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April 04, 1896 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1896-04-04

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rujRIAY, AP~RIL 4, 1696. Fouiz PA( r- I CNTiS.


1i? BIC CLE Musical Clubs \orking hI-ard in
+l We desireto nv.tic e o'that we 'i
1)00 i vcIt 01 nsthse Loon, We1 P reparation for SprinG Trip.
'1 hav secrethet agency for' tohe______
14 ht w httl5.,nude price $100. NWi Idp1 l (xe tO 11 t ' i° wet l''l 111)is b t
itt retain the agency for the 1§
A~ thatt 'xctilent twheel, whichthst lttto ttitt'hithart] anti itithlttnly uponit
11it le 1ue. It, ith et; valuet'at $51I41
441 d ttt 100 3"))) 'ot lfind] We X1:_0 4 Oi teident. frttmt the tttttltiii'i' 11)«0 ii
j telltste QLII1-'PER ita( t' I
1I tO lttdo $) e i n e ouIt fi i l icy ter e t e it ariuuot ltti'i'tut.
Nl i ..lk. formst, cash ti sv tt it eet i'h iti t.
09 THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO. ilia1tave bovil told tdatly 't1)(t i 'rilllits'!
S.44 s. AIN S'r. 't'. I t. 1)111 1)1 lte pt wto til] b';
Club ito (,, xv I f irn " 'leeocok
wort mor tha a cl tta itli' ithe eveingeee'O, I lyisali
n aistdveiseet i, said to andaIt t-rtu"t1dtlPI' th'e til~ 0
'i 1lt)) m o retht I hare by t'Ni.li'i'. _itt club h tls O ii p l iito'
Our V. of MI.one ofial llr be*; t ii' (;it'' 1 new
gD N R SI E , 't i tlm l I it it.t'.u .'i tnti'1i'li1." '5
vorrmindTis t'lno hat I hv y Aoii ,); .AAanz 'g I.

It. L"lllLtlil, 139. , )
Ilan; ;ti-I;. S. C'odbiirll, S)ia, C. F.
leinlr.t.uei', '9<.). I . I ..Iullc ; '( ). First Presentation of the Play
'Tonday :veniII,;.
AN". '1h t 'el', ':)ti L. II. T. (zi: sltirold, '99,
W. J. ()'Brl eil. A. II. stolieillan, The la,,. :t rellenr'sa'.s of 1111111; -.%v-' lr
97. + , .°hr ton -llt allot They
:tI<1ncIo+'in5-It. D. I « n:;. ':)(, .J. nail', Jl: ill c:os-tilille. Ill iJI-is recipe 't
'0; L. everv effort lull, Ileeil nl ld(e to nuke
_llftll E: Mil 01111)---It. 1). Ewing -90. Ill,, 1)1al eolllplete evell to the 411ltiliest
leird.ea' (let"Id. The lie-st cos" 1nler in Detroit-.
F-1r: t. Mandolin-ii.. D. «-,llo ha"s repeatedly film°_silI(:I eos-
> .
tllnlc :, for this play ill 01,1,11' T Al is
.1. C. Blair, '91' D, F. llul er, '01). of f'he crlitrltl , -, will jw ltere in person
Kovoncl, Jia.ildoliil-III. A. Cote. '96. fa Gtlllerlntelld ill's fe'.1till'e of tho
L. It Ila-nill]_eii. P. 'S. Cum- xrolk. For the folly-ti , stildr nts n"Ila
hill ,, I., E'. B. Jones, '99. will appear ill the p;'ar, se; ollty
('elo--W. C. Bo)"tltca, '99. tilnle:; 11-411 b- requir"(1. -Mr. Weitzel,
Flute-G. A. (ac sJ*, ';)ti Al. direc hm. of ille Detroit Omiledy ('1111).
i Ol:luclo:a-.J. :1. I.a alle, "It') .11. and trho 1161s h ?c a the sllt t i it e J<l 'il
Cli it l1'.; ('. II. JIoa'r;e, Jr., P G" ZA'. Iil -the stoge Illls llk ,,. will 11.1v e cll:itl-f;e
AV. Thayer. >t, L. 11. T. GI ;siw'fllcl, of the 81114-e ftfir file erc u:u . I'Izc>
NV. .I. O'BiJcii, "!S. A. II. Sioa ma.ii, pliblic pray 1w ass;lred. tll:lt w1tll hiss.
':)1, C. F. Stei1113:mer. ")'). e\tellsi1'e £ Xlle'riellco ill silt.'I1
1'I ho dllb-s will g".ve a t'Jllt','i''t ill ,
tic to dioll ittcl rllnfi illl-
.Jack. oll oil April i, alid they on nloA- .1.11x0 vllr lwrfoYnl:lwl es trill
iea.re for the wes't Melt A llo dolle n"ith.

cn tl 'e '1)11 tr~ry if tet' lp NNill P.'
piitlti It'l t 'vcok.
A German Club,
( t ' ll iti('1d) 1i'=l .il t?] I l(/t '1 int
too ((itru~;, 'll it ':?tt Iii I 'r~t~l
' 0 1s o e l. lit Ia ° ,: li i att)
i Sg i i' . it tilt . it . . K'' . p-'i
wcro l( c~vd: lr~sl~cill. I t ';. tt
t:;rt te 1 ~c _ll .' I . t :, i ,,c ' . ::1r1 iii
till 1tor.1 0' r iy is itt i l lt' '1.it
Eastr 'Thtenme Recital.
I At, .):1.il 11(11

''1't .it,.,.>t it; i litl tt sott t.-
he i t I ,d ti o, tti li ' 1111tsi' ti itoo
tt tovI1tl a iiItti 11s1 I.-ei'tt'tlwboi'
tsotswel i li.Minl''t'ove.- memberi tc'
1(i tie t I I)t liii' W11)01 1'. . . '
% i1(1 1eo111 t ; i k'' 1It 11lo(1 h.it

toid oiniy direct fImporter in titoCity5, ft'w '. ' tti.1 H 1t It' ill S 13tt l11fn
1tax3jjast receiv.edi his tettire sstacikof 1
1oreigi;nuaid )ometice Wooiens for 11irtcif ( 11xos ilt Iii) ' iit (ii f
Spring ad Saimner 'hil t c'!11);tt i lt~u c ti 111 'i tio ttt.in t I1'.
!N, 2E. WASHINGTON S.NERMAN i o +t' i ]it' ntttp' p' i
Fuil Dross Suits a Specialty. I I.. ll/ ltio;:
F.____R.______ i ltdt ot, '.0i i 1{E1
Unv R.1y yD.sarf St titt iriio ii. A titSt 1-'.1'iii.11i-:
WH oT w oncSale. 10'neli .
X 'T 'T tIli't]; l)Iti E.il.a. Wr . 'I. l. .
P h~~~~i, t s .~~~ Zfebi ii'. ,1. .1 l i:l .
flitTannon Tote i ut 'lit-it D.Ewip','lii. i'.tlt'
i e rs tPyspl on poAics tart IFos 1 ine suo}lTtri e-it. A. ('ititi {imi .o. f'li,

I ~ f l t 'yt'3'.'),)i' 0 t ( i i it' I Itt11i 0 tf1 i r-, 0 '1tI
Homeopathic Banqauet.
sl_]] tt io'ali tss a~tli o , tnin't't Stir, 'I' t'f1111h aw tl- 11.1
t3'r0 I'1I'fl' liiil' 10111(l atd 'll'tl'ti't(li1t st
ittrnit. itt nd tilt -i

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