THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 34 O4 *vtitu, aublshed Daily (Sndy excepted) during the tCollee ear, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OrFIE: Ties boibing N. Main st., opposite osot office. JDTORcS W. W.IV.ilsesES, '5, W. W. TsAves, '3. . L Osisois. '98 L .01.iSas, '9. J. L XWASa, '8 . G. B. iiAsesNsss, '6 L. lit \Nbt NG EISTOt i. F. TisosAS, '7. BISiNE-iS l¢isNAilEli L. C. WAsLsee, '6. AOiiCIATE SEDITORS I. A. tPratt, 'Wt G. Mt. eath, 't Y. S. It. Smithl. '0 L. B. B. ldetheay, '50. F. Simons, 's5 i1.1. Gammos, '7Itt F. A. tuici, '93 E. C BiRocl98D. L)uise Dodg, '1,. The sbscription pie of the Dily has been reduced to $1O00i adance for the reut of the yoar. Leaesubhscriptios at the Daily ntih e or with P. G., Myer, U. of M. News Stand. Editor of toay's papr: W. W. TH'LAYEt, '96 L. Theo nixt isue0 of the Diy swil ap- pear Tiscesay, Aprii21, ts"eist ssy afterth ie vsacation. The' ~'sinir sanisso i e io detss'is- ctlssifthisoCniverity, 'ties tssttii, will 1be' irinstedt stC'hicago this year. AllisArtor ibulsies men'Bwoil do wlltoi tskeel s in iiisin.-A'siotse tisw Eveinissg Timnes. Tile Disiy dssires to cliiite stis'n- tions oitfie Tt'ims to list'followiig sc the irt isnusiber of Iassosyear by lt' Timso Publising Co.; tse . of AL. Dal~y is ositsitts'sly ass exelent advertiig iseiusi, sandsities'e'are' others wo us siislit esises osel'vs. One of the too bsct andsi sosit itli- gentiadve'srises i AlisArour voloi- tsrilyiiycmea sed WIsp01e10wits A INi year,'issi we' issve giveis him aist or- vice 'which we believe hassoflly - tosielhimii. 'Thirsly ssnd fousrhliy, the Timses hasinsot atdvertisetd iii te D ily incecthicbgiining of te colge yrar 104-95, athiosighsoliitedl tsdo syet Wriske carried a display ld- vertisemsesnt of te Tinese during the iist iart of lasst yeas. In s'eply to the Timies' instlid query of "'Why cant thisortsleis reitroduced at Mi3ciigais?" the Dsaily wishes to go on record as submitting tat it can. No Change in S. C. A. A meeting of the Students' Chris- tin Association was held lst night to discuss the proposed division of the association into a Y 1A1. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. Te amendmesnt to the constitutioin to smake thishasge was lost by a vote of TO to 50 after a dis- cussion lsting two hours. instructor Goddard resigned as a member of the Board of Directors and .Prof. D'Ooge was elected hanIis place. Olympic Games. The Ansrican athletes did not cosu- life in the Olymspic gaises WVeduic- dsay Yesterdsay they conpeted in te gynisistic exhibitions on the rtnms, parallel lars, horse leiping anlit bsti wok.Th1te Grees iwon their fist ic- t ory on the riiss and the ntive audi- eilees went wileS with cisthusiasmss. Tue keenest iterest is imasintaind' iii thle footrsiec to be rasi today fromsI Ittaratisisi to Athens. There are twen- ty comspetiors estered for the race, wichis t for a cup offered by M.N Michsel Bresal, of the Institute of France. The favorites are: Flack, the Australisas; Arthur Blaske, of the Bto- ton Athletic Asocistion; si Frenchmain Ii niamued Lerisusiox, snd a Greek named Lstiurestis. Papers on Engineering Subets. Sesniorsmecn'iciial esgieers in tei' csourse in sachiniery sasidiwil 55001 intensd to msakes'coies oiets ol- graphs of the articles orittinib15e'cool studensit so that eschill ovieaiss o m 5)5- plete We of asl the srtices resed. Psi' ters are 01n enginering sbjeess ans osill be very vsalusabie. rpres's'tisg in tlibrsary te comisisedsi osiuuiof thirty studenists. CALENDsAR. Sat, Apr, 11-Spring reces begins, endintsg Aunit. Sat., Apri 25-"Mrs. arley's Wsx- Wors" inii vrstority Ittit; essifit of fuisd for the V'siisn SBidineisg. Student mecmbers of the Political Science Association can gel ue pub- Hecatios as they comse ot by cating at roossi11, Tappan IHall, at 11 a,us. on any day except Saturday Five numubers are noov out ad a sixth, si- voted to city governest, is prinisig. Mlenbersiip, which incides the pub lications, ix open to all tudons af $1 at year. CHARLES I. COOEY, Treauer. '97 SASEIIASLt.NOTICE. Alt andidates for '7 b-ssbal team report on the assssys at 4 o'clock evey afternsooss for pracice. WV. 7ETLtSTlli'fS, Captais. A-it candidates for lise freshmaun basveball team repot on the cansiss at 4 o'clock every afternsoon for pratic. A. H. BOYD. LOST. tioundaiss pen, on Matnroe btoeen Stat e and E. Univeroft. Finder please return to Steward's office. HSh'PTLERt WATED-To seli the offtcial sap of the State of Iiclsgan in Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti edrisg sprissg vacation. Csali at 47 S. Ui- versty ave., froso-7 to S Now is the tisse to hav your Bicy- cles put in shape for spring riding, Tucker & Co do repairing at living prices; also rent oohleels and carry a full line of up to date susdries. 1-i6 Lost-A ladies' gold watch, finder please; return to Steward's' office, or to Mliss RthlsG Beckwith 53 S, Twelfth st. Students-Leave your aes, etc., 'with the Argus Bindery before you leave and get themn bound during va- cation. TO5 ACTIOGRAPII COLLECTORS. PRIZES FORl ESSAYS. 'he liaustogratph letters and anc- The- National Lesgue of Cssthg' grsaphs oohich were contributed to the Civil Service Refomn Clubs offes the sasticles osn tine"Athltetic Eduicatonof follooing castspizsies for essys n Womns," in, the Wosses's Islseisir, thesusbet of civil sevice rforms oililie sold to the highest bidsder for oritten andsubsmittedt by msemibrs of thue benefit of the Womses's tlvusi th le League: A Bot prie of 0110 Simu. T'thissecus seales ill;si for hunsdred dollars, a thisr prie of ssv- thes illh be received by Mtrs Raft- eny-ive edollars The folowing coil' srisie E. Psunchcon, siaesagisg eitior eilitoss asd directions arc to leo- of the -Women's Inlsnuder, at 4 Church served: st., Aim Arlios, Sicli., oss is' before 1. All ecsays iteredin is ohp'ti- Juness'1, 1899l. Reference is m~ade, by3 tions for thue irizes inust hein i the tsersstssiiss, to this Treasurer of thus'hansssi of Frtank Bussuit, Annu Arbsor, Unsiversity of Michitgani. ' Orer ac- Michiganh, the secretary of the Leage, cord'sing- to tse sissisibrs givess istie sot later than Junse 2(, 18[)(i. followisng list: Vs. D. Howeols (1) 2. Every uch cssay niust be igedI AssaiyvidlihlocieFoote (2a), EslntinilC.with anass uesiid sisame. Sts'dsmanss(26), Jotus Rendrick Thns 3. Accompnsaying evcry s uhisessay (22, tGeorge W. 'suble (1h), Htarriet mulst boacealed evselope contaiing Prescoutt Stoffordl 20a), Ilsret P're-s-ucaiassued namise, the oritr's roall cot Spofford (201)1) Sdsaurice Tiussssi- siesie, addlres, college andsicass, to sush (25). Brussder Mss thews (3), Jassos gether with a certtficsate, itned bythtie Issune Alless (24), M. (.IVsansRsalsaessr Iresident, sceretary or oter suaiiiie S (6as), 5. tG. Vasn Resnsalsaer (O), M. G. officer of the local college clubi of VsnRs laeiuer (i0t.Robrt Grsant r19)) whi-hs he is a mseber, thtsuchsel .I. E. M. Davois (1), I. 1-. Sodul-Srdl oriter in a member of snochls iii 2). will t'-rletlon (3), Altce FIrenchi good asd rgular stansding. (Octave 'fhsuset) (), 'Iloias Nelsosnt -. Tihe Leugue reserves the right to rasge (1:5), JulisssuRlhs(1), Elss the first pusblisation ef the prie c- 'uViss'ser WVihesx (), ILoiuise Isusgisauy, aisnd to reject sll essays if susoss' Gasinsey (23), Agnses lleppler .91), -bussae fousdoworthy of the aoard of ts" Valise t'heneiy (18), C'ostantues-' Cliry tre. Hasrrison s(4), Elizablethi Sturt this-ths The judges owilhe sleted fronss Is-War (4), F. Htopkinson Suiiuhst7), promiinenit smen idesntified itlosilste ciiil C'arses'us Dusshiuy Warner' (21a), ('is-res services reformsssmoemen'st, woiso uil Diuley Wasrnir (2d1)). Thus'boards-eicpausutos tie essys witout kool- susoes the right to refuse all bis. edge of the writer's uamei or colege. -Studenests owho sdesire to Cosmpete for IIOSIL E 1+tIiERS' SIXt'tRSitiS. thesepes muay ottains isfois-sustisuus etc., fromus FRANIN BItt'5,- Aprit 20 andsl27. ausdl ay 4 anduSo, i18t, 15 Fiet ae. visa Oldo Cesstral Linsc, Ti polints Seuie ansdWs t s fNOTICE. d wet a rat of Alt candidates foe Ohio freshman oat- fons' for roundt trip, tlus $2. Sot- - baseball teas illoih band their natsucs useor oIn egss looed oss poiustrll. and psitions to ie n ger at once. 1 'isr ischer iufoimorsils insiply 'to allyHAR Sd fT , sgint of Ohruo ('outiwi hises, or ad- HARY39B S. T-taer PTESt. dre-.s SIOtITON HstR, (. 5. A., Tsoledo, Ohlio. Subscribe for the Dlaim. ON0£ HONORED DOLLARS 0° The DaytonldYievele ells at just One Itundred &^_nr Dollars, no sore, no less. All iycles nce- 4"^sold at list price. Nowsv"List" has mrried "iDicounnt," arl Discount 'rules the roost" ol 0,.... most wheels. T HE DAYTON' BICYCLE : - . Lists at One 'Hundred Dollars, and sells at ,...~ Ten-Thou~and Cets Ii it were nogwoth tho -"7* _____ price, people would not buy it, but it sells in competition with the most famous makes on . thse market. Itatlracted extraordinary atten ion at the New York and Chicago cycle shsows. You can't afford tn buy a bicycle until, you see it., The Ann Arbor Organ Co.- -,--- SOLE AGENTS,. ..5t