'.i w-f 1 ~ ~ puiliedltriay at the'time when'
y O M +J ~ tI + ftheWeekly Bulletin has ornerly
"JJ eenosed. It will nt be really ne.w
P'ublished Daily (Sunday excepted) during but Will te a continuace o the
the College vear, at Quarterly Calenalr ad the .Bulleti,
THE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN. nitiher of which will hereafter be is-
tFLrece: Times building N Main st., opposite sued. lRecorer G. S. Gloodpeed, as-
pst office. ised by Mr. Mus-Ariolt, in te di-
- I)ITOriI tor. Te Presieit's quartery state-
J. F. TuOMax , '7. BW. BW. Hrensm 5. nent, the convocation address, aiit
E;. L. Cesel '55 L F. M. LooMIS, 'S-.
0,. II lANS. '91, F. S. Sios, '8 oiler form~l wriings and sieeces
I. C.ICoswo1, '55 will be publishetd in full, ntl varots
3IANAGI[Nt EDITOR ofili announcmentofi the tniver-
C.1. H n. lheo, 'i L. sity will appear tioiii tiiie to tme.
L. C. Wrxan, 'i.
ASSOCIATE EDITORS (Cotinud fron Frst Page.)
W. W. Tk-yer, 'SI L. S. tR. Siti,.Tr, L. Illiis was defeated Satrday- in a
S. W. Smih, .'7. W. iP. Sorril, '8. very lrety garie. tHurd at Sort.
J. L. Walo, 'SO Ml. I. I. tiliman, 'S L. a
C. 13. Roe,'M5 1. Luse Dodge, '99. lonington at sconitian~d Siets iii
'B.. Ii, lleiany, '5. . orwiei,'9. ceniter fielt tid the best playing, te
The subscription price o the Daily has ltter catching Iwo rnniers tit te
been rluc esSlot300In advance frtoeetc t ae Iby long tii1. -. 'Ihictemils
o the py-ir. Lave subscipios at the
Dul y slice or ath P. C. M. play-il aS foloiws:
ienvs San 1. Ilinoiis Mieiigni
Fulton.... 2 1) ...loominiigtoJ
T'lii tSi'liT EditirialilBoaslrtof fiiie t'
Daily takes chalrge of thei'paaper with tHasklli..5 . ...iia
''. I ......Hollister
thisiiuilber. 'The Daily will be isue Treiles i. . . . . iidf
uni tomntouenent anti sbscribers Blaksee . . p......watiis
leaviig immiediately after the eaniu- Scone...rf. Sic. .M( i nie.-
ations iiay haete lpialer ma it liidsll .C....b. SlettMcenei
thiitehome laddrss (ung t'ommiienc- Shiler .....31 .... . . Ieas
'Thle score:
nitnt week witltut extra charge. I111os0 ...... 1 1 S 0 0-3
- Michigan. ). 0 3 0 (0.2 0 ft-5
'l'he series st gailis wlili MngerIEandrs-ih1n 3. Twobase
Sliells hats larraniged t illithe tigi. htls-Blitoiigoii. nlins, lli'-
nawne libtogins toimorrow.'aternoioin,iey. tassetd bals-Ct'itiii tti i'loitil-
aid ihe fat itat only a sni1aauiiis. SDon 2. Bases o tals(ff Watkins,
Siniifee will le charged solnd inre tf bi~iele. SriikSit-B Wat-
ki tis 4;iby Blakeslee 3. Lettl on bases
good ttititance. 'T'varsity ly- --Miciiign 8; lliniois 5. Erors-Mieh-~
eis deserve airotasig welome after igan 1; Illinis 3. tiipire-Tlyndall
thesir vacaliioli trip. agiiaw won le Time-2:10.
ItierStle ~eigieeliiiiiio~liitlt51Presentation o "J uliun Caesar."
netitoniandtthiisyeirs nines is said to
b>' stronger than that f 1895,. Dtingii the vcation "JulisCa~esr'
____________________:as aresntetat Detroitad aitcliksoi.
'Tie reinsateiiteilof Trak Cat'~npia'With gre'lt Sucess, 1d ant bo it ikles
LeRoy coimeirather latebit it will it-, i itroved a society event. At D-
gldly receivedl nevertheless. 'lucere troit onlTuestay nigtl it Ra givn
Was is'seic iity doibtit as the~ at tie Detroit OertHose anti for
ness of -t. Lenty's claimts for rtin- tilt ocasion testdaames ames B. Anii
stateentt.and the sily ear was that gell, Doii S. tDikinson, Levi L. Bar-
the A. A. U., with istaistal lack of tioureadtiSeveral prominiiet Ditroit
any lthleic vigor,. wottldillt the tmtu. ladis served is atroiesses. The
tedmopitroughi intdiffertnce. 'itat laywsarily reeivtsiaidithetta
this didt not occur is itt t great meas- trital ability of the ptlayes recevet
ure tirestlt of tie iterest of 'r. cotsiterable faorabtle contilet ron
Cislar Whitney ini Sr. Leroy's ti- the Detroit paters. At Jackson it was
hltf. presetei Wenesaty night.
Mtore tplaces 'woutti have been visit.,
New Publioation at Chicaguo. ed dering the vacation if the business
Itnir o Chicago Weekly. imanatlger htd hathte time to tia e
Plans are now'swelitnder way the neessary arrattgnitDs. It will
towardt estalihinlittgi the tLiversity by given this week tit Toledotiatdtlalte
anottier journall,Is be calledTI'he sates sill be mtadelt ster pltaces
Theological Review. The first niutit-lP. . Calins has placel in his dreg
ber will appliear about Jantuary 1, 187. store at Tuft's Sdat fonstait of a te-it
The jotrial wil be contdtctedealttter design just introdusced this y'ar ad
Presidentt Iarier's supervisiont aid han secured a prfessionali tiixer to
may be extected to cottmnand atten- serve the latet ad finest flavors.
That his eterrise is apipreeiated is
tion throtighouat the Intsllctual tn-I shown by the fact that mtore tianat
religious w'rld. 1100 glasses were served last week
Tie Weekly Record is the namen of since the soda fountain was put in sap
a publieation, tie first intmber of ration Thursday night. 41.
whiehltsil appear tomorrow from the Tie Daily will be delivered for tie
,Unitersity Press. The Record will b remainder of the yer for $1.
'T'he auttographl letters antd ato The Natioinal ILege sf Coltigy
trapihls which were cointriltbtdit I li Civ-il Service lReforum Clubs offer's thte
artlicles sin the "AthlteticeIlfitiois lftfotllowinig cash arizse'Sfor essilystin
Wtomeini," ini the A otieits Inslandelir, the seibjeet of civil service re'forml
wvill he sold to tine highest bititet' for wvritten antI subittedl ty neiinb.'rs of
the heeit of thne Womnen's fipiotllt- the League: A first liacof out'
silumi. Toi thus enit setiled bids f or' hitiitred dollars, athirdt price of set's--
their willtbe receised hr SlissKitti- sity-five edollars.'Thie followin-hg eon-
liritne E-. Puncheoin, ittnaiging etditorn' tionis anid directioins are to liesh-
of tint'Womenh'In itandter att 4Chnurchiserved:
st., Anin Arbso', -Michi., sit tr tbefore 1. All essays entered in esuipeti-
Junei 1, 1890. aReferentce is miiade, by tionu for the p~rizes itust he inn thec
pelrmtission,. to ths''1reasure-ri-f line hiands of Fratiik Plump, Ati Arboiri,
tiversity of Saiclig-hn. Orier lae- SMichigain, tte secretary- of th~e Lelhglo,
cstitinig to lith numbers givent in tit' not later thlhn Juiae 20, 1896t.
fttlltoving list: Wt. D. How ells (1), 2.Ev-cry snichi essay muest be sigite I
-tary Hlltock Foote (12a). Edmtund C. with an asstnied aei.
Stedmtatn(2(h), John aentdrie'R lltngs 3" Accomplianyiing every' stnchiessay
(2 ?, George 1W. CGatte iif1.;,iHarriet must he a setaleid envelopie nmtaii-g
lit-se-ott Spofford (20(a), Ha~rrie-t 'res- oiuch assnumed nme, the writt'r's reanl
colt Shofsoit (201h),S-Maurice 'I'hitttip-I(ame, addsress, coill-ge ansi class,, 1o-
soni (25<), iBrandier Mahiess (I, Jatmes gethen' swith a certificate, signted bthe11
tLhnel-Alleit (24), -1.tG. 'Vat Ietisalait' Presient, sere'tariy or othlerc tientle
51-M. (G. Van'oatitaec(11), 51. G. offher of tine local college cthub of
Va'ih n t'tllit'ri'(e). Rhobert (Granit 1l), swhiicht le is a mtemnber, that s11c-l
St. E. SI. Dalvis (16i), 11.11. StotiltirI 'writer is aitmembier of reich s-labin
(2), Wilt tarleiton (13l), Alit's-l-''t'o-li goad antI c-tar sting.
s5(eiaveT' flattt) (8),'Tlthms Netseitt 4. Tine Leaiguesreserveis thhe cight f-s
'tage (15), .lttl alhl(1i), Ella the first hpubtlic-ationh of thn arice es-
Wheler-h'c Diiiox (5), Loulise atilstgi-tisahy, and to rc-ttallessay5s if anoi"
Gauitsey (2:1), Agnles Clehpitic .9), .tolhnhat's fotundl wotrthy- of the aswardi of ills
HarrnisonIth ), Eliza~tilliStart:Ihelpts The judtges wsilllie s-eetedl frotm
Wacil (4), F. itotiisoti Smithli(7), pronmianent meat idetified sthtile cisil
Chlarle's Dudlety 'sVariner (21a), Cit-rle;s-esrcsice refotrmlitosiveent, ssho stilt
Dudaleyrev trto (1b). 'Thie boardl re- taossupon ithe tessay'sswitihount knlos-
Sirvssthe rightlto15refhuse al itdis. eg ftie sw-iitsei's tiatmi'on' solge.
SSttiients st-o sb-sit-' ittotomptefoiii
'97 13ASEBPALL NO T ( hi-sei'ess tayotiitiinformthionh,
All cantdidates for '97 b-sseball tean etc., frotmt FRPANKLIN I t'Stl,
repotrt oil the campiustt at 4 o'clock 10 Forest live.
AV. KET'fLESTiNI(S, Catptaini.
P117'S'E WANTED--To st-li te
ofieti lumep iof the State of S1ihilgii
ini Attn At-ioit'anitYpisitln thi uitn
springs'vnlhaiin. Ctall a1 47 S. l'iii-
versity ase.. fiono 7 to S It. hit.
Emsaicribe for the Dally.
All catndidates for time freshmuan
bttsebal lteat illit hatndltheir naites
and positioans to. he mnagter at since.
39 S. Thayer st.
Subscribe for Ike Damls
-i-Wise VWOmen
BicyCles ..
~.,r The st-eet that in swifter, siron ;er arid tighter ...
'- than all othern. Skilled wiorkmnen make it. They '-
s- knott how to combine abe greatest strength with -"-
i-.- the leant weight. Toughened steel, expert work- -.
".' manship, nsceentific adjustment, carefully selected -"~
~-' mateiial, strengthl, beauty, lightness and speed are-"
,s' all found in the Ben-liur. She would he fastid-
ios indeed sthIo wasnotit phrased with lbs beauti- "'
S fuh outline and fine finishm of a Ben-Hur.
gbk'Styles 10 and 20 for Women - .-------$85 and $h00
o- Styles i5 and 19 for Men.- --__________$85 and $100
The Ann Arbor Organ Co.
06,., OWSend for Handsome Illustrated Catalogue.