THE UNIViERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. FORl A WELL MADE AND FASHIONABLE CUT SUIT CALL ON Jos. W. Kollauf, Merchant Tailor, Clothes cut and made in the City of Ann Arbor. 10 E. Washington St. Gibson & Clark, PHOTOGRAPHERS. Great Hat and Sock Sale!r All Spring Styles $3.00; Stiff and Fedora Hats $1.98. Black and Tan Socks, worth 25c, now 2 pair for 25c. Now is the time to secure a new Hat for Easter and before going home for vacation. D.A. TINKER & SO"N, HATTERS AND FINE FURNISHERS. No. 9 S. Main St. DO STYOUTETNUS Fancy Mixed Nuts - 12 W. HURlZO N STI Fancy Mixed Nuts- G,~ Spalding & Bros, "TheNaeis aGar Gua-1cMe tha the artic ',easing it is the lest produced. IUniferms tend Suppliesoef every dscriptioe for tate- butt. rulnss.Golf. - 4 Seed for handsome a - Illustrated Catalogue.. The Acuite of Perfection- ITHE Spalding Bicycle FOR 1896. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., Nesw York, Chicago, Pliiastelph Ia. Largest Manufacturera et Bicycles and Atlh- letceds in the wcrid. FIRST NATIONAL BANK.' OF ANN ARBOR, Orgauieed is63. Capital, $1iso000t Surplscand Frofits, $40,000 Transects a general hanking husiness. Foreign exchanges heught andusold. Furnish lettersof credit. P. BACH Free. S. W. CLARKSON. Cauhier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS DANK Capital Stoch,$510,000. Surplus, $15a,000. tResoures, $1,100,000. Organieed under the General Banking Lawn of this State. tReceives deposits, buys and sells esehange on the principal cities of the United States. Drafts cashed upon proper identification. Safety deposit hoses to rent. OpricEmc: Christian 'Mack Fren.; W. 0. Harriman, Vice-Pres.; Chas E. Biscoch, Cashier: lt. J. Frito Assitant Cashier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S. 48 S. State St. One-Quarter Off on all GMSUITS M1 TAELERS CcleEffporium 11 W. Washington at. Fancy Virginia Feanuti Fancy Virginia Peanutl 44 South M~ain Street. --10cper pound --------------------- ---- 11 lbs for $1 s ---- -- - - - - ----1 c por pound s-- --2 lbs for $1 DEBAN &COMP.AN-Y. UNIVERSITY NOTES. flitneitvtIitiamter of lte Wri-itkle wtill lie isstued after rti lite. The .A.1111,1,u anti Astli iii lite rkr sott-et it-s till not liolil cellillt; this wee-k. "la ss (1ara "Milite, wos-ushas bttet V: it tug "Miss MIty tCtoleyt. ctrie-- .ytstertday ltIe toPrtirotn. Thet- Witetr Stit systill hltstits ret-gllar lilt-elgo lciei thle- Vacatittn for thse btnitlof itiose wo riem:aini at Ants Arbior. Mrs. Asntt tiler,:. LCl, rc-i-ttle tells-cec iniaddlresll on "Tse Triil a-ad Contdemnailtintf theist teeth Ltvalt Sltdtoint"at Augsta, 11. t I-ev. James KOKy App-lleedeliveredtl a letuire last Iight .i the Citlitarioii church 111111r ihe aices ~to tf tile Pith- cal IEiitaliry ClubI. oltestubjet "Thst LOST. Fosittain tort, otn Moilenebetweens Statec and. E. Ulserofty. Flitter please retunl to Steward1's office. tIUSTlL1 t "irANTED--To sell lie oicialliapll tf the State of Mitchign in AnntiAllies lnllYpsilati dinlg spirin~g vacatiotn. Call at 47 S. Uil- vt-rsity av-c., fl-ell 7 to S 1t. i. The Fascinaltionl, thle net-st antdt prettil-st twote tp.has lmadtdtanbtgglilt inth ebti-ct. See it. Play it. tItty if. 1411 Itosltretty.It'seC(tlt-y. Its Easy. The Fscinattiton March. Jistotusst. Feor sale att mulsic siorest. 1401 All candtidates for iltoe freohiaci baseball teams report on the camphus at 4 oclock every afternloon for practice. A. H. BOY:D. test-A ladies' gold watch, fludser please return to Stewards office, or eo MIissItuthi G. Bet-kwith, 5:3S. Tsvelfthlist. Students-Leave your cases, etc., sWith the Argus Bindery before you leave and get theint bound durinig va- cation. Subscribe for the Daily. EAmericans Win in Olympic Garnet. 1I1 the tOlymic i-est, iiAllit-Is peted ftrttheliii-tstite r:?-e.Ills Haill ssos 18 sootnits, .OAli ElgliIinillt Gotultdisig, wonltlllit-tlolt-sihet ini lit223 Tilicttbritd11jump1 sas wonsusby I:. II. Claruk, utf lstthe stnAt hlettistism, si-t-olll, stills C mt-ies. loses1..tol~l- hotlly, of IBostsn, W so tist itsoill5 cet-insietesrs. Iliesisss I,. Burks, stf lIst- Botonl ilt-ti--er lss nis; racle i i-15 sonds511. II. B. Jansonrl, sof Piceonswsos ,. ond1. Robrtt Ga(irs-tIt,-tsfIsrinse-etn, Wonlthelist-ot:lalitosit11inieteis 22 ctsstiinfcro, Flsik, all Autrac~liant, son tilht irst hetftfIhe msilt csniss 4 litntt. 18 stes., Arthur MiBlke. of Blsolst, so-s setount. NOTICE TO STUDENTS. Ott accounttof tse spcriln;Sg vacaticis thie Mie-higat CcstrcalIailrostt s-will soil rtotundttiillticketsst ts-tducedt rates Co studetis presentinsg cirtificates of mnenicslsip. WVill sell ott Apeill 10 and 11i. (30011 to returns ustil atdlinit- cludtinsg Apsril 20. FuH linlformiation gilln