TIlE UNIVERSITY 0O' MICHIGAN DAILY. FOR A WELL MADE AND FASHIONABLE CUT SUIT CALL ON Jos. W.ollauf, Merchant Tailor, Clothes cut and made in the City of Ann Arbor. 10 E. Washington St. Gibson & Clark, PHOTOGRAPH ERS, 12 W,- HURON ST Great Hat and Sock Sale! MOORE & WETMORE All Spring Styles $3.00; Stiff and Fedora Hats $1.8. Corner of William. Invite your attentiee te their lie of Black and Tan Socks, worth 25c, now 2 pair for 25c. Now is the time to secure a new Hat for Easter and LAWN TENNIS GOODS. before going home for vacation. W ie h ebao ehlsqes eth erracqueets that are ne bolter; als TI K~r~ & S I th Talsma, Oxford and Harvard fer BATTERS AND FINE FURNISHERS. No. 9 S. Main St. Ball, the Slaenger, _______________________________________________GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. -'- ' .iiwi'sa l Crandal Zypeivriters In4.. - Io as " 'car. Aens iWante tveywhere, enfor cCtaogs C ZhtI.s~'p~IAL MACHlINECC. GoOTGI. r -- 0 YO U E ATN U T S? Fancy Mixed Nuts . Fancy Mixed Nuts- Fancy Virginia Peanuts - ---. Ai G Spalding & Bros, Fancy Virginia Peanuts---- " The Noame is a Gear- DE. ate"that the article44Suh ai Street. eaigitis ther Pest SohMi plroduced. Uniforms and Supplies of everey description 'or Base- UNIVERSITY NOTES. hail, 'trnnis, Golf. Send for hacdsome M i's. I". C. Frer i5s -loll lfieols Illustrated Catalogue.5 TherArcme of Perfectio- iniDes-Moineco, Iowa, iil l 1 -l'iiii "I"I-Eabooit two -wo'iko. * * .''lit'' le ill Che sociologycolinsi'. S pa i i lg cyBci e ilstiis trnoo'n wsill lie lby' allel os os- FOR 1896. an, of Detritonl i the Scientific As- A. G. SP.AL DING & iBROS., lilt of P'liiilnlii'iily. iili e lictoire New ork, Chicgo, hilde~pia. roo0211of Taplel Hall at 4 p. in. Largest Manaufactorers of Bicycles and Ath- Alcr1'F.H. \tl ioy,fnoss' at) Moliiie, leic Goods is thie sorld. _________________________ ll 55 lie(l1 st l ill rennion fullill FIRST NATIONAL BANK. of liit lesl ilb held at ltle' --1c per pound ------------ 11 lbs for $1 ------- ------ l1(c per pound --- --- -- __. --- -- 12 lbs for $1 AN & CO MPAN-Y. Chances for Track glon. 'fhre'eindidates 1or'theo~trark team' icrenow at work regudlirly ii lie alli- helieldl, a cirissiing roomihasingy bieienlbuilt fticie nder'i'heibleaer'is meiii'heIrack liasving ben se'rieeIdpin putito retty'i'-vfair ceniionii. A Boo~- ber'cof ii'ss imeno wes'e'outntiveslerd~i ini spite of thie cillerAwinil, but theres moist lie a good many niore yet. Dist- "lied ut least len oroieiiheii hooldl>lee .I Also Basehall Goods and Hiammiocks. ThoseoWishing to Keep Up Prac- tics in c55 do no ley joining lie club elasses to meet at Granger's Academy Tuesday and Saturday evenisg;s. SHARZMACY0 We Have a Drug Store. 0 $ Theat swell ness GaleSurrey nwith A silicer trimmlegs and that coil b~lack team-Sswell! Well you keeow it.lolmes Livery isthie place it's from GOLDP[I AND IBICYC)L7E OF ANN ARBOR. Organised 1Bo6. Capital, X100,000. Surplus ad Profts, $40,00 Treansacts a general hashing buisiness. F~oreign= e 'Pellen bought and sold. IFarnish letters of cedit. P, BACI Pres. S.VW. CLARKION, Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stocki, $50,000. OSurpluls,$150,000. 'Resurces, $1,100,000. Organized under the.Oeeeral Banking Lawn of thin State. BReeives deosits, hsys and sells exchange oneethe principal rifles of the Unaited Slates. rafts cashed upos proper identificatioan.ISafety do posit hoses tu rent. OGleoso;Christian Slack Free.; 'W. B. Hiarrimsan, Vice-Pros.; Chaes E. Hilseock, Cashier: Ad. .1. Fritz Assistant Cashier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTL'' 48 S. State St. THTE FINEST LINE OF BICYCLES, SUNDRIES A DSUPPLIES. BCCESUITS, BICYCLE SHOES, Eerythinz in the Bicycle linAEB e S at M, E RSCISlaEmporium, 11 W. Washington St. meieting eof itie' Netlleril Illinois oust tryinig foi'thliiinile' liel half-imile Teltchers' Association aitttawa, Ill., events. April 24. Tfhe (bs far the local univsersity HoX(tlder oflStude 't ' LetureI'lSI eels will lie set 01)o)11and aunoolsee- itoilrs f itlellis fi''i ~r Aeo-ileots will tbe maeoi' as to inlereolle- (lltion51001111 Ilec i ill exchange.gilte contlests. 'Ne'getiaieins lire 111111 llie'iiforei'couponlls ,adimitting 1o thele' 11-ing for' ednal metlings wilthe. l Dei 'ltl imauing' tsweele'tiure's at Pliie's Athletic ('lub, Illinois Vinive'ityiv me Druz;g 0101e, Stat' slicet. liil'llll'0'ellj'Califoliliae Univs'ity, ii aeleitieo I 01111 1a-ila.April 23land11 2. or Frielay tepasaraypoe*dfrada eing at Uiln1'ivs'Oity tall. 'fhisois te 111 ineal'lr~'~~lfraeoe necess'ar1y ini oreder 10ollepportioni the mieeting wills Chicago Ihli visily. numbiller of ele'e'oi's laliloniItie sev5er'al Prhiapistie' greatest induceenit eef departmilienlts 110 provitded btohle ey- all is thie'choante of beeing senttthle e lasss. hBe'slice'to plo o ur5'namaiie diilAineritcaiiIntercollegiate olalunpiotl det'la'lle'lt oil your tlickoet. Thean- sil tNwYr .Mcia lnllll me'e'ingloger tile' electionl of elecit-shsitNwYokMyl.Melgli ers will behe 'el Saturdasy, Aleril 20 is a miemblerl of this lassocilitionl, bunt lit 1:111)1. in.,in 1111'varionusdepetart- 1has8cot been e'np'lre'sentleed iilie gamiles 4 I T11f'lls. A'lTTEN'TION BICYCL'fISTS. If seoi'lie'ye'le' needs t'le'aning or repalir'ing Tuer'i & tea., 110- N. Fourthi ave., is thie lace' to get goodlI-Sf011 doe aien111101priceso that will silit ill. We rclentnoll wheels, r:lso hayt' a fulli linac of upl-todate sundiest.. Otur motto is "Dive' aod let livo." Mtiss Chiarlatte 0. Stosse, gene7.ol piaist and Lcolnpanist. House party engagementls ealisfactorily filled. Adl- dress No. 48 S. Univsersity ave. Messro. Wright IKay & Co., of De- troit, have auci connecetions Awith the picipl m oanfaetinrers of Walking Sticks that they are 01110 Is offec pe- elA ineducemoelnts to classes requiring a hirge lnmbher. Manoy of tine hargest universities have cocanoppalied by theni. I since 1880. The Athletic assoeclatioli haslaslled a resaoluioin that hece'- forthi the trancko iensiwho osei likoely to wyill a ploint is these gamies shall lee sent to Nesw York. Accordiagly, Trainer Fitzpatrick is very desirous of developliog some imen to sendt to News'Fork this year and thinokslie eon. miake op a teaii of four or five men. If you aro talkiag abount buying a Bicycle tdo not faoil to ceall anid exai- lns the liine of Bicycles '1'ncker & Co. ar'S nshowving. If you do loot wvant to holy they will reat you a 'high grade svheel. 146 LOST. Fountain pea, on Monro betsveen Statse slid 8. Uliisersfity. IFinder please return to Stossards office. Subscribe for thie Dally. Are op to date and a little be- y ond. 1~5 Main St. SPECIAL. D IETAS & SCHANZO sell Snits and Pants ait prices to suit everybody; we also do repairing~c, leaninig anid pressing. Work clleid far and delivered. Na. 48 S. Stale n.. eucol dloar. O 15. PhARTIM, Funeral Director, Cloth "an diMetallic Cankets and Fine Grade Coffins. Embalmsing a Spechalty. Mo. .17 S. Fourth ave. UOP M. SHAVING PARLOR and Bath- U.rooms. All %ppoliotmenes finst elass. Imported and domestic cigars. Ladies' artis- tichasir dressing and bathing parliirs. J. R. Trs~janowsoi 305S. Stale st. HEN118 YOU WANT yourrclothes cleaned W pressed. relined or rehoand gu ts Mro Fingerle. over Shirehian's Pask stare. Lab- oratory aprons made to order A~A NEW COLA