THlE UNIVERSITY Or MICHIGAN DAILY. MJGHIGAN GEN TI(AL Time Table (Revised) Marb 1 186 Maland Es-__3 50 Mall-______8 38 N. Y. Special---.500 N Y. Special.... 7 30 Eatern Ex---10 13 N. S. Lmited.... 92 Atlantic ENa-..7 3 Pacic ENa-...12 15 D:.N.Expreso _..5 40 Western Ex ---2(00 8. R. Eapres 11 0 Chi. Nt. Es-3.. 0 1 G.R. Ex_.-3557 0. WI. lRUGGLES, H. W. HAYS~e, G. P. & T. At. Chic0. Ag. An Arbor RAILROAD. "Time Table, lTa. 1, 810. 7:2a.m. ':4 a. m. '12:20 p.m. 11:4am, 4:1p.m. :21 p. M. All trans daly ecep Sunday 'Trains run etwen Ann Arbor and Toledo only. R. S. GREEN WOOD, Aget W. 1. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo . ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST BRY Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. Leave Ypsilanti from Cogress n., 7:0, 8:43 and I1:00 am.; 12:4,2:1,5:00 6:4, :13 ad 1:43 p. m. Leave Ann Arbor Jnction, 7:40,9:13 and 11:3 a. i.: 1:1, 2:4,5:30, 7:5, :03 and 1:1 . m. SUNDAY TIME, Leave Ypslani from Congress st.,1:30, 3:30, :00.:30 and 9:00 p m. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 2:00, 4:00,:30, 7:00 and 9:30 p. mn. . Cas run on city time Fare: single trip 1 cents; rond trip tickets 23 cents. WM. F. PAKE, Suti STUDENITS T If you wanst ood reliblle life insrnce call on Fred T McOmbler, ofice No. 1, S. Fourh: ave. Bicycle Repairin. Bicyclen Enameled and all kinds of machine work. HUNTER BROS.. No. 9 .Fast Lisrry St. RENTSCHLER, PHOTOCAPHEn.! ANN ARBOR. MICH. Just tReceved a Lrge :n4 Elegn:t Lino of New Pipes! Hot Lunches, Chocolats and Bon Bon. R2.E. OLLY &CO, JAS. State St., Saer Boc. RANDALL photographer 15 Washington Block. TOOP & CO,STE . Call on them for Fine Lunches, Fine Chocolate, and Baked Good. Try Our Lunche. COTRELL & LEONARD, Albany, N. Y. <- Makers of - Caps G owns for Yale 96,Harvard '96, Princeton '9611an1 we add with pleasure Micigan '96 I Good TailoringNe No lottery schemes. You pay for Wha13t you get and CASH saves you 25 per cent. Every garuient titted and guaranteed. 'Thousantds of stnidents are amongst ouir ~ ,, custome~rs. The largest line in the state to select t.9)1 from. Full liue of samples at the Cook House every R.. s. & Tuesday. t will will plty youl to see the line. THE GOLDEN EAGLE CLOTHING CO., DETRO"IT. C.neci~t ® I M innesota-Winoonsnl Debate. ANN ARBOR Thle lliesota- 'Iistollsill debate' at Mlinnleaplolis Fridlay nilght was won11 by WOisconsinl, nipholdling the lIll riiive.Sta The questionll ' s: 'Would it be sounditi publlic 1police:-y AM for congress to legalize coiitrcts for cnd the tivision of comillanlies eiiggd in inlterstalte'commllerce'? "Provided1, That all such poolilng N .2 .F ut conltraicts, biefore goinig into iffect, shal1l bt'filedi :villi the iinterstteic oil-_____________________ melreec omisionHl, subjec;to 10tile On:- 'K 7 pervisionl of Ithat comis~lisionl, w1 icilI014 ' shr:ill have powerctoisuShspendi1 or1;airo- gatelch oii t011racts AWll(1i'vlr, illthe1::' oplinlioni(f s01:11tcominission1, saidl 101-G ttr a lre cderimlental to Ipubllit pol-1 4 Arrive e.Washington Block:. = : / " ) ' : This space is reserved, for the Grand Opera, Now is tilt timeito 1 hai- rt 01 1 1:1: Tu':cke:r S&-Co tho repa1 iing t it # 1sii pirices; also 1:e1t wliH'cls indcarry ill 'Iat f:111 liine'o(Ifip to dale sndries. '1-0 I CL, r F EASTER C[F151 0O1O YOU [YEA THINK ' >~erliaps a.:4'U. .. -11."51,01:11 Or 11131. 4l / Oe .See ,thefi' A hla n d stcne line how maony ditferent parts are 'ID everywheree t a Y of suitable ovtWyIi neele il 11 clltltctonof: - 'W ARNOLD'S JEWELUYSTORE. AN UP -TO -DATE BICYCLE,' > ) and how essential it is to havo 2 HANGST ErFrn, t1~5 eachl particular part accurate,_______________ so that whenl the whotle is as -____________________ sem~bled the restilt will be a PERFECT BICYCLE? Suchi a d wheel is tile one UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF OI _________J Opposite LAW building S oldtfo i .oO 7 : TERMS $2 FOR THE REST OF ,UrEiXEA. and warranted perfect in every Ikan Oe a ' o pasrticular, at GG" 4ty YE a :: iI THE KINDERG4RTEN BILLIARD HALL Tvkr& CoVs CyoIC Repiui ri °'z T, &a., RAILROAD TICKET BRERS I xOU z,,,sC K~'- 1,uis. ' °IIONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONE.1°t. I8 N. FOURTHI AVE. Q'INC . - O uF~ 55, I'3IOPEETY We Rent and Repair Wheel.. ',o yPIoI ,l Ciar, ob ccs ad "gorese We invite you to cali. To be had only of THE NT STUDENITS. Take yor Kod -k IWork to BRYMAN IHE PHOOGRAPH[R Satisfaction guaranteed. 0 E. Huron st. C. H. ZKEYES. OPERA HOUSE JEWELER P15552-U. of X., A. A. H. S. The dunest in the city. Comne and see Snummer Law Lectnres, Univ. of Virginia. July 1 to Sept. 1, 1896. For ntndents and practitioners. 27th year. For catalogue, ad- dress (k'. 0. Clsariotieeeilie, Va.) R. U. MINOR. Secretary. The Only Sleeping Giar Line between To-{ Ledn and Columbuas. The Only Sleeping or Drawing Roonm Gar Line bntmnen Toledo, Clulmbus and Marieta. The Only Drnwing Resin lar Line between Toledo, Clulmbs and lCharleston, W. Va. Pullman Sleepers iseweenClumnbusand Chicage. THE ONLY LINE with ectraneseeawy dsily betweens Toledo end Counmbus. THE ONLY LINE with 3 trainseachb way en SsndayesObeseeen Toledo and Conmbus. THE ONLY LIN1 witls 5 trans eacinEwardaily boetesnToleo, Boweling Greesand Findlay. THE ONLT LINEnwiths 2 traiseaeshs way daily between Toledo end Charlestn, W. Vs. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE between Toledo nd the Virginias. THE POPULAR 3.INE between ToledoFsto. riaBucyrue. Granvllenand Newark. Full information relative t10raee, lime of traine, etc., will he eheerfully furnishied hy any Ageantlof lhe Ohio Genlrsl Linen. MOULTON HOUK, 0. P. A. TOLEDO, OHIO ClosingOt We have left a fair stock of all sorts of - - WRITING TABLETS which can he closed 0111t1a follows: MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 59 GOOD RULED TABLETS, too PP. 3 FER 10 GOOD WRITING TABLET, - Ic CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, 3 5C WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR ULL Thin stock will net be replaced. { Come quick for first choicen. Argus Printing House.