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April 08, 1896 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1896-04-08

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ASOMIN... I 91k.*

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VOL. VTI. NO. 1, ).


lout t~-ii lNS

- a - "()1IlENS Ii LAN I)ER ON()SALE.1of.t ot-1iet ily of' 1 ihi ,111. hi lNINETY-SIX ItALL1A~irLMIIOUT
#9___________ teo lii-tothe Inumberi,0 l"i enil iite______
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'Ito Viiit le tiiute. tlcnr I lnIr i t-thuI Fietli22), 11 ltgo iNV. l('if)i(,i((o). 1ft dzi i o ti Iiuoer if 4 thu-I o* wcii. ~ cl~ :
oil i Aco Auo hul inlicl- ma in 1111 ( ,t P ,ttlli I 1120 111, (1a.it I<Ii ' 1 s-i issAued ltby c111 10 liii ii iii vl-l ho I l
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t)f o f u-Ittuului i-ut oti: 1 n(5 10 il-it II Iti 11011jtti e iii' 1i ii- lt i hif ell umec cil
I hut hei 12"11neAllen (-tue 1),A.(. z v s lii, llu-ordu-I' mu-ole. 1x I wt111,(1
drawn by Fronk 0. i11:1 flu"T te MueL Vanto o oliii ir (i liil. M -G. t. iifro t. (iutu-rilliuuu. lt tiliiii,. to
I>lil Klltltlt iatulu I - t-tutardu t 2ui iiil tie tiol tue te te iii an ~cti- l thie itettiece ae-
-mtllie lt ne rson;lio"IDr. t - i t,; e- l titi-Iheleco. liic ti.) (ttlic; 111-t Iii 1 tofiho oo . tho 1ci li- li st: o
tittitti. I" iSilla11 .1 1 i il t Il---oi l l(1i1y (, A -1" ep f r c I n( fcc w ol Il\- .; ( ,r,,-
tich11cUA.vArity wi-. 2 ci iiitei ~ic etliet 11c(I),tI10iiili'-, ,i tllsI ecd 1e l;eleo I1'ntliiit,
ltci ii tle tIc t 1iii'l, ait ul l f t s' hoar al Un " ).1'io toooo r t l iii lli i follotiid liby ithei liii t.)vr It
111111 tae"lilitlilailA.iiiove ; Ai1i-cl-cc h i- li-i- ml lt :rI2i1 ii d itiuc llil -liotuitol..A l--
"11111-t Iito l Witltiii I)lii ::I he o - - - i --s,

Spoci-i prices Oby the.Ilbox
murnrnly' Dr Stole

17 E. W ashington St.1 cor. ,P 1111)1ltu-uc ltitme - iE ijit 0tiI ' 1iec dcir-ctti. lnias]tti
Fo rh .Ii hut h-ia itC.re -c teit liactl 1.1 ii tio ti-iillc i. la 1'111'; I l c I it'; t. i . t( ie ihr
T1 e dig T ilrItot-l ltut tuio aiu ht.21 - .lti tut--iv l -(Hy Iti i-. hItIuI() y r-
Fou th -e.i tyti~o o it Aunt Iluictiaitr l itt- c. 1. 0 ,. 01 1 tuuil1 111 A.. ' I 111t
+stI ote t t p re ittt ity, iiuti -t-. urlut- ei isilitt-7.R. _i lieu-e11,hl ittr
iitla tuiu to outilutsit- Il- -t A. l .
hasj at oteeted ti etlie soc of 21 iueic 2111 (ehituu I tlu ii f iuh i lt 1111-1 iutliiiu itl uuhs tt
prI I ii lii11t'1';lii'lllel'l' iII itIi:'-
GO2EoWorGT N S . E R MAN l ett Atu. ('ble Ltim > 1 'ltt-ut euutt. uteucut ill-itot hi-Iitt11utile-11th 11itt I hoC th
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''' Htttortul hrtitillyt. . . . ii a() rol" fcutel cr laitttttk 1 hi ui 'iu-
S Iltyer iltlsle r l-ti t .t I ". 1ii etal uhit 0 itcrticiicu ltiottl toim)cic
,ttiditonlytidireccit--i-porterhtitutthelchtyI - Oelwtri h ttie gJutrecylih~ttrcier t e 11ctf illl cd u t utei
ha ustrived his enirsatck f ttrt is 01, o atW lut iuuiu 11if Tttto to hu lutuil tuttc-u-i, t thu e tro- i this IA A (i tuuttutyti f rlhi-li.ht-r 12,
lIlU a[ LoWleic-llhoii o tehtcu l l isur Iti leylolordi-oIlo Iuty 122and ftehttotdltOO r. oe t
F riri a n Id D inetcWoln fr riai t 'lli- hel-ioh ei iiut.11 ituilll AlofIt
L' s~k iShlt. T Ot ~t ctht 110 ilutruter 1i 011 aie ilo 'l'~~oine l- i ttttur i i O Ifid iiO hlt
Spiga dfo~e'6,tral ce- A ilI)lir-eoeVl i c leltt evtl YellyiT B ttkt ttg Igttllulibyo 111 Ittto f th
.2E A N GTON S ,KatRlta. heey r s. 1it 111-teon ttal t01ttg l. I y~ f Nuahu, io i. cuye i ltt'.I:. , 1<. Z't Lto. tue l i;s",'tsftl 'or-
11T ~ S I (1110 of ~m Wtntmt htt. 11h-I, i llof ti tic gto Iti n-. 1 St oittl titf h-uer-I-tI- evs tu
.t\. IF I -tS ft~l to At~e i~rl - Ot 00hf oIhoitt tt ilt-cIltrothirdlter aeor- ly t tliet 0 tfut
ilt ow , D wsT w iefene Jtttts 2. 2814nd Ithrl e n ule I ae Clltarlcs z1Illiked yIrof do, 01 toevut, ant, ft a~r eiI 't1>fLOO wlitesIlttr t he ii Boti tilt e stlttA
of vl 4k 4 al tthaes -erltt-sia, i 10 rt o e rtilore , till, of Lontoittue, (Ca 1e F. tinnerd es, COOts.Iate)al

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