THE U. OF M. DAILY. NOTHING EFINEIR IN THE LAD HIAM MER SLAUTGE[I3SRO S'. FINE UITSAND V R A Manufactured for the present season, are only sold by us. PRICES: Sits from $15 to $20. Overcoats, from i $15 to $24. E. & W. Collars and Cuffs, Cutter and Crossette Neckwear, High Class Furnishings. WE SELL THE BEST $10 MACKINTOSH IN THE WORLD. 37 S. Main St. LINDENSCHMITT & APFEL. MGHIGA N JENTI ATILE OCTOBER INLANDEIL Time Table (Revised) May 19, 1894. FIRST NUMBER THIS YEAR WILL EA .M S. A M APPEAR THURSDAY. Mailland Ex---350 Sail ------ 843 NY.Special----.5900 NY.Special---7 30iFobl h hefTpc-neet Eastern Ea---10 12 N. S. Llimited.--- 9295 otalteCie oi- eet A. M. Pacific Es- ii--1 57 ing Table of Contents-A Sixty- Atlantic Es--7 47 P.M. D.N.Express.---- 5 40 Western Es--2 00 Four Page Book in a New Cover G. R. Eapress --11 05 Ch1. Nt. Es--10 28 G. R. Es-------155 0. W. RUGGLtS, H. W. HAYES, Thit Inlaiider will be osut Thulrsday, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor which is somiewhiat earlier thai:,1118 TO L EOctober inniber genterally appealrs. / ~ '. Tie fact Ili t Iis a footbll n un1- V 1 r - her makes the iaazinte of imore t1191 ordiary iterestjusot a11 tis mine -ivwten lie #greatest entlhusiaismiover 1110 NORTH MICHICAN RAILWVA Y. gamis11b11einaroused. "lie frotitis- NOaTH. SOTH, piecO is a pi11ctr (If 91bo)ut0thirty (If 8:07 a. rm. 07:19 a. ms. the footbaill canidateiiis takenl just be- *12:25 p. ms. 11:;30 a. m. lr b ~cor aeiai. Ti 4:159p.m 9:00 p. M. fr h rhr=bk >an Ti All trains daily except Sunday idoneis 15 oirti: 1111 price oIf the book. R. W. GREENWOOD, Agest , W. HI. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. Coaichi Met asley writes "Coiceeinig Oulr hFootoill Prosle(ts," 111111 Salllger ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. fl'( Baird ha~s 1111:appirop~riate atricle oil _________"The Footbaill Schledlle." Time Fable, May 26, 1895. tDr. C. D. Cooley eoiltribtites an arti- Leave Ypsilanti from Congrestst., 0:00,8000cle of local intlerest entitled "The and 11:00 a. m.; 12:41, 2:2,5:00, 0:45, 9:30 asd (lIliron ii ver," 111111 which lhe hais work - 11:00 p. m." Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:00,0:30 and cet severail interesting tb if history. 11:30 a. ms.; 1:15, 2:45, 1:20, 7:11, 10:00 and 12:00 "Qulite Out ofthi (quiestli"is 10a p. M. SUNDAY TIME,.ibrighlt story of college life by T. P'. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress t., 1:20,13:30, Ilickey. :00, 0:30 and :00 p.m.Hrl . owi nsreeetd Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 2:00,4:00,5:30, 1rot31iowi:nirelsitd 7:00 sod 0:30 p. m yapomettid"hscs, n Cars ran on city time Pare: single trip 135 yaicici ie ieTyt n cents; roand trip tickets 25 cents. of tie' beot lproductions of his 11011, WM. P. PARKEn, Snot. whihis coinlg tille ill 11knlowiv n ouii liftra11ycirltes. MAMOH IP ALE Mics-, IMude Elaine Caldwelilitihasa MAMM TH PPE flL6 tiaterlngthiy story, "The Polly of - AT- the Yiiunger JIacob." The sceiie is JO . Y & Q0 "0. 19111 in oiie of the booio towns of the Pacific 00101. Removed to 18 S. State St., Sager Block. ""Iii StVidowvs Weeds"shiowys that S~n an Und uneen t ll ~osn. Miss Ma~bel Coltoii, 110 gradusaited iiere 11101 year, has not forgotten lier cinning as at story teller. RVP1FAN-S Mesldes Itiese nmentionied1there is LI. so00110creiditable verseo by Kellogg, WL_... bisIoyles and othlers in aill. soiie The modern stand-, forty palges of reaiding mnatter. LIIard family Itliedi- to all the boo0k will coutitlll 1.50- four palges 'and will appeioar 1in a lev C>ne : Cures the and attractive cover. co~mmon every-dayI NOTING ILIKE IT! TIE 01170 ''ills of humanity. Govern more mileage than any tick-el W in the market. The oniy book good ~ on entire B. & 0. sydstin west of z a i Pittshurgh. It also includes the Bin O0B 4 systemi. Get it and have an ever W UARK ready ticket over all impertant lines P1rice $20.00; good one year. Apply to Ohio Central Agents, or addres FALL CGDIE 7 1 ING " Monlton Hlonk, G. P. A., Toledo, 0O. Siting to order $13.10 0up; O-ercoats to orderfi$13.0np; Trouserings to oarder $3.7:1. Trade. at Scliloiler's Bookstore, 198 E. Cleaning, Dyeing, Pressing and Repairing anpeclalty Waoi inglon 51fi. -23 FO'RDHAM & GLEE', Whisk Broomis for 10ic at Mum- Merc hant Tailnr, 250St ate Ist., Ann Arbor. nerys. Very pleasant rooms at 30 Church st. Furnace hellt. A fewe boarders desired. 30j Frank C. Snilb, teaicher of the yin- liii. Sttidio at tihi Ann Arbor Olrgans Coo' store. 37 1F10111sui1t11of roomis, flirlilee 1:e:1, 01111 St. At Staleir's, of conrset--t : ls proof etcinigsfr-haled fioi $1.25. 24 Caill at S~tblr.-for +.:::ipicture illoldilgo. 1Picures fra:"i I tille 90ou wvait. 21 The New Model No. 2 Improved. American $8.00 'IS NOW READY. The latent model of the first nuccess ful low-priced typewriter. New ideas, improved construction, btler finish, asd grealer speed. Sold by 01ec mab- el-s direct at a price sligihtly ahoe-tile is1- ahactsring 0(s1. Send for catalogue sad let- ter writtenl withl it. AMERICAN TYPEWRITER CO., Room 27, 265 Broadway, N. If. Course It (in Latins writing) will be given Tuesday anid Thiursdaiy natI o'clock instead of at 1.. JOHN C. t!OLIC.II All track athletes are requested to ieport to ine at the athletic field be- jitween 3:30 and 81 every day to work for the fall field day, Octoler 18. D. R. STWS.ART, Asst. Capt. ALAY NW OSE Maeso fasadtoc~"t ieUiest V.OTREL L&LE OcalAgen, 44William st. Anns Arors, Micb .ANN ARBOR STEAN LAUNDRY CO.. linghlosnnn ana,Doesie Sili B . S. SERVISS, Manage, ', 23 S. FOURTH AVE,. WE SARE C OMING0 SEASON O0F 1895-96#1 Students' Lece Associationl of THE U. oil' M. 1. Senator Davd B. 11111, of Neiy York------------------------------------------ - - .25 2. Leand T. Powers. lmtlersonator. . . . . . . ..------------------------Nov.3If 3. 5on. Johs W. Foster,. -ctsry of tState "rnder Pres. Harrison--------------ec-, 11 IMrs. Johnstone Bishop, Mrs. Clara Murray 4. Med Path Coolest Co.I iMe. 1ยข Mis~ls BMand owell, Mr. Yon Scarpa. --------- 9.Rev. T. DeWitt, Talmage. . . . . . . . . . .J------------------------ ars 11 6. ion. Idasry bfaitecson, Etitii of ulsuiovttvCourier-Journal. . ..------------Feb.14 7 Bostos Temple Qu artet (Mlss Katharine Elalgeway, Reader)------------ So--Fb' 29 0. Oratorical Contest of the University Oratorical Association:-.-.-_----Silaich 218 A. l 0a Reli,Mr. Paul. Blonrtl, "Cllmedy. Lectured". . . . ..----------------April 3 10. 'lion. TPheodlore Roosevelt,,President New York Police Commission. ..-------Arri. 24 11. Archbishop, of Ireland. . . . . . . . . . . .M-----------------------------Aay There Art E1dei t Us .All fcr $2.00. Reservedseatsgor'entire co6urse Wec extra, single admission Sic, except Senatsr Hill, $1. Eedp athconceet Co., :75cOaloricui l 6atiest ZBr. Tickets 'on sale Wednesdlay, Oct. w iat Wahrs sBiooksb-ores, State and Ma~in sts. 1Palmrs'nDrug Store,'46 $. State St.. Sheehan & Co-, Bookstore, State nt., Cutting, Beyer & Co., 27 and 25 S. Main at., Moore A Wetmore3's ookc- slore, s S. Main at, and Ann A rbor Org an Co,MI~ns 8, and by students on the cais. Course ticketo mray be exchianged fer reserved neat tichetsotInnpayment of Mel)on Tus.a- day, Oct.132, at PhIlner's Deug S ore, 41S. State st.. stl'd Moore & Wetmo re'n, 65. Ifao stO. -~No conditinnal numbers. Every nam'.er actually secured by contract-