THE UNIVERITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. P ublished Daily (Sunday excepted) dring the tollgo yvear, at THlE UIVERSITY Of MiCIGAN. OrCEt: Tines building N,. Main stopposito post ofice. EIDITORSO J. F. THZOMS, '7. wV. XV, ti S,.'8. F. L tiior, '55 L F. 0. Loosis, ' . 0.T. H ilso.'S. . S. Soso '8 I. 0G. onDEnoon. '. G. 13.tlAnulSOo, '8L. L.. tX4OEato, '1. ASOCIATIO EDITORS W.X. Thayer, '6 L. S. P. Sith, 'tL.. 6. X. Smith, '0. XW. It. lorill, '5. S. L.. Xal h, '3 N. IH. B. Skillan. '8 L.' C,. B. Roe, 'sc. Louise Hdge, '9. B. . Metheay, '9.I. orin, ' . The sabacelylica pie at the liy has ero reduced to S1,t0 it dnoefoe te reet of the yer. Leae suscriptiotts at the Daily ofic or with P. C. Meyer, I. o 5. Newa Stand. Editor of today's pater: . D. LOOMIS, '9. A feature of the 'tti P'llatitm wh'ich'i deserX'ts faorotable notice is tilt exetllec of the illstrations. 'ft" matter of tctlf-tones i t o nc 'ien- iog XX'ietiformer anutal oarts loe tteen ratter careless, tlthstttcli'teil- lutrting is usutallly nade one of lii" muot Iroilinelt fetutres of tt etolloge annuatlil. This yar,lowet'ver a tde citt tt'Xtidt'Imrovem loths eels imad i ilusrating all the Uiersity annualtls, aisd iont'of thi t'cis tuoetihas tlens ca~rrie'dtttver fittinlhst ya'r. 'The halftne XX ottoii the Ialatiumllis entirely' iewt anti dstintly of a high grade. 'dhe same qalaity' ~f Xot'k will bet'fttnditntotie ('stalilts aitd iRes (ttstae, whichi havie 1no1yet blt s't-l sued. Thei'nt'el'ity f ('hicoaWeely' special lrticles fromo Xwell-kotwl iltl taildXwom1en, 0114te first of these i,-i from Mayor Pigree oet"a"lrl'.toad vs. thet'nivesity nt the State." Ill his ownli worts, Mayor Piigme is "only tto gld to oeie the Opprttnity to Xrite ot a fev raidoml thogts siggtsted ty a recent visit to Ann Arhor, tielt'I iiersity of Melilygtnl toss, XX'hee at ittenitly tie ieple, the studntlal d thelt"factultyn re tx- pecting sting sort of catastrope to he ig school." In adtitoi to the portion ptnblished in totiay's Daily Mayor Pingree gives considtrale spare to the railroads in thin state. He clains that te retuction of the rate of railroad fare to tvo'ocent a mile would save enough to thie people of Michigan to pay all te state taxes and the expleses of te Uniersity. He thinks that briery of pubilie offi- etals is preventing this ecange. If Mayor Pingre's guernatorial hopes become relities, the Unierity of Michigan will put in a claim for prom inet aind favorabtle atentioni frolil the net goernor of -tieligai. Railroads and University. Mlayor tiugre c ontriTttes ai arti and14thte ihate" to teIitast itu ter of the tiniversity of Chicago Weekly. Ie says, ini 1at: "'T'welX'e ills iitiotced to mootify rilrloatd chargesswere smothertd ii thattsessitnlof the legilttreXwit ntt it Xw'ordotf prtteitstfrotie gtvetno. Nttw'I tdesirt' to ay hetrt' incietll y thattthe 1dniliesity of Mihigni or ally othetr, if sttpttrttt at stie ex- tels', shouidibeitter abolishecd o fully andtgeertitsly'minineillild. Anti Idesire to say frther, as tocinig your University of Chiengo that oie cnt taike'niott the 5st't'trailaty eliareges of yor ig vilige 'oldilsf- "I bttlieve'inllthoet'olt-f'shiont't Xwords of WIebster: 'We oust etiteate, we't mutst etucalt, or short twilitt'onllt race froti the ratlt' to the ,gave.' To thts entd of etuctionithteirtfessor Iraloilileti y ir~itttie adt neitt- cit bysptecial interests. ie mustobte nlot only ia learnisti 10b1utit anlillf0 origiality f thotght anti exrc'sion. For olti truths otficisneeti il es tses. Hemt t e 10oe l t'heneXw'illthe tolt ati triet. Anti ihe lmus tbe ahsoltely fearless, ftr the cwtrX'l'iss'trts re ieltd in contempltt. That ttind1 of a. Irofessor 10slprieless anttithe kind of a1 houise for himl to teach in a1nd lie ill mulst e lofty anth broadt. tHe will wears. Attor tlw itlllll i XXwlt kiist Of a cofnhle is to be bhiiet in.l, te Xwill e unicoinsciotus of 11itisy stlf anti X'hen lie dies his resting plce X'il he in tile hearts of his puils 0114hit monument wsil e the adanced man- hood of a nation." Wrinkle on Slo Tomorrow. Wrinkle Xwill e lced on sale to- mlorrows. This nmbetltr deoes eonsid- erahie attention to "ulis Cesa'" whiichlis1tie suttject of the ceniter lage draXXn y Edwari Ferry, 1in which the local Irduction s exceet- ingly well sairioed. the cover pag drawing is y .J. V. -MFall and Ioh WIagiier has -a clever halfpage draw- log on the first pge. T. SG. White is at new contriutor wX'ho funishes at good halfpage drawig. Some very level'- verse is contriuted; "Wagner, to the Uneducated Eat" y G. Kt. Barker, aiid "As Things o," y I. 111. Bowman. "Mlore Building Materi al," a series of letters on "Athletic ed- ucation for Xwomen," y contempoary and other writers, is furnisled y G. It. Barker. The short jokes are nuch poorer than usual. The Daily will e delivered for the remainder of the year for $1. Original Researches. There has heen coilsitiei'1tle research wtork tdone this year iii the hahorator'y of genlerll henlistry, tilt resu~lts of whlichliwill he ptuhlisht'tini the Ameri- tail Journlal of C'hemiistry and Lei- btre's Alimliel hef ore the cloe of this semlester, hy' the iiidiX'idtual XXork- t'rs. 'dhe contrihuters and titles ot thlese tillerIs areas1 followss: 'lT'e'ttnstitutionl of soime Derivativ'es of tormlic Acit," hy P. C. tfreer ani I'. L. Shlermlan, jr.; "'dhe liction of treer and G. u. Iligley; "The E+steri- lictitioii of ('hloracetic Acits'"hy D. MD. ~ichtly; "The Actiois of Nitric Ai on Mtals, Silver aend L~ead," hy G. 0. liigley; "The Existeince of Peiitaetliyl Nitrogen andt the Strututtre of tilt AnciAmnides," hy Arthunr ELachmaln. NOTICE. A mieetintg of inmtortaince to wmn cyclistostwill behe ldti ''itschy, April 23, 6::30 p. it. at thte ihome of Mtts. Otis C. Joliiioi. 52 S. 'Tbhayer st. Alh interested ai'e urgently retiuested to h e present. '9it RACt('MEN. All candidates for the freshmitan track teamli are retquetsted to report at the athletic hield every afternon it 4:t5 sharp. C. t'. AAS. Mtanagt'r. '97 IBASEBALLt'NtiTItii{ Alt etultidaltno for 'S7 hasebaillteanm repsortOllt tan the llaptioat 4o'clock every aftt'rnooni fir piachine. IV. KEi''fLEJS'rINO\S, Captain. University nHall . S. L. A. COURSE. FRIDAY EVE,, APR11 24 Prosident Police Commission Os Noew York City, will lecturo I on Adm'~ission, 50 Cents Ltctnie begins at 8 o'clock. Don' tfail to ineidithesnotice on pace (oar in regardtolte annualdelection. Stiident mlemhers of the Political Science Association can gel.(lie huh- hecathens as they comne out hy calling at rooisi11, Tappaii Mall, at 11t a. ill. ons any day except Saturday. Five nunmhers are nao out and a sixthi, de- voteti to city' government, is printing. Rhcohershsitt.swhich includes thse stub- hecathens, in open to all studento wt 1 $ a year. CHIARLES II. COOLEY, Treasurer. All candidates for' floe freshmnsi hasebtall teams report on the caisapus at 4 o'clock every afternoon for practice. A. H. BOY D. Otto. :Tairht'y's WIaxsw'trhksSaturdaty night; henefit of Women's Bunildin"" 25 cents. TtGC'CtI& C'. Iiue of iciycles at prices fromsh$10 to $50 anld $75, are upt-to-date. We rtt atid rephair wshieels. 1I i, Buy - Bicycles. s.' The wheel that is swifter; stronger asid lighter S than all others. Skilled workmen make it. They -^ OW^ know' lowv to conmiine the greatest strength with "' Imo- the least weight. Toughened steel, expert wvork- -- 4.'6" manship, scientific adjustment, carefully selected ""' "" material, strength, hesuty, lightness and speed are - i' +'- all found in the Ben-Hur. She would he fastid- ~..- ions indeed whso was not pleased with theauti- '" ~" ~ ful outline and fine finish of a Ben-.t ,.. FOUR ELEGANT MODELS. Styles 16 and 20 for Women.--------$80 and $100 ___ Styles 15 and 19 for Men -- -------------...$85 and $100 SThe Ann Arbor Organ Co 51 S. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. ..rp ~. £ Send for handsome Illustrated Catatogue. ^R