of everySte . delscription for liane- Sal e far Golf.osgent for Mayhew, of Grand Rapids. Illustrated Catalcgue. ThAexne ofPefectio- O O E T U S S ~ pligBicycle Fancy Mixed Nuts---------------0c per pound FOR 18ee. Fancy Virginia Peanuts-----.---------0c per pound A. G. SPALDIN G & BROS., Fancy Virginia Peanuts------------1 lbs for $1 New York, Chicago, Philadelphiae. Laresat 1Masofactarers of Bicycilesad Ath- DEAN & COIVPAN Y# lati Gods t th o aid. 44 South Main Street. IRnST NATIONAL BANK. CALENDAR.j EXCtIANCI3 V OUR IITCKEtF'! O ANN ARBOGR. -Hiolders of Students' Lectuire Asso- Ornaniaed l863. Fri., Apil 24-I hai. Theodore lnoer- ciation se'asoni tickets will exchalnge capital, $100,s00. Surpuansd Prefts, $40,000 vl nS .A ore i Eiyc-tenfrcuosamtigt h e Transacts a gereral banking basiness. sl nS . .rus,01 Etre'lei o noosamtigt h e rirelg'i exchanges bsught and said. Furnish nocut of Lass." Iliing two lectures at Paimner's tetters of credit. StArl2-nuleeto fDu trSaesreo lura P. BOACLH res. S. W. CLARKISON. Cashier. 51Aoi iA~eleeto f1m icSarsree leca ____________________________________otliccrs of Studenis' Jan-ctie Assoaia - andi Friday, April 23 and 24. or F4riday THmir lieu at 1:31) p. i. eveninig ,it Fiiiversity IHlll. This is INC AN AROR SAINGSBANK Sat., April 23 'Mrs. Jarley's Wax- inecessary in0 order tn aportion the Capital Stack, 550000. Srpas, $150,000. Wvorks" in I nts-ersity Hall; benefit of nlumbter of electors amionig the severll Resources, S1,100,000. fndfrte oiansBidn. dprmnsapovedbthb- organized under the General Banking LowesudfrteWiiai ulig llorlllt slrsielb h y ,of this State. tRceives depasits, hays and Sat., Mfay 2--'varsity vs. ~Oerlina at lawn. Be suore tnolint yourninue and sells exchangeo the principasl ities of the AiaAbr liatiet01yu ikt h 1 Unsited States. Drafts cashed upan praper AnAbr eateto ortce.Tea Identificatio. Safety depesit taxes to reot. W1edl?.lay. ti-Annual conceirt of 11011lieetinlg for the election of elect- Oricooso Cihristian Mack Pres.; W. B. fiarrlnsan, Vice-Pres.: Chas E. islcock, Uiversity tGler, IBanjeo01nd1Manolinil ore will be held Saturdaiy, Aipril 20, OCher:0M.2J. Fritz Asssant Cashier. tia.it 1 :30 p. in., il thoe various 'depart- Lowny's hocoates 'Thus., .May 7-V1arsity vs. 0. S. 17. leets. ~ Choclates.at Aiii Arbor. So u chs at., Mlay t--varsity vs. Chicago at ~ BSBL OiE X tChicrago. All eanltdates for '97 baseball team '- Sat., Mlay (-t'rese'itatieii of "Juilius report oii(lie ciiiipns at 4 o'clock Caesr" n vlenine heaerToldoevery afternoii for pr'aciice. UT LE',45 5. State St. Cea"i aeiirtetr rld. I E' Meon., May il-V'1arsity vs. Wisoen- W TLE(ThG, Captain. __________________ sin att.Maisoin. TCCKERI & CO.'S Me.,.ay 13-'varsity vs. Chicago. Linie of Bicycles at prices froi $40 to ITHE FINEST LINE OF Wedhia..$0ad$5 r )t-ae ern J A 1 MOORE & WETMORE e S. Main and S. State St.._ Corner of William. Invite your attention to their lie of LAWN TENNIS GOODS. we ker the celebrted Asby Raquets, stricty hit: grade at a less onice than other racoiet.(tb see no bieter; also the alie, o.Ood and flarvard fr ceapoer rcaetas. 'Try the new Tenis Bal, the Olacger, _ GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Also Baseball Goods ad tHammocs. Those Wishing to Keep Up Pra- ice in eon do so by joining the cub clsses to meet at Grangerns Academy T oesdav nd 5Sturday even ings. j Ca earsly bekpt earehit ty0 a-uingcu toht}(e .'r Ikaaw #t ..htslos it. weoomake it. Te dentists sv' it goo.. f yudoot lir tbingo it back anti gtt yourd PALMER'S PHARMACY. d Hlolmoes' Lseryant0oa uttheioe swelst ia ton.Phone 'sosfrom a b ere' GOOSPEE'S Bicycles "'Viking AND AND BICYCLE, SUITS. Are up to date and a little be- yond. 1~5 Main St. SPECIAL. D OTAS & SCIIANO sell Sit nd Pants 1Jat prices to sat everybody we also do repairing. leaning and pressing. Work called for and deivered. Na. 4aS. State nt. recond for. O" M.MATIN, Funeral Director, Cloth and aMetllic Casketa and ine Grade Cofis. Emamig a Sppaty. No. 17s. Fourth ave. U OF 0. SHAVING PARLOR and Bat- rooms. All %ppointments Senst cas. Imported and domestic car. Lades' arti- tie air dressiog and athig paror. J. R. Trojanowski yMS. State st. W HBEN YOU WANT your clotha leaned Vprasned, reined or rebound go to Mra Flog ri, ver Sheehn book store, La- ratory aprons made to order PRNEW COLLAR BICYCLES, SUNDRIES AND SUPPLIES. BICYCLE SUITS, BICYCLE SHOES. Everythina in the Bicycle line at M.SJAEDL[B'S Cycle [mpgrium, 11 W. Washington St. Sat., May 16-tUniversity Coedy Cltot in Sarooo's "A Scr'ap of Plper'," ill Granod Oper'oatiouose. Mon., May 18-'Varsity vo. Indiana State i'niversity at Ailn Arbor. Sat., May l-''Varsity vs. Wiocoii- sin, at Ann Arbor. Wed. May 20-'Varsity vo. Chicago, at Chicago. Miessrs. Wright Kay & Co., of De- troit, have ouch connections with tile plrincipl mnaiufactnrers of Walking Sticks that they are able to oifer ape- ciaol inducemns to classes reqouiring a large number. Many of the largest universities have been supplied by them. aiid repair whleelo. LOST. Fountain pen, on Monroe between State and E. Ilniversily. Fintder please return to Steward's office. If yen are talking about buying a Bicycle do not fail to rail and exam- ine the line of Bicycs Worker & Co. are sowsing. If you do not woant to buy they, will rent you a high grade whieel. 141) For Sale--High grade bicycle in first closs condition. Alust be sold in a few dlays; $35, takeo it. Meyer's newvs stand, 40 E. William at. Subscribe for the Dally.