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April 08, 1896 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1896-04-08

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____ __ __

RJGHIGANGENT At Willis J. Abbot,'84. Tucker& Co.,I
Time Table (Rlevised) MarchI S 1,siii1896.r:0 1
EAST. WET, ":'ves li1'llm iiig she kli1fWillis .0."
Mailland Es--3 50 Ml - ------ - 8 s8 lbelf, '04it, z5cOllll1.{lllS b ly Iln ('0-
N. Y. Special .---15 00 N. Y. Spee:l-- 7 i0s
Eastern E'i--10 hi N. S. Limited._- 5 2c 5lll li . 14i-k ' oirtIiit1
Atlantic Es--7 30 iacific Ex----- 1215 Vills .1. Als ,( tli i 'eoil hocAsss
D. N. Express---- 5 *o Western Es---;'lb0
G. R. Espress -...ll IllChi. Nt.Es----10 i12i'ditoilii Writ'slias zw'( pl theliii' ic
GI. (R. E ---- 7No1 orhA e
0. W. NuGGceS, id . SHAyes, i .of bicfef illr-il so1'itic txof lii o 8 ort Ae
G1. F. & T'. Agt., Chicago. Agt. AEE Aibor Oo'York.-loosoal.said -ill have i'i oc.- n i"r llrn lsol
___Aon_.___for ______, ' .1.......,. ..,r.



tis-r eitI' 01or'iec ditiol lpage. Mr. per's, Blvlide, Anlilearn Beuties,
- ~ ~ ~ Aiutrsgi riileIiiisSterligs, RPates, EkIlS, IE~l~oe-, bo ein iu h 1t,
l:, ('lirsouiili'toIs rosn' o tNeRsi1s.orb N uChiain, AnuI1S , ui hidCraw- Commencing' to
w lHe vsas bIs11iiiniNessw1Haisn, ('uoli., frs
RAILOAD. in 16. A and ,) o jel) - e Rnt and Repair W!hOE1Is Arrive
RAILROAD. Absbo, te loibs an, is'cu-lred ilis-
Tisne TaslierJain. 12, 1896. iAlsoue, '- a compilete line t )n to
NoTI. SOOTR. h ~ ~ uSnli. liicIlcl by aso' e~e- i: I
7:22 a.im. *7'40a. m. lare dsii .itll 1 551 11131: 'Sif bu~iesi- dt Silcicoe. I'e ivitet yo
'1215 (p. ns. 1:10a.mi. toca sl nd souis. O(Ie il'of J n & A J I
4:15 p. ,9:21 Ip. mn(O1iss t i 0 r w os rkish stiet g-euv(:housne kcsv wll )Iel
All traits daly except Snday11lesDu eu.wilpae 9U
nraisorens letternAni Arbor snd Toledo aits'p:eteue m~all toa0i(sulsls'r luauliis yo,. ls our)111' 11110tlit 0w0
Rn.y S. GREENWOOD, Agent lIlstcs's!Ill :.isito alsilla. Afi(r" grl- cae ake yos.
W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo O. a sl ap[aig 0f1 lls' Ihe ii st- i f llili- - a~ 11US1pO ae t
ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. BY, 7:1~t1i10-1IeJine tltsll esaff of sie eCl1 WahntnBok
_____ ~~~Ni- Os'les 'nlinies-Ds'sis:'ra. :aislS n-Iad ho ao.a W sigtnBok
Time Tnbl, Oct. 27. 1895. }eis' 1at1rc octllIis' lel : ss:i'f TO ill' ths
Leave Ypsilanti from Congress 01., 7:10.:43 ("ork1'j'bne Il 18 h pr- 1'1 O u
and 11:00 a. i.; 12:5,:15,5:00, 6:5, :1 aid N o ~r ~llis. I:10 s'iii- ~~u
164 .i.el d ioiyitrs.ilteLeave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:40, 9:15 and
11:0 a. i.; 1:1, 2:45, :30, 7:15, :45 and 11:13 s lly 1 '' iing News' of wihIlei: We have lft a fair stockc of
SUNDAY TIME.ooais the chief Ieditor ulil l~e s ls'of alsrso
Leave Yplan ti ():0 from Con resst 1303130oi:i s ::1 :
0, sil n :p. in. ''li:'ailr ill1b11, - -t' Ve o RNGt TST L This space is r@eerved
Lave Ann Arbor Jnnctoo, 200 400 5-3,.i70 :30po.chsaoadc etd 11:.ii5:l or he Grand Opera.
Cars ems oss city tinse are: single tripi1shc a e lsdota
cents; round trip tickets 5ets. te I~l M t mill. :ia"fl'o'i:: ili 11cc 1110-
Ol. F. Aisnnn, Soott li-fol'lo:'1: 100, w:lcnbecoeHot~~ouse.
osIl: os 1:1 he-I:ti:' Os::' r osii: id is s'oll- MAMMOTl 200 PAGE TABLET 50
STUSDENeTS I? lai::1w oil'e:ni ina:::lg i :ii:r GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR IOC
If you osat good rialebiclife insrnseecall 115(ilighe11'ree1ym:''i5s he IltsallO 0:100DWRITING TABLET, - C
on Frd T lcOs r. ofice No. h - l001,1 10 ii'Ii P011Sl' '1-l
-orl- -c.
ts':( 1hab iy, ce::lubidi: : 1 iih121 )00:pot} . CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15
:osl'.lll'liy1111111f:rBEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 350iyl earn ,i mlnd itdhl o
p______ zn_____ lil lctillu. WRITING PAPER BY TE QUIRE OR LB. - EASTER GIFTS
'ii li.11 sic' 'Iio( s's o dd ssit111 1)- : Th'lis stock wilitnt be replacedPoal.a o
Bicycles Enameled and all kndsnber, 104 Mr. Abbos~t Lesaes-sui'toeh- Come quick for first choice. eiethps I.o
of umachine wsork. I 01lt l" 10''11.'13.ils :1nti spuonioe in
H-i.JNTIEFR IBIRiOS.. 1t:IIi~nfc htoshiss'['inlis r-il .i' ArgusPrinigrimig House. of suitable nvlis
No. 9 Est Liberty St tllidair s in1e11st's, bu1t:5 to fakei W ~iu~~_____ _
ps:51icirl rhsnssge ini1llgllh'ils'sl delsl 10. .WH.KEY SR ILhfI 'JEWELRi'STORE
RENTsCHLERidlhKsit l's-hl~s':la cI'shl-5111bnngn u ir
IntlC s, 11:,1soser'1hisI sii''hlsi 51 iOPERA HOUSE JE1WELER KCATERER,
ANN ARBOR. MI-H. (li silel' MS 'lessisi vltlring Iit)i:ej FINS-U. of 13., A. A. H. . I GTRE, tns 55
SJust tIecrdaLredEeut esnab'' liiiiIs to sxrelleut orlirkor'The finest in tie city. Comteand see
Lino of Now ' i7Ppes q Oh'. Abboi::s 00.1': 1si iise cra:ry .A.N'N' ARIBORI I a
f this'Ilinos l nls' ssi ilss tosscitheii'Clt-
Hot Lunches, Chocolates and tonsi iilss1an1 liisrui:hual 10515:555s- j - - -
Bon Bonn.111ssiseul' Xi''11ailhiul48i ~ .0'~~~i
R.. E. J OLL."1_y' M. 1ti ssEilli0-nc':lcshs il .'
20 S. StateSt, SagereBloc. I tUC1'D RAT IOS nIp010SPIl'tt ''t4 0 . ' r Ei
mc i P~~~~7o sclsosif te I Isvess:113' of ~' ' .
itDLL Mll5h'tgn loitl p Iroplchi'cccliieahtec 0, W 'J~.>o s th-.
Issud byte si'ccl'ar3, tie Auin Actor n 0c,
Photo gr aph ier Ruui oilsl tsos ~ -~ fNo. 23Y S. Fourth Ave. Rntio .5c',~
(hull 11: I i '-tliid fare for 10o111d1trip. __________________________ us~n ,, o°u a
156'Washington Block. Iivl vl u snelbfsa utSO. w0
26S SAE uul Aril120 sidn1,cluve,(t c dc-e ester. The Oly Sleeping Gar Line between To--
any p pp I f Ledo and Comlunbs.
T~ 1P& 01 TsREET.. +1p0in1 inMlligl lushd to ly toinit ill UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING The Ony Sleeping or Drawing Room Gar
FnLu calsntemfoiOtorCy. ' t'cdr A0i~atil e-Opposite LAW building. SMareta.
FineLunhesritry.The Ony Drwing Room Gar Line betwnn
Fine Chocolate, R. S. (IIIRNWO OD, Agent. TERMS $3 FOR TE REST OF TE YEAR. Toledo, Columbus and Chrlston,
and Baked Goods. NT ST± ' U GDEN.TS. _______________ W. H.
Try Our Lunches. On accountoft hie Sping vlc'atciollTE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL p lhiaenr.ewen'oumu n
slsrMund iitr rck'iiatlduerte05.soilHEwONLY YLINE -wisthai nns noeach warydonl
Sundyshotween Toledo and Coubuse.
to studeuts pesetiig cerfc~illldl5of MNYTOLATOHESOA ES ONLY LINE with hitroin eh waydily
Albany. N. Y,.OE T ON NPRSNL beteen oled, Bowling Geeend
ulelibocrllh. W,1llseull on Aprlil 10 'ndi.
PaesoR li 1 go c eunuhlsn n OPET.TYES ONLY LINE with 2 trinsmeh oydntly
Makes o an 11.Goo toretrn utilandin-between Toledo and Chnrleon W. V,
eldig pcl 0.tul hcorsiiholWOholesle Cigars, Tobaccos and Cigarettes YHES ONLY IDIRC LINE beween Toled
clndn; pri 20.Ful inornl~ita nd the Virinian.
g fh ivb en n't ticket office. SmeTLwLcnrn nyo THleli ES POULARLIlNE betwen Toled, Foo
;Jj JuUVIi is hrote0 suvgnrly t SeCpt. 1,J1696. For students andi oE uyulrsllsdsak
forssYaleo.Chrlotesville. Va d-trnlmset. willbe cheerfuly frihdby any
frYl'96,Hrvard pihilst and11lccompitalst. H1ou1se Ilty den R. C. MINOR, Secretary. Agnttofthe Ohsoental Lne.
96, Princeton '96 slid Oengahemen~ts satisfnitorily illed. Ad- I MOULTON HOUK, . P. A.
-we add with pleasure Michigan '96 dress No. 48 S. Uiversity ave. Subscribe for the Daily. TOEOOI

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