THIE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. XJGHGANGTR!L You Can Pay More Money'TT-A ETi. PblW(Evisd:arc 1 M For a Bicycle but you can't buy a better wheel than the PAS. WSSIM. I Malland Ea-1-350 Mall 8 38- ______ N. Y. Speial.__. 500 N.Y. Special 730 I -~,,c j Euastern Es---10 12 N. S. Limited__ 9 25OsS ' 1 Atlantic Es-71_ r 0 Pacific Ex---12 15 OH & O PA Y D. N. Expreee.__. 5 40 Western Es--2 00. 56, 58 and 60 S. 2Mai St. Furniture. 05. R. Express .11 05 Chi. Nt. Es ---10 U ______________________________________ 0. W. Rosoc(ies, H. W. RAYrs, ® . G SAMPm o d .md G. P.&8,T. Agt., Chicago. Agi. Ann Arbor O R N W S ~ N A P E lasesariiecd. The largest snd firesnt assortment ever shown in Ain Arbor. Sits frois 014 to :5.Pints fism4to ito02. W~Se know thaitwe cain pleaseonau d 'twill please yeats loots at our samples befsre 1 . ;1buying sa cmnglasrnishiins. F. J. Glen, The State St. Tailor, Commencing to - ~20 S. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR, MICH. Arv " RAILROAD. Arv Time Table, flan. 12, 1896. Schools in Classic Lands. ! bore, insocriptionis, rslnology, etc. NORiTH. SOUTH. All thes iools el r' iskpeiidsst, ror 7:22 a. m. *7:40a, m. There are now tisrese Aimeica *12:20 p. im. 11si6a. m. F IheW ilsprt 1u1on)3thissgillrs (SrAisss'r- Al-o 4:15 p.m.n, 1:21 p. a o.os 014in ebsusoic lantds, kloisg ask- isosiss. TIhe Frensllinsd (2slrnissn All trains rdaily exceit nbtenSunday R irnsrnknenAror and Toledo yskllksige of 0-los ni iel o ,ntki s sioosoasresuppiiorted. by3tkivir G oerni- only. R. .GREENWOOD, Agent ties for insdependsent ose exr:-hnl iinbIsS lts. W. H. BENNETT 0. P. A. Toledo 0. suyteti ne skrnii es, Js ecsei h udls s o- ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. -""s thebloUnks-sosity of Peisisylvaii.i ti-es abetLoce (lOV'i,11a se slioui ahigonBok ('onii'. tOie is at Athens, ths~e o~ishein tkiss city, at 01ad1k-ts Furistiure Soise. Wahn tnB ck Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. two at kisisse. Tieheelrto s nowin its Swisls Ltms~eolPaperC for office' tse. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress s45, 9::1Ss5 _nd_____a___nd and 11:00 a. m.; 11:45, 2:15,0:00, 0:45, 915ad s :0 tt ecade. andtO'too.lone 00sle 2d ,%)e m e er. 10:45p.mi. Snmnser Las t relsiss, Posesf Virginia Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:40,9:15 and very ssieesosfsil wssr"1: in tieoily of July 01ess Sep. 1 l:. ).', i stadossle aud NVEST V lfIf ( lWIIt Et 11:30 a. in.; 1:15, 2:45, 5:30, 7:15, 9:45 and 11:0 n bi iiioicitis f tts ra555 ci-ti sssra. itlsyeass. Fosrscatatogue' act UIVR ITY CBSHOL ( UI AUU p. m. i fnl nv ittoso lslcali- dress 1P.0o. Chlotstsville, V.i: SUNDAY TIME. quts.FroelRf o silets . C. MINORt, Secretary. Opposite LAW building., LaeYslnifo oge s.1033,:0,06:0and 9:00 ). m. oirectossi of lprof es,forostos varitlos-- E O H T FTEY Leave Ann Arbor Jnctin 2:0,4:00,:05,0ad93 .m An iSs~ :oly~swowr l-tOtCr unct ieFr:snl ri 5D ntP tt eL S A fentsround trip tics2,5 c npts. yeaorly. But 1now it 1t5 under the lt Dot-Wt.PFt theKERD /nr' iinnsoelt distiloi o f Dr. k otrils VsWalde STUDENTS 1 i na7souiTfClniii is Ladies Off Thursday, April 2nd, "' you want seed rliable life innurance call school liai - b roult to light lbss trots- on F'red T lcOnsher, office No. eo 1 hi k-itl.ofIes, i r WIs Ahen they try to sell wiill be illy last dlay in this city.. Flourth :ave. oe o ~etml fle~,na ._. city of 'Argos, andin Insl in th111- ),oil Sotda Water tickets. I ostively no longer. Bicycl e Repai ring, near foltnis. toexenwvati- Olie slt' TheyMlrte t.)octtDe i)) ot ancient dUrntll, u-hitch rlght Io osl h eiii ftheeGreehe n::, rne edft ium, Bicycles Enameled and all kinds Goweroi:sit ha1s10gt-ledit. Sprng4etes.e sleento h sdaughter, We are golig tomnalee bosrn witls voe islikiss of machine work. TAt lRsonethere is:1 oh ol ~of air1lsi 1I Qremsark-slblegift of see- otut-Sosloa Wantero' good(1aeid sr1ht. still sead H- U NTEFZ $BROS.. tscturln-o. st-ii lnow too itssoosid tiot O'llO yourilweoliwhoil lste lifeofkoo that " b n ser-, :is.tsons rid on No. 9 East iLiberrtySn. s-oar. A claisic~al sclio)ol wao ish- -s ., . neonIsisr, tlisfbs!- uip ytior tiiets )oulill nioris, llovie and lishl eeso-joist laist Ociober sindt to - o'eriyagesstells tth RETCLE, oerseeditog very well. Itis uneoiIr Ot:'e tttk)1,1,1=sse; aso.tells yea: + t Flashy danys assid los- Fn T~t A n E1carte 4' irefeKlsosles, of t'lis-gs, - tionsand 'ivn nasmes. It i, ,wl-nw fik'i.l Ob an 'lotiiilal.iof k'rines-sos. Its factk Oatonl y a seventh dslngs~u-te. bo~iniswitli flAIILIC esl sass pneictsysnrennus . l.:to tfpil ANN ARBOR. MICH. oi i CAsllb~f7pi sy~ SLKIII) ' PHARiMAUY ® iilossneie i ly. llotoosaio.:s0 c I___________________ --s 'Oshos.ild .010Lockcharm fr eee Is all hisngoo-a foll readinig. Just Received a Large and Elegant '1lls i'oisse's lnumbiter of the I,. 01 Private Parlors at Unity Block, N. Lime of New Pipe2!Y l1. Daoiily will -isoist of twelv-e polgs. Fl'fthi ave. Walk up stairs. Room 8. s d; Tf' P, d. l -- rrt di ,e. >t r rr 1! Cc lk i. ~'Hot Lunches, Chocolates and Bon Bons. R. E.,JOLLY & CO. 2tS. State St., Sager Blosh. RANDALL Photographer 15 Washington ]$lock. lOO & 0 26h S. STATE Call on thenm for Fine Lunchen, Fine Chocolates, and Baked Goods. Try Our Lunches. COTRLL& LEONARD, Albany. N. Y., Makers of CaszO for Yale'196,Harvard '65, Princeton '96 and we add wfthx pleasure Michigan '98 The Womnens nuimbher of hs U. of AST. Dailly will cansist of twolve pags. The niober to be lskkOd on sale swill be linoikced 0o 1,101) copis and, jtulg- ing froon thse- demsantl for ltme pre'liml- inary nlumbier iosuesl on Masrlm 2, this edition. Nwillbe lexhauistedl in l i sooit lime ssnubtis'o Is:' lCd 010 s0115'-sill tie litoilked to 1.100 Copisi, and01, jotg- loop fono the lel'llll fo~r tine pretSiml- inarsy ntullsm'er Pssued000 itlorchi 2, 'thlo s'idton iwill be exilsasll's in a short klooe. Itt-llSi'ollill aob'nallat ssk h etls as coloy at this Daftly office,wood lkk the follotwinig stores: (Arsoipse-Whtr (bouls stores), Slheoioa & CIa., Moore & lVet- ilore, S~te att.;-Meye'r's lnews slmul.' iThle t111me1's hnumblsleof tile lhhder wvill bes oisoall' abott April 7. Thse toumenos nmboer of the U. of' i11. Doelly twill conoIst. of luses S1:).teK Thse numlhber to be lacedo St onsaols will be linmited to 1,100 toiets, ands, jutlp- lug from stim emciandt for theIspreim- inl yl' lsnillsor issu~ed 5511larsch2, tlnis editioinNwill lbs exhoautskolin aot obor THE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS MONEY TO LO)AN ON PERSONAL I'R~t'OETY. Whole nale Cigars, Tobaccos and Cgarettes This space is reserved for the Grand Opera House. r ASERGIFTS. Perhaps a "iYof M0." spoon or pin? A handsome line of suitable novelties.. W ARNOLD'S JEWEL~i' STORE. IIA1IflCTrnr CATERER, flRI~L~)I~n 201 I. Wanhing-. tinge, It awilibe obhk:bl sbi'ad hess -cents thioe. Ittwill 1be' 0tha!icale iSt fiwe cons a copy at the Daily office, anid at the a copey at tile Daily office, and 00 this followtng stores: Gleorge. Walir (balls followving stores: George Walin tboth stores), Sheehan & O, Steore & Wet- stores), Sloceloan & Co., Mtoore & Wet- nmo, State st.; 1Meyers. ne's stiaSI. more, State .qt.; Meyer's new's stand- The Woincm's nmber of the Iniander Tie Women's nusmber of thec Inlander will be on sale about Aprii 7. wililhbs on saxle about April 7.