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March 28, 1896 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1896-03-28

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Published Daily (Snday ecepted durig
the College Year, at
DeMslo: Times building N. Manst. opposite
post office
W. IV leosses3, '93, W. . 'ssHsvER, 'ittL.
. L DoSsnes,'tO LO . hANs, '0.
J. L. oWAisan, 'it8 1.
G. B. Ifs asosN, 'iiL.
J. F. Tosas, '.
L. Ci. WAtKE, '00.
L A. Pratt, 'O G. I. eat, 'i IP.
S. R. Soith, 'it L. I. B. Oetheay, '00
F. Omoas, 'S.' I. B. Doomo, '7 M.
E. A. Fuctk,'98FR. C B. il,sl1).
Lose Dodge, '.
The suscr."ti o price f tte Daily has
hesn reducd to $1.03 i dvnce for the ret
of the yea. Lae sbscriptios atthe
Daily ofice or ith P. C. Myer, U. of M.
News Stasd.
srs othOtoI. of Vi. 1Daly, will its
heit Fridasy, Apii 3, at,' 2 p. min s
Ne'sbter'ry Hall fecr it'epu pose of
ehletig liii tioiatIBoard f Iothti
next colege' yiai. All pidt-llt sub-
scribom'stotClourDTaily a'fire' iiiciiietts of
theo's lcrOiosllilll O tareoenitledtot t
vote at t s ietoati 11o. Tes'fsllowtsioc
aiinnsliieit Otlt'e coIBtituoDwill bo
('itigspo otlton .3 of Aieiot'I to
rt'ado: "'h'IA-, cotssltliiiois ny ise
hes tioeooiiluiiby' a ithre-fothsliovot'
of tll ii th irmitioopiesent; piosttIOI
tat lily aivi'slieit prts'sted't shall
have keen 'utbl die isalt lest oslo
issne of the Dai."'
Chss Club Tournamesnt.
Tine aesoid rosnd of tie Chess Club
tosineislwas iilied liltlast igihit,
Moases whatoig fron tss Iioell, Matill
fromtis 'I'siiiiiaansuH lefrom oCol
bsri. s'l-eseni-fnaiiil osere iot tt's
by Withitnit 111101Palimer, te foser
ss'nning hnBe goscnit. Next Monay itI
is exioctdth lat the rosuinitigitse'ai-t
iatls will be pltyed otf. Tuis will
leave fisals foe' Thociofity. Interest iso
the touramueunt iercases as Dec oslo'
Dsh grows closer and tine01 goodt play.
ingumay le looetfoti at the~ two next
Meeting of Republican Club.
The UnivesityIRepublican Club
ttIn Newberry Htal yserdy aft-
snon for the purpose of devising ways
and uteas to lronite-he nterests of
1;. C. indley ')Gl L, for Pesidest of
fle Natioaul College Lague
Sevesal. sieeltas wreInideo k'd
plans werie discused in regard to
bringiug hde ame before te cnn
tion atClicgo Iatnd securg voes at
tiat tne, but no forunchtivo action

REV. J1. 1. LEWIS IN UNIVESSITY (Continued froto VFiral l'ago.i (C'oniniued fi'om iritiss og.
HALL N EXT SATURDAY. tpesreot,,"lie saidi. "i'tiisis is tot11 ot',' istituntly. 'To tof to 011itosis
wro}!ii is as fotlois: li ssoto ' I Ii ito11il titlit too:{ tt'l ot co1311ts' o'j to
Benefit of Women's Building-Famn
p1e lo'rousnt, ittiol i coss twe'ty plot'iloit itol111i's is wiliti 11n is oult I h'uau,
ous Description of Passion Play_
of Oberammergau-ilustrated by Ceiii, taos c(llas s ic lee ci l. ioie11dt:)btoo too i looit lot Ils'WorltiIt
Dissolving Views, riceh 111,112t'".otto'l'ty is lisoSi1111. Ii il i 51001. t ho' 11th' to tttiinp t ositiiig to

roeasino' s. ttroalitpropoerty, It 'us's
Itt'v. .. 0. ewis,of ilo'sloi, twitltie'
liii' lix 4pitiol toobiies ieott w hit
lover totids footositsloleYieote 0010 PIa':
to_ e thas ioto ako'it ju-st. T'fit" gulf is

,isot'lay' of Do'eraotoiioo'igroin toI 'tot.
verstl'Hatt, Saltorooy tevening, AX1l
-1, forto'lie bonefilt ot the *o'oootn'
It t'tttto~itti. 'flis oure is miotfav-~o'
otably spsokohosf whor've'r it loostes-t
oiolio'o't'co. It gvt'o a5 sotssgcoi3dloo
oustintr's'itig tcotiiof to' lasion
Platy, asoti of the homoely lift' itolclii
tlrl' habits of lto th ihoe falls of th'
btoauttiful llit' ~Alpine tatotof fuses0
Mrfi. Le'wis is 'as 'isolo'in totle deto'ttit-
tonls hy a set-tos of ni ticeost is
soling view-',iprestsing itey so.ares
intot h -by asow'ell as stiollO'of t'
itsautiful stoutly aot Obt'niumet-
gai. I'fitis tes'so ini rosiug ii
islfa-fsto given, s it i, for scohtia
Wothtly tojt'c, shouildl ib' will:t:tud-
c.. Followcing ioto11synlopit 's of tho'
vie'wss wnioch ,will ie slowit iourtg
fitthe o5wattt of ti eefturt:
Mutitl.-las'ir Ahents rstord.-
Th to 'ooliuat' Pllat.-"Putful"
tStsriloo'g.-LBtkssStntlubro -Z'i 'vain
the \'alle'y of Ltsoiaa '.-bea.-'The
Mlotaini iRoatdito lraootega.-
I:ltiml Motiatety. -tittoraaiooioio tu
lt' tottish i trel.-SsCtooso Otttis ' VP.
log.-T'f loisues of Lang (lt'.ltttiol),
liutotl (St. Johin, sitti Maes' ('fle
(lhitist. fttng to to' Dasos-.'Tc
Atlitio'ti.-ts.t Lng ('1ee 13tas
ttoioto)--itletr ('foe C'ltiio ot-).-lottooll
(St. .ohn).-Optenig ' aleux- ot 110
a110(1Evo' Drivesnfrom as laoitio.-. En-s
try itooJtrsteoto's.-xp-elisg tto
Traodes froomotic. Tempo~l.'M ay sos I
mlent of the Motte ('a-betx).-'floe
F~inal Ds'ioitetre fromttoiehany.'-T'heo
loarewetl of Jes'osisantosMary-Pirepoor
infloe: forfle Paasocr.-t'ortauiilsof tte
Aposos.-Tine Lat Stttoir.-The Mo-
nitilt hi ioyer.-"'stttt ye sot WLac
Iwith Moe one hor?"-T'ho Jutlosa Kiss.
-Before Anti a. 'ttoe Sailoolritt~i
Cotistotil. - tOaltatolots. - iesolomious
Josepsh of Ariloiittloa.-~DcsT.lor of Ci ('.vbau)- dsPldigf esinI
Ife--Before Pilate,-Before lirl.-
tes Sco'arget - Bt:abbs, -Ala.
lesoi's Stoorlice ('i'oslsiou) -- 'riot'
Crwn~ignith Thoes -"Eoie Ioio."
--Simsoin of Cyrne-Boeing 0110ke
('ros--St,X'eronia.-The sraorots
Heated by fle Upiftdt Serpent (Tab'
lea-).-The Elevation of tdie Ceowss. --
Flip Lot .Wordi-lise De'Slh of
Jesus-Vse Descent from thew Cross-
In5 the Arns of Mary. At thse Sepnil-
chre. The tsurretchs-'The Mg-
rage to Peter-Thle Asensif -The
Heavenward Loots.
Two large single roons, suitable for
ss, 2 ,.Divsion s.

tvittehlog he'tweeosoAwealtt i osIiv
Mr. ''ostioio sokie nhoil t1Oihe O,"'t'
«I'v vsnd ;mod ss: '"Were' t geibtotoel
pht11)itit'tttt'aos ood Sie' andh stoe a. losot
osht' Otuxoftny kisdthe jrutst tax, sth
thits sosoib', nsettOis altsholtly
tittsaioehineouth Instad ~ilofrelivng
ht' t oots, it woulsd only nisl tet si ii-
burdesu. Iso Oils crm0'of tooro~togeotl
prsoerty, it wouldt o'eosiply runusa
Osoto largo' cas of tortet'. Tio taxil
osith hot retets tt'siO l'. hoit it wilt
ttt's'roose hot' uamounut toobeho idsosnOt
1100 Otaxlitst. A stlewoutloaeis to
1000010rn aliig ith ~itt 01'iii listatte till
prsopty't'lit' ewts' in isosttio''stolte.
ilooe sosuldl to' to ces oItetouloble
taxes tos, n hcto property13'wsouldtibe stilt.
jtt'to't. Titeo ostusitiy for this' ust'
of odltosetioto tndost iesiey otlthe plit
of tioe s isosrwouldl to, iucr'.oooh t'lo
fOst I.Tax sosoo fosostsoo xu'd beho i w
ele 1iotet'this soisoute. tteu'ho tsl
commiiissi itso'lf owoord hoie oo
soeans of deteesunisg te role'"
lay. Whyte of Ctitogos. tetonotoeo
floe rgisiuett for lis sioe will) a
stlieesio of sx sotostitsouthd.dlr. Vr
madooto rebuttl of eigho toiduots fo
Aitoeogan. The deaote wasove aci0d
the judsges wthdew to coach oa te-
cistoss. IDuirtoigthe intoroal P'rsdttl'
Asigel olso'briefly, sasyng Oloosh is
osas verytpleasinto nteto htur cNoltee
between-sfireo reat utivesiicas wet's
ttt'oiiisg outte hpolarlo. P'oplehavoie
e stie to lthisk genseslily, he si, that
hoe ecollsge to iltnedtlo0devlous
brutw,aasd ty sucehocosuteta 150 tios
sods an ite ts beng leestd.
'huvesomaitg of the judgs wass I
MIIA. Balcntine. Compo. McClellan.
V ert---------- i1 3
Blsck .---- - 4 10 _1
Alrght.---- .- 5 5 5
Whye __ 3. 2 a 4
Mithel..- 2 0 0
Vaughan - 0 4 2
Total-Miehigan, 27. Chcag, 1.
Class Picture nf7'96 L.
Thoo senior law els sueot yesterday
to Consider -fle ueoioss of os sn:s
piclure. A new arraag-eniwoot in te
forno of ass abun o O coneson the pl-
tures of feleerss was presented and
seeumed to neet wts the aoplol'val of
a utajorifis of the els.
Owing, however, to souse nisunder-
standhsg in regard Vtoilhe quAity of
some of the work and the pithesfor
t he satse, the cosmUsoltee wvas inst'ruct-
ed to seeure further iformaton in
that regaa'd, and tienmater 'v4,1 be
beosughlt befoore the clas agan soovn,
Snbscribe fer01he Dlty.

lbse toouti: thuatto.uoille ise oworlfstsc
0's b itsrosis eiig iou to s o rld. 'C
heave comeot'to rs'eoguoia.tilt' truthis o
thioll155tilr eduits outsadutsin-ooosger fit
mahntO tot sottlht' 5-loioi sr ultl 1re-
uaot'heu'uimttoo'be a otnefit tos to swortltd,
otul we' ts tis touto totgsv', i oh aloneot
rtootit's. Atrototluoc ts isasourts itseLU-
lts sot )i'oseuatiototigsoogo- mulst lhe
o'tso'ofis-t inimortan'ossse itoourt list
ot sustjuo. Nest ttosnugiogo, tt.s..
('otlitotl bel, camoe' history. Afis's
giug ibrit'f rtfesoc to thIt'' utige'
thaottohdtot hitospacet'ioh hio totetodsj
of to-ositug iltooiy tile spanker ivt hoied
the Subtjet intotwo parts, Ohio iprac-
tca sidle ondotho thloort'it-ssiouct' l-
u~suos 'Oto. (iOthis' 15005ttmalstit'lIts-
holyy has sucuhettoogv ts-ouafrutom tse-
O'st'ueiue ott othersa to a slthssuss~a
liaos. to suls'r'e'dtwihflioosoh ohusg it-
l,'itidon froosusthis'patts.t ictossyis
slot itsdsy subtjecttifi is tausghot besoh
It aicne eat#give uitas knled~tiogteof
oiu, f'tollosrs ottitthis'hotuss'theyo
le'ft to costort o Ati'sirit ttonetsit'aio-
gsrit usol 1iss .ignofoos hio pushia:,
Ohio greatiat ototsssof t'utsosit.- phayedh
to hiss' fortiotofout-usroeithi.'. Anud
hs-to brinkofto tur iotit-caltos o ur.ots
hiuisstu'iti itsfty, ourts Ituiei h isi ~y
mildtiourit-eect'aostit-lslibitory.. Otheis
thoo'otis'ot u',P oatosu-.s ittauot its'
irsiugrabttheoo~r;its'.'ts isoinhe umost
stiusouaiiug litieratusre. i toly sirthes
blasot t hue fuiduutiototrtts rthsthuosill
ediueatioss sitouldsideal wistho tis. lls--
try hoitssmaotnsits touc-hosaltlothsn, it f
portras s y ioa 5'5.thes' sit ensumes as
o-ell'as is'stotrititutjoa. It is thsodyU
of stats tit suit 175'S.Ansi totsthose
r'atoiss Of togiuhtiy ttoLnsathatsO uexy
to ltanguaoge ltuitoi-i-shoouldtintousfirst
in dutpotaute.
No International Contest
rise eommuitt'e of the OxfooroitAth-
ltte Cub lhave lpstaetithlly cdoeseijoto
take iso fsuter part ins orthog blle
troposatl of tle Spouts (lubbtel' an in2-
teruaaftosooda htetie conteit between
('reat Brttain and Amueria, stiooco--
ing totheLso Jati tI'i issues. Vhs 'v ilve
beentonftirusosd to tels ttacolve ty
non's nilh has just reached Oxfor'
thati the London Atleutfic Cfunb huve-
not only_ abandonted the ideus of any
sosch internationialumeetbig at pers 'nt,,
but else inforsaed th>e Spans Club11)t
a conference held lasof week titat Oey
esulod no snpportO fortihe pretsost ally
nmovemuent for arranging is meetbuug
he~ween the two eontairs,
Wanted-A sedont to take a bicycle
tour over Europe next sunosoer hit
comppany with senior haoV and Jliterary
students Address OF, care of I'. ot 3L.
Daily; 131)

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