THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. DO YOU INTE TO GET A Squit or Pair of I 702t EA.STE1 Jos. W. KOib Merchant Tailor, Will ive you Perfect S Itisi Prices Resoable. 10 E. Washington Gibson & Cla PHOTOGRAPH ERS, 12 W. HURON pA G Spalding produced. U ad Suppliese description fa 1 baliTenis,. ..S? Sed for h Illstraedl Cat Te Aine of Prfetin- THR Spalding Bicy FOR 1896. A. G. SPALDING & B: New York, Chiag, Philade Largest Manuaturers of Biyles a lelicGoods in the wrld. FIRST NATIONAL Bj 0O' ANN ARBOR Organized 183. Capital, 5110,00. Surplus and Profits a Transats a genral banklng bi Fo'reign ehangeesboght and sld.I betters of redit. P. BACH Prs . . C. LARSON. C THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS fapltal Stok, ,0,000. Srpla, 515 Resources, $1,10,000, -organzed nderthe General Bankn ofatis State. Reeies deposits, bn srellsehange on the principal cities United States. Drats ceshed pn hdentfiatio. Safety deposit bosent Orrecxn: Christian Mack Pre.; Hfarriman, Vice-Pres. Chas E. H cahier: M. J.Fritz Asitant Cahie iowney's Chocola Hot Lunches. 'TUTTLE'S. 48 S. Stat 14 SOne-Quarter Off on a]: SGYM SUIT M STA[8LEIIS Ele Epri 11 W. Washington St. ND Parits faction L St. irk , STr Gureat Hat and Sock Sale!I Closing Out All Spring Styles $3.00; Stiff and Fedora Hats $1.98. We have left a fair stock of Black and. Tan Socks, worth 25c, now 2 pair for 25c. all serts of Now is the time to secure a new Hat for Easter and --WRITING TABLETS before going home for vacation,.hc a ecoe tta D.A I K R & SON, MAMH 0 PAGE TABLET, 5C HATTERS AND FINE FURNISHERS. No. 9 5. Main St. GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR IOC GOOD WRITING TABLET, - BC JUSTOUT!CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C L 1Q1 IfZI BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C U~ive~rsal Crandall tCpewrilers Ino.s ; WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE DRILB, ot si - 0ens Wne vweeeStnd t o rsiICaaegs This stock will not he replaced. - y, CRANDALL MACHINE CO., GROTO0,1. Ll.q Come quick for first choice. - ,,,-s-. so. Argus Printing House. DO YOU EATIN NUTS? 0. H. KEYIES. Fancy Mixed Nuts ---------------------------l0operpound OPERA HOUSE JEWVVELER Fancy Mixed Nuts--------------------llbs for$1 PINS:-U. ofM., A. A. H.S. Francy Virginia Peanuts .iuc per'pound 1" ... ,, -. . , ,.5 SC -. , ntl aest in the citY. oacanzsera Br1oss Fancy Virginia Peanuts------------12 lbs for $1 reoi ie aricle DEAN &z C0tvIFANY. MOORE & WETMORE thr best 44 South Main Street. of evry Mss6 S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST,, Glf.Jtoi iwake INA. CORNER OF WILLIAM, I~lge T'-e M~ilwaukee Sentiiiel sayr: 'M is-i us, Orl 1 Uiain hrh AVE A COMPLTEnSTOCK Or Cii lite afe, lalniet, of Ann AibJIi-, Rev. Jasmes Kay Applebece, o "John fh.madhefitMlukep-Wsy" UNIVERSITY- TEXT _ BOOKS! on Moiiade lice e Mis tio ilt es c le .1,1p.i. Oi l pi . -n- i ollyeellg iIl ri. a-d 1 .11.flll~'-For the Second Semester, ~ I.eiii, assi (;el by Mocss-s. laffi-e ui, o r~ilct~ fGo New and Second-Hand t~ovciniiient Club. and Beyter, vislililot aid aiolouceilisl. 'Tes dayy, i :3i1I, Laws- ttcure which they offer s ROS., fTie ltritgtilii consisted of (Salt-s Riooi, 7:.30 p. itt.-Coolest for oo'niexr At the Lowest Prices. .!phla. soiliti .iii D miinort foi- Itianofovle atoolabw et'1ii55 tr. Atlilson frte. ___________________________ bd Ath- violil, ;olltiirk's Sute ic n IE fiat fir ri.,Aplt3',8 2 p. III., New-barry Ha ll _ the sate in sislrtils, slill Mendeol,., - ilil tliseeio of 11. of t. Daily STRICTLY A SCHOOL OF DANCING sontilini's Trio in D iiinor. Miss luff oPtuliliiig Aseocialiion. --~-G R i totteh, a awi-ll es-elupedltechiniqutinald itlal rielcioia of tile Athletic Associa- tttsi~Atce h' sr ~-ieitoll. You ran join our classes rote or a inm le~cl tiwte. Hr wrk wth he ny time conveniest to yourselfSloe ',0$0,000 sliling ,i liatise-nl vias s e atd Sat., April 4, 1:30 pint., Atletie term starting when you do. Ofice and Furnish li'eiilotiiSel iiPortl -Fil-igiis.Mcian At.I. - Ac'adray 0 Maynard st. ceived in oeelleatiiint-x~rtaltiol." cultural College. Dr.4I-'itucild asw llliliielcO thle Frieze Memorial IHall.,$EASTER $ADIS BANK g)cosiu ti saeRnns, o>at MTHMtiS o onCNDE BANKr-ynna~iumthi -Nveh.lIAHEIA'1IGS"Of oure you will aunts+ fine box ,000. AliP etIniihllitlii for tile remos-at of of -lo'm icaigoa4tundira. l'cr- '107 INAILinroYt'+titnlny ilD.ODS have both, same price, 600cents a nLawn The a uui s-eit.,. 'i idoioitinelltiU.ii mOfrliti.hpn oun pefrd.wny. j~ ys and .niii s--sa, fth T f lI.ailes- leldon iiSaltrthty.Astril 4fiul. d pop ter ildtelondeait Ao..i.0-mi, lthe pttblishi-Itosoiii1t. ARTIII7c (S. StALL. P~ALM~ERS PHARM,,.A..e,.. ts rent. coos of the U. of Mt. Daily, wille Itoe ouwn ahckadwati W.Dhlditt riiduy, Apsil 3. a:1 2 lt. in. in IO TICE. Wile ndyourwantcameackand wphotni lStock, psi:Holesie at nad'hn r, Newsberi-y 11.111 for the purposof All members of thie'li L and Deontal nisn iey electig li Iho Ettlirit Boaa-d forthe rlahy teamls 1must ri tr t atthe (Gyin- f* - tes. next coll - ay ur~x. All ipall-tup so-na-lasillinat 8 p. ini. 'autrdays' Oseliilt sciilseist to the Daily are lilolobela of Marchl 28, ass Ithe champtionsip of the SPECIAL. the associattioei slid lare entitled to tUniversity will be r-un elf. f.A lt) apItutilk TVETAS & SCuIANE sell Suits and Pants vote t 1.1A.metieg.tlOeoll1iligat priesa ha suit everybody; we also da am nlmeixt o te onattitltionwil berepairing, eleaning and presing. Work eSt. Onnadno t h olttniOwl e front suite,$2.50. Ono single cle for. and deivered. No. do S. State at.,. Change Sect!ionx 1 of Article t. tOom 5cns unc et ih nd batha.201 5. Ingalls at. :L36d O M MARTIN, Fueral IDirector, Ctoth - read: "Tis e oiititlltioO liiy be _____and_____Metallic tasketis and Fine Grade Ib-luWnted-Ahnstlinig steward for Collins. Embalming a Specilty. No. 17 S. am miodit ansiy genierall meetiang ofb Fourth ave. the aussacialtiona by a thirocforths vile+ board and rooms. 81 S. Main st. SAiGPRO idl~ Iofaol tie nieiibers presc~ilt; providedo Where to puirchase diamnonds is a U rOom.Alppointments ifeshclass. * Imported asnd doesmtiecussers. Ladle' socis- bi~at aiy iyoiedneilt propsosedl shll qnstio-n waorhy of ecinsiolerhatioi ic Geheir dressing adbtigpros .k have bepulsed .in att locust 0n 08s Mesn Wright, Katy & Co., of Detroit, - - ano s30S. 5Mate st. isue of t1)oe Deity." sasifth an utinised reputatlon. witli IA7iEN YOU WANT your clothes ciesend, r ~peased, rerlined or rohound go to Mrs. G.B IRI(\ nu pxineof2 or n hSieFingeri rovrShrehan's hook store. Lab- E dit-tsin-Chief. foin, sci-h tine advantage of crapitol oratory aprons made to order Reparineiauiring o serils s lne nifiliot ostablrthmgt is done eatalasffie, tentn toue Soreatio(ittctedthirooadiiath toow obtain4bl prc.1nl arx~e woke tloem, and avith -a sleek of mounted ' emlyd{ldalnvr ~ocnec tiI uninonltedl goods oufient ill rlaeailal aob ua 9ne "+l stllsting _________ Wokoeli ln0tte anquittyt a "tsfyth A U Clo iiiCoa., Detroit, awill be alt tile They ace ealy dealoiMs In the elate N AEW f Cook house Wednesday, Apit 1, to fit ywho, impart their gaoods directly from l ~ L A to 8 p. in. 152 d1ami, Pa rts anel London.