TIDE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. MJGHIGANGETNT1PAI + + + 'I~- Time Tabe (Revised March 1, 180, yo ARoPRETY athpries EAST. WEST The AlaietStirye ilist'ruitpoplar met P M. A. Mi pon t, een te price. Oter {wheels frost S.1 Mai and Es -___3 5 Moalt -____ _8 18 N. Y. Special-__. 5 0 N. Y. Speetal... 7 1 t0 bEasters Ex-tO--102 N. S. Limited.... 9 2 A. M. P. S. 56, 58 and 60 S. Maeai St. Atiantic Es-___710 Pctte Es.----121t D.NEsrect.... 5150 Wettrs Es.--- 200H 0-.R5. Express.1 55Chit.e F 5 O. W.tluotts, t. W.SHAYES, Htt rried.meti largtet and fl ts G.Y. &T. Agt. hiao. Agt. AnnAbsr rm 1 o x,10 Pan s o $ oS, __ 20 S. STATE STREET _~ RALROAD. HMthtgan Mn Chosn. TitnerTab lea. 1si, ltt0. St-Sools iof Siaritatyst lii 15 stirltt 722 a. m. *740 t. s. lsttiob ier it woofttteitlegsoftt "12:20 p. et. 11:16 a. e. 4:155p. m. 9:2 p. , tgrit-tltnri- tu i etitl,- artl ss t- ASS tains dly ecept SndttytaldbyteLler ;vrniet.Il Trains rsetbetteett Ass Arbor ad Toledo tittlSySt eetlgl-itttt i R.S. GREENWVOOD, AgetrtrioliortIotlaSitiriyt W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toled 0. 3iligtiti malnlitts bentplacedittinl ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST RY iitrof tifle tiiriitttri-tiS iepatIr t~'t n ste tt olge tTime Table, Oct. 27, 1895. (Orttno, Me,. w ieti\. P. ti tistwlli of Lease Ypslianti from Cogret st, 7:0. 8:13 -i 55n1 'S7, is st ltillei. IThe ott-c andl11700Oa. m. 12:5, 2:155:0, :5, 9:1 asd ilIS P.unArorJnciois aS Aibitit, Att., te Si a 'lo tittttty- LeaseAsAbr oeis7:,9:55tnd tlO 0a. .t 1:15i 5 II, 5~ :30, S tiu:45 nti :Stte lt--ti^i- stitltttr i-Sitri lli-rosoi t SUNDAY TIME. M3iler f '92 tttan l tisbiinsig Supt t *Lea-re Ypsilanti rots togress t., 1:30, titl, Sstiritil. ttlt tt ti-i s-oos t Le-e .et Alorutone, :0, 4:00, 5:30, Pllan-ae.-hattti-- ttoltllt-t rttgittS I.7:00aLee9:0 nnp.m11ASr.. Cars eaut os eity time aret sige trip 1 t-ilntcroti of Ltour vitir, iidtttl- ~cens, roasd trip tietes 2 ets. ut AWM. . AiKE, SpS tioltoo fSttiroval's. n1 init-eni S'TUt.1 DiNit T'T: ly I 5tlttrtttlt-acttouStvol hetStllogi,s If ye antetgootd reliable ie iitsettat-e all 'Mine si-ittolsn the Atbttitcotiol asnSred TSiOstter, ofie No0-1, . Stie retit-iS fatoalttetsion~. Fotuth av-. B icycle iRepairing. If yotr Siyili-nt-scmnb -t-t orf rt.Intiltlg Tckler & (o., IS . 5otri Bicycles Enameled and all kindsawte ., i-site010etoe lt: go-odttttc0St-ilt of machine work. itioeantut p 5riestha~till usiStl 5. I-I UIITIER BROS~ftlSlSline of lpto 1Sie l tlrs. otti No. O9;East Liirrty St. mittos"L i ote ndtiilet it.-: RENITSCH3LER, Smmet LttrLetre, Unv.fSlto ieinii. F11 i C:R F.1Z .T ul tt Sept. tletn.fots ttdets att PHOT C~~~HI~ prx-liloi-es 7_tyetr. ,Po cttaloce, at- ANN ARBOR. MICH.I. C.I.3iNOi. tw eret- ry. _ Jest SReeied aLatrge atidlElegaott Zi0of Tew Pipes! I Hot Lunches, Cocolates and = . Eon Bone.1 TN i E N IRE. OLLY &CO, _ 205S. State St., SagriBuocS, wA RAN DA LL$,a m ' D C 8 "- ITT Ph to ra he ln u, t' C . t ae . 15W ashington l ockĀ° t e a at0. COThe Ong Sleeping Gar Line ewes To- 2 S. STATE ed ad Clmbs. 0 T -i1 ++ The Onig Seeping or Drawing Room Gar Call On them forLiE. between Toledo, Columbus and FineLuncesMarietta. Fine LnchesThe Ong Drawing Room Gar Lie between Fine Chocolates, Toledo, Combu nd Charlsto, and Baked Good. W. Va. Try Our Lunches. Pellmn Sleepers between Columbus and _______________________________ Cicalgo. THE ONLY LINE with 45relse ehwy dai- COTRLL LEOARDbteeeTleo nd Clumbs. THE ONLY LItS with -0 tests escb wy n COTRLL 6 LUIIIIUsodo ye betee oleedandClumbs. THE ONLY LINEDewith Strisoeheay dsiy Albany. N. Y~. between Tle, Bowig Gree and Fsdlay. Makers of THE ONLY LINE with 2 traisoeh waydily Makes ofbetwee Tedo andChrlstoto, W. V. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE bet-res Tlee Ca , //''''' nd the Virgsta. TE POPULAR INE btweeTlod, Feuo. rioBEcyrs,. ravile and Newark. Cas4bWI Fsl iformaton retieratoese, timofo .rinee., will be herully frshoed by any for Yale '96,Harvard tas gent ftbolhiecentratLins. '96, Princeton 196 andi MOULTON HOUK 0. P. A. we add with pleasure Michigan pu6I TOLEDO. OHIO TORE + + + withl ott linetoftbmebll (wits. Standtard !XA )tttor 1891.II twil putt yottit eery L s.c V 30 to $!)1. :Furniture.(N ZING SAIVPLES J till pkcs 0y00 tttlootat otr samptelettefr tt St. Tailor, ANN .ARBOR, MICH. 1 I a ? I, I I i , 0 ky %147 That plate ;- mean t i ou see 'them everywhereatc jl t Commencing to Arrive . Washington Block.- MNDAY5 APRIL 2YTK. FTs- platy yttttare wattitgto ect n-- ,ttar::trttioit Sitisry SK. Sllis'iCo.,pti- DarkestI Russia Sty Si. GrattantDonlorly. A. ttpet-t Scrnit, prttdutitott. Fory tetite as4 5t-itttretts attd te Exile Statio ntlei tt PRICES-Btotes, 0 ts-rqit-,17'5e;itatqutt;. A BC[ ~B IFE -,tae -EASTER -IFTS. io sisy tin- liittl Perhalpsa "tU. of tIttny n kn ace. Fliidl - N 1:11spoo1 orin:? ly rxtititttcttoe A hnm littdo nerm ttwhluilth will tof sitable nioveltiep. [HEBAL BAESWM. ARHOLD S JEWELRf STORE, Ontly one of 1the AN1IUS3ILfR H H& E fl 2 FWoS-e manfltiy pattts of thsliteel that '= nl ti by all 2d Sem ester'. Bt W l cle for $155- UNIVERSITY SC11OL1OF DANOiN6 a Don tt iolt l nd Opposite 'LAW building. Reimembhetie tare tir only exclttoto ltty- TERMS $2 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. cle ilrtirinthtietouonly. Dott havtlepany inteosenyto utby THE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL Dont forget the place. RAILROAD TICKET1 BROKERS Tudker & Cost c'I hli SxoHEY OLAONIYFAL Ann Arbor,r~lich. WhtolesaleCigars, tTobaccs A titgareettes C. H. KEYES. IClosingOt OPERA HOUSE JEWELER We have left a fair stock of PINS:-U. of X., A. A. H. S. all sorts of The finest in Sitecity. Come and seem-"- WRITING TABLETS which can ho closed ont as ANN ARBOR ,follows: MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C GOOD RULED TABLETS, 1O0 PP. 3 FOR IOfG S L ali GOOD WRITING TABLET, - $G. CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C. BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35G L au ][I 1drWRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. L a9m y This stock will not he replaced. Come quick for first choice. No. 23 S. Fourth .Ave. Argus Printing House.