THlE UNIVESITY OF MICHGAN DAILY. DO YOU INTENT TO GET A Suit or Pair of Pai Jos. W. o1at Merchant Tailor, W\ill (gice ou [tPer'ecl S itisf t-'ti Prices lte~isonlable. 10 E. Washington Gibson &Clarl PHOTOGRAPHERS, 12 W. HURZON E AG, Spa~ing& F 0s')ern it is the z lds' rpiion for Is ;tS bn or hand t -. lilustrated Cataut The Aemme f 1'erfection- Spalding 'icyc POR 1896. A. G. SPALDING & BRC Newr York, Chicagos, 5'lilasllphi Largest Manufacturers of Bicycles and1 tetic Goods in theoworld. FIRST NATIONAL BAN OP ANN ARBOR. Organized 1863. Capital, $100,000. Surplas and Profits, W4 Transacts a generral banking buirgnecaesbghadsosh Fr letters of crrdit. P. BACH Pros. S. W. CLARKSON, Cant THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS RA Capital Stork, $50, 000. Sarplus,$1150,00( Resources, $1,100,000. Organiedl under the Goner'alB'anking L of this State. Receives deposts, says sells esxchange on the principal cities of United Stites. Drafts cashed 0p00 pr( Identilic'tion. Safety udrposit boxes tor OFcic Christian slack. Pros.; W5 Barrimn, Vice-Pres.; Chias E.isio, Cashier. U.1.lFritz Assistat tCashier LowneyIs OhocolatE I-ot Lunches. T7UTTLE'S 48 S. State, nts ~t. kas- Great Hat and Sock 'Sale !t MOORE & WETMORE All Spring Styles $3.00; Stiff and Fedora Hats $1.98. Black and Tan Socks, worth 25c, now 2 pair for 25c. Now is the time to secure a new Rat for Easter and before going home for vacation. HATTERS AND FINE FURNISHERS. No,9 S. Main St. SJUST OUT! tie, -a o WadEeywere Sn oriCuos. ,oe >,ef00WALL iOCHIt C. GROTON, 0.t" ui Fl .A 0 0 Fancy Mixed Nuts----- Fancy Mixed Nuts_ - -_- Fancy Virginia Peanntl Fancy Virginia Peanutl< 44 South Main Street. ---------- --0c per pound .-- - - - - -- - - - - - -ll lbs for $1 s---------------0per pound~ o 12 lbs for $1 ]DEAN &COMPANY. 65S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM, HAVE A coMPTrE ST OCK or INIVEBSITY - TEXT- BOOKS! For the second Semester, New and Second-Hand swhiech they offer .t the Lowest Prices. STRICTLY A SCHOOL OF DANCING Yoo con joini iour 'losses rose, or on any tiecneient to yoorself,thie term startiiig swhen ytou do. Offtice and aca',demy- b1lynltd St. Spring Periu~es ien Sowooyoo i full is-teit- coot iof the ale-i flower odors.V SiVerasiolet, Violets of hocily,A / Violet IBloomo,Liloa', Sweetlreas, stc. We 'all Idease yoor Caste and your purse. y PALMER' S PHARMACY. 0 j We lobaeak ad levery iirders for0 tloless'Livery.lBtst "Viking AND Hummer." GO]LF AND ss UNIVEBSITY NOTES. CALENDAR. 0e. Tli'l% it'xi 111't'lng of telt ligi11-l Wit'e., April 0S Miiieig of '117 Di~tl PtolitiialScilencet'Assocatilon 'still bti'1'oareit Ii'rtteaiiictiiti. hieldil i l ainawt, iil Ot'. Vi'tl., Aiteil IS--'-Ilaisi-tl111 11rIia, ~ Aulitito, 11100eiiiitlitl -l i Cl ub;letrelieb ty Itev. 1Jame1s ay Ap- Alunu, i ntivcoleted-A~it Ii lil itt', on "'T'e 'itliig Wi thu iii" Wslillilles'twEeiii i meuhs. 'Thetis.,Apill 0)'06isocial at t ra- )S Pro'f. lolilli~rlisilit tolit an ixaol oe's. da. iiatii for itii reiioval f eolliiitas Thu's., Apr, 0-hoetly concert at lob- t'rieze ' Memorial Halt. ill, physiolougy, in tipi'i'leilte'roomil, - Salord~. ,'sieiiSat., Apor. 11-Spritng reess tiegins, lit'Mitbiga Stli, i'iii-a Sol j sext Al 0 iiiis(t id allt, Atilt, i the\I{i a StteMedcalSocety5,o'coaikIliii'Ann11Ariblir Itoaib will1 soll ito'l titi I Mt. C('i'iiiii, tiiiie 4 stalit 5Os'p ali iralil to Ttoildoto en- :0000 atoit5. Dr. Dock still rt'spltllto .1 abitle thost' sobds(' ietoPuattendlithlei -ish toa-eiitliii'builil. es~ipi'i'lly ine i'ifli'etiii'etls at th' tiler. Anu letilt'liiin he ii' sti-hiveo e-iii hi 1terut At liii'Valitineis, htilii't Vi lat1 l's tibil lto aultstrae.d u at liii tirznointiontiof hiiytluentu tiseoPop1 i ittle s,('Ii ta If. . YVii"-,;"'T'seslse 0. tliieAtiteittin C 'lictit Jourcinal bs nitsitnItletluin tirili slltleast' Proif. 1". . tiCtampbel a 1-Mr.i'. h. p 1 oli'ttt ot 10-20 p. i. hare for r'ouiii otid tlart. tlsi thl the PhIs. .GtIEAVWOOD), Agenit. 'oer 'T'e Fouttihli.iAnualPro'i'tieaittstte' _of____-- _ t. ) he AnniiArborte Thu Schlu w iill li A)IlbeIll.1 'DNlS act, till li itt ofittihOe s01110010 5'l'3dllto heldin111iwilshigh Sehtiotol 11 it t hebi' 'itlii,"' iiiCet'tural Ithutliitafi swill Hioigh cootlitbtiltitni e hridlt, flayiSr-il iotititri i hlutS at eu-lueeid rtttes - P. 'Vl~~ct' atie $1soachi il liii'eiitiiiilit'i'Insltliusil'pieetfing t'erflfic'ates of is liitliatats fifty.''lT'ey may bet'biili iiiei p.. itii - Mllsbll oiilAtil 1(- tlinesl At V'iiii's tir hlies'liiui's o ol tidli1.ii 0 toharetirn ut~llill din-J cildi"' AieIl20.. Frll ifttellltii ire tCore'. g;istli:-"t tieiloi' ceC "c S. Dr. Phinltiec lift fete 1iilasie'lllila li)- - a fmst' Osys 10(0 titnd.i isbookedI to 'nvil S'insl i'i tIMti'ltsenP fir n' terp tniApreil 15 . Dri. C(i- titts' ii elS-. lli''ris Findler f, beg bia setouailes inth loi'Aprill ilt0.s' kritirli to Slssarl's office.' I unutbei' if theuriunal of thle Amer'l- _____________ lean 'IC~iiedcl Socetey, onio on eailoihie All railiidttt' for 'the freshllilaa Ii I~~~~~~~~~~~~ itstltes ii wieahs' usli aatltl teaepittlor't oitthe c:tiltliOat t il z~rg ~ fit'i -s t h o t hltO , aA ,e It, B O V D , T of eW~ltiiinif eaffeine,todgilte'fill.-=1 onloek cvery'afternitonifor practlice. - Mleoszs.cWi iglat, Kay & CO.'s asoret- Ini order hatthilosest-ho subsceribe ino turbOr of Ctot-lus t'oilari0s 1oIt11 clocks advs'ance umiuybe firbt bsupalliedthetil ss'tfihfe'celebrated '-ibtlttlr CliMlnes," Women's Inlanier oill tout bi' ll~eed ery, acb les inlad wtbisory pt itt tionslo lilt Wedlnesday mooming., itigs, etysfal elockesinlaidoth.sillihel- April 8. iatl, tortoioseostill clock s, sterlng il- Mliss Chltote 0. Stowe, g eseTnI ver clocks~, trass-oliig elociko, iorcellil pianist ,and OeccolO$iiit. House p0115' their bunyeri' catuld procutre in Viena, dress No. 48 S. Ulliversity are. S Paris atid London, Curll upon 111(011z One front suite, $2.50. One single ,svilen in Detroit,. Their Ml5105V mros room T5 cents. iFurnace heat, light .I the 140 and 142 Woods urd ave. and bath, 20 5. Ingalls s. 136 Are up to date and a little be- yond. 15 MainSt. 4 SPECIAL. ) IPTAS & SCHIANZ/,sell hitits 'and Peints u t price; to stit everybodey;we alodo epairin-, 'letin igtitnd piessieg. sorki alied for aitid de'.eered. Na. 48S. State at, *cotid floor. ) . MARTIN, PFtieral Itirector, Cloth Ilan etallic taskerts and Pine Grade otuins. Emaluming; a Specialny. No. 11' S. 'ourthi ave. TOP N A. SHAuVINGS PARLOR and Bath- .roms. All sppoietments first class. nported and domiestic chaurs. Ladies' artis- ihasirdressing and bathinig parsirs. J. tO. "rolanowsoi 3lOS. State st. STHIEN YOU AVANT your clothes cleaned, VY pressrd, reilied or rebsoand goto Ms's. sigesie over Sheseian's lisa store. Lab- )ratory apeons niadn to order A NEW COLLAR One-Quarter Off on all M. SThE8LIIS Cycle [mporium 11 W. Washington St.