THlE U. OF M. DAILY. Do you intend to get a Suit OR Overcoat? -CALL ON- Jos. W.Kolauf The Practical Tailor. MFy riaise of Dress Si uits les the Students. Pricers very reasonable. (1 )1;slrs) [ An }n Arbor, ich. A6 sq. SALDING!! & W BROS. F7 ootball Supplies a y) IIses n' 1 "I'le "';UI sel s, . n-iitsT I c -'lssilsntl o I ke ol'iiii;g'I yrs. 10 ta. Hlseneesly Nee ok Chiaso, II'.1 111.5ia NOORE & WET.ZMORE 6 S MAIN ST AND STATE ST, ,ORNER OF WILLIAM, UNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS! New and Secondgand Fusselic'Pes, ies Stissney, 5Sportig Gooi" els tc.,wcich thy oier cit te'lowest Call and see us before Purchasing. ]FIRST NATIONAL BANK. 01r ANN ABOR~l~. Organied 16. Capital, $100,0001. bSupls and Prfits, $4,000 Trasssctc a geeeal bnkig bsess. Foriga exhanges bcght and sld Frish latter of credit C'. RACHl I',sS W.CLARIKSON Cashier THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stcs, $511(11., -eSpls, $150,00. Ilsecacen 6,00~se,c00. Orgasnized tinde the Geeal laskig Laws of tht'_, State. Reeives depsits, bas ad sells echangeeonetheepinicial ciie of tiha falfted Sate. lDraft cha pes pper Idrati~liss ;. Saety depcit bxes t ret. i rric: .Chritia blec, rs.; W. iD. fa ria Vtcern. Lbhs. RF icci, Csh 5 1 5U. . $itr Acsistati Caiser UNiIoVERZSITY SCHOOL FOR DANCING 4 AN D 46 S STATE ST. M M Ac is ',ais 'srisiseL. 'r ist 2r"hisempasonS. P. 0 lici, "THE FINEST IN TE LAND " Give it a till and yo5u / w ill lw a's use it SOLl) ONIYB M. Staebler Oils 5.11 W'IWv'ing~ tnssie PhonesrNe.S cii 1 5 IR. )'SIiseeNo.s7 - Noble's Star Clothing House.-ak 35South Main Street. 81.0~YOU Gray, Blue, Black and Brown -T 81 . 0Sailor Suits, regular tailor f 812Q..0 DO THE ~ T ~:[ 810.00 SELECTING. amine them. -- 1 nl of A. C. McGraw, of 0 A C. McGraw & Co. of Detroit, force a settlement of the estate. Shoes had to go. We bought 3,000 pairs for 5Cc on the $1. Rave opened oeid esiblin erviceable tylils wift clung hoes the greatest slaughter known f AiII~ in the history of Ann Arbor. MAIN ST 01 It will pay you to investigate. _________ 17 S. MAIN ST. I 1Buy all 'youcanfrd, il~ilfor L.....A..s1/I Piithavi'sperfect conmbiustion andthdo ot11snioko or siiielh: The New Rochester, The Yale, The New Royal, The Perfection Stu- dent, The Princess Student, The Empress Student, nll Mickel platedi, withi latest inprove'slnset. WeV sell 'sllat w'se advertiss aiid gua~rantee sciiilitly of goods, sand are iiever iiiitersold. piirsent II d futurle5's1e,5at our LONEST PRICES WVe small lii isrs for a fews days, only. Callahan &Co. LAW PUBLISHERS, CHICAGO. DEA N & CO M/PANY. AT SCNLEEDE'S, 50OS, STATE ST, Aror 4Sut YauSre.UNIVERSITY NOTES. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. OPERA HOUS[ J[fi[H SIORE Th''isS. (C. A. lilletls c iAisl- i_tti "Noeics.n', iingisofiWatceis. Iews weeks. Iindr s ire i's5'i ssecr Iiberi lhei elry, Gldol . Tusic andi ISi t seirs prwie lii' Intl sircunltnlili i'l t ids(if C.~ Id IKI V" ES II. i0. IIn diii (1i. ris eln'of 1'96,split.l r. YI', 5' a ve.cai)i',ssi's''smnin-i' tli'pc ofii'' i '. IC. Passsosiil thesIn-lIi.ositapers. Our (Iislnt hIssbesssoistid That's Our Business. lankierls Board.sil andstsily failurei'to l'ssseive'si tilDaheIsrs oirtiyyssrilstsis ia A isis's''ss'stc s s i s sfotto i n s' t he ' his (lnsgi' ii' addre'ss iiili' 5ib'iso sdl t lne duslis's fileliii' llli;' l's(Iitilii Asso-i' Ms'n'sie sn rcstandss, 46I"I: hMsi, or2Pal ~er'S Phaz'~.aoy ittheli' ly fi'ellss. It is . throsiigii 46i S' StatrSt., Anns Arbo, Doll Mousrrissi. susitulits'ess1,s1-sill lie 't:> ' Vaitn iii'n i, in i'ssni heis'le c5'i-ipiisii of sio(sil seribes haisixCo'lege'5'e'is' atii 5 bisiiisiti, Iilli Mat N's's's'aile s toldetc t.'ns'i ; de-Lownl 3s 0110o lates. Neotcs'pali's' eetaisnst lust fir a tiv't'ry aniiive's'si wstlnitifiationiof Hot Lu'lnches. icci'clcsiof tis' issslsisi'siss' o if liie lily il'reglllr de'isis" l ~liln_____ 5s t5 iituill ssehi i liil s sl''c' b ss.eLhs 48 5. State St. ing of tis' Stidit'nir'sistuassAssisi-hetis'lisi"of idia' ati's'sl'li l iii b' l's'i'se SPECIAL. lissi 'ssil libe hesd lis lirs'ss's's' i ns''sir thiils usissili' fromsin toIs, :.1( o'loc n 'silNietlsswber A bcundisl slisiosftOe Dilyb'st a )IANOS TiO ION-17 by IthreImonithi, sirfsor II~ilcisalins tersccasnilorgltisie. 180S. 'IlsH'assl. compi15 il flii'0 'iiiiillet r eof a bear of 'ni's'sr-Isngalls sI. 1B J. Cuisirad. 'ther l5il'be snbe snss'fnll,'Ii''ii''sIi'resOtFsr- b. SHAVING PARLORiIasidBsth-' *'iiii ilis'es'ssilsu'irislliyFittt'l'.W evepret( rI 1] roiim,. All cIpieistsfirstellis. ths ~ ferlollat - oclcktoaserai rn 'inn siblig lsrbr SioIci5551 clidemestciscicr. Ladiss' helm- lii' sfiissi5 isicsiiiiisio'isg'nlt ib''bl 's'sctic isir drescsig and bethsiitparlcrs. J. It. the' seinits'iset so erstdiiil'sitli keepiatfilie to gil ilth'irschiiblrcbocndiirl .Iiisii, Ito 5. Staite St. usIe full literary sissiliiii 1s onei i'l1s. 'it rs'iliiu'ot ie 'it the e'ndi af theisar sier. IEN YUiiO N 'ii 'stA5yccs clothes ceresr5Id, 'h'hs lsis cif '.1;) ''sill iibol it's lf 'irst ,passccriicliiel ci' c'rebouidl;gusto lIts, 'iose 'stun desisreIto ae ad'sautage ccii , oerShseensbock stisre. Lab- issising Saturdaiyills'snoonin ill ii- acitoiry iprosad sne to ordier. 's'Isilb'Hlil. 'i'ie sis tili" cwill li'oiii'11its sirer shoseuliotify' ts' boilss 1.11,00aiie.ssiesiya calildeali iordsseriiio's' ii' e lisii- ll sinigi's it onee. IXL. "ussFncc-in5'eiis, Stuciens' NoiteBoot's c ianiiBins0Boectscfrom 25c' upiweeds aci5005, bes all ooi rtniutylii'i ti-lited 01is'foel- Sllisirlioiis to ths' Dailln 'i h'bleteSt.' bill ise155. lift lailiiiy'ne'sstan'~lld. 's's'ilis aub' '"OUII'lime far come if yoroas alirsers Thefirt. eti1ar111etil" ofthecooinisg? Eve'rymecal iscpreparc'edaind 'l'it'lisl ii'glsi iirsliigs sf hs'esmiestssof iliDulybosird er autibor- niti thesesspaiis taekisngascar, ihee scosd 'srsty 's' ad iisi ' Cslus l' ii /i'lhll iis irgIihe'eeit-at 15 Forest lee. Chiceabscle iHil last nightl, . addts o e oiio, orat t e ily oilice.licaisi El par seek. ilii te'cmporarssy clubisws's'isi' 5i'tli. A Inilicltiols ws'il coeir thuenstirecoln- 'EEP yiiraccountewithisthlii'Sicte Sav- ings iBansn. speicsl essniaiolslil forfiiist snd ss.c- is'yearandvs 'is '1155aing oiis'i Ise sii 's Slit i tib el ' ss'iic sbi' iine l if'teir the Spinse S lillillil- 5's5Ii~g heisi iilsirl~lib'. ' Lioni5sly blcave i iiapr swani'd to "" b' Ais1(-,alil t s''sihs ill aiulIsest-'thuteirsboineiaddsresss cuntil crasillisslisr-O- ig-, to re5 (litssil's3)51 ""ior'stIls.i" insist 's's'illat extra,'l'he cub'-- I+ilss bisil in liii'lionscs, siplon price ssimainsi as iesetofore. '-' ~ ~ '-t' l iltier'-ant rebsoisc t'oruue'sIIll..C FAUrDS., IS Forest si's's. Buisins Msamais'sgrr Subscribe for the vaily. ,k IuDsCI'we tor we l),Lii ,