THL UNNEvRSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 11Holds all records" For fine construction, thoroug.h workmanship, and th- use of expensive materials. 'SHE, VICTOR has held this record for fifteen years. Re- member - experience at the factory means dollars in the pockets of the rider. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. fN~m ORK.oa oso . D T o",e DE'tER, SANFN C I o . 'O Lo AG.. PORTLAND (oo --OR HYGIENIC=- BOARDING - HOUSE. Located half a block from Uiviersity grounds. Ceder new management and with the views of accommodatiag any persoe applying for board. We are asured of good speieg patrsoge. ioice oar capacity ia limited apply at oace or call at 11 Mayoard st., next to School o1fiMasic. F. J. RENNINGS, G. W. PRINGLE, PROPRIETORS JUST OUT! } nioesal Crandl ertr o3 a U.- lAr1ALL MAOiNtE iO.,. ese-oft, iw.sJma__ 0O YOU EAT NUTS? Fancy Mixed Nuts------------------ perpound Fancy Mixed Nuts---------------------------- 11 lbs for $1 Fancy Virginia Peanuts _- ------------------l__ _ _ 0cper poundi Fancy Virginia Peanuts- 12 lbs for $1 IDBAN & COMPAN Y. 44 South Msain Stroet. I I A, GSpalding & Bros, . The Name is a Guas- snl(Ce" thast the article j(,oriog it is thr best prodocsid. U niforms sod Supplieo of every description foe isane- hal. 'NTennis. (Slf. Sen 055 ~ Oo for ltaondsome S Ilaustrated Caalogue. The nemofJ'nrfretions- Spalding B34icy cle FOR 1896. A. G. SPALDIN'G & BROS., Nrw York, Chicago, Philadelphita. Largest Mtanfacte'rs of Bicyclos aed Ath- letcGoods t intorold. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOR. Orgasnioed 186. Capital, $100,000. Surpus and Fro~ts, $4,055 Transacte a general banking bosiness. Foreign eschaoges boagkt and sold. Furnish letters of credit. P. BACHi Pree. S. XW. CLARKSON, Casnhier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Slock, 5i0i000. Sarpus, $150,000. Rlesoarces, $1,10,000. Organized ondr the General Banking Lawe af tis State. Rieceives deposits, bays and sells exchasngei on te priocipal cities of the United States. rafts cashed upon proper identification. Stafety doposit boxes to rent. OFFCERno:tChristian Macit Pres.; W. ID. Harriman, Vice-Pres.; Chas E. isicock, Cshior;i. J. Frita Asitant Cashier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TTTLE'So 48 S. State St. One-Quarter off on all GYM SUITS~ M. STAEB[F'S Cycle [mporlum, 11 W. Washington St. R tISCIIR) StATEtS FORJ5 SPSING 1-ACtON. 'i Sotusets -orfIticUniveri~ty of issuedisy tesstrttary, lt'e AinilAibi' Raoilroasdwilsell xiitiskots t lisle of 1111e oiitl oinc-tiitrdfar' for i'ouindItrips. Tickets will it" issuet I b.'i'ty 1155nad uirtday, April 10) anl71, c(ot3 s 're- tuin uiiiil Aisril 20 iiicluis.ive, to any lie Ctontral Trailice Associtidol ter- ritory. iR. S. (SIIN5 VO.OD, Ageiti. WX'IH 'riENiEMoilcAL .S. Soise fot'y eltisoial.Iistoristil aout iiselnwstt1015e5ittrote's tandi1eroine5sittat a mseetin labst eeg, tald detidletdtot itatterialioz' ito "wa itlgure's'" fortet' They liavs' tsgtittlzed utdeir te "otnly antt origlintal 155t'. ,leil'r'ansi'Xiiilll- leair to itottals isUive'srsity Hltl, Satsurdtay eviesing, April ?,, 1896). 14t If ytttiare'tttlkinsg aboittbuinigyl a. iciyce o ttt foilto still and 1 xttin- ine the linte of Btlis Toiskec & Coi. irs' showitng'.If s'tu solist wattoIt lily thtey Xwiil ret youi t high grtadt' wheel 146 Subscribe for thie Datty. AT TilE GRAND OPERAHOUSE. Fea'r-ev'e111 exceetlingthaltt -wIlilt wtill bIts'eii'kind of-tta.ttttsi' tina t'. are bingitstitriettiltoss' roitt te Ttabtor evety nighti, at itost we ek in Kansas c'tSits' tuisitilis svtres'littmitdontly toi tll'e caiaiaety'oflte ('oats's. Mri. Rutssellos rematrkalelt'riumtpis arce it it t'e jesu ''i s tr f 'is 11155 ting andl al lrtistic efforts olt bt'httlf tof liii Amiieinditt. la. e timsts o Itresent s'lt'tn tld vwlsstsitte iys Itigietiotanti iobletisiinstincts, tw'hieli ailt desstine'dihis uisst'mitle atiitflut entiovleisauditshat NfNiillisrsilg Ah(iruintoiserorelattonsehiX'weti'te 0001instDeutiotahesinis 'atitaluale mol jtlessn, su el.llstfurnsitsoan t'it.-Rfsselkts comtly Ciincludssul Sol Smitil htiuscll will be at te Gratsd Olsera tHouse 'Montdaty eXening, Apiril 20. NOTICE TO STUDENTS. On account of the sprinig X'licotiots the M\istiigon Ceitrula Ralrsoit will sell coulind.thip tickets at rseduced. rates io studlents presenting cirtlilcaics oi msembirsipi. Will soil ois April 101 oust 11. Good. Is return until and in- cudsing April 20. tt'sll iitforinaitios given a~t ticket office. Miss Charlotoe0. Stowe',, geneetil pianisat and. accompanist. House porty engagemnents satisfactorily 0110ed. Ad- dress No. 48 S. University ave. Messrs. XWdglst, Kay R& Co.'s ansoot- nient of Clocks comprises hail clocks wills theocelebrated "Tubular Chimes," crystal clocks inlaid Xwitb iXvory patnt- ings, crystal clocks inlaid. willsbail- liants% tortoise shell clocka, sterling Sil- ver clocks, traveling, elockhs, porcelain clocks. ets., etc. They are the finest their buyers could procue in. Vienna, Paris and London. Call upon themn when in Detrooit Their show rooms thle 140 aud 142 Woodseard ave. MOORE & WETMORE 65S. MAIN ST AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM, HAsVn A COrLEEnSuOCO UNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS! For the Second Semeter, New and Second-Hang which tey offer At the Lowest Prices. STRICTLY A SCHOOL OF DANCING GRANGER'S You ctn join or cases ow, or an artybtseneeients to yourself, te isrm sltatng whn you do Office and $YOU CAN'T MISS IT $ S If you take home a box of Plow's0 Chicago Candies, AfreshlotA cametosldsy. XWs cultgle yea Lowney's if you prefer. b $PALMER'S PHARMACY lttoes' Lsery fils al party adi0 tranrdrs on time YOU MAY HAVE USE FOR A Telescope, Suilt Case or Trunk. When ging on your spring vaa- tion; if so the place to make. your selection is at CUTTING, REYER& CO. SPECIAL. D JETAS & SCHAN'! sell Suits and Pants JJat pries> to suit eerybody; se also do repatrist eainerg and pressig. Xork called for antd deivered. No. 46S. state St., secondfloor. 0.MMARTIN Funeral Directr, Coth 1n Meallic Casets and Fle Grade Cffins. FEmbaming a Specialty. No. 17 S. Fourt sea UT OF M. SiAVING PARiLOR and Bth- J.rooms. All appintmet frst class. Imported and domestic cigars. Ladies' artis- tic hair dressiog and batig parlors. J. i. Trojanowuhit 00. State S. - WBSeLIN YOU WANT your clothes cleaned WV-preserd, reined or rebound go to Mms Figrte. oer Seean's book soer. Lab- oratory aprons made is order A NEW COLLAR I, I*