THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. WHY NOT USFE THE VICTOR LEAGUE BALL is unquestionably the best ball on the market. Hand- made of the best materials only. EveryI"official " League Ball on the market is an imitation of the Victor. Examine the VICTOR line of mitts--endorsed by many lead- ing players. OVERMAN WVHEEL CO. M~akers of Victor Bicycles. Sass Vl. Bon S TOICsss. Cossass. '-cnV SAN FRACOs.-o. NGLS PeORTANORE. 11 3' ,*YN ,8.a D MDflTINfCifPAn~LlOPS --OR HYGIENIC - BOARDING - HOUSE. ocalod baff a block from Ujniversity grounds. iUnder new msanagemoent and mith the view of aocommsodating any person applying for board. We are assured of good spring isatroosge. Sliwe our rapacity is limitod apply at onco or golf at it1Slay nard St.,nesttto School ofMusic. F. J. RENNINGS, G. 0W. PRINGLE, PROPRIETORS LEHIQH1 MNTLE5 FAND Un.iversalICrandalltypewriters fno.3 -CRASOALL MAC~IlI Mt)6 esTOs,1. DO YOU EA'T NUTS? MOORE & WETMORE 6 S, Main and S. State St., Corner of William. Insvito your attention to their line of LAWN TENNIS GOODS. We keep the celebrated Ashiby Racquets, strictly a highsgrade at a loss price thaun other racquets thut are nos bolter; also tse Talisman, Oxford and Harvard for a cherapser eacquets. Trthe nss Teanin Bull, theaengner, GUIARAHTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Also IBaseball Goods and Ilammockas. Those Wishing to Keep Up Prac- tice in DANCING can do so by joining tse clubs classes to meet at Granger's Academy Tuesday and Saturday evenings. $ HAFMARS $ We Have a Drug Store. $Thsat swelnerw Oak Srry wih silvertrimiegs and tha t roaI $ bluIactsa-Swel }Well youknow at. Holmes Livry is thse pluce.its from. YOU MAY HAVE USE FOR A Fancy FixediNuts----------- Fancy MVixed Nuts--- Fancy Virginia Peanuts -- Fancy Virginia Peanuts - ---10cper pound --- - - - - - - - - -11 lbs for $1 - ---- --- --- --- -1 c per pound ---- --- ---- --- ---12 lbs for $1 SAN 8& COMPANY. 44 South M~ain Street. Al G, Spalding & Brosl "Tihe Name Is a Ooar- aslrtkha tilhe article r'earing it is the best roduscs s. IUniforms sas Supoiplie s of eversy dscsriptilonsftsar lse- b all, 'la-sasO.Golr. If- Sendsifoasnissdsomse -~ - Illustrated Cataloue. The ArsofuS larferussa- SadingBicycle POR 1866. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., Nesw York. Chiagol5IlPlloa alu. Largest Manufactusrers of Blicycls assd Ath- lets. Goods as thsoworld. FIRST NATIONAL BANK.' 01 ANN ARBORl. Oranized 1860. Capital. $00,000. Surplsas and Profits, 040,000 Trasarkhs a gesseral bankaing business. Foeig esgxchangesboughtuandsld. Furnish Ietr sofcreditt P.RACI0res. S.0W. CLARKSPON. Casier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stork, $50,000. Surplus, $150,000. Rlesources, $1,100,000. Orgssnuired underthse General Banksing Laws of thin [tte. Rereives deposits. bsuys and sells exrlsssssgo, on the prisncipsal cities of the CUnited tssis>. ODrsfts csshed upon iproper ldentllicabtioul. Safety deposit bases to rent. OFrsseasaChristian Slack Pros.; W. D). Harrimn. ir ie-Preso.; Chas N. Ifiscock, Cashiers li. J. Frits Assistant Cashier. Lowney'S Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTU'S, 43 S. State St. THE FINEST LINE OF BICYCLES, SUNDRIES AND SUPPLIES. BICYCLE SUITS, BICYCLE SHO3ES. Ev- rythino. in the Bicycle MII[ lne at M.SA E' yc~le Emporium, 11 W. Washinogton St. UNIVERSITY NOTES. Grand Rapids Alumni. Tliardslsl S1551 betweerss lasisyl- Ths' Garid RapiislumnssissiAssoc-ia- rsaasisaasd(Califaornail will bsc us IsO tionsila anuest Frisday'eveninag. Junei3.sthliar lst o es'I-sOla y- Ohr assocssiatlion Prsof. 'Xt. F. Cssols-y- will adsalics thr sincer 18111. W. J. Stsiart, '68',sactesd as Eaaginia-g Sos-isety. Sssturarssy -,15010 tosstmsster. This',sanisiuet was hlasIs at S 1I. as.. oil Ils'essubjct 'la-frigra- in Sw-etis otl, ands corers we-reOsaisd tis I." fos 135 guesots. 'Theeors-class wsill isoslsiasmeisanOg After0teosw-Icosmisig addiressisy liar iomorosw safteroons at 4l>. 111., isba ''in asaehilsg lpresiden-t, AV. A. sirecosl.'79, chapesl 10odiscussstheiir callsanisigsowna responses' 0515e madsesto tihe fsllowing ssilag ost. toasts: "'1110ss'nUilowlity' anadits1 .. t.lssslaao, '96, litas rceivoesianAlumnasi," Prs-esissnt XAgell; '"iseMs- app1155l151lnet as a11llissistanlt ispatn is-all IDep~arentoftsc Uniiversity," stics' ssssaisasr aP IndsilasS ;01a ts10 Ds'. V.'C. VusiIis;ls"lisa'Ussiss'ssii- W"''sliassu to55-51-lis'theaositioaa. hat It SHas IDoius'folr tiar:state," cx- Vhisa'1515s-a