TiIE LUNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. FINE[ST SIINGS AN . LATEST STY![[5Ctosiug ouit League Bal will bat further and last longer than zny other make. it contains the best materials and shows the finest construction throughout. Eivery I"official" league ball offered to the public is an imitation of the VICTOR. Demand the Victor in all cases. Our trade marl: is a guarantee of finest quality. OVERMANVWHEEL C0. ---for Spring land Sumnmeri'Suiiis--- - - - 18 North Fourth Avenue, Arlington Block. - - - BOARD. B, 1OAR]D. NEW DINING PARLORS OPENED AT NO, II MAYNARD ST. The llyax ii x- iieC=loi se bay ssaprd ibanids. iWill now hbe run onsas ifliereet plan. iThe very ho 4ti' .5lbariti the of ' liv wil he served. Ctm andiryit andhbe conincesid. Asj(-ial dCiettilconly for those w ihoxii-iiit. F. J. RENNINGS, G. W. PRINGLE, PROPRIETORS YU E.AT NUTS? We have left a fair stock of all sorts of --WRITING TABLETS which can he closed out as follows: MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100O PP. 3 FOR DOC GOOD WRITING TABLET, - BC CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 15C BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C WRITING PAPER. BY THE QUIRE OR LB. This stock will not be replaced. Coins quick for lirst choice. Argus Printing House. OPERA HOUSE JEWELER PINS:-U. of M., A. A. H. S. The finest in the city., Come and see MOORE & WETMORE Fancy Mixed Nuts------ Fancy Mixed Nuts - - --__ Fancy Virginia Peanuts_ Fancy Virginia Peanuts_ - l0c per pound, -11 llbs for $1 l 1c per pound -12 lbs for $1 DEAN Z&t COMlPANY. 44 South Main Street. Al G Spalding & O&fli UNIVERSITY NOTES. "Tin' Nine i a Gear- sntie" listhe artie -xFriiik.;. Eno';. x'~I}, fI lixixixl .lilixl, - prodeili-d. Uifrms-ll i jx-ix reovi ng ilt iv iii ,x ":c -v- ill- j %ndiSpplies it eveiy ' eii tiiii rxv isne- i(-s inball 'rint(iM. -Send forin lxrsixd.iiie E.* C. \Vxii~xxi-. '79. xiwx pal (;t'xl1 ., Illust~rated('atIuiipie. Thei'Ac-n~e cc Perfetiotn- ox "ixxaxxM ,-'h sixixl. xwi))llx.-iii ALiv I iii lii-whxx-lxlixiix i s lil.1 ) S palIdinbg B icycile xxhi\ixiaxxxxi-xx i x- trlxGlirtxixi, iil)xtitii-will ioi it il-i F~~x-ore'onck.the I -- xlii- lit -- lg Soixix-i lv -i lxx A. G. SPALDING & BROS., li isi x. I illIxi i CALENDAR. New fork, Chicag, . 1111itrdephl . i-uix Goxidsinislix' i nid. FIRST NATION1AL BANK. OF ANN ARtBORt. Oxrgaized liii. Capital.,s$1six0ix. Surplus and Preenfs $i0,00i Transacits a general hashing hausiness. iiorrig- oillliiigen hosght andssild. Farsishi letters o -cdit. P. B3AC11l'rei. 5. W. CLARKSON. Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock. $50,000. Surplxs,$5,000itii. Resource-s $1,100,000 Orgniedunder the General Banking Laws of this Sinte. Rieceives dieposits, ixuys and sells exchanige en the principal cities of the United States. Drafts cashed neon proper Identificaitien. Safety deisit hoses Co rest. OF iccaix Christian cMach Pres.; W. D. Harrimian, Vice-Pres.: Chas . Hiscoci,, Cashier: M. J..Fritz Assistant Cashier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S. 48 S. State St. -~Cheapest place to buy it is at M. MSAEBLES C de Emporium,I icycles, Sundries, Sport- ing and Athletic Goods. Kitrt~ sil--illi -x«fxiItix i-is xxilx A1li l co ld ii 11x ({tIix- 21 t ' 1. i i #n lli i r"i F llly xo isxIrLxie a lxix i-s 5 1lx l t ix xxi Cxxo. A imIxiiill ofi fieldl workl sililllle-gill tllx:s if vl-ix xil. INTER COLL EGIATE. Carli) i. 'iillixi ha xs blxiiiii-iis-io' i-xllliii ixf 'illxxiyiiuils fxxxili ill teazel flxv i lil. A p-lc- if $7:;i isto 1wIi.- vl xitxxxtle titnl spieaikxiv atYxix- l iin h.- pv -1lill- Hxxrvaril svill hol iili -ix llei-ii lie fourivsiravxhivli entlis ldfilesaxhxnd'i- i-h3, s.isiilx-s a roladiricx-x liii l xvn li- vvird nIxi niivi't-sily xof iii'iiisvlx-lnill. SThe svi-.Gs-l ixi-llts xwi)lil-beiaxixie-iliivxid lxi., llxix -ii 'M ex-hug otfMlixhixnxi So-hxxixixsiixxs' I1111x. G S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST., 1,+i- v. iiliIit. -liilaiolil lilt iii CORNER OF WILLIAMI (10),:OxoInx' lxi iiivsvilty llill. AEACMLT TCCO 8ail., hlxxivcuh28. 'E)4 clis banoquiet it Sa. lich28 \Iix'ing of Iiligai UNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS! 8Sc-lilxixsissClubl. For the Second Semester, Ii 2. Wilivinxii iiiiiiNew and Second-Hiand sixinilxxlisl fxxr Sentixi'tvsrophy. Slxi.. ilii-x-l hi'.- . Y.- gyisixx 4 i hidich lihy iilter Deiixxil*.o 'xvx- lii {'sx'ing Sn -iIs y IAt the Lowvest Prices. { "lylixiillioaofxI'vesa-s i iliAlltiv i) _______________________________ MBel. xv-i1.Vilva lxxsl STRICTLY A SCHIOOL OF DANCING T.fxrs.. ilurchl 1.I'xilltaviaxi t'iio-- lev. t.lx s-s Kaiy Apxplie onoihn Youisane.ji our ecilxisses yow, or lit iy time scoeit toxyouseslf, lthe Wesley.-" terixi xtxiitinig en o urs.ixido. Ofixe-aid -Sai.,Aipvil -I, 2 p. ini., Chlxs- 1-i Acadeimy ti llayndstC. Iiil l ilsi- lii i v'th Atltic A s11 lr.ia Sax., Api-il. 4, 1:30lpi.n., AAglei- { ASpring Tonic. Isisl-li ilvigxiiivs. Mliigxiii ri l' x-ultiiraxl College-i. Wei-ein iiour 1neef, Iron'an 0 "N'- -i - inirxisaifeol-isit.iindlsue Wedi",iAiri .-aI'rsinlxixixnioix)1l111- 0 sutr-itive- tong. lDoesntis withi isis(xisxx' ii iilllil iiiia lsos- ixll ilvilCxeiix - yAix ri ins a(- i-r in(11a~d p,1r1 IOU-e 0 Thaidcto iseout it. Socvo" eethA ottles yat0 ixiiibx'ilii-l-iixoi If Cviif. 'l'u'vxxoxiil. K E.S PH RMCY Thuors., Apir. Il-tacty c-ncert AaEt PA MAY Fiiiezetileiiirixil IHol).5hes you oil)t-a bacli andiwantiit Sixuik a ui re;iico-uicsis sod 'phone ~ Sat., Apr. 11-Spriing recess begins, Hiolmies' Li-siy. ANN ARi3til RYli. EXCtiRSIi ____________________ ILLETiN. SP'ECIAL.. llilcoe of oni- fairi for thei'roiiiiiltrip iwill be 111slie for the 'Mic'higxansChis- TDiFTAS & SCHIANZI till sits and PassC tlcil I+1Cle'01'Conentin atIC~ J-Jiatpiices to sit ev-iryboidyxAvetalso do uni Eiiiixisv Cnvciliii it iii~lrepairisi,i-leuusixixioiiliri-tsiiii Worki Mis-l. 'Tirlclo sixSli April 1 andl22.in- cail led iforanxd delirvered. 'No. 4o S. State sC., rcoxidifloor. itid tn returniiiot later Itiat April -4, 1896. ( i. MlARtTIN, Foser-aI Directsr, Cloth sr. ind Metollic Gashet- asid Fine Grade r. ....:t fnisen, . ...inax.. isg. a sp, ec- -1- . Tri. vi1 s. 2 ixile rine.x'.Pi-liiiiiiiWtud i) ica i be abesaxde for itie C. A. It. state en. tiwo milei rtace, i-\illi alini of2(0 aiiiaiisi-isiat Sa5giiiiw, Michi.'lickIets solt d nr-lx301(anditi31,liitedsvt10ne- yixls.lturn Apiril I3. Wantecd-A, huxsiling steward for One andl oxic-tidv fare for ronid hoard anid ronoms. 8418. AMain st. trip on thle cerificisate lilaus- for the tPhi Kappa Psi 1Frnuternity at Clvelandt, Messrs. Wright, Kay & Co.. of Di-- Apr'il 8 to 10, 1896. troll, being awvare that seacli ianufac- iR. Si. IFREEK FOOD, Agenot. turer of silver waxre has specialties siish are desirable, do not confinie Lost-A ring holding ahout eight themaselves to the production of any kes. oulxr of them are far Yale los-ks one firni, hut bring out the best of all, and will ho identified by numbers as fast as ihey are plnscd on thneniar- stampid upon them. The finder, vill ket. They have also ninny choice be rewarded for any trouble incurred specimns of Russian. Nor'wegian, by leaving them _at 39 iE. William St. Turkish, German, Italian, French, or at the 1U. of M. Daily office. and English silver, which can hardly Washburn Guitar for sale, Argus he duplicated in thin country. office. 128 Fourth ave. U OF M. PSHAVING t'ARLtORiandiii thi- a. oom All ippintment~s isi- eiso. Imported asd domestic chanirs. Lasdiesx' irtis- tcl faire drei'xng and hathinig parloirs. J. R. Troanowski 1115. State st. WHfiEN YO TART iyour clothes lesend, pressed. relixied ox rehosnd go Co Mrs. Fingerle, overC Sliestan's bosh store. Lah- oratoiy aprons miade Co order A NEW COLLR I