thii o
JRSL)AY, APIL 19, 16, 6. Fours PAGES-3 (tIENTS.
-VOL. V I. No. 140.
We deseto gie notcethat we
))imposioema kbibid fr I
ttiytlle uins tisneseasocwh(
haveesecuredi the agency fur the ~
BiDcyclescas eared a
ig eptationeas one Iof the I
eser helets made price fite. We d
N reanteis nyeaor the N!
S that exclentswieel, whih Ihas }
N~ thits season been o greatly in- 5
provses ed that we siil mae it our N
leaner. I is the eat vlor at 50(1 9I
aid sits yn can find. We also$4
sell the CLI 1-PER a fte]j4
whie1 at S to be. We make or 9
pricesa alik. Terms, casts or ease54
117 an taidvertiseenit is stid ts
be cworth more than a columnl
of gl itteritg eerailities.Vr
The Single Fact
that I wish to impress upon
your mnld is that I hae by
far the finest lie of
13 CYCLE( S:
in Anti Arbor. Raimblers,
Ws~aeries, Eagles, Wintons,
Monarelis, Luminuins, ad
plenty of ltower priced wheels.
Our [7. tf M. Special is
w'ortliy of its name-a $00
~for $85.
The Leading Tailor,,
mnd oinly direct Imprter in the city,
has just received his enire stock ef
Fereign anid Dometic Woolens fr
Spring and Summer '91, at
Full Dress Suits a Specialty.
Prof1 -Carhat's
University Physics art II
ea,- Eleclriciy,- Maplais
WNow on Sale.
Utp Towevs DonwsTaw,
StslversityBook~tore, Oppsits CuriHus
21 S Stat St. 4 N. Mas St.
Game Affords Valuable Battn
Thietiletic eliidticas is omsecchla
betteconidilioin yestertha lsstIss
Satusrdayicant l sia sotlaisesse fluse
'Vasitiy pu1t lii i 0tilenergaseits'sllh
Albionthanissiithey tidialgist.l MiA. IC.
lat ceek. It was little slie thaisns s
ptille gisse anim~lsews callei st
lstttie e sf ills'eseventsliinesg" still
lt' sor'elstinsg 2to 4-inltfavosrnof
Tie 'aisiy sosedstittr fielig
torkthansss stiay tiese ifsre'this
tstsoitt helsil et''ingtitteeipIt tsii
I'Hinan enteis httiidthelist' tl'heafrt
itvs isaisigs suet gave t kiisoetct'-
letsupphohtrb esidessba~ttingwetl lls It
gettlinsgItwtoas ccsetoftiles' Itimse;
tzlati' i llastd-ititis'fost, allointsg
but1 onte'sale lii.
Ini lies ixths iailing lk 'i let its
lt' tbox and accshowedgset sih'rov'-
men's toer Illslaisst yea's esosik.
W'eisrle', ewiosis a nsites la, hld imiiilt
welii andI di goodt work atilist' at.
F. ( tiCon sson ceas triedi at fistl ,ad
hield iiss posiion siittilt ills 'r'lot.
Cosndoini is sil ta ti st' b siesninil
busild, atnd if le iprov'seslsiattigl
m11y 'expect't to makeit a goud setondt
this se'as. Iec' wa 'slaedt'sby )A-lie'
Kenile i t'svenhininsug.
fietlding suitSmsdissieomsse ffs't'ivic''ss-
sits. Ile isanaote nee ts- otswcli
ilays iliely gamse at tshiirantlholsl
Ills miens close.
Fist'Albioni, ('ark,ls th itlit', id h
lt' tetcwork oand hail le reeivedths ie
sprt lit' deserced, tlisortesWsoldt
prlobabtly' have'ense iici siter. Ilit
as ssidt to he oine of the betamauster
pitchers in te saste, andis 10sige
for Ills comsinsietats ccillsthe Seatu
tlie' Wassh., nin. Besis ihisseet'
worttk il the bosx le ssise Aliosie
enly tIc eaItse lii, hlistehitslobt-
lug oes'eals iy Nsrrin and lowet.
Ac te score shoess, ille'gasses'Wsas
little moethlaun iracice, atiihiadl '
not eels for C'Iark's piscinilg, Whche
afforded caluable bsating srallsce, i
woultd isaictly lave bsesngotti prtie.'e
The store is as flins:
12 3. 4 5, 6 7-R. i13.
S licstan- -----4 2 a I1 3502>1- 4 3
Aikian - 5 5 5 ...r 01 3 50-4 a 6
Stench at-Watkins 2;SMiller, ; lark, 4.
ease en Bals-Wamine,3; iller, 2; Ciar, 4;
Jacobs, 5& Passed bals-XWeiri, i;tai, .
Wila pische-()lar. iUmpire-Lowney.
Thle Detroit couscil commsiittee 0o1
taxes repsrted ill favor of reliec-.ue
University from paying taxes sn its
property on Woodward ae., te gift
of Rtegent Barbour.
Will Holo an Open Meeting. ANOTHER PL AY 10 BEp GIVEN
TeJfesi nSceywl od1 E uo etissginte'lats'Ict-let'Alpha ,Nn Will -Pesent onle of
twintoihttsi8il o'cloc1)k 'iT'e fe-i HtWel]-' airces.
lowsingis o t' 'egssssss ttill lit'--
pres'lis:T'e Alpela No lite'r'ar'y'seetly is
i's''siie'sl's U.- y. Wltilt~e 'u1lite.s I' ' ist' it begialtssfters
1,tlste--ccelsl oe,,Miss Ate 11ttlil4l' it'I is 1liis'geliIfs
Beacs't fire list' tespseetslies- '11 5vaction.essT list'play flat twciilet'wituc-
_lteslies'' Sr Pit', engl; "'lilt' ts,,, lstd 1sw'ed isis 111 la i loesls'
Sit. stllt'ses "lt'e Ixyss," Xis', 2Nor-1amisitlg' se~ityilfttss, '"'Lit'1ic. islis.
tsc; "'ihetls,' Slt', Blostc; aeieresst I Ihis playsewesas gie te ss 11l'Visit's-
Steolisl i jts', . sSasitisis; iil'e'pe- i 'it ' ci111st1udent'eali3tlls (150liaed
let'rI,.tMartinez; cietiltSoslo p-1, Proeaceig5rat suessst141icst
S.It' iltitti SuMai es' 'ustittithese ti''slttellt sioof seel tpso-
'ito Lawses ''I."Is" Ai. NlpelI e',tssets its-tithe' siete y has itsede
SentiIrs,' ~', IteeB:iy; ''t'co'l'e' arei te' rIts tit
Si. c', t u; ''First Yt it,'' Sit. Joes'; Teltofth is Icrelitse'Ia 1(t inl5a.
little setlee -tzof tlt1i, I'llis, Alsi ritt5'tlho'ustse' ISiasetlectous llet'
l-11ch Prop'ertyIX''sbe 'Carted"le."''Ollele I - ttsregiisterblev 'eieieai ee' - olo'ssie-t
live' . Sl' itt il, setti ie, \Sis'. SilSle lal hrt Illvns zsl eet room'etss oftwoic
ecct -elsolo-(a) 'taeesesLittt' me veeeen" laies'Tse' set's t'listlses'atie'
Bhel 11Westmor~ee; sotte-selwir, All. i s 1f1otlowts:s
Chsed1a s t' i Ret't't I - Al S tNisnaeXXilss'u
Daily Sittora tar 'G7 Elected.ifrJ: lhn iatte
At a5titliletof lit'J 'liT ~l te'lll',t Samuiilt'lI iltyc....13ae' .lsss au 'ls
ld,'le st tsc ist, iis t , . H i s onsel, 'Ali St(livet'liRan~stm....-. .. . 5 Sislelile
wessllet'd ti siaiinsig'edit fo se'ie Nine Games W1ihS Scginew.
e'nseuinsg yier'aldllel:lit'oittlt;et1et-
eers weirt' el'c't'd:l :1.'1'.5' hit -t(s. , , T'li ist' o'fl'5 te amelits che titli nstie'etrt
IV. IV. Hlughiec, 'It. I,1 Ian'is, lestile lsls arranged151 cillsfilet'1a-
I' . .stsestists.'t1, 1' . 5 iuleti , 18,inawCie 1111prtomises t' beletr y(13 it's'r
PF L. ttiusics ',5 1 lsl 5'.1'C - !'nctlii" Sau"lussaewetiws is~ t''i Si lt,,t
ti-cselwo, 'Ill., le s'lst ssont'11:0swoultt' ee;haa
'T'e p 'r'esen 5st arangemntoftisitit lepinisssshiott 1(1ltgut'he'irtieam'~
it' eetcv t cc-itswesi iec' n ei'tl -l' us's I ' 5 s sieie'u-(e 1 r l u' 1ei itse
:rt'hieft'l wall11151g1g I'diit' ccs.tis yeara55 is e is isi'ueIoneit' entic'
meirely elt'ssit''uuc, andutil iile'dtlaluctusesi in1tlestague.'
eoti usittwensit' new'tt'Ileetaci-t 'Thsi s s 15itelitttsiin'gt ec ts
asilss tseege' hat'eids'sof the' cusii'belae e ry''u'' fessisititliltdtihlti"'
tilti. ltt,,aIt'esithlist'print' teriletisn, .e - ls~
11si1suesd'tcaylu, Apiii 22. A itiles' '-
Content Won by J. S. Lathers. missionfeeft' e 25 c'snsts sill Il' hiesg-
'r'hse' rohiiion ritus sriesl esisuit ed siantltiketaIsis'elist'rsit ill'
Listalnighstess cc'nusby(1J.1.S.Laihe's' ilcciioist $L, 'They' asilt intw oniSlls
'i7, eho soke'eau '"Ihs'li tlii'ieial saliuly bes'btinedssill ItWthsuores
Probtlem andtisthits Re'lai0 t)ion't1Temp'e- Sllet''s~15, ots'fromtian155,5 illt't'of
onusc's" 'iTe'judtge' sss'reSutis. XIV. 5,this'Ahile ti Bad.
Perry. of lt' AnnusAirohighs Sosl, Outdoor Track Work to Bgin.
. 1'. ('huseer anudi I's-.1 X. lBrads-
shtiucs, o)15thsouglht aniscom'ssition; ;. A sotussul sisisis''te sk hasubeten utilt
I t SisyandS Instructorl1s ((tstl slushnessrs'hess'gymnsium iuissit'ack work
Brandontsu, mttdl'iver'y. ,Thiiieisarkuinig sill besgns in etii 'tsslossnu. C ts-
tasus' sisos. ldates shoeuld epostat I .ItQss ts-Sic
Sir, Lthsersswclls 'tcs'eel tile Pro- Fit'patckkatthe gysitsiusi. ills
hu1isll loub '11 iilst'eSate' Prohiitsion s ttsee iunes ie wcestid es'j'e'iellc'
I-onutestechichi wil its'ldssiinusAninasiconly fou' osr'fist' sftthese'havi'
Arbors'hfleirst sct'ek usatr vs'aison. sown-usolt50far iMr. Fiteatrkanlus
.Philological Society. t-sitains Lehoy sill blhee11'uirig
Thus'relgularc umeefing ofthe 'h liev toshs tuo-hatssucc l
Ise satfedhnext wet'k or sooner if thiss
olslgictul Society cwiil eld his ilsnstuP veatec hpemit;. A i. Fiteissuris'hc wiii
log eel 7:30O o'clock in IRoomi1,1,'tint- -snd houtlt'tdisuace tt'u 5155sort
vers'ify Hall. Mu'. hLheviii speak n field rusismalseuh tslsis, 'h1eissehl
'Direct Associations of Wored and lu-sck ciii be fixed uplis15oon01sii usa5ai
Thisg in the Steely of Foreigns isn- ble anti cork ciii begins 05 it isit
gauges." short tme.