THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. DO YOU INTEND Great Hat and Sock Sale !lClosiug Out TO GETA Suit o i of Pants' FOZR.EASTER? Jos. W . Kollauf, Merchant Tailor, NWill gixve you Perfct S ttisf action Prices hoeisonable. 10 E. Washington St. Gibson & lark, PHOTOGRAPH ERS, 12 W. H URFON ST. All Spring Styles $3.00; Stiff and Fedora Hats $1.98. Black and Tan Socks, worth 25c, now 2 pair for 25c. Now is the time to secure a new Hat for Easter and before going home for vacation. HATTERS AND FINE FURNISHERS, No. 9 5. Main St. JUST OUT! Ilel Cran dall ~C F rifers 1. 1. y5C5AODALL MACHOrE Co., c' OTOtiA i We have left a fair stock of all sorts of WhhRITING TABLETS wihcan be closed out as follows: MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C GOOD RULEDOTABLETS, 100 PP. 3FOR IOC G00D WRITING TABLET, - BC CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C REST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. This stock will nut he replaced. Come quick for first choice. Argus Printing House. i DO YOU EAT NUTS? 0. H. KEYES. OPERA HOUSE JEWELER Fancy Mixed Nuts _. Fancy Mixed Nuts l 1c per pound - -l1 lbs for $1 GSpalig & Bros, "ThetName Is a Gear- atee" tos, the article u)aig it is the best raoduced. Uniforms adCustlics of etvery desocrption cur lIbsen- " bali,'trennis- olfr. = Sentd for hattdsome ;x... - Ilusotrated Catalogue. TheAneoerfec~tions- Spalding Bicycle FOR 1896. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., Ne York. Chicasgo, Phlaidelphia. Largest Manufacturers ot uicycles ad Ath- letic Goods in theworld. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARMOR. Organized 1isl. Capital, $i00,000. Srplas and Prefito,$8,000 Transacts a coneal basking business. FI arolga exchanges bought ad said. Farnish tetters of credit. P. MACH Pros. S. W. CLARKSON. Gashier. THE ANN ARDOR SAVINGS BANK Gapital Stock, &.0,000. Surplas,$1i50,000. Rstouorces, $1,t00,000. Oresasited ander the General Masking Laws af ths State. Receives deposits, bays ad soils exchageoan the principal cities af the United States. iDraftscashed spas proper identification. Safety deoasit bases ta reaL. OFrcz.: Ghristian Macis Pros.; W. 0. Hlarrimoan, Vice-Pros.; Ghas 00. Hiscoch, Gashior: M0. J. Felts Assistant Gashier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TU'"TLE' S, 48 S. State St. One-Quarter off on all GYMifl S3'U ITS M.,TILRSCycle Er p rivm 11 W. Wsshington S$t. "Fancy Virginia Peanuts Fancy Virginia Peanutl 44 South Main Street. S-- -- -- --- -- -- --- - -10c per pound The finest iii the city. Come sod see ---------------------------------------- ---------12 lbs for $1 DEAN & CO MFANY. MOORE & WETMORE 3~6 S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST,, UNIVERSITY NOTES. I'lioesdtatv a coinitli'tee of liircue, I OeScocs. itulut, .ar ilitin anitoH 'hp- Tu''e saciior sotil 111i.s bcti ttloihuell Ia~nwas apioiiiltt dto iletililln.i ii utu lTitrsodat A pril). fa'itl toiiso ra- t' lilt' wilt htI Ti'iic WebiQlcc Mocicly wiilhld ia I ts pritigvacation will tigin one daly opo.itis tileug1' ridlay' nichE in lnt-110 'arllrt' hia annlouncedl. laW lectuic, roai. Th ere wil be a, thecillg of lte ca AEDR of '99 al lt1e lilicoilatill'alilitlltd- 'ii., April )2 p . L, ANwelre hail tell this .aferloin at 4 o'clock. -Aanttal mecling of j,'. of ll. Daily The 'EMS D)atndi'95 1, classts eamis Pubbiniig Asosociatioti. xwii ll ply- tlilacilie Cgliiion the Fri., Ap l 3,08it. In.-Alexanile :3. Dow, of Detroit, before igitlneeritig camtot ills lf~riliol aSociety, 010 "Elan of City Electic 4t a iietlilig; of the '16 P cubI~s, :l'. (C. Ig,-t Plant." tlliock wax teltedI lmana~ger candtl SMl.. April 4, 1 p. in.,Chiap-l---An- J. 11. Ailies, captain of thieir basibllt toal election of the Athletic Aoosocia- club. llou. At liii Easiow service of the Youttig Mat., April 4, 3:30 p. to., Athletic Olcno Miliay ~s-clitg Cnit Ficiit-Miciligan vs. MichigHan Agr- cutltural College. Sundlay et"etiltg Gealdl IBrownil i Sat.. April 4, 8 p. in.,CUniv-ersity CORNER OF WILLIAM, UNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS! . For the Second Semester, New ad Second-Hand which they otfer At the Lowest Prices. STRICTLY A SCHOOL OF DANCING You eas jots oar elasses row, ar at any titeotnvessnienta to youself, the torm starting alhos yoa da. Offico asd Academy 0 Maysard ot. EASTER CANDIES!' 00 coarse you will osant Ia Sacebob,$ ofot Is t'able ak ,ndies r - # apss you peter LPwesry's. Wet hase btsameprc,6ceta $ pouttd. PALMER'S PHARIMACY.0 $ Wies yoo want a ihackt and wast it til andsdr, otte in oand 'phone lmses' Ltvery. sling. Work in t law dela:lranleiit viii he glria n taturtday itt otxiloth Iat tie depailtinttiiay adjiourn the Thiuir- (lay bsefore- sprinig vacalion. A cotilioittei' of the '98 L chas0001 yesleitl-.ty aficrnloon.ll n~int ade ar- rangeulents fosr t ecollecttion 'of thte claos taixvotetd for thei'clrass hasettall teami. P'residlent luigtial, IC . C. tindttey iand liii'ftulltdelegationi feoi the I iii- vieisity teipulicana Club left for ('lil- t-ago yeaietacy tottirttnl th X e inig of te Anieietii Iettlb]Lcala College Lfeigte. Henity El, Walker, '93, heas rtecently been axarded the Seminary Fellow- flsh iO yth le faculty of the Anlaover Thootagicat Scminar3', This lasnotr entitles. him10tovo, years :staudy in Germany. Alexanuder Dow, city cecticta1n of Detroit, wvIllt adress the Engineerig Society Friday evening oitt8 o'clock at tile physical Laboratory oan the sub- ject, "Stigestlons for time Plan of itn Tleclfic Plant for Cities or Villages," Al "a.ineefinir of the senitor law elass tlatt--tectureo en "EasoloitiaM'yof Oberantiergaua," by E-tex', J. J. Lewis; beneftli of Women's Gymnasiumt. Ilan., April f.-Prcscnlation of "Jtil- itts Caesar" in Gratid Opera House, under direction of Prof. Trueblood. 'Tirs., April 9-'t)6 social at irang- Thurs., Apir. -Piteulty concert att SPECIAL. Frieze Menmorial Hal. Sat., Apr. 11-Spring recess begins, l tETAS & SCiHANZ sell Salts and Pants - .1-fat prices to salt everybtody; ore also do Dr-. W. B. linsdate, dean of thie reptairisg, cleanittg and pressing, Work called farad deflvered. Mo. 48aS. State at.,, HlRotoabllthic Departtmeit of tie TLii; econd floor. versity, lias aken roomns atO 5)E. HuniM. MARTIN, Funerat lDiretor, Cloth st., wvhere lie can be seen professionl- 0. and Metallic Gaskets and Fine Grade Cotiss. Embalming a Spocialty. No. 17'S. 1y frito 1 to 4 p. in. antd at 7 in te 'ourth ave. evenhg. ITOF 13. SHAVING PARLOR and Math- Whr.oprhs inod is a U. rooms. All appointments first elass Wluvl eto pir'hasetliulons i a Imported and domestic closes. Ladies' artiS- question -aworthly of consileraltion. tic htair dressing and bottling parlors. J. E. MleSsrs. Wright, Kay & Co., of Detroit, Talawk S tt i woith a n unkxttished repttionawit111711HEN0YOU WtANT your clothtes ceaeend, Vpressed, rrlinoed or rebound go to Mrs. an experlence of 24 years in thesi ne Fingerte, ever Shteehtan's book store. Lab- localbion, iviilE the advaitage of capital oaoyarn aet re suifllcienk, to enable, thtetm to obbt tin their goods. at the lowvest poz-bhe igcs and -ith a otoek of nintaed itnt -.ninounted goods sufficient in qoaility and quttity to satlsfy the most clinical, shauld at heast b ne- Viewed 0 01 itny seleetion is ma de. P 1 They are the only do.ahers in the s tate 1JDJ wito inmport thleir goods directly from AcOL R the gmdt dinnod ma.rkets of Amster-- ' dam, Pmris and Lendon.