THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. IMGHIGAN GENRL Time Table (Revised) March 1, 186. Mail and Ex....310 Mail -S-----83 N. Y. Special...._51 N. Y. Seial.... 7 30 Eastern Ex---10 12 N. S. Lsnsited.__ 9 5, Atlantic E"."7 3 Paciic Es.---12 19 D.NExpress .... 5140 Western Es.__2 00 - . R. Express ..11 05 Ci. N. Es.---10 1 G.REs.----557 . W. RUGGLS~n, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Agt., Chiag. Agt. Ana Arbor RAILROAD. Time Table, jTa. 12, 196. 7:22.m. 7:40 a. m., '12:20 p.m. i1:6 a m. 4:1p. m 9:2p. m. All trains daily ecept Sunday .Trains ran betwees Ann Arbr and Toledo only. R. S. GREENWOOD, Agent W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo . ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. BY. Timn Table, Oct. 27, 1895. Leave Ypsilanti from Congres., 7:10. 8:45 and 1:00 a. i.; 12:4, 2:5, 5:00, :45, 9:1 and 10:41 p. m. Leave Ann Arbor Junctin, 740, 9:15 and 11:0 a. i.; 1:15, 2:4, 5:0, 7:15, 9:45 and 11:10 SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress t.. 1:0,3:0, :0, 6:30 ad :00 p. E. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 2:00, 4:00, :0, 7:00 and :0 p. m. Oars run oa city time are: single trip 1 centu; round trip tickets 25 cents. WuM. F. PARaKE, Supt. STUDEsNTS! If you mast good reliable life insurance call on Fred T iScem her, office No. 1, S. Fourtb ave. Bicycle Repairing.' Bicycles Enameled and all kinds of machine work. HUNTERZ BROS.. No. 9 East ELl5erry St. RENTSCHLER, :PHOTC3C TtAH:9r.! ANN ARBOR. MICH. Just Received a Large and Elegant ,Oieof New Pipes' Hot Lunches, Chocolates and Bon Bon. R. E. JOLLY & CO. 20OS. Sate St., Sager Block. RANDAL L Photographer 15 Washington Block. ~ &Co26 R. STATE ToourWCl STREET.+ 4 Sal n them for Fine Lunches, Fine Chocolates, and Baked Goods. Try Our Lunches. COTREL & LEONARD,. Albany. N. Y. Makers of Capsz Gowns for Yale '96,Harvard '16, Princeton 96and we add with pleasure Michigan 196 Good Tailoring No lottery schemes. Ytou pay for what you get and CASH saves you 25 per cent. Every garment fitted anil guaranteed. Thousands of students are amongst our ciistoniers. The largest line in the state to select from. Full liue of samsples at the Cook House every Tuesday. It will will pay you to see the line. THE GOLDEN EAGLE CO,; DETROIT. Fellowships Offered. Three 1prizes are offer:d. by th: Aniein Schsool of CIasrciculSud~ies itn tRoimeto setudeilsi lercOtedt illits lines of Investigaition. They aire i12th:e form of Felllowslips for the yesr 106(- 7, as follows: One of $6010, Osjtlb1i:511- ed by tls teluonging Comiuitcee; one of $000 given by thte Arochirteologie::l Institute of Aiuerican, and oiie of $,500 for tie otudy of Cllristi.ian Areliii'o- logy, conltribuitedI by trieii:,is of :210 school. Thirse are 012011to 12:seleors of Acts of ill uiBversties anid colleges of this countlry andl to other Amlericanl stsudents of sioclar 1tttsaiilelts. Prof. Sauel 20:all'lsscr, of the Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohi:o, is the secretary of the lsnagil ; Com-i mnittee, Laiid will fiirnitslo lte liecoonary ppiic~~tliti511andhllainks. All appIlica- ionoslmutst be ini iis li':iinls by 'laly 1. Thle holiters of ltiese Felloos.21:iips will 0:e enrolled as iegsl:r iueiioers of the school, and w sill be rrequiire~t to pursueth loir studiies, uinider the super- vision of the Directors of the School, for te full school year of ter o nths:115, begininiig October 15, 159lti. They will i'eside oreliiosriiy in Rtome; but a1por- tion of the year may be splonst with the consent aiid uisder the aidvice of Oh:. directors, iln ilv eslig~i tiouis celscwiero in Itaily, eor in travel sand eaiirly is Ocleece uder lt:'eosupervisioin of Ihe Director 0f the Aiierican Scio~sl of1 Classical Sbu-ties at Atheis. In adldi- finn to his general studies, ea:i:-h ho:lder of a fell1owhhip is recqutireil to talle s0111e iefiniite suitject for spec:Ial re- searchel, andl to preseont a paper Ciii- botlying the results of htis investiga- lion. Baseball Candidate Injured. During the baseball practice iii the cage yesterday afternsoon Ktiiiiaii, 0)10 of the new cauntidlates for catchiei, was badly ;injureid by a oarelessly thrown bail, which struck is fare a little be- low the left eye, breaikiut h~iiasi-andl cutting his eye id. It is htopedt that tho acciheint will not prevent bhum: fromi continuing practice for any length of timue, as lie is one of the mos pronislug eaiididates of this years new men. NOTICR. The annual election sf the Voiver. sity of Michigan Athiletic Association will. be held in the chapel at 2 p. in., on Saturday. April 4, 18901. JANS H. PRENTISS, Pies. Washburn Guitar for sole, Argus office. 128. A uiee.tng ealbedlfor the putoses: 7of (r:(ltigz a porli:lleiit (r,-ii.2ti::i of i Glood1 toverninit 01111)ofthei'lit- versity of N9l:-lhgi. an will1:0h11Heldisl ]io)il C (olile : b ipel), 1University Ii~ili, o'clock. The club soill bec oilstitiit:': a member of thie \ itio1aii1:,a usgie of ('ollig e Civil Service 1R:feralt Inlbs, anl its ini-ib-roso-ill to:' ctitIlsi to compte('foxire'$20)) indi :ehpiizes oli or:': by tme league for oessaers oil civil service reform. l. 1 ieiiiors sot time IUniversity are coruitally invitedl :: bero of the club. ANN ARBOR RlI. ERXCUItSION JIULL.EIIN. Rfates of oine fare for tile roulnd trilp owill be m~ade for thc licmigan Chris- hialt Rndeavror (Convlention at l1onda, Mtichi. Tickets solil April 1I111: 2, liimi itedl to return not later that Ap~rtil4. 189e. Rates of oiie aiid oiie-thiirdl fare will be made for the G. A. If. state en- campmnt at Saoginaw, Mlich. Tickets sold '_lfureh itt)aiid 31, limited to re- tulrn April 3. One and one-Ilitril faore fo:r roundm trtp omthe cer~tiite plani for the Phi Kacppa, Psi fraterity a1 Clevelamsl, April S to 2.0, 1896. it. S. CIlEEN(9TOOIS, Agent. The Daily will be delivered by car- rier or by matil for thie remainder of the year for $1.21, 2d Semester. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING Opposite LAW building. TERMS $3 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. On Watebes, Diamonds, whmeels, (or othoer personali properly of valive as collateral secsrity. Walcme-. iamondls and:iJeweli- ry fo:rsale :st sowsoepeters All kin~ds of reprinlg exrecuti eeynud promptly. Ofice atorry resi~lon~ce, 3i E. Libertst. iious, 8loi11 an.1 so 53:and All busiss strictly cosnideniial. J. C. WATrTS. YOU MUST NOT ACT SURPRISED When your lady friend asks you to buy some of our- Soda-Water tickets. They are raising money for the Wom- en's Building yout know, jus5t buy some. CALKINS' PHARMACY.E l'cv~t sitieiy so lger ° TheOny SeeingGa Lth e teesnyTed Masrietta.e The nigDrawngsoomearsined betiweeo Toeo ou busarsso) C arlsonls W. S oVa. ~ :. il pd Pulmn ulepes ereesolumus ienod betwen leo an Col:mbs.os-tys Sudybtenetyledosesd osslomb s. THEs Nd gIEm wnithe5.ritn. s eachl-ytdasl v eilca epedicTofle o so.1ng s:een faildin FeFie nd0.y ad hesfrci l HingaOfLLIrEading.triseahwy al PrivtwenParleosat niretok, NV. Ffhavdte. Wtia star.Rom5 THE POEARE btnBILLIAdHALLe Whlea eygrs,Toaccoslessnd Cgarette Thifospainelaisetoraeserveadof: fort o the GCnrand Opera MOUESTLITSNHUO .' AneMndsomeliek Possuitabolonernvlte. WM. ARNOLDs. A.EL i SuTE yngrEranc0 edWnim,