pe VOL. YI. No. 14,l5. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGIAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, isi (6. Fouit PAGES-3 CENTS. 00We Nust M~ove }ON been sold, We must seekne IiN + qaters. M Or We Must close Out IT our sto1cof mskegodcssad I1 l ioleles We olfer ices whidh N will sell noosE ilowpisces meansasythitts obuyers aTHIS MEANS BUSINESS N I o u atayhn ntes lisel;et ors riesethis B's weeks. STHE ANN A lDDR ORGAN CO., off NN S. MAIN S2T. IO jjBUY BEN-HUR BICYCLES. In an alvsrtislilcnt 10s0sa1d to 1be s'sitli iorie than a ctolinn Sof ,,litterinigg eitralititos. Very vwsl4! The Single Fact 4ints-T w4sic-i iss i 'FC ]}~ PROHIBILTIONISTS TO SPEAK. State Oratorical Contest in New- berry Hall Toniorrow. Thse aonuascilsonv'tisicl sof lteIll- tercoiit'giaie Prohliitliin ssotlo's of ichvligansccii e hld ii ll Neccsrs' I1111 111115'a1nd1tomlorrows. 8i('solell wciii to eldsisi i aolfterion at 01-1, and this ev-ecning all 6:30, tmoroloileilc ll- in-g aftl), tomoirirow afterneon at 2:")'0, 'T'elSessi1 on ldy h-illlle'devted tito bulsinetssirouitiine'andsito -I, r tosil sbY ft Y'. AVI. '.T. U. Tomorrow1 ilworn- isglspaissrs cciii io ipresented 111111diis- tsissed. Is tiheafterisooci 111e'acicicio (ratoricailcifest cciiill'e held. 'lis 110111(0 of till' speaikerso cciiic11irs'ubsi- jectsoarii's 10flloccs: "lTtPowirof at fr'Eed," T1. A. ('siilis. of Adrlin; ''Pslrilicai iss of Nationals Politick"' MrII. Sniowdeni, ssf fteSltsteNsrill Schl;I:"Tihe'Prsenssit ilossk," 51111- lhi'cw1ull'ii, of Alioini; "A _Msrll Stosutioii lffiteMunliil fProlemii," *t. Stisart fathsers, of iiillci. -,New Footbail Rules. COMED)Y CLUB IS A'l' WORK. The11 ccsrk (of thei' lsiltc'sssiite Ptbstsll Miles C'ommlite' ccs tinlisil Will PIresent Sardon's ' A Scrap sd f i~tstlll'stilt11111ils'l''- of Paper" May 16. Ioiesi 111110 cilto' gic-sn ssttfosr pub1- sf'ffelss ca ss'ey cmpillee111(1 til'e111111' of "A1Scrapl ofPlaps'r'' fso li lllliblgil f thel f111lormerllI' s-sA'occs tic-'l s'll ls'th Ui've'rsity isCmedsy CfIib s'sis'llll'lnl~so ide. ionitill' teliliif 1sofflay G, ilre plid- It:c-s sls'e'idesl tt's h e1111recsliss' "re'si The'ali'ilyl'111'l'ill;s so'fit liill'slim, 1issdeiish' 111110of thrle's' ciisis howilcill '1151101111'lllllltilil~ii 5l'11511i5 15f1;. Moment'umflays wig ciii inftec-oils. 'lis' lly lchosenl'lbysithel notl lbe perilillitted, ths'eis'l's'eglsrlilig;'clucb isoncci'of fths' sostl rel'lsllil4 thil p~ irovcidlincget111sfn1111Ioyesl8ssiI'('llllic'lllaini heilit lir'Illlllioif she, s1ta1tibsfosre' Ill' 11111 10siiIp',y1-1Witllsreats'cr111ndillislpariil'cl'ly islplsd Ills' i'cs'lsis thIlia cpilaler' cviiilss'bIltoissetfthit requlire''mencts sof lamatelur alowesscts'le aves'hils itionll 11 '111actors. Thie' cast is comiposedli'll grea1t1 toslsarsiils cis fssol. fA rulv' cssolrtn of ftst stucss'nts c-hoislilels'o1 adoptedli rei rl'liliim, iils 1lay'cs is-il favcoc'leis Iliiiprsson last s'ason. 0l'ricllnaglfs' lise cN-henis cis' bsliis 1put under thi reetl'-ioni sf-Mc'. Eslcc'lrdl 1i1 isis7.Fict' 1111 lsssids'es llnllllal'rWetrfel, of Destrssit. Allills'1part's iln i'sse- lscil bise' rmsllitt'ed to bisn pll i~- "A SI-roil of tPllper'" lhave ilble 111-ae liossobeind thefis'lids'. fcclly sdistr-ibulte'dlan111hes'ps'sfsras', Thfas'firl' tlt-l lsc'ie s'ocii'si iids' cclhis-icc ill bse giv'snsill th11' rildli attentisc f ion s' heformellr Iise'tilgl(, f Opet'c'ose' lniy ill, prlocmisesstobe c111's-trills'ttslirscles' ccos llllsl( I. ccill lbt'_fic's-clforsce' nfil' it oilsf t '111i sI-tioscnccoas's-sslonislsre1 i IIlls-he Wolitl's iBuildinlg. lasct Illss'ilfand11 lanother'crleis'cso Bicycle Club Organized. sll icsub sit cc-wilt-ilis pciclalslly tlls fsiir lnts-ilrule ssf 119. Iftccwa s'g-sitsi Closil cleitel 1r slid11o1tll's'c's'lt 10 v'ourl'ninda1is511tit I haielby NisonclCha(irman lii . Ih. Dit-ile' ccill far tfinlcest 11110 ofdelveranudtdce'ss i11theleen-incg. in Anil Arisor. lt'lsli~ers, Waverlis, Eigles, Winitonso, Monarsi, Lsllinstis, 111111 plentiy ssf ltocer pric-et ccheels. Ouir U. (of M. Speistial 10 ss'ortlsy esf its 1511110 a$100 for $85. BROWN'S DRUG STORE. IMPORTANT NOTICE. The Leading Tailor, antI only direet Importer in Sloe city, sas just received hiuenotire stock of Foreign anod Doimestic Woolens for Spring and Summer '96, at NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN, Full Dress Suits a Specialty. Special Sale. Baseball Supplies, Lawn Tennis Rackets, Lawn Tennis Supplies, Sporting Goods of every description. SEE OUR STOCK AND PRICES Mucsic for till'enisire convetionlllccill bet flulnilshed'lbys this' icsrsily I'10- Yeterdpy's Ball Game, at'the'SascioIsaw''7sllll lll'lleadtl lit'l' fstpeditt'e gao at'thfil'end osffit first ihilf of the ftourthiningiit 'liltrain lpre'ctedt'ta011cvery cevcr ccsrk i111 e ilds, s'xceptfthitdoleili ccas 501111'veir' fair ccorks 11011' ccidl tiii slick. W'atkinls imakinig 0a111111' rul thit first 11111e 1etcacostto balt 1111 Thlorise'scorinig a tcco-bag-gs'r in f~t tirdi's. Miller', inlftessox fossc' ttiigsn, cithiCondlso to (caitint11. llocwe'd tilt Sug illsc'm11111tcco litis.111011struck thre'e1wen11out. SllntS-re01111SisrImig- e'r cmplosedlSte isitosr'o s battery-. 1a11 Michilgan got fosur hits,scifis bu11 lsne strikest 1.Hollister umpliiredl. 'Tbe store' stsosl three 5t1ooeitniifsicor of Miebigan whien Steglalme ccalc calledi. Practice Club Reorganized. Mrs. Me(-rry has resumlled the "l'i'at' ite Clubl," in Neccberry' tiall, meietling ecvery day, ext-tit Saulrtday froml 4 o'clocks unfil ..''wo years ugo SMrs. Merry hics tcwenty-seven classes--- Inmiberin~g in ull :315 pcpils-iii liii "Practice Clulb," whlichl (ltdin iHarris Hall. Mrs. Merry proposes to take1 lssf sll'ilyicres'ect ill lte tss'oaliy .1 nslin,;f iie(' l11llll'I'l'0 0 ' totilog Ill' ccosclsd rs'fssrsi r'si hes' 1111advace's t deepe' ntsicssosf iths' game.I MrsJley's Wax Works. Iftisssy bISasidsithiioit sf sxggs'ra- Mirs. Jaloyl's' nio'csr hai s-enseien'I0inl Ns'cc'Fork (City lihsin tlse'e'issrss'c' inllpslrssolliesIbyss' iss Msss'y Ss'dls' Siclsisisfesr the benefit of tbe'Yomcsg W'som~en's Chlrisiansis Asscilstissci lt ito hasll, Nos. 7 IE. Fiftee'iihiist. This ccil cc's isiglit ccithousst lssillg sharp'j or sstiricasl, anditheSssper'1formanisst c ssol chlsosiosandlsI illri'sfiiig throucgh- out~. Sirs. Tail oe'5 c-ct 5gssss11 1f tblicks sills, wichstolsosd cut inltill 111sf approv'edi'ifshisin, and1 isshall~c icisd soiiiet, cwhli'cc e're ehsangedlin1 each-ls"t'hamber.'i'" fThes'cilr'-Ii l's scsi's aill cce'll take'n, misthle costumles cweire bsecautifsil ansIiscoricsally crre'ct.-- Nicw'YisilsTrilsicne. ail's. Jasrleys's W'ax WorkssNccill 1:, prsentitedl at I n1i-ersilx' fiall tomsor- rocy night fcr Ite benefit of tse fiiid for Stewomen's bueildinig. Theodore Roosevelt Tonight. lion, Theoedore Ross'celt, cill 1se'- tirs cn "Enfocsemne'nt of Laow" in ftss -S. L. A'. cnurse in inivs'rsity luill els cwill be sold at X50' cents. 'ssore' sf ladsy tcyclists irsssss olsiig sa c'ery s'isiisssiassis 111111 illg atiilsl('lome of SAirs. SOis 5'. Joilhsn!52 S. Thassyer', lasts e'ceing. Stiss I"'. G. Selsssfsr a' Iel 110 elliri'sisd, loll Sliss Si. L. CSossssi i 5scretary,5. ItiWcc-sb llnllllsl5 It- tciiedIsslto organizea ladsie's' iiyss'e lsrls, fsor thie'ipurpses'o1f srslilsf ilt ocs'lisil- sly amonsllg ladsie's intetedihsliti cwhssl- ilg, andssl a idid for fc'h51151 runls. A5 5-sdllnditte ccrssapipointis- to fralne11 a rconsitutioin, conssisting;f of Siis Masry SMscUhersois,Sirs. iOls 5'. Jso- soin an11d Srs. IV. A. CanilslIe. 'lirs cc-ssasolicelyiscssoinii of thssproper cc Iselinlgcosituise, 111111n1111 bslesting s'xs'lsonge ci e'xperitie's. It: ccassdei- cied to chloldI the lest sls'etiilgIf 11cc ilubs ill Ite Syilnasiosss, Sill 11151117 Api 112 5,siet110:3111a. Iss., Ncches'itheIis l'c5511111 of csotumise ccill 1se c'ninuiled. fLiadies havc-ing spe~cill lsiills t ire ucrgeds S tfs'oted. '98 D Defeats High School. 'Iles'9'18 Dillteidefe'atedthe51ttigh Stcosl 555115 1 la t tefair groundlssyes- tersdsy lsy lhe scre' of 16102 in1 an1ex-, ciinlil gaidle. Dcuffy, of thitdenl'I ininm abon.111111lisie' iuni. T'listlterieis cwe'rhe Zeilser adLa lrtinl for f t'e11igh Scholol sindsLelir, Burke 10111 .5jfel foll 'IS D. Se'niors imayfilndl the class tresusrer in the stews',,rd's cfficeisilnday Wed- nesday and Friday morninlgs from I9 to 19:30 o'clock. vv- ./. H Rup the "Practice YCluib." bltntoot thle A yclasses, aiii for thle beiisfit of 1pup1ils will be found in Neccliirry Hall be- Uip Town, finsTase, J fore and after class. The fee is $0 a UniversIty Bookstore, OppositesCourt House 205. State St. 4 N. Main St. inonthb for She twenty ineetiiigs.