Published Daily (Sud y ecepted during the Col leg year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN OFFICE: Times building N. ((ain st., opposite post office. EDITORS. J. A. Lltisy.'5, Managing Editor. C. D. A, G. L, Asistant. S. E. KNArIEN, '3, Athletic Editor. R. C. P'.sosn, 'Si MBIuoloccoIMauager. Anocate Editors. L. A. Pratt, '96. A. K. Ptrie, '0. C. A. lioughto, 'ii1),D.Ii. 11.Heat, '50 P. . H. Farrell, 'l. I. B. Gammon '8 1L Katherlnolteed, '7. G. . Harrison, '(10L Communications rgardig orign der n;aii.I itddeosod to G. B. Harrson. All busisess cosectd with the local sub scriptio list 01 this paper is in charge o I. . Meyer, 46 E. william st. All other business matters ar uder the immeiait direction of the business mnager. The price o the aily will reman as hre- totore, $2.511 a ysar, invariably in adace, nolwiihslooding tiegfst that plicatin silli e continuedl until Commescmen. Law Notes. P(rot. Ansge'l''l lturesTescday. . IF. Dtaslhihas withdlr~wnifrosmithe sen'Iio~.rt'sidencity cntest itortiisslp. portinig . Dl0. (onry. dets 111st1a1tend thiril 351qiz se- All5s'niorl' lhaing l~'seno ot 01) puss off muststa~ke' tiii'exaiminations giv'e'n nexi. Strday. This is the las c'hancie. Ee'tion foi' thei'senirs'alaadss has beenl rlled by Vie P'iesideit Ingr- lam fo' Fliday eening at S8i'clck. after (t' lectureVW'einsday or 'Thisrs day moirninig. ('AN YOUI'DANCE? We call secial attentionl Io the facld inig class lioss. Dio nolt ask us to break Ithis iule. Wlv o n oiseveral occasions admlillitte a ew friendls o11 pupliils Is btlcoiiy antd beein autsei for the kinldnesss. If yu cre is join osr dlsses prcure lllelibroili card and present it at the sdoor. Aar. sld M(rs. Ross Granllger (Gralgeros Acasdemiy, PI M(aynard S. CALENDAR. Oct. 16-Varsity vs. Olivet. Fri., Oct. 18, 4 p. 1n., Ahletic Field- Annual fall field say. Oct. 19-Varsity vs. Lake Forest. Fri., Oct. 2, s p. i., University Hall -Senator D. B. 11il, S. L. A. course. Oct. 26-Varsiy vs. Case School. MUSICIANS WANTED. Two '('ell layers iwantedl for the Ui~oversity Orcesra. Apply to J. J. MceClellan, director, at School of MuI- sic. 'Z Fine U. of10. Sttioery at Scha- le's Bookstore, 19 E. Washington st. 22 At 4 N. Fifth ave., very nicely fur- nished front suite rooms, furnace heal and bath. Also table oard for a lim- ited nuniber. Fer the biggest (360o pages) 25c note book go 10 Schaler's Bookstore, 19 E. Washingon S. 21 Kappa Alpha Theta has entered the University of Illinois, staring with foureen charer members. At Pelnnsylvania tie dues of the .Atletc Association ayres$ pe year. Subscribe for the Dily. THE U. OF M. DAILY. LEWIS ART__COLLECTION. Closinlg Out PAINTINGS BENG LOCATED IN W aelf arsoko LIBRRY AD MUEUM, all sorts of Interesting Facts ve Concerning Thin RTN A L T Great Gift to the University-Some - WRTN TA L S of tne Celebrated Works of1 Art. wicih can be closed out as Th'ieelare iiainy chlanges going on ini follows: the art gllery at preset caused by MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C the distribiutioin of the Lewisrtol-GODRLDTBES10PP3FRIC letion frssiooits Gquarers i in t' old GO UE ALT,10P.3FRD chapelil room toI the librarcy antIiiits- GOOD WRITING TABLET, - BC elnbuiling. This collectin was CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C trougt here last sprinig from told- BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, 35C water, haviiig brin, willed In the lri- WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. versity by Mr. Htsnry Lewis scsi-ral years ago, aiii placedl!in the olil capell This stork will not e replaced. rooiii sntil somelOsiitalhe place could Come quick for first coic. lie provided. At that lulsttre' were Argus Printiug House. wls'efainlt rospiecs of illi ort buildinig___________________________ being erected, btstas teselhoes hiave not miatia'ilized, and s soiiething Go to RANDALL for iefinite- hailto e liiie ill regardilto / (lie prlig of liie'collecion, soils'of Artistic kPh1otOs" liii lust Ipictures re sow tiing tlaced _____ ill the art galleiy 11101sme inth NE GAlERY The ll.l)llep iiO. c taeelisaboit LARESITPERAING ROOM IN STTE thirlty piece's of sltatuary, telaltter'_____ halvinig tienlplacin(i 1ithe librar a lh ie te liiciilli''ciit ionws recelvsedi.NO 15 WASH INGTON BLOCK, ilailiy outhe iii' ingari ,glo 1(st valu-b Ann Arbor, M1ic. le( wirks ut art, and11froiisthe Ib-ishi__________________________ t artists iwithi aivord-waiue illtillTa- BO F TLTC (el.)I. ((hr. csis s511111years il heTH BOK F AHL IC silectioinl if this talaxy' of oilt and, in AND OUT-OF-DOOR SPORTS, ll priioability, ixpindledin iithe iiiigh- ocn iv B borhooedu of $3001101fil' itOshlurclase, NRM~iAN W. IINGIIAM0, JR. so'e paininlg aloine'costillgt $25,000ll. Cptain iof the bMott Huven Team, 105. Thlis is "'The 'linus" by Wit. A. _____ tioigilerelis, whoi is slcicidedl tii' This uiquejt bosh is sit atleic symposim tiii geaest fignu' pinlhter ill tile cntibsued to by wel-nowns amtusr, e- ivorul.'i'ie fonlllsAlhigsri'll P int4eediand college telm-cptin.Harvalrdi, word. he amos Alegricl fin Vogle, nd ote letdigcoleges re rilre- ing urcasedby . T.Steart t asetid. Foodall, 1bsehll, tenis, goi, hog ur~olis'ilby A 'I. Stwls'l 1tcaicke et, hrdling 1116 tracks athletics, ytch- csst of $75,000(1 was aotoher of lis uas- loing. nkating, bicycling, etc., are pratieally ad sggestvely trted. One vol., cloh, leriieces. 8vo., prognsey illttstraed, $i1.50 This'llgest painting in tile.,estire For sale by all bookselleru. isllection is sue IbytGuilam nt 'itledl THE LOTHROP PUBLISHING COMPANY, "The Surrendier of Lee," wiInloulas-__ 92_Pearl___Street,___Boston. _ sres apiproiximhately t1en0f s t long bymm ight widleaiod is vailleil at$211,00.O I T A I It gives a vivitd descripitisin of tot r0o11 in whoicho Gt'l. Lee sndhleleti to Gei. (liant, April 9, 1tt65,hand is T. .& C. Ry. K. & M. Ry. cosidereit the nmost ihtopsttolt isor. dSolid tlohtresintosbette en Toedo, OGito, ictl ptaintinog in'(he Uniteds tales at osd Chro eison, W. V., va tCoumbs, the the present tittle. Bonheur is also shoedtsilt only diectd route. repiresenledin.iite collcio iniher BiETWEEN beautifsil painting, "Grtce Bifore Toledo, . M(eat." "Baby's Breakfsst" and Findlay, . "Sleepiing Beauty" ore wo fanous pc Kenton, . tures in this colection. Columbus, . Besides the colecion tbrougt Athens, . here last spring there still rerasins Middleport, . thirtyseven pictures in the hoiie rei- Pomery, . tence of the alee(rs. Lewin Dennis, Pt. Peasant, W. Va. oveir wvhichi a dispute has arisen. i, Richmond. Va. is claimed by the UnTtivrsity that these Petersburg, Va. belong to the collection as proviied for Old Point Comfort Va in tie iill of Mr. Lewis, lit the heirs 'Williamsburg, Va. hold a different opintion. At the death Newport News, Va. of Ais. Lewin Denmis, the matter was Norfok, Va. placed in the hands of 11. H. Barorw, And ol souteastern points. Elegant of Cicao, b ,'whoma sit hs Aeldrawing room cars on all thosgh traits. of Cicag, bywhiin asuithas een Foe uther inormatidon call on your local instituted in this Wahtenasv county Thcebe Agent or wrie, M(OULTON HOUK. Geni Ps'. Ag... court wiochl will cone up oattihe corn Toledo, . session, W. A. PETERS.OMichigs Pas. Agent. ln e so Detroit, Mih. THE UNIVERSITY OIICHEASTRA Will furninh music for receptions. GRANGER'S ACADEMY OF DANCING. damcig parties atud etertainnonents oTwev easo teaching in Ann Arbor wihall f83pupils lst sesntnr1e a all indls. Satisfaction garaneed. -uutelead guarantee as to see ability to tesch Callon r adres F. . Ac~tnerdncing as it hold be. All classes sreeu- Coilon r adres F T.((I~inerdee the pessnl ihtrution ofIM. nd irs. SMs., No0 1 S. Forhlivae., or (toss Ros rage. Memes of the Amerii'nn Naitional Associat ion of Masters f Ian~ing. Spence, Secy., at School of ((usi. F'sr inorton r;osding classes and terms ____________callnhian the office, ground flor 0 Mynard t. Anl elegant suite of roonms, aloe a cirular at usie Stre or Mailed. single roos, both steam heeted, at 12 Mfonroe s. Chance for tutor to give Advertise Your Wants private lessons for room. Lady pro- The Daily. We Don' 6Guarantee to give yotm an art supplement with the U. of M. Daily every day in the week, and we do not offer any forty-eight page edi- tions at our present rate of $2.60 a. year. We aim to give a thor- oughly representative, up-to- dale University newspaper, cov- ering ll departments of thin University and all the student. organizations. We Do Guiarantee regular delivery of the Daily at" your door until the end of the college year, furnishing you prompt, accurate and complete reports of University events,. faculty and class notices, a bul- letin of the dates of athletic games, entertainments, etc-the ne0ws of your own and the other departmeints in such at manner as to enable you to keep psted regarding everything happening or pertaining to the University. There's no Contradiction to the fact that the U. of H, Daily is the only paper whieh can make you this oer. It has iso competitor. If you feel aiy interest in the Utnivrsity you will receive tiore than your noney's worth froms your sub- scription before the end of the football seasos. Grand Opera House. FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 1. Otis Skinner Dhrection oh.T.J. 1.Bicley, presenting his new and successul play, Villon, the Vagabond. Seat now on sale,- Mody, Oct Id4,'5, at I Oclock p. i., at wlatts' Jewery tore at 1.05 oe oxes, $1itt foe parquet ad 75c foe dress circle. NA G TrnErn0CATEER, Georges beiy and Boarding Barn Phone 14. Good Hacks and Livery 'mwn on hatd. Enure foe Gerges Bach. 94 and 941 E. Hill St., Ann Arbor.. Horses Boarded nd well cared or. Gentle Driving Hoesafor Ladies. ~ C n si SATE Tu r Call sn them for line Lunches, Fine Chocolates, and Baked Gloods. Try Or Lunches. 41. OF M." SCARF PINS 25 CTS. TO $3.50 -AT- jewsery tae 1'