THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. MIGHIGANG ENTPAL + + + THE STOP.E . + + + Time Table (Revised) Mlarch 1, 1896. YOU ARE PRETTY sueobe pleasedrnihotrine f It ipialgs. Sonatndry e EAST. WEST. Jh ll 1Ajrstir leIe is is ,popnlarmontLN 106 I ilnpeae ouatevr P. M. A. M point, even the price. Oilher wheelsfocm S0b hr $90. aladE _--35 al___-__ N. Y. Special---. 5050 N. Y. Special.... 7 30& OO P Y Eastern Ex--10 12 N. S. LimIted.... 9 25 A. M. P. M. 56, 58 and 60 S. Xain St. Furniture. Atiantie Ex__117 0 P.acific Ex---12 15 0. N. Express.... 5 40 Western Ex -2 (0_____________________________________ G. R. Eapress __1105 Chil. Nt. Ex--- 1012 G.GiR Ex.7:1:1---5 571. OUR NIEW SPRING SALIPLES 0.__W.____________H.__W._HAYES, Wli rrnI irTe latrt yaidst asreilelea sowinAtns mpcbeore ut o d G. P. & T. Agt., Ch.iciago. Agt. Ann Arbor from $14 tool i iPanto ii err $4 to $12 buying sinnfr, ii osro N z s ._ S: F. J. Glen, The Stat e St. Tailor, 20 S. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR, MICH. Cmeen't R LR A .Death of a Well Known Alumnus, AT THlEtIRAND OtrEltA _HOUSE. Arrive Time 'Cable, ,an, 12, IS8S6. New, vwaire lvoi'5 a l 11 0]: t(ithe15 a-")lil f lii~li ri~sr~d 7:22 a. m. *7:40 a. nm. ol the sdtlilci i ( if Alber'tl lylthrl:liu ii bi' v givenr atithic (001:t1 (9icrat *12:20pin . 11:16 a. im. 111 1 i. .1.11h i o iSlli trr'1(1 io cy ccil ,1 4:15 p. m. 9:21 p.m, l£t nRet s -tka~ oH~ ens 1tt"laeelil i All trains daily except Sundray 010: ii'illa1illen1as5a111111 i-r hr fracli01T. (Order"ysuprorlorO ocel' l ll-i *0Trains run between Ant Arbor and Toledo li,:iiiirt "'i1e I'as-i Mail.." 1 s snl nl. R. S. GRiEENWPOOD, Age itlis 'Vorroily bitebill 111110 sitlfI . .with;1the ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST, RY. laow. inCliit.c cri:an1 it: :hlirtc:1 Ict sn:11 rrrralnic: 0,:f cM- 0 i~sti" if~Bo Time Table, Oct. 27, 1805. illri:lenllrowitlh on111:] 1 iil lIl li.riib, in (I tiir (xi,lii1 ill. IThe Leave Ypsilanti from Congess. t., 1:10, 8:45 wenit wi'es], tIc (:ilori:2:, 'sew lMexico si cc:li ~ili i iic f ~ O e~ H ue and 11:00 a. i.; 12:45, 2:25, 1:00, 6:45, 0:15 and I cv concleption andit l oliciy lnei- 10:45 p. im. cl (:ralifiirriailr iiis511chIi of hlth. tirio oe o 111tr 1](rsilci: ONE NIGHIT OILY Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 1:00,91:15 and lad"l«oka1l(0p:alra s Ie 11:30 a. in.; 1:15, 1:45, 1:40,71:15, 9:45 and 11:15' ;6 this cbairrg' of cliria iv11(1ii11 osi,itub ut (cin bc t tog :17 1,1 SUDYTPE.rl' i' osuvs 2ii(ftic(i]:ii liii, i](9(ie l tSATURDAY, APRIL 4TH, 96' Leave Ypsilanti from Congrcur st.i :30,3:30t, of a bug isear vcyage. ,ticoril!iigi Ir-pi ee of realii.the' Nlo \i.:.. iir 1. ills L iolnaJ. Garer' s GcandI Scenic 00, 0:30 and 0:0p. m. 0leProdutct~iir:ii iii n]Sit i on Leaye Ann Artor Juncticn 2:00,4'00,5:30, sii: iil l:'i::i' ii:' 1120] 51bli11 5i~lii"than a r rbO3'i ?T rT 7:~ and9:30 p. In. t" of t liritit'vb1,1. 1] i 1iil iTi HIS. RAST nz tM Ia.L/ ter raqon city time Fare: single trip 115vesel iarril e :uoS~i 2):ete)ti: ,11 esebon iinSl iyOt ue ta; round trip ticktsn25 cenits. o c iy.lI.' iere ci c a nlliiiul:'of, 10sorixif opeciarl scenery.FIlirhtlof rte WM. t. PARKERi, Supt lFlasi: f r: 1trii illt'efmlte cii ( it ot Slii. Ni:ragarr Fallbt y Mo::iicht with I'llul. IN-ile of the ~uast f linzil, nine; effecs tha coit'i'but tohmae oBoiin ' rcis ti 'riroiiriiwrking nii1t, an MSr. iliii vai9 Oil: iay 1lii he l ,r11'll' t'e lsrflirlir t s9:tct l No 9bat ibrt S.Law Stu-dents Take N otice. tbo-en e who expectut ftt RENTSCHLER, m ssllllictoitisSeresfornte Sirgisurnext Pitif. Woot~doiils0isoni of lnlrile fall alir litilesi'ti to r1pothu t]h ulSy Itito Sept. I 1i6'ltli1r1.itudrntso antd :FM0 'C R,.-n RT( ~ituIlis, near heI Slt' siu n evercyc'):prct:: :oi~no C 71ii ri serittlocue,aud- o tn lln~s econnletle the foltl«.n idress (P~ . O onhalottetsvillc, ai AN RO. S list of t::lltit:'erractirrg to hio tt Oc'ld1plabyers W-vil btoon:]Itoitlia10010 1 itenatiual 111:1 lh '.loc h sn(::nnr- incol. H-. 5. SENATERII (iptolill. Just tReceved a Large anid Elgn_ AIM fin ll-.Ilt'crnlioitin1ns w' lits- Niirpcrihe toeor the Daily. z r LineoOf qsw Pipes!qlic,{li staif tile Lausr;of Nat(ions;_________ Hot Lunches, Chocolates and I (', Letirco (l iltli'a(tion:1 Eon Bonn, 1aw;Lohrn, "ntlit~iilSlofttf 0117 ANN AIRMBORl R. B O LLY & 0 f. fN t Cy tiSiA-,rts G° ~ u ~Jl~f 201S. Slate St., Sager Bok t¢J aI0LI (iriOl -s-tui~ i: and 1 1 lo, 'Ilisltoh'y Of 1iglislr y ~TN ${T Law"tIl.intos, "Thit'Ciiciio I awlsv; M'if whe i1P hoto graph e r _y!oud~lI 00'dgsito i.4~1 16 'Washington Block. 1 a 1) lD M b"r,"Is ociy of t .tirelyw' irtt. ntOn° -o - - e . ____________________ 711Priet'toil1, itNo 23 S Fourth Ave. apcla "5t Tflffl 0 flf r~n m Land, 1 Lra1s.itP lis-l-eS'ni O81S1(t ______________________ The Only Sleeping Gar Line between To- I uu ~bU~STREET. f , "Coons'h~trcionaol History of nglnt, Call on them for ti lt NetetCharts"o; Sir M. Hnie, Fine Lunches, "Oistory of She Comonin wrs." Fine Chocolates, _ and Baked goods. '97 MASEBALLr NOTICE. Try Our Lunches. All gssnttidaites for '97 basebal beam 101101t. 011the031111u05 i~t 4 o'cltock COTRELL & LEONARD, esveryaftrnoon for rac1 tie. Albany. N. Y~ The bent line of (Offie Furniture to Makers of be found ji She city atItattos's Fur- niture SItr,,, Ito11 Top Desks, Tilting "iairs, Itevolving Cases, etc., all go- 0UV IInlg nt reduced Ilcdt500 Nows othe uuru~ chonce for students intending to fit for Yale '9,hlarvard up offices, 96, Princeton '96 and we add with pleasure Michigan '96 Subscribe for the Dally. 2d Semester. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING Opposite LAW building. TERMS $3 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. THE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROPERTY. Wholesale Cigars, Tobaccos and Cigaretter HANGTERFR CATERER, HANOSTRFEashig Leoe and Columbus. The Only Sleeping or Drawning Room Car Line between Tsledo, Columbus and Mlarietta. The Only Drawing Seem Cur Line between Toledos, Columbus andi Charleston, W. IVa. Pullman Sleepers between Clolumbus and Chicago. THlE ONLY LINE wit 4raineeehway dailyr betwreen Toledo and Columbues. THE ONLY LINKi wih 8irains each wayon! SundasetelenuToledo and IColumbus. THE ONLY LINE with 5 trainseach wnp duily botweenoledo, Bowling Green and Findlay. TinE ONLY LINR with 2 trains eacheray daily between Toledo and Charleson, WVa, THE ONLY DIRECT LINE between Toledo and the Virginims. THE POPULAR LINE betweeo~eo, Pinto. run, lBucyrus, Granviled Newrark. Fell iaformioin relative eo ratese, time ed traisetc0., will bhoceerfulliyfureshedhy ay Agent of the 0h1o OentralLines. MOULTON HOU0K, 0. P. A. TOLEDO, OHIO