THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. XJGHIGANGENTgAI To Look Over Our Line of Wheels Time Table (Revised) March 1, 1896. means to satisfy yourself at a saving of dollars. Our line. nan ____3 0 Maili--------,8Ivbr' o nsn M jstc R a K n and Mascot N. Y. Special..-. 5 in N. Y. Special---. 7:3cKin Eastern Es- 10-- 12 N. 5. Limited.- 9 25.C99f 02 1& Y Atlantic Es.---7 13) Pacific E-i--- 11 DONExss ---- 5 to Western Es___c 991 56, 58 and 60 S. Main St. Furniture. G. Exprss _.lln5 Cihi. Nt.Ex-i-----__________________10________12____ 0. W. tnnuiss, 1i. 99. hAY8es, O 1Ka Nr e w SPiRING SAIMIF LEs 0. . .&T. Act.. Chicagn. Act. Asn Arbora ear X ive. Te retadfns asrmn vrson nAnAbr ut W9 e o i 9wca n plc. (511u0and tiwill please youinoleak atnoursimples before F J. Gleam, The State St. Tailor. j} ~ 20 . SATE TREE, AN ARORMICH. RAILROAD. Time 12, a9. Students, Will Govern. College Clippings. 7:22, a. m. *7:46 a. m. 'Ih i'ic lli1'hef il.Ncc,il 9911o I'li qite l i :. iof, illiing :a iliac *12:20 P. ni. 11:.6 a. m 4:15 p. m. 9:21p. n il t;(ilibcoslili-1:1 ci'il f t l1 t1 li zlnlti gyR3111:t~illll is 111 ali,:bt (9111 9~ All trains daily except Sunday of th ii ul otll f hepplPictn *Trains ran beween Ann Arbor ,n1d Toledao Cfell nIii i leillle iietn .ol' tl . S.GOiEENWYOD, Agent il~9te'fWsitotsilt Dailly Card1ina1. (coilch 11111thenil ivecoity of Penn- W. H. BENNETT 0. P. A. Toleda 0. 'T'eililill lili'c-la tie altiiiitlc.ilive socicaili cii lell aiiatlltic loolt ANN ARDOR 86YPSILANTI ST, RY, 1115 jnlflill tllldtil119in a colilt-JIlof 51 'If atIthaca three__ 1109, at 1least 9111e (f N01119 -11111 114 ''he 1i0 tiecteatl of th,inliv ers,411 Time Table, Oct. '27, 1895. a . onn.i.'lutisettullioil 'sta~llehe. (Iof ('abifoctila.cwiii leavce for its eastern Leave Ypsilanti from Congress st., 7:10,85:45 eiibjec'. 9o raifiction01b1 the.111' 9(11921tipl 61 .tay 2. and 11:0 a. m.; 124,2:15,5:00t,6:59:1anH5d 10:45 p. m. aind faculty, ac(de10folt'eytillln( I-'iorty ditoi'tlwlrt,(ccci' 1ridtnl'od ll i Leave Ann Arbar Junction, 7:409 :15 and t11130 a.m.; 1:15, 1:45, a:an, til5, 9:495ad 1li15oflt'eipupils and triiesto ditt'ti'ciiiithe111lLlictigan ('allege o i Micleati SUNDAY TIMIE. anliniifraolit to-ut~eiiof. '['16' theacy is I )ert: 1-151 'i'tiesdi~v. Leave Ypsilanti from Congressi.. 1:30, 3:0,th5l:i t te facotlty, l1:111; i91ollty iI ilve'I \Ncgaiiat t lit aa-t'illtc-c'e:for 'Ill :00, 6:310 and 9:00 Leave Ass Arbor Junction, 2:00, 4:0(6, 5:3(0, 1if 1110 (-110 if ills -iiilit', ,calldecote a ltl'ti( init etiiit7 lit19Acia(olili ants 7:(0 and 99:19 p. m. Cars ran as city time lFare: single trip 1iits cc-litle tilnii' the ini iitelctua~l iid- tilt' Lnvtli'siic' (If Clfri, cents: round trip tichets 15 cents. , ltfcia Wni. F9. 'ARKEn, Spt. clilieilleill t:Of thi:putils, itlilett he 'lie University of (Chicaigoiis 10.110 latter.,lieing upttnihoinioior' 17t'.tcned'ils(111of pinstinmnilg until nest fa'1ll l A STU DENTS'- liy officials of thlic(e1ir ulctooi217. Aclti 11(iiiwai'tt 'otsaafoia.( 'llleicttdt'tl. If you east good reliable ice insurance call asnhred T ic~mlier. nffice Na. 1, S. llatulilly lie sitri' attientivi' and 1stuid- tothns 1-lit L:onIitc6'colty outi' 1871 Bicycle Repairin~. Prof. Seth Goes to Cornell. i'.1 11,;l..21)ai71 711%________(1:119.e BiylsEnameled and all kinds .ta etilecocit Ilatly stev A ccctllcnco 11:)1es1(1i of machine work.]. avv ofallisal.'l( 1-1 U NTB F? B I~c) s..ti'i'il:, Prft'it'9,or' lilles 11111, 1ofi'li'vt'n ccill liiig'lup for ct11ve1'pi:ay bt toe. 1) Eatilibrriy St. Icci ncciy,9:1ulllllt hr111-1'Ililica Nceek, altll~~' day1s RENTSCRiLER, I'olllltt'ses (lit' lift ill tie 11:11:: Itililli. ANN ARBOR. MICH. l'1'ttlt. eSiI171119i t 11 nbciofr h iu l1-iies't f ci Fiibcngt illii Ii': Jest Heceived a Large and Elegant 9ci11c y,1 te vn l 1111 ' ttsg io ii 'liitlostl Hot Lunches, Chocolates and gicicintlcfal l tiectt iltiti n ' annvlt 'l lip iie _J 1i l S. Slate St.. Saver BoHis,. .I - i ' l~ t~t Ft.Q e 1 9° °gy lesMd. ta.°d ,in ns ,i °,ha T O0I rSeeing or Drawing" culas iners bolwen als 7°'°°and R Thle OnlTSlIeeink GaroningemSbetsyen so- lco r adClmusa.lans Liedysboweero TleolumnduCeande 11ele rangaRoomar LneGeeeSa TledoClubssnTCaletn tTHE ONLY LINE wsilS 4Itrsas eachway dily betwenaToedaoad Clmbs,.Va THE ONLY]LINEithLINEtrineanch waao Suaseteen oedi ads.mbs THE OLYCIAIi lithEStrains Tohiydai ls. Fall"bew ldo , oling relie ec 1risHE1..OLYLbE webh 2etrinSs awdaisy bgesia toen oaileoin.hesoW a TolA. One Muyruorvle aW ek it OULON OK . A. F. li~i ittellte~(ly111 shateti-illi' ii(110151 sie o e W ~igeeko Poitvey 1ia 1e ase lfe 1 1 olMrs.iA.l'.Ii el-h:111 l111 tiie o ndil' eflls ilt te lse71:11 ieee t ri'if ond e: lilsil will Lead f'iitliatenlc ocesiacions (andoi allauslilstaly 11(1 9ii. 1. tels p.uia. 1f.11 e; afallIreadi ygu PrivaeyPalorsat Uity loc- vifthcav pediWalkuupestairs. oom 8.i t D AN DA T. p-bllosopliy at ilit, Vnirer, it;y of EdJn-- Jnurgll. He ail pollited to the pro- 1 .,4' ~ 1~ 7..,..-.,, -.l:.Y. ~ , Tl ,11,...,..:.. Mol < 113 P hotographer (o1a n 9(1 l111iiu 1812 5' l'ti° 15 'Washington Block. . llItIZi4L~iot CARIIIAxe ('ONItI.'. '2ic ( erlo' i:lof thei'Army, t61(0 (icimei TO PfCll 2 . 'TAT E earil coilnliiihillg thie'U0. S. ((Cri,;of STR EUT.+ 4 Engcineers, Vioe Pbci'ileit Webb, of Callan them far teNwYr etalInlJh ao Fine Lunches, Astorint'sllli 0Tile (osluiopl(Olnll Fine Chocolates, Maigaine's Iloarcutof iiges to de-oui see "them and Baked Goode. alde tine iectilsof te li ees la - every'where~o . Yf Try Our Lunches. rige ciltich cviii ile ('ltl'l'd in the' ______________________ isay tia-Is, for cwhich tile ('asllltli. - c OTRELL & LEONARD, tall oilers $,00ipizXe'2h~ co1& Albany. N. Y., ting-ifilned tiit inas acer consnmtedtlon act upon theo ocasion of the trial of .i Makers of -nmmcv andt useful invcentionl. The inter- p est cvlierds these gentletumn.havce shoccn U Gfl ~n; iuacceptimng placessuponathe commit- Gibso & utrk - 1I 1S tee simiticative of the iuliaomtauce of & Clark, .pfor Yaile'96,Harvard the subject, and that thie content itself P TORP IS 51,Princeton '96 amid cill be cc'tclied with incarked interest we add with pleasure Michigan '96 o hot-h sides of the Atlamntic. 112 WA. HU RON ST. THE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL- RAILROAD TICKET BROKER& .MONEY TO LOAN (IN 1'ERSONAL PREOPERTY. Whoisale Cigars, Tabacosad Cigarettes This space is reserved for the Grand Opera, House. ,EASTER GIFTS, o M"spoon or pin? A handsome line 0of suitahle novenlties.. WMT ARNOLD'S JEWELR( STORE., HANGSTERFER, 2 UWshn