Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during
the Collegie year, at
Orrio n: Times building N. Main t., opposite
post office.
W. W. tcouns, '91, W. AV. TuAYeSt, '1 L
E. L. tinsuan,N 'I. L O. HiN&s. d
J. L, WAaoi, '08 \.
G. B. Haoso, 'PP I..
J. F. TuOMas, 'Pt.
L A. Pratt, 'ci G. M. Ifeath, '00 P.
S. IR. Smith, 'Pt L. B. B. Petheasy, 'P.
F. Simons, 'PS. H. B. Gammon, '07 M.
-- '. A. Fsuelk,'9PE. C B. Roe, 'POD.
The subscription price of the Daily has
been redaccd to $1.25 in advance for thse rest
of the year. Leave subscriptions at the
Daily office or with P. c. Mcyer, U. of M.
News Stand.
'1110e debate -tiiiight is Pile event of
this year for Mi4chigan ini thub Ue of
iintercollrglate' contest. O1u11 mii have
hardl thorosighi lli'tititioii, *ss iicli is
backed by coisiserable experiie in
thte cosc of tonih of ourl rerirnlt.tvcs,
but if liley Will, thac victtry will not
comie easily. Chilcago solids thraee nieli
in whomii site ;justly pu1ts stosol e01n-
fidenos'. They atre siiopoentse from
whoml it will be lio iisersd'titoI reciv'e
defeat rTere art oheir thing; heivsideP
theo fact that thie sdebate- Avill bc a vr
eltrolg 011e whichi shionil serve to bring
ont a large olllhs'lc. Thte elIIPsS
are unusllNthy hteavy, as the jnedges!
tCPmeI froml osiod~e licligal anid 111-
opts, aiid their expt'ises ate paid. froms
th1e proceilds this eveinig as wtel as
lu-se if the Clticago do tat rs. The d-
eatects and thte Ocaltorissil Association
have wvorkedt hartd to bing aboutl, the
1eneces of thie affair; they amr-ctinly
dteservinig of a mot libseratl splpor~t
from thte U'iviersity.
W~e recommend the roles artopt.'d
by the Boaord of Control to tite student
body for careful considethion. 'lose
aone wtill shiow whethier they ace
wese or necessary. But that lt' Board.
has the best interests of the Uliver.
city andntis athtletes at heart, is evi-
deet ftom the fact that it refnsecl to
pass a role st-iet. wouldl virtually
prervent any student me~mber of our
professionol seiioois trolm participating
in any itililtic event. MlIhian's
position in lis reloeel Pus unique, as
most of our athletes come fron th1110
driiortnients. Reform, piure oad tor-
oogh, coan only be aceoxupliahied by the
liressure of public opsion, and if the
sentinent now existing heir, contin
ufes, whticha we firmly beieve, absolute
Isurity lan all future athletics will with-
out doubt be the result As the lad-
ing college of the wtest we- have the
rigis:t to adopt only suchll rles as nare
suitable to our surroundinog condiltons
And when ence adoprted they should
be carrid out in I-ie oiir:t tlucy 0 sre -writhout excrption, lint agree to that1 Communications,
li diiowno, titliouit anyinfiraltions or o"tie, viWIilithooth i Pot ~it shll11 nt .11 irU f:t.Uri'
e'xceti'ilons'itwihatsoevec. be initerp~retred to aipply to stuilenits X While lhcre is so muilcih tail aliseng
nosy iiicoliege,swhaoihave ibeien en-tise senior 'ckaisics of the ?literart' 111111
NEW RULES FOR ATHLETICS gltg in cotching for hive it aoy tulle last drpartinenilswth. regard ta Peas'
be____tifor December 1, I1S92. ing-0. chins .s iiiioris it a s et io1115
(Continued fi'oni First Page.) Death of Edward H. Smith, '01. Iliat ealtileyction nsight not be lint of
th. (Adtoiptedi). No stuldent s J~iiol be
l~e5O~lei o siri ,pae zin any 111cr - Wo rot has been recriv-ed from Edy,11cr Our atldetic field is at thIe
colegite ontst sio i fond y tleNess' Mexico,- of the dea.:1l of PEdwardl Ilesent tiine ill use direst need of a
faculty to be lielin~plelt in iistde.Ilii mth ooulyo lni th et-lorokidseashal frnithuttl Istmst.
7. (Adoptei). All interealt-,gilslc sttis gratloatIted froni this univ.'rsity1110kwesiilievtioitiDsut
gall'sshilbepityd ngroensswith Ptie rlass of 181. 'Mr. liilpi for neesayacessory Ito t de fld uisringZ
either owtt-ed or suoier iloluedillie con~-Ptie Ipast tswoyeaa's has heels ris..sidimi sei ltdrigms fii on
Im-isiif oe.or5110111of die pollges . st-hrelie h11d11 gillon log baseball sr-asau. Let the Ipso s-n-
tiripialtiyigniithut'contest, and. all inlet'r- oeto l isili ''~P,~h ois'tgiirlli lsc
coleiae<allesalb plael ude at-as conmmuinly known nslloog htis Combination and. the nectwsen'y fulnds
sltdt'bt.billhi~eul'n an. 101tinerfriends, wt1s 101ot oly -ciby polar rt"lrcotuldibe rlosed. for tho ert'r-iton of a
'1,11011( hs easirna S bu was asoflne buildin", one Itatwould ornutocutt
the ontrl ofan),cororaton o ass- "our field as tPhose at the greait eastern
chefloit or private idividtual; except held. in iigdh estemPly aillstho t-ereg
so orunterantonube h~m mog nivttersitiesdo theirs. Here isa
In te cm o th iuaerollg~iaite metschance for tile cilasses of '9Gt to leave
of trar-k Petinss. their trrieands. tie 0wasa; sian of ex-
S.( oseh. 'ieretoh fet.cepi-osol abiliiy 11111 ele' -w'hohid lt - h.behind titmi0 a imost fitting bnehhPrehhl
8. (Aopte). Te elctio of Ci- aitiai 0110neof whiich shle still lonlg be
iaihhwanii oisgirn of tramsi in eachsway the heat ihteresit sftil th'ilver-
ce tg' 111b sbot1 h I-sit' at hblirt. Ill ihe Lotis plyswicii prosud. SENIOR.,
provai of uts comrittee on aiuiseics. ws pr'odusced. ill 1890, 111111lsieni the Ediitor of the U. of 1. tDaily:
B. (A opteP) . College foatbauil tealls -Unhiversity iliiioumvI sot thle smtilse ye'ar, In regard to hue "rumor~ls" h-gas'dl-
stlaiD htnot enlgage ill giiless-wtiiiiro- Ml'. 515011 l ook a blest airtivet' parlt. Pt - m nvrers-rfre o!l e
ft siPolil teamsi nr st-ilt those repis'- is also "saaioithat lie stas thit' oiginaltor tgmio''itbtsrfre oiiys
centmlgoa-shil'iPaiiietc chbs. of he sreol~tl'hi~esiiy2'sIl.l~eter~day's Daily, st-ib op11tersit Ille to
seningso-atled thlti clbs. of he resntT nveriixy yll.Hesay through syour columns that thIey
10. (Adopted). Before every imter- Wasahmembiter if thie Onmicron t hosloesehdttirrgniin tn rde
collegiate conltest an list of iie menorn01tile Dela nsppUpaRsihlo frater-
b of mine, mni are entirely stithout
tsroisomseto ihap 51:ii behieecmit'( hily. ____________foudationi so far as I Rnost.
boy eaicht teain or lennos to tile othier ,ranted-A stsuihnt to hike a bicyclo- FLOYD It. bt{t'ti E-3.
em' otiiers certifyinig ilat all imemhberscoui~r oser Euopoe next sumulser iii
are elatileot to play uniter Ptleeabheldi- cihftesly stithi setiior Pass-and50literary One front suite, $2.10. tine single.
catato b si:nedby tleoffier ttidemits.Addtvss F, care ofit P.of I'.N1roomo 72 cents. Isurnace beat, light
1115oPterlsaobeouh llif-tsiy. 1:30 and balh. 20 S. IngalsI. 136h
cab o besignd. y di offceror_________________
ofiers udtigialeulbuy the ataletic bs
insiter or bosaed of caontrol of e~i-thi-
vtetsitv. It sdiati be the dusiy of thse
Iclltalinh to emforce thlis rulie.
11. (Adopted). Atuietir-cosmmsnittees
sill reoquireeiar-h caiida te foe a
teamPIto represent the otliteistity in
intercollegiabte cote ts to subsritbe to
a stattoenlht th-at'lie is eligibie undehr
fte etter antd sirit of tile eles
12. (hi4xeloted. to). No stuleit shli
rarticisate ini any ihterrollrg;iate ceon-
test after anly year swlo has net been
ima residence at east sixumomths of
the hpreceding year of thte courge.
Excepations bsy tse Boawd. of Co6-,
"Resolved, 'Tlittile Board of Coo-
trot of Atletics accept the Athlletic
Roles t ogrover-haintercolleglmste coO-
tests recommtensded.fits adoption by
the -thletic conference at Ohdcago,
F+ebrulahy 8, 189th,swith the foowsing
1st. 'fie Board does not think ii
wise to lagree to thialt portion of blb
I wvhich tsrovides tlhiat no person swho
has participated in any maitchamse as
a mennber of nosy college teats shall
be pernmitted to paa'lipale In any
gamne as a boember of another collegel
team, untl hue has been a matt_,f lant
in such college under the above con-1
ditions for a period of six msonths.
2d. The Board. does not think it
wilse tuo agee to Rule 12.
3td. The Board does not, think It
wise to agree to tlme whole of Rule 4
Mr. R ose will be pleased to show all the-
latest and nobbiest effects in Suitings,
Overcoats and Trouserings of the latest
importation. Your attention is solicited..
Go~e E e l ip oyDETROIT, MICIGAN.