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April 07, 1896 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1896-04-07

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VOL. V I. NO. 13 8.


OL.- I.M. -19 ANA 30? TICIIM_, I
Bi edse i vC eSt.etatw Julius Caesar Well Presented Pro ram3 of Mttsicll Clubs Ar- Atuetscans' Successttul lj Initial
1111 iNye bi iessee.thie ~as onLast igh-t. ried onte:°ts.
11 hae. e eued the aoi-ooy fer the ___________
D J " '17Q N One of tiee- meet phc:IS' tof 1h117; 't e p rp).ii Uth (111i. ettl~lv'('lie (li-itin :"al '1i111.14 j '<'liii i t
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tie i''veii'u'l tip'(ii' atettli 'I' se tilt')1't lii vei. cc'li
F n1 'l 'ttt titre itiiti>> f t (( itt-,' ' ' ' ( to et. 'UP I..iiil 'eu ile t 1111X'to 'ity

'ueienjoyeit ett.lty cc'ttt tti'tle le t;5.'ii12
hT'.e in1gle ic'L1ar artsof -tie o tI'i' ''ity iitu-
ttatWish uieito 1tt'fes uoS 1 cera ellviit..tiitto tillo titrlI I I
pomotihnt1 i) thatt I haitve by thti'" lc1ette'sarto rtit ip -
fair the fittest lin of J. II. Qillee, ''tuieutne(':i11
1 c"Y a i:~ B <timostctihtttt'tit lt ~tto :i'd v 't ie
______________________ tnet itf ('tietul' titvt eltot bieiie;It

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PA TvIRS T.eit11 f t e _.m :4 n t
1. t'Veloiandioi eiii u . ihlants

itt Antiatntie.t'i'tttdlc't'e, 0P : ilL' t'.0t1ii ii sin. 1 i i -n ie.iu O . 1'oi. 1_I( iiit vt1,11 13P~ a
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1 'io itt'iy i alznts taan $ too i ii ( 'ev l, eat.op' liii f 0-tul it i i tit'.t "'t"itniofii t' vi c . ' - t ' p'iri~te' at P )I)vi {'ti n d
plf yof5 lotiiwerto' tii 'iiitutct tueitii it' v 'it PAH; P P 'ei'tuls 'l. 0 3 it e'
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neil oiity irvet t Aiportee_-- tlt ii tut u 'iiir . Cri o i -i" _ o Oongh t~rs 1 up'fr ii. (hunt 1to flili trirt
+O j.W SHN T N S. ER M (. 1ii i-h iis t i to ot he Wilt.>y f . i t lr.;i i tiltiu ec _At aito fi ttt' iiuui i-t lii ite u e tro in
Calsrh ( andB asall, ai' e . nSe~ pa e t lia('1 mt liii 3 titi' -au--eit ------of t tit' ci t-1 tritri' teof . ttr1c5'ii:i 1ol 'ti ie.
T eL a ingT iloI thilfrp tin lttit tit utlsi' ti i)' ltee i it ut l ii uNuu1]t.tu.uA.ulAit.ttin' cist; .
a ~ lO~ttllldnu-ti tutti-it ev. irc e l it totD uti e rs.it - I,' iiieht tui ' elar iit f ' It)f i ii arit
tuaeidiuuuonlyiiy o fidug(uit-ecto X'LttIemporterl'nt'r Mou iiinttuthieutu' uc'tiftiiyli-AInA
hasnuitsteteteou.dhiss'entituustock ufe' iirN cn
Forg n - Irtti onity Woaol ansmr bti1ce nithee t uden ' tt ht: i 'ti lt CC''set glt iit'fel% 11t: on'iitiee l u ~--' '11)),5ft 1 -8irlt ilti-1-
I' o'wDessSons aSpal . it'iiio h u lbo h waswt uuuu'taketinPu . byio' ltti tt'u-i ute. 'i-ttioilstii i.(.'ilrtti
w'eu l uapeceutrtle 'i's ci't, elvn 11 Oftipi tug p:out i ts t t h ci ee vh PI if 21)Penu e ~ti.
Iltat abl tcaeul1r-jitlir, ~~lin~-t, uiThuo lul is uwinbpof On-oitea inl iis
W A R 1 O K T R S c' tllnel 1-1hat(n thetieluat te hl-f-itt-v. An oe trt luiex Sutunt p fl(.ls t- F . P As. u 'i ne-'l o te
Arbor u nieaie otxt-intt itc'uutoii 't'l teel'h o frcette Wetuqtei Illeiut 'iut 'u;'in t ouie (lie lieu i b ti'.hrilI)-
" u-Tos, teos owsby li ltteeeiitoirlriliiraoup' olnt- to ivn a iisolatlinuelt o oliips (it
Usi-eoroit1 Beot."stofe, Opposite.it1s11t iosse
heS.Stt S. N Ssi s ng th eepat ge icite. iaiy.ot inum nu l o ol ut l oe.) ilt

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