VOL. VI. No. 142. ANN ARB$OR, MCHIGAN, TUESDAY APRIL 21, 1F00 OUR PAGES-S3CENTS. ffE IM N I N BAIL TEAM'S VACATION TRIP Tions .nodDoohue. Double phli- 'TOTAL ENROLLN I s 3,04. ~BICYCLES. I itIRcodef e ,lto Mci lvie. Strueck out-Bly __ $~We donutto rgleenoticohe ~H Returns 't1ReO( foutr «d'itc ~lhe -tynnt 4.I re~d unsSummary Girven in University popose to make n bid bid for ' n t -Miehigoti 4, Witteiberg 3 I. fliylthan hi esn ve G ies 1 ndO eLs. aedr Nhava secured the notncy for tre boe let-ILe tge. Two boe ln-le- ut D iYTO N Miudy, April 1 -ti rity 1]1, TO0- Kinne to lihard Lipe. Tie-: 'he Funiveinity Caleudar for le col- I Biyew hihhasn eaned a0 l1do Inlter-State Leagule 5, at Toledlo. Attetnuce-5111. 1iollite--Tin or 111 IfQ reputatiton oneo f the (lg er1859,w ihi o ed H 0 letweels m te;price $00. WeH Toedy-Varity 20;Oio Stote otnd Stoe.ltt(11btiu gie th tolen 9494 et I thel00y fotile U niversity 8, seven billinigs, t Col-t- The ist efett110 the 1trip 101111't IJR t tll~~lin hl~lituoj~lt ThnderIroo te F rollnielt otism yert ts .3.014. The BINI-li Il llbll Inofanapolis tThirsd111frotithen the HH 11101ecellent nwheel wtech ths 'dcsa v riy1,«itne u bro tdnsmtevifu e I I thin eon heelso reatly ieliet y 'ont 3,Wlei g Iia polihI l cWnitcil Leoagli- teaum. ITh p roved thalt weeshll emake it our H1 10, t Springfield, Q.iilg lpO1tn llt 110 atlo litmtlltli s gienl on follow: Liter- Glld oln yIo tall find. Ae lstio 4P'l nl urd y - Indiailnpolis Ween antyi, t1,30l~ O1;tc nluiert i 1 5; IlelieI, sell lII It e CLIi-PER 11t Ee 11oreiandTgave,--wretc0e1 s1p111 t 1 wha tDut L ~ aeor I anelti1, W' satiy 11, at110 itit~lrt prices tlk. Terms, eash11o easy (Hlot lilln Watllin' fine pitchinig. llloiln t 4,a ae 7) ham c,8;hre H tument "1M pI Lriely-Idiara Stalltc C lberity I1-, a1 hott 1Kt ad iiidnr til eII oil IlI-lte '27 dental1, 19; mntiet 7 C1f llhwvr wr ep os eTHE ANN A1BOR ORGAN CO., i tttnarity 1, i-inninllig, at lsloo~lillg- I I.looeotetcftil . sc hoo n l lof I15,1 157. The nuiiiary by S. MAiN ST. t to l Id Dinlputedl gmei.nil.2 1 1 titcn in ItolIit: lielni ili162; 75 s s l Satuaty-'vtntty 5, Uliivltn~y of ltielign .... 4 0(I 0 2 0(1 0 1-1 llinlois, in 011115; i, 111; Indlian, 11); Ilioi 3, t ('boulpigo.nti" Nevv ..-1 1II252 I10 711 Ytrk, 7; Pl'Illllnui, 5; Mutupls . 2 _8OL TAollndy-No nte wth Nothlwest- litierien liiltigtui1 ttlitn 111nd1Iowtt7,70;liiistili, i Wiconsin, 37; TO L .1 T gern 'tVgount n il nds.ycl xln es;l Iinlis, eian Daitanast23Clirn1a111110t1tClr, 2 fromIi E stn t hism Ilotnig. 'liltbase its Slewart. Holllitel et s.t l ollt ,,11 rgon, 1; ltth, 1; -ARID g-msc~ heduled 11illh t' DtotilD)ouble p ly-llolliter, Blom~tig- Ntw ahttlliire, eight; -Nrth t a111- Wetr Lau leaftisfor Soiorthty, Stol an0111 lehclie ; Stevettt.ut l t I W-la, htilbu 11 yillo ad II- ig nseeni 71A rl 1. t 01ilt layedh becausnetof teaoo. Ell~i tll hiigoI ohi Sthui Dlko, nixy 'l'Tiennse, -Inianapott~lin -4. Altendd tee-- 115 mudd~l~y grottuns oatDetroit yctlt- 'ITIni-2:1. Uniphiot-Aimlhyl. six, Allk1110s,1fivt;Ditict lot tol- Oayn g urat i 1tillNothliIes t 1tir n as 'ihays giltll'nrtn Ihtteel by h e u~l'ihitii ie Uinei, -e w Jre y. Newn FROM 5Gf CNTS CAK~i was iiterestintg oefo tesat Al t~ he eininlg of tliiiSevtthit- Ii sispiadNrt rh he FROM 5C, TO50 CENTS A aKE. d11h as11full of ensttetiol plIy;. Iig tit'score tloh 11 to 10 in fan-o it itthi la11y11111, Ntvada:, 11111 West Speciam lC ice lythe1boX Bilomigntton, hl4llste 1a111i ti kisth fInd hiamna. Shie~lids itoh 011and wit irtginiai,10two llh; Atizona, Georgia, at did the bet work. 'T'it sure 1111o 11e1111011 1t h n tinm n t .llthlbaltt fr Olioma,1111 '1 til andl11111Vigiliti, 011e Inn-i-gs 0 1 31 5Mil- t o 8 Nt-i-- o lr hign aegti teo-ohho h 1111 t byd ah.-omoumtethe Ild tae 17E.W shngo S.,c r 11 in010 2550heft 01 - 41 l ltheieitn fitainliniel of i xtee~htn Sten t or nfoimheOntree; hum q ' I R o e Tleo tu....iih0tg1 o2 . 0 o0 et0 2 . 1110Io 0-iinittO5 aflmeIo-I111 1111'a tt.nglati-I, ndh Ja' abar c etn achtI I MPORTANT NOTICE. EStlrckouMtgy , ther y e to ilhl'ire h toainnilt Ihitn ihccountt of IiolQenthlmnt tt gileUiirtbyarellio 1 fr~ om en With atnoarew.is The rtLeAvg Taior, fe ti ntJtl'nlettt-w nciali-olgavtollhistonlea.t- - - rwd2 tr1l ro te Hwaia 1-ds aiidonlydiret Inporlr inthe ity, n le rtnsofihgn 2.iT-i~litigoled thtoog. i o-ses i of fire f l' 1whi nutro i -nt- n lbof h Igitlln ha ut eovot 11 m i e .stck t teot lio lhlienrit. Sil ir-i l ndeaorted- to-asaut tLheitlich 111111 l ~ r,11111 y, 1111,SRussh~tli-5;t a-tan hoteio an Dom stic Woolun f r lthu ttr. litp-lu 111 teie t ltiAttendace ime, utin t-Ihsi theywee. 'li e SothrlilA1111' r1illa btre ealhlrep itsen te NO 2E.W SINTNST E r M IN Otlhiio ae- 1 2 urs t 4as asi7yth IInninig . ik lt-h3iy5 tie - it' SGmestho 11111 inaw.ell l Fuoll direnctSI t er n p e city , Mait t ia --e145en(-1dlt ttthyf iotheell yslllevenllgote Intl tallnigtre - _______________________________________ 0. . 1.- - 2 3 ) 1 1 tI 5 iltlerlni thch D1hy, Sillrodl n-ttr with011' teSainao n t mier-StiIr L~eue h a.j s 1rce v d is e1110tck o a co n b ane k nilt .-Stoo l dntot 2 hi - n i loo te hIn lid aa, i i le y n too l arSextoil. 2110mes ic W oo en for fr egien er fiidsnd ad itblyorn lo n mii-i-:ney . T h eo b i1.w ll be11111-at th SpigdS ummr '6,a t enal aitotch coe:W h 2 hi t--Shields.10Twonbaseroilts PDenl2 thi htle litttorrow afternioonh NO. _2_E__WASINGTON _ST._NAR 0MAIN -BIn ings lt...... by... t1 2 lt5(1 onco ningni-;uckoutB ilr21,1 a i tteamis, h Sadlon-;Lo Ftill Drss Suitsa bpeci a-y.ttiteg 7 Woalti 'n....0 -ii-b a le . osubl ated. Snn - Ile, hItvenyitong0111 ore itnd Iantitelill Bae.ll Su pie,.aw ins3Bol2 ..t2 3 0 0 1 ihoi8-Stolltngssilted;-aeDtih 'IS leltts rIlhl eft er il; i illifhgamest ihproie. Su p i sopri g G o s o ~ te bt it Ci0 sligt~hi1 tiit hiie o r to ntill- S agmhinraw layers aP trc.: oliph eatli- Sp c 'a a aset iigdld,0,110iexOftrto otatenelo liytlte 2A.I It 0111 l e sbaem; on Ftry, Am amIher feorol oltir f t~c teiueu2aCoti tuoih li SconP aghl elyWnhtrt h lth SEoUuSOKAD RCSteyittkllinsfooball 111111 ineoltin tifehltn hrigbbheWn-shile E ano Sstirdl))Iits(L-C. BaseballSupplies Lawn kis 5,tBl 2.d lle-fort3letompr e u ugtrcolieAition T-cuCt aileftil;Wilimternrene Supis prigGoe fWen rgputoip trne:gm ofalnotioii . etysrinpA nge nohittinPiotteesof 25tchol -Tv- hugs-12 ~ rememberebe ettatedaTieaeto hay be oas MI TDit-lgan-. 4 0 1 0 0 4 0 3 0--53 T'fitffty-ifth anltlhc ovintion of Unlvraitr BiokonteOppoite Wittenberng .2 1 5 b0 01 1 0 0-lb0 the Chi Pi fruterinity wanIeld I i~ a h hhi~0t55a Up Town Down Tawn, Btteles-iheligan, Bryant, MilllerI Boston Wedieedy, ThursaytndoyF111i1- hr' or Sheehans, or fromiany 256 State St 4 N Main H. aild Codon I-dHoes; Witenbeg, dy ofnas eek member of the Ahlhetic Board