THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. pg't~t I'inee ton or Itai ardof or Yo"e l);AXNGU CTI'Al' GIAND) RAP IDS. thoenark~ngCof otl. era in fitel eeirt)t * + * ootlih( toole Itoe sway?' ment of Oth 'irerotty ani a aerititeal -- - - Alumni of Kent County Prepar- ,1teriodt in itK history. T71Wter(funat Of Pubtlished Daily (Sunday exceptedt) during LMIN GMS OEE, n o nulMeiG the laSt. tegislature to incease the ro- the Cottego rear, at OY1II TGMSOEE, it o nelMeit ______ Iita~itleitprow isieon foe ' mntrtaiintg. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. (Continued fron t Frtrof Pge.) Stulay's Orancl L atitots Di'ttto~ct'at the Uintrersity le-ts been tie means of' tarries: Ttmes uttttteg N. Mate tO.,optpostte 13 . . Jamtesont.iot-oiwilt eoiitptetl ayso: aacingaodeternitned, effort on tim loto_ t.Io 10tierre oitt out iiit iatoir i,.t'lrt plttlftotoare tet"g t tmart of atutut iatll oattter forerosit- EDIlTORtS of tlie tetait. Jalattsit bIasa:a recro i d yteclniteeo r n dettto devise o~nepazt ett WV . , litiittt, ', w. 5. 'tHoYEri, '93L. 5tset-'ottdofor tie 440-yarritda.,t. iietrt tli ft otit. doefltieie'. It is xe'uetoi.t ltha It E. LDEtooe,1E1 , 0 . H.II lSo, '9. Ill ' eili0i1go r ClisH J.I, 'iAt.1,'9 S. _JhsjlCl 'it _ T ft n 1)~ot' ttio lite "antdtotter' itfter's of - 'The' llretitiofite gattio'o tiatObeettn titi.(ttts I.'tfotto t EIOR1-LS-Cll[150 . IG. Atittier, thtat helt'mtlt' t'- n ipoltattce-\ill ito' abty otiossedsttt G. B. I110 tlots, '9SiL -aetti astoofottows: iiiot iittOt rl tttitti-lt'''it ittt.l ( ial' °,to lla~e he ii;t anua I)antitmueetig. Thrae lou2ti - A tle tic oliorlo'-Ooot racee, 000, 4(00,yfoettie stttieutts of ttte' Otivrsity in Al 1+%AGINGO EISTOR tottu ,0 ttl''o tttt:ote ftttici+f te GrantttRaidstoAstoaiatioll J. 0'. TootnoAS,'97.othAlmio c .n °atyoGrdRadspan 1.10 mteres, r'utttittg tbrwiitt hit nttlt tCeAltii fIt'Ut''ollfOrtdIatttiiO fwittr ;svEitlMANAGE~R Jmpl vut utitti' shota'otS rlgiwtil itletot l"id' titgttottaeotob'' L.00 C.jllt:1tKltlO tttl, 1tttlttwee'' ts oe, Fri ay evn'' ,Attil nt Sotie of ttoettost . protmtiettt busot- AsOOVIA.'O't IODITOLISttotttvefroptrtsot'tnst1e V ti tittit L. A. l'rattt,'00 0G. t. Ileath, '90 P. tiltanceotf 411 kitotitetr u'Iiieyle'ot t i'sae t.toottt oti.tIttlttIt tyw, S. 1t. Seitl,'Sit L. 0. 0. itetiettity, 'k9.aistontrestedin itthOtowelfare of tlii'll eenot if Oolltotnplvairo itferior ittt- It, Siruass, '9.' 1. 11. Gammron, 'il7 M. (tyiltitt;lii;,torta , ittiitvitttlextutInt~ f1)ealead .:Shl n1,11i Pt. A. 1oct10, 'S E. C B. Soe, '98D. lottio, t'hibtionstoon tt'e it'ingers'. Jil'tttart-l ti'eitg f tit'S tt' ttot wt ettit1100 Louise Dodge, '99. lie tissootttitttt till bi' ueit at lits o'tlie. __________________________________ scit lzslltoIttse le'alving- 'atittoso lt tine'for te'Ielitllt oo tiliciro ItittiCommittees noRepublicarn League. The sa!)e;'riptitos erice of thte Datty has st'ot. hen es octtl't ot01.04 it adrutuesfortheOt're~t thtIrailetloit of othiet lititiesotft'r of toe yea;r. Lee sublscriptiotts at the P'toottg totlwresiiotgWork ilitTue iottiwillleSbe ljlrttetlt ttIltt Iaily oh ' e or twith 1P . C.lMyer, U. of SI. lt)e fols, salvetndst adti al. t tit,,tte,l 1 itOi stIt t'ecen'tt secsolttof ite Ameiricattultl'lttlS- News Sotrr. \:ttiC ti lt a tilt-i' l se o ttto tti'CIt'- Civil :tttt ut:Iitltfary s'eattlln tr'lreek I ictllot'illoge Laguett'are iW s . Toolititretill, Kitolaiia 'olteg. t'liaw s:tyOiIi'tlrliIil t i'ttmti ets ovr aeinmi -1el' fr 'i, M'W.1cr ni'.mos tttttot .A lattito B. Antgell, Prof. 10. B. Htiith- Ittttia Aoutt' it osal trtosst-rics fli'ortalimngso'saets, ritritt ofPG'1elel t s-AitliatmttByrmnes;,Prince- Let'ttntstil ehi'sttotittourtto'eltryrolio-uiatetl skiffos, Is ittwodfouri-oare'tiod lsi fli'tt tltrteitrf nI.I.Sot tr'm~;I.A '' 4'ii-tiir '. 1'aomscttantl lt'itof the iti' -kilt A"W-Oint' I1 .Omta nodntsio-is t tiit tllt'tiioio I tst siitoutrigge rs; iVmln, ' rl i:itieiP f I i 'tty ' goo t .Oiittl and uz~iverities e ope ol~pl~tuniie icl dep~ultm~iWis rof.iA.iN.;ooIt.S 'isBttrrotR.lWtBarret r-Ealtam. fur Ir('ttirittg eattiilates fttr Otothe ' -1)(), 511(1 antd 1,0015 ittlt; guilt'of andti'Ittit. Doi ltt. Dietisoti. I,x- tt'osotttt tcts-Jtttlt'O .l''erkins,ltit'- ttrl+chirt. lWe tiasve tot such ntsh- ie1101. Sentator' fiomasi B'. Palmteo'andilt 05v-valit; .. l Stttt-tttlicthotm; 10. A. Ootiiits to tisolitotrtti'ttolus-(c- Itiyelti' vItsefotr 2,000 tintd10,0(}iierei t liies htie osr1,thti they ex-tititat,lbt't'itt; 0'. 5.. Ltarnies, Ais- tttrfttetlo. Wil itt e~iirtst d- i'tttt'oattiC100)kiloitetre; alto .t) Oi~t'.tl to belpr'esent, bO ouldtittntot satti; anid A. WV. ASltlit, NM~trast. Ilartilelt's Wily ot d,1011al e-tut'ootish e ttittliIs- it this 1 toil. Os's'- utlimi' smrk-Bi. .0. Ieltiiti, '0- or raentrtt;'a ll lerf'galt evioo avadDviiyScol iloftle t1us'e tsi~t1' wl t'tin LawNF.ShaolT I1'uireoDit {_________ 'fits' llrl'oettt littlelto eot1o1-herl'h 10be tlttoo;a t, . . vt'uob ,t' f t 'ut 01110 nity 10titti e t5 tusut erts e to- Ohryttd Ormoon cutout inu t o i sroi)tpt'r ottcee ns theiy I ybeen dtlidtedtby toe Dituety rimy 'tttubteo'int~so} titi'o ctttsulittio, Silhooul 1hrtty Ihitt thireafr Iut' buot it. toould. bttaon iotalcultable utitroot- stottkito the htirhtiy Sc'hool stiltlb1' ttit' if tiose lrollositog a. nestIpaper rertted ltby cisurses in tesutt of Oty life liotd slt totttitttoti 01to tuteto fthey'hourostospriotusty. Fotureorse otiglt go to lt'arnt the qt itaifica'tiis, N, stil1t' e eu-'aS ta, for tto oegrsettf te r't1stl . ii:.' It tt's, ttheIID tdtootilbht''ul'etstl temutltttuEtt , thueudaumges, thu-t mutt'ti- t' he lecittlitlSpprov'alof the Dirtouity ficent oltrtunttiot'il'of nmtu'tSer life, t74'ctomy, to imulouiude4 O1 hese fourter L~et thete be' tolectorehlio tiotehtlc coseos, t05511urses. OS tiha tre tolferet Poere slrutlO appear the lustotiig ettr t's in te annomunt'emen'tts of f'lue codtoyc of thte Uited State'stellitug the stories or grallnatl'schtool, bt n tot mu tttl'- of their struggles, thteir victories, tOuir if thet Divinoity 11co nl, ooistakes, Itoswthey ts'orlocotandtO olot By al' i 'ote If toe.u'or7ttra~ttoo th le they foundto out to bhtie boot tray of thue liitt S' 11ooo sill be $l- Ibegimuninto ss' ilthe yeaur !'01-011 wroinog. 'Thoe e till lbe lcomug mn l xcept for mlemtbem's tlready in the ct-too wilclimbs upit withtosuchott idot school. inmo0t0 ciootutl power andtithotisiuucy, So d me c~llbup t suces inJudges Chosen for League Contest. other bitanches by sheer ift. But if Secretary Quatrles, of the Nortlorot we 't'ont learnedin stitutitios to nuralte (tratorical Laeagumeamnnouncecs the fol- lowyeu's and artists anud docotom's and lotwing Dost of judges, whrto -still sere moinisters, tweo much more need ltatrned st thoe contest 1o be lietl in Chicag o inslulions to nake editors, wh'lo 00- lay 1 at Central Mtusie 11011: $ cupy Sa posilion of ioofluenoce a. hutt- (Sn Tutght allotCompstto-tt- drodfold greater. t do not puttOhio Senator P. J. tngalls, of Itatoa~s, Pres. trouth too, strongly 'trhen I say te 'Plwing, of Westerno Reser've U'niver- moAt potent influence for good on sity, Chancellor irklaund, of Vatnder'- earth is ta good editor, and thue otostbit On1 De.i ery-Pros. Swan, of Imodia- potenlt influenoce for evtil is about. one. aauiestJ .Cittsa t The beaot wyay to reinforce and im- torney of tndlanapolls, Prof. M., . prove the netwspapher is to endote Beogtate, 'alporaso; alternate, tRes'. ed torial prfessotes. 'When will Joudson Titsworth, Mflssonokee. ONE E UNORED DOLLARS The Dayton Bicycle sells at just One Hundred Dollars, no mlore, no less. All bicycles once sold at list price. Netw "List" has married ' ,,"Discount," anid Discount "roles the roost" 010 meet wheels. T IVE DAYTON BIClYCLE - ,. Lists at One' Hundred Dollars, and sells at 1.,0401 or- Ten Thnusand Cents. Jo it were not worth thoe price,. people would net buy it, but it sells in competition withlthte most famuns makes onn owl-- the muarket. It attracted extraordinary atten- --409 tion at the New York and' Chicago cycle ''' shows. You can't afford to buy a bicycle until yen see it. ZZThe Ann Arbor Organ Co. SOLE AGENTS, . S 51 9. MAIN BT., ANN ARBOR, MICH. -'*