THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. THE VICTOR League Ball will bat further and last longer than cy other make. It contains the best materials and shows the finest construction throughut. Every "official " league ball offered to the public is an imitation of the VICTOR. Demand the Victor in all cases. Our trade mark is a guarantee of finest quality OVERMAN WHEEL CO. tiakicss ofVia-se i yas. A G Spadig & Bros "TeNaeis a (nr- ,. ne"tht thrtil hearinrg it is the bs prdaced. Unifors -ISppis of eser eeltou aafor i4.8e- 1. ennIs (Gs1'. sS Sd fr hadomes Ilsrted'(lCtalg. Thir Arme aof1'rfetion- THE Spalding Bicycle FOR 1096. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., News York Chiago, Phialrpha. Urgest Maufactrer of Bicycles ad Ath- eicGoods inis h,worid. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOR. Orgaied 10. 'Capital, $100,000. Srplsad Profit, 40,000 Tlranaco(ts a geaeral bakig boaiaas. F'oeiga echsage boghtand sold. Frniab alttr of credit E. IIACLIPrs S WCLAL'1SON. Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capitl Stock, 550,000. Rurpls, $00,000. Resores, $,100,000. Orgaalzed underthe Geeral anllngLaws of this Stae. tReeies deposits, bys ad sals ecang on ste pricipal cities of the Uited States. iDrafts ashed uopn proper identificaion. Safety 9eeSit boos to rent. tOe'rlcaa: Christian black Pra.; W. D. Firriran, Vice-Pres.; Chas E. Iisesekl, CashiersM. .. Frito Assistant Cashier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE S, 48 S. State St. 2 our[ uit Cheapest place to buy it is at IBicycles, Sundries, Sport-1 4ng and Athletic Goods. ElIS [SI 5111 S AND LAI[SI - for Springr anil Sumuier Suits - ---18 North Fourth Avenue, Arlington Bleak. - ---OR- HYGIENIC -BOARDING - Loeatrd half a block frios Cniversity gros ads. OUnder nw aes e m thelisaewofos'cossalsiisgaisy pe-son applinrie beoard. Ste are a- spring pairsogs' riji(eour capaciityis limited aipyoat once or call at at., nest to School o1ftiusic. F. J. RENNINGS, 0. 00. PRINGLE, PI DO YOU EApjLT NUTSQ Fancy Mixed Nuts Fancy Mixed Nuts Fancy Virginia Peanuts_ Fancy Virginia Peanuts_ gi 44 south Main street. DESAN &COME UNIVERSITY NOTES. CALENDAR. ~,el '11is aa nits ea fl' atit awsill a(n)Scioohll st('l's' ('lit. iiiitiir'i Iis vssilt I as' Fri i ' A1i.rcih 27.- C'< .iils 'tera' i 'it n~ Aliar'' stit einn iis'sity Ilao I. Swonolli.'07t, issisizsint imn-1:111 'u l' nus a of the '(,leiii',lijss thlul Msllolilii Sat., t-ihn-l28Meeting C'i lift lI ighlt 'liiSpr1inli slc., 11ISichoolmsters1' Cliii. to1-11.'- irl eunfote ncr SaMirh2,W erzlc' he ileOJ)- s w1i ret'1o ti'sh5a 01111Caulest tar Seite Apriil11IDtrsoit, lii sirs' Eugilciril 'Il lslsst ills si*theits;' (ii Gtii tis-isiIl Iia'si-ili-s oft Riveirs iagsntinlsts. arh-li aW"sa IIlil l 's- "i-t Olso lirilli -, ss i'll po ss i il~l n ii's'ilirlt, 1011n., lit 1130, Uiiitni of-i' l liil'it(f tili ti s 'it Revlisa11lies ay' AIsplesec Allen Poe." 'As-iisssiii.esi'rs C:ubs, 1unti l Il si-ti Tuestarciahii3t, lUiitari i-i ush, ti"ev. Jallees Kl y Aple~bc Woman's Edition of Wrinkle. Wesley." ______ Ii s- 'Silsil 3t, 4 is. ''sWssli~l's Liiiisis.'' oust is lsissir il CGm-isemllin tlub I'n11 Apr1il .2 I. ill. No oSlsliss~odlsy. It lbrtugs osilt sia is ifs-tel i'oiflUst' :T. Y. Msciailaksssts' sassuls is lecs'itlltt 1 .,=lin;A~~;ci. titls. gassd; lii'hiss 5o111 55sLlga 5isltt ll~lllsl 4t 5 "pril1, 1Is. i., byt hul us tliznls 51t5le'tsrs . i -ltntanal electioniofath0110Atll Sal.,ApiII 4, 2:30 p. FirSt I'ipss'," is fuirnised bity AI. I'1N'. tru'a aa Nl CNilllsll. 11151 tlis' frolasl 111i' 5 a, iiltuiial Colic's'. n4osro4. ''1'iitlsea IlI 5555 i'." 0 -1, 5 p, iiir 4.S 1.1. "liitiiy,''fglass 1o ltrill.5 sstf ssililf'Il,1llsis Ilil illIhsi' sillu "PI'ssii: jlbl'lsiiilofX's 55111t'5(.Cln1 1111 iesl'i' sksilsiltll5i.A 50(1' We'd., Apsril G.-I'oescti issstrssidie to Miss'. C'slvs' is5l-;sirls- Ills Caesar" ilrand - otist' y(l'srge' 1. lBarkser.: Wsithi liii'under dietionl of Prosf. e'xcIlptsio15of1115' Co'suritt's cr- lnni, Than's., Apr. t0--Faculty ila 1nmber.'I'is g'sooiltit'av--sllt. Frieze Memlorial Hail. Sat., Apr. 1i-Spriakg rs '9t8 BASIEALLt.MEN. All candid-stessfosr the '95Stibisblll NOTrICEI. tseaain -ire '0reque'stel Illrseport gat.,file All 1101iel'.5 yof ths'9'115- gyni!&;sni every-aftern~oonat 4 p. 1(1519' tea1111 us111r1ort ,si' in. 01E0. E'. WOODRiUFFi, Capt. 1l111inin t S p. 1in. Sa~u "irh2,astecillr Messrs. Wright, Kay & Co:. of De- 1luivorsity-wVil l iseinn off. troll, being awareIthat each manuafac- ,T. A. Leliat turer of silaver waire has specialties 0 A rig iedn whiich are desirable. do not cenfine LotA rn ld- themselves to the production of any, keys. Fonr of th~em are fs one flrnm, but bring out the best of all, and will be identified" an -fast as tihey are placed on tile near- stomped upon them. Tb( hot. They have also' muany choice be rewtardead for any trola specimens of Riussian. Norwvegian, by leaving thsem at ilk I. Turkish, German, Italian, IFrenesh, or at the U. of M5. Dailyt and English silver, which can hardly Wanted-A' hustling s be duplicated in this country. hoard and rooms. 84 5. STJLE[ 1ClsiugtOnt We have left a fair slek of all sorts of -OR - WRITING TABLETS --which can e closed out an fllows: OIS MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5 GOOD RULETABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR I0C [)USE* GOOD WRITING TABLET, - SC atadsih CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C aso'lsshgso BEST CRANE LINENITABLET, - 35 11 Mlasard WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE RILB. 'ROPRIETORS This stock will not e replaced. Come quick for first choice Argus Printing House. per pound 01. H. KEYES. lbs for $1 prer pound OPERA HOUSE JEWELER 1 lbs for $1 PNS:-U. of I., A. A. H. S. M.ANY'. Tile finest in te city.Coume and see MOORE & WETMORE of Nicig an 6 S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM, sgo-Nicisallu aeacora nc b banqn 1,t lUNIVERSITY -.TEXT - BOOKS! Ot Ntl la 11n For the Second Sementer, New and Second-Hand 'fl'5111t'.whch tey ossfer 'S'silssi'of At the Lowest Prices. 1111 Alluia il STRICTLY A SCHOOL OF DANCING iii clih-ustli-.N G E ' e, 011 "I sai Clit. (:1i1P11-Yooeran join osr classes owe, or st -alciici any tine conen'nt to yourelf, te e', 01l "Johni les ttartng whe you do. Ofce ad Academy G Maynatd t. lii ofGood ass 115 hyitll, $ Another Lot at N. Dasily O tat good t'raoot Cand jsot $ n. It tslk o av yuhd yorsreiltof tisneta C lit i- 'I--Al- pallfull201centsa pond Iotis Associa- PALMER'S PHARMACY. 1, Athliltic w dhen yownta hark andsw Lsitit 0 'ligan Agri I gl s itery i 0ldpln cl lapofss' SPECIAL. lnii.t111. DIETAS A SCIANE sell Suts andFas 1lat prices o sit eeryody; we also do ltdon of "Jal- rpairnlg, cleanitg and rpedag. Si-oc called fur and dereed. ~itd a:4 Statnn9tk latcrl Houss, : ecold ler. Trueblood. . . M'0.00MATIN, Funeral Director, Coah ycencert at ®,. and Meallie Caskets antd Fie rde - Coffns. Embalming a Specialy. No. 17 5. Fourth ave. --- eees begins, - - TT OF Il. StIAVINOtPARILOR ad1it- 1..rooms. All ppointmets. he asus. Imported and domstic eigars. Lades' shiIls' a ansI Dent'ltsl ie hole dressing and batidng p~alhrs JI. ' a11 th kit-Ill-Troanowkl aS S. Stae t. - i lay cacliing. 'WNBEN YOU WANT your lothes cleend, preod reined or rebound go to Mrs. slip suftile Fingere, aver Sheehan's book alare. ab- - oratory iaprona made to orde about eight r Yale locks R by numbers finder will A . ibe incurred TOieAl t E office. NE steward for COLLAR Main St.