THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIIGAN DAgILY. DO YOU INTEND (rrt Hkti t nc n~Iz 1Y C7nvin' ('bil- TO GET A6 1I All Spring Styles $.00; Stiff and Fedora Hats $1.98. We have left a fair stock of Suit ~Pair 01 Paft Black (I and Tan Socks, woth 25c, now 2 pair for 25c. all sorts of U oI I lulL HIILU Now is the time to secure a new Hat for Easter and _ WRITING TABLETS FOR MEA STERL? before going home for vacation. which can be closed out as D. A. TINK IEDR & SON follows: Jos. ' J . Kllauf 1.Il'UIPI '9 ~" MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 50 fHATTERS AND FINE FURNISHERS. No. 9 S. Main St. GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR O Merhat TilrGOD WRITING TABLET,- - BC Mechn'Tior1O YOLJTE.ALTiNUL TS? CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 15C Will ive you Perfect i tisfeetion ld1BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C Pie eloa~e ac ie us. ~ e on RTN AE YTEQIEO B WashigtonThis stock will not e replaced. 10 E'. W sigo St. Fancy Mixed Nuts---------------------------- 11 lbs for $1 Come quick for first choice. Fancy Virginia Peanuts -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - -lc per pound Argus Printing House. 2d Semester. Fancy Virginia Peanuts------------------------12 bs for $1 __________ UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING 44 South Main Street. DEBAN & COMPANY. -C .K Y S OpoieL Wbidn. UNIVERSITY NOTES. CALL NDAR{. OPERA HOUSE JEWELER TERMS $3 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. -- Iatelve a. a- t uut PINS-U. of M., A. A. H. S. Tie' lotrty (hiC.llul ida al lMrhn 2. 4el s anuta nigt.Pretty mnano The finest in the city. Come and see U1Sading &Bas___11__________________ ' tPlil t (liifraternity gta lt'iote Sat., March 28 Meetting of SMehian "The Name t arc- S"hllna11tersCh(l. MOORE & WETMORE mite" that the astelle pall t lot ;a t 1.Sa Mael2, Wtlels c111- Uiiformseic . and11111 4101. Ia dull li re l m oCntet fr Senate T opy. G S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST, and Suppieoft e v erey descipton or.,=lse-v~stin illLal i11, ieI. 54.,M~nen S-f, Y of CORNER OF WILLIAM, Sed rlt c lse a Dlrl. S. It. yllc 1 (liltof i r:' y.I-nv o (i, bfoeiii u lgilieeillg So( iet on IlustratedtCatallt0 iIAF u'tttei00t beeee 111-will 0 iii v t heit illt'itco(f nrtet avee;. " yitvatlti-aaof iive ,(6(111 lt ial HVEACiPETtiOKo AIrHI i11, 1cc. 'tOI, of is;n Maeli ao, 1Untlralti elell UNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS! 2111-clt of tlNtheyuSyi v l a t iatac1ev.Joec hay Aililebe, on "I gatlrFor the Second Semester, New and Second-Hand FOiR 1896. 11cci 1tniute e. tames Tay Attleiee, 011 "o0111 whici te itfe A. G. SP.AL..DING & BROS, Ii"i' }(tlg tl~,tt'vlk,4p.a(ai At the Lowest Prices. New Yo I, (pe,. neplI Iio tSotn-- tllftli'tt- Jctii a- ivtl taltttill zt (te I CHOO £ fieltsatT111kiii at cviiI)Iivyletethod AttI- ieti~ood i~hewold rt11ycclerdy> )~tee h~ 11" bi n ov(,l ilentt Ilb. TRICLY OFCHO DANCINGIN FIRST N'ATIONAL BANK. ( 'V. C(ate,'.'t)-i.,l-tlllne ll nt tii c 1,0111c 7:30p. 10. C'1nti f Ljv j.1 U.I 1(s OP ANN AR OR. isal lt' ita ltel. Aitlto~tI rae OioAN Atili.=~to ie, -toek frot Atlltst,(It it. ( I 'viAri ,. 2 pR ,01 .. 1 Bul1 You IIan ti lsss owito t cc "ic' 863 a y tie on einttoiyoposel, toe. Ca p1ta, la,aa. SOllpis atd tat ' 0,000oaa iie ii' ithu ilbean cu tlc li tt 1.'t- \htl nia tin,'to1110 ?. oI \t. D1 iy1 tem taring wslhe ciittdo Office antd Tascefs a geeeelltbanekig bticnecs. til. l't't-tl1 t Acati ~ attnn.Academy 0May nrl t. Coea cchlaoesbhughtt ad sod.tFurniah letters or redIt. lDr. e V. ' Vatta il we ill 11th ((li S .. Atoii I 1. 1 1 . . Ititetl - P.BAH re 8 W CARSO, asie. Sc~inw~ qized tititiua l eectiono of tie Atletic 0scat a - -r.^. -01,i P, O~~~~~t it it-ec. 5.~~~~~~~~~110CAR O ,flae. t ii. II. l ittio 11a't t111. ~ THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK el l il}ioltutu Mhichic Il Ii al Anpr i nA, Anof th~e ran Lonata Cai t to l c , $t0.000 Surplus, $10,00. i'. tioav ,Ofcttt e 11that11 iit gt(oiei. Ioode-, t I itI il u t aie I it eit.chlaes taee110,00" Iit tlicl n'rloo l f a1 liillt i ll eg .i gelf l a s ike .ho.5 01 1i'r lH of ttii;5 S , n'.lte etai t ipilcts, lys an1111:11 i 7it vtr i l 01"l'110itIi[1 1-12of0 sellsex eohon tast liepet tciities of tie girad L' 11111111111 1111atticfoe nart)' ill 0. il~iii'''1~"t~~v I1y-~ PALMER'S PHARMACY. dentilcaltoul. Sfely i-I >i so eteoa (ii'elllail},iitO:O'. 1io I 0; , Ik1-11 11n.Welyuwi t h n t it Oetrtet Chrt itia t idIle es.; cV. i.- 0 11 ..hltlIclte o l si'poa Ilseemi itois T'e-ires-.; Chtas E. IHiscock, Ii i o atoiii' i lcivi nat mI eral el \1Wd.,Ari i. ei tainof Jiii- k tlotm 'da Liery Cahtiee: S. .. tritz Asistat Calshier,! i t ____________________________________ "llieet -" ilboutI tcwinty-6vca' fhei t l n s, i lts ('aect" illGCanit Oora Houie, oinys Chocolates. r. p. ciiJ-F t cil1111 l'ttlatc liii itthi l t rof.tett. ________________________ thiiielimt dithoctatil. 'fill-I-i (tilr1' Jti.- i.Pie iy01CitSPECIAL. Holuchs iezea Memorial Iall.___________________ I t Lnchs. lift oer ce taioittgel'tt'I-t-ii-hltliilt Sat,Apr. 11-Spring recesbegins1 IITAS & 510AM'. selit Pls ad Pntc - ___________ at p.-les to ciuit eve yody; ie alo den. ' _________ ANN AD~ORt itT.EXCURISION repatiigceatigsand prectg. Wora TUY l, / TLIE , 4SS. Satecoilaed fCranldiseed. Na SoiS. State t., ' LiOTl! IIUL~c.'ftN. emod iom. - Altlieillies oitht '9'S5L and etil RIates of oe fare fr the round tipt t. SAtTN, IuneealiDretor, Coh ________________________________ rlilay temlts milst rtport alttheill Il- cwiii be Imadteltfothio e iigatt ('1s-t® ad oetalie (asets atd Fle 0.-de C (olns Emalmig s Speialty. No. ft S. niiitilatt S p t 1.SaiticlIty veintian ttiEnttdeavor Covento t li Fottae. I3ta1c'ih u8, its te iepaltiti~irftttatt eMih. Tietsoeld altApril 1 asdo, lir- OHMSAVNPRLRadCth * loic-cesiywc, itt, toe nsoff. ited to retrn not latr that April 4, U . rooms,. All Atppoitets flst ctiao. Ie-lttJY ta tau 181111air tdreig ad bathing patos. J. t. Rtes of one adiloe-tird fare will Toaos[0Shlat Stat St. ~~fl ~ Wnted-A' itustling steward for be made for tie G. A. . state en- 7ONOUcATyoeoteslerd st-tIed sU Ad T ome clt-etsdclecad- oard and rooms. 84 S. Main S. anpment at Sxaillaw, Mich. icets VT resed. reiiedor reosrd go to Mrs. - Fngere over Sieetsss'o bosh store. La-. Messrs. Wright, Kay n o., of D- sold March 0 and 31, limited to re- oratoy aprons made to order trol, being acware that eech manfa- tirn April 3. trer o silver ware hs speilties One and oe-third fare for round One-Quarter Off on all wcc-ht are desirable, do not cofito trip oo te certificate plan for te Phi thorslves t the production ofany Kmpp Psi Fraternity at Cleveland U one fim, butbin out the bst of all, Apil 8 to 10, 180th., as as a teyare plceotearRSGEEWODAgnt M.A[H S Cyce Emporium, specimes of itssian. Norwegin, Alt cadidtes for the '98basebll ®VETlu 'll be dplicated In this conry. a. GEO. Hi. 3WOODRIUFF, Capt._+a