THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. DO YOU INTEED A.LL THME LA.TEST NOVELTIES Cln c ~w nOit TO (CrA I______ I II nRufus = W aterhouse = Neckwear ! We have left a fair stock of u i or Pair of, Pants 1 PRICES THEL LOWI St Spring Style Hats, 1896. Suit Casees, RIIGTALT SE TE ? Trunks and Traveeling Bags. RTN ALT 70nE__A6ST. "_n which can be closed out as D. A. TINKER &SON olw J s W .K la f HATTERS AND FINE FURNISHERS. Colran No. 9 S. Main St.MAOT20 PAGE TABLT, 5O MeB-Lrgesnlineauffothe GOOD WRITING TABLET, - BC Merchan Tailor CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15G Will give youa Perfec StisftCtion 1)0 Y LUJiIEA L I'4I.JIS ? BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35G Prices Reasonabie. . WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE DRILB. Fancy Mixed Nuts------------.l _____ . __ c __1epor pound This stock will not be replaced. 10 E. Washington St. 1Fancy Mixed Nuts----------------1 lbs for $1 Coins quick for first choice. Fancy Virginia Peanuts-.---------------0c per pound Argus Printing House. 2d Semester. Fancy Virginia Peanuts---------------------_ _12 lbs for $1 T. H.1KEYES UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING 4 ot ~anSre. DEAN & COMPANY. Opposite LAW building.OER HUS JW LR TERMS $3 FOR THE REST DF THE YEAR. UNIVERSITY NOTES. I CALENDARf. riNs:-v. of M., A. A. H. S. ___________________ The A11h 'in ol\l e idltilileltory Fri., M\1steli TI Meetiiig of MIiehigan The fluest in the city. Come and see - Spadl j Bo oitbtei' 'Ir MOORSr lt"o-ufiSne~oases (lt.& WETMORE The Nime is aguar- dele iite ii liiveroi ty hlT"1. iee" tieat the artici Tle Th e b'ster Sotete twil ot 110(1 - brring it to the best tat., Mareti 28-'94 cicottinquet it S . MAIN ST. AND STATE ST., - produced. Unicorms atl 11etn~ 1irtaiy lnighlt, )b tt i t- 6 SFretty'il'ti'o. ( decritionscor Itase tenti(_1lit ieao-lilitiir: d Ce ttt to Sat,, 11a eli 28-Meeting of Mielittall CORNER OF WILLIAM,Gof Illusrad for handssome a boly°. Scltoolisasters' Club. a Sltl-ge AVE a COMPLETE sTOCK OF Tlie Arnofseurrretieii- Then' will he iio nse tiu hfir'Vl- Sat., Macli28, Wternosiu C,ti H rah;; Au Society S, Iturd~ly nl~hif ac -iug slum-Contest.for Seitate Trophy. UNIVERSITY _TX OK a. ~rh2.Cy ' \i.eo S ~ ~ ~ ~ t paIdi niBiyclor11 meel tt theie ymitasilnt Itroit, liefore lhiigiut'eriiig Sodeeh-oniFrethe Second Semester, Spadin Biycl fr ie fculy up."Hyiallils f Rvers All-itluil New and SecondHan% IT"! ttuslii ilibtei'cstI(ei t ll~etet( 1}i- 1B011." which they oiler FOR 1896. tarecilt hit Webs ter e .lieioltll Mon., Mhitel>0, lUnitarianulsreh- A. G. SPALDING & BROS., moettides hae niot be 'ii areiig''etlt Rsevi. Pautes Roy Applebee, 010 "III ar. At the Lowest Prices. CNw York. ithirarn. Phiiaerphha. _I(Allen Poe."__________________ Largest Maoufacturers oh uicycies and Athi- ltcGoods ia the arld. FIRST NATioNAL BANK. OF ANN ARiBOR Organised 1563. Capital, $1i0,i00. Surpluis antiPFroits, $40,00 Transacts a general hashing business. Foreign exchanges bought andusold. Furnish letters oc credit. -P'. tACit Pres. S. W. CLARKSON. Cashier. JHE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock, $50,555. eurplus, $150,000. Resources, $1,1,000. ,Organised underthie General Biankingawn ,ao this State. Receives deposits, buys and neils exchange on the principal cities of the Ueited States. neafts cashed upon proper identification. Safety deposit hours is rent. OFFICERS: Chisitian MueS Prerot W. D. Hiarriman, Vice-Pres.; Chas 0E. tHiscoch, Cashier: M. J. Felts Asistast Cushier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S. 48 S. State St. Cheapest place to buy it1 is at m. SA BLR'S ~deEmporium, 11 W.W sintnSt. Bcycles, Sundries, Sport-1 ing and Athletic Goods.I year owigto ti:iilse'ithie. Jeffersonian Society. 111t' prir tof 1'thet' ti0irstitiao So- atety for toniighit is as follows: lant- 111g. tl. 1,. h'aidtrs: esoly, 1Lymaini A. -Mitete, iiegativie, IR.I). OMtley; Ileb-lei, "KtesIolviI, chat thit'recogni- U'nitied Staiieosotilit givstti a josh" cauise folr 'var." lirliltiv'. ..I{:. Blandl and C. It. WinikI'~ins''rtI'i.neg- ative, 0). .Cross intl Wi. l'i-Ingle; enitices repsort. The Boston Lltiieiiine detfeaoted tte University of Virignta oiliSatur- day bsy a score of 1I2 to 'T. Wanted-A, hustling stewvard f or boartd and roons. 84 S. -Main of. NOTICE TO FOOTBAIL ME_'N. All forumer football players lind alt t hose intohle tUnversity whoi expect to bteoaie canihtiatea foir 0111'teamisi ixl. falt arcerested to retoort Cil11he eamus, near tlie gyiiliasiuoi every day at 4 p. iii., for spring tiiteie. Old tplayers wiltltee out to coecs nesw mnt. H. ?1I. ,SENTEIl, (Captai. M essrs. Wright, Kay & Ca., of De- troit, being aware that each mnufac- furor of silver wuare has specialties which are desiable, do not confine themselves to the production of any one fimi, but bring out the best of all, as fast as they are placed on itie mar- ket. They have also many_ choice specimens of Rtussian.. Norwegian, Turkish, German, Italian, French, and English silver, which can' hardly be duplicated in this country. Tees., March 31, LUnitariantichucht- STRICTLY A SCHOOL OF DANCING R1ev. Jatoes Katy Aplpleill 1 on lJoths Wesley." GRANGER . 'S Sat., April 4, .2,p.,ut., I li'ipi el---tf .i~-- ilual electioni of ft'eAthletic bAssoao You o n u lLisues rose or a Lilon. any timoeconyvslet to yourselfite Sal., April 4, 3:301 ii in., Athiletie teria starting alien you do. Office and Field-2Mieltigami vs. MIichaigan Agri- Aeadenmy60 Maynard st. cultural College. ^ w r , Wid., Atpril l.-P'ee-itaLt ion of "JulI- iu laea"iCl 'Atise OpierIt' ouse, A Spring Tonic. under ihriliecion111of lProf. 'T'rueb'looda. V We hlise in our ireef, Iron and Thurs., Apr. i-Facully concet at vine a sage, pleasuant, and sureX Frieze Memnorial lHall. nutritive tonic. Dloes away with Sat, pr l-Spii~ ecsa egns "thiattired feig."Akyour Sat, Ar. I-Sprng ecss egis, doctor about it. 5a cent bottlescat 'J"8 BAIIALL, '11N, PALXERS PHA8RMYAcY. AlI a~n'dIvhenyou scant a liacS and want it Al alei'o fr the '18 baEb31 ion asre, come in and 'piano teamttin ae t'eltiIsti'lto 11rcplsi ~thI ril e s'Levery. yiuii&Aieei e ry af''ts ite'rioo iiat 4 Ip. ''' ' " Ill. GEOt. 1lh. 1W00It lttlF, ('apt. SPECIAL. ANN 'ARBORI lI. EXCURISION BULLETIN. T'DIETAS & SCHANZ sell Suits and Pants at prices to suit everyboedy; we also do Rates of one fare for the roand trip) repailiig,cleaning and pressing. Work calied Cur and de'irered. No. d8eS. State at., swill be mtade for the 'iihigan Cluis- ,econidflose. than Endeavor Coiiveitfion att 1onvia, hM. MARTIN, Funeral tireector, Cloth 'Mich. T.ickets soldl April 1 aiid 2, limo- .00 and Mhetalic Castets atid Fine Crude ited to returti not later itat April 4, Fourtha. Etalming a Specialty. No. 17 S. 1896. Itaes r iteati ol-filel arewilTU OF AL. SHAVING PARLOR and lath- Rate ofone nd ne-tirdfarewil L1 roomi. Alt i.ppoisnenta irst claisa. be iiadle for the G. A. It. starte en- Inported and donestic clears. L~adies' artis- tic hirledressing and bathing parlors. J . R. caimpmnit at Sagimnaw, 'Michi. Tickeots Trojanowskit aS S. State at. sold -MarcIt 311 aiidl31, litiiifted to re- TE O WANTr your clothes cleaend, turn April . X ressed, relined or rebound go to Mrs. Fingerle, oveShteehan's hook stoire. Lab- One and one-third fare for round oratory aprons ntide to order trip on the certificate platn for the Pha, Kappa, Psi F'raternity at Cleveland, April 8 ho 111, 1806. RS.GEN ODAen.Lost-A ritng helding about eight keys. Four of t5an arc for Tale locks>E and wilt be identified by numbers T PRdl stamped upon te. Thoe finder will N IEW/I ho rewai'ded foran trouble incnrred AC~ L R .by leaving floorsat N9 E. Wtilliaims1. C L A or at (lie U. of hM. Daily office. 1