THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. MWHIGAN GENTIFAL Time Table (Revised) March 1, 189. Mall and Ex--350 -Mal ---------8b N. Y. Special.... 5 00 N. Y. Specal... 780 Eastern Ex.-.10 12 N. S. Limi ed..--_9:25 Atlantic Es.---713) Pacific Es_._12 1 . N. Express--. 5 AO Western Ex.-2 0 G. . Espress 11 05 Ch. Nt. Es.---10 it G.RE...--..557 . W. R~cULES, i. W. HIAve, G. 9. & T. Ag., Chicago. Agt. Ass Arbor RAILROAD. Time 'table, ,Ta. 1, j m.96 7:2a. M. *7:40 a m. '12:20 p. m. 1l:0 a. m. 4:15 p.m. 9:2 p. . All trains daly ecept Sunday "Trains ran between Ant Arbor ad Toledo only. R. S. GEENWOOID, Agent W. 13. BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo . ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST RY. Time Tab, Oct. 27, 189. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress St., 7:19.,:45 and 1:0 a. i.; 12:45,2:15,5:00, :45, :15 ad 10:5bp. m Leave Ann Arbor Jsncton, 7:d, 9:15 aed 1:30 a. i.; 1:15, 2:45, 5:30, 7:15, 9:45 ad 11:19 SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from Congres .. 1:0, 3:0, :0, :30 and 1:00 p. n,. Leave Ass Arbor Jancton, 2:00, 40:9, 5:0, S7:0and 9:30 . . Cars rus on city time Fare: single trip 15 cents: round trip tces 25 cents. AWm. F. PAsKE, pt STUDENTS T If you vase good reliable life issurance call on Fred T McOmber, ofice No. 1, S. Fort ave. Bicycle Repairing.% Bicycles Enameled and all kinds of machine work. HUNTER ZBROS., No. 9 bastUibsrry St. RENTSCHLER, PHOTzCC~tAnHR ANN ARBOR. MICH. 40 Jst Received a Large and Elegat Line of New Pipes I Hot Lunches, Chocolates and Bon Bon. R. E..JOLLY &t CO. 20. State S. Sager Bloc. RAINDALL Photographer 15 Washington Block. 313 S. STATE TOOT Hil STRET. + + Call on them for Fine Lunches, Fine Chocolates, and Baked Goods. Try Our Lmches. COTRELL & LEONARD, Albany. N. Y. Makers of vCaps, G~owns for Yale '91,Harvard '91, Princeton '91 ad we add wih Pleasure Michigan '96 Good Tailo: No lottery schemes. CASH saves you 2, Lod ll itranteed.'Tho cusltomeers. The larn from. Fu11ll leof 0: rfuesd. t will will THE GOLDEN EAGLE CO, ring You pay for what you get and 5 per cent. Every garment fitted ousands of students are amongst 059r ,est line in the state to select smples at the Cook House every 1pay you tfo see the line. ,1 DETROIT. Ann Arbor Cares for Tramps. to meeo:t tog;etller ill rcoll:'ge 'loi:' and111sociasl gathelrinigs f::rf::ir of plots Iln this city nsie i:witall li r:iliifce :1: l i t 2o(ai. n:::i 00 :a.1019 roilichsract:'r should11give'aid~ tlon to fl9'21g N99':lllldla:91(9l::lllll1T of any1 kind to begs; iro. 'T'lsc:itiz:es psrovidre rlief' for t11ose ilO) 1e1901:1:: l:: tius 1:' i kll: 1 il Itime to be air'stl :nd:1e('ile:9 to1Si- dleserv'e iR; those who bog from ihouo:' b~eriai, so tha:t their lift' is a, diso:°rc:'- to 11o9190or :-on the stre'ets are l' 9rf: 9- IbeWotl'2t to tha~t of thei' fellow si::enii sagaxbonirl. ssd'lilAmr:a lFredl. .:9)107, who90il1:1y alwaiys 9:e students __in _________ foce( tl lthtimeIEngine:' ious' 11il IItrollt 11(OIELE~hSS t'AlItIA(7:' tCONTEST. h'(lml'll (IfthI=. ArS.7' ii:'(711 Society, a u tngliza.ton ll wltse Stll5Sn igii 'a ro, 1c rcilt99i:,o to assist t1.11eiplayed 07 r1:nd 1a',t ililthei 'New York ('e'ilral, :9111 .19111n.lac9'i llllllO timell' isc":9itl gO 12.i)ollls by Astorc, coelpool' 'helo('slllpllil givieg ldd 191l17ill rolternifor work. 52:ac illc'S 17:rcl ::f .911:ges90o dc- 1la:ges''s 51:171wi9:11wite'Ot'::' I ill the his sinicer1ity'; btt ube~ i: lill)r -Wl:ogalioifer's $3,000 :9in prize;5. 'Ils('1111am stood 911" tootIlas 110e00r'xc:':'(i:'1i 1111'- 11119 1", S5110191'1'I' 1 1104 dl teNotdlo'- l:entill of t1110 unlbl:'1'of v5:idrt:i1s4-iillglisto:dle(It11:1 (t5tvert'025011t0) t:to ingltsrouighlihe ity '17. 'ocuirll it, s 2:t uponl il rth casionl ofthit rial of '9 iinst'liless. A few'. 1however,(l'. 1o15' 9.11 ::ost99lili thetils'g:'ltlr'l:'l11:1av')' olli:t ilg to allpt'the t o ffered woo:: 991:'. ill 9'1':pttillg 911:1)09upon1t11 il ' ollllllt- wo:rk. '11wy7' ~11auso a t1rn1 'l:ttnig swill ibe f(11019 e wth ll ll~rllO inilt'l'1't a~nclsoes ifthey ne011he). on otldesof the 'AtIlitic. The-ary o taauasestinlitil y NO'l'l'l'1Tf ')Ot)('1BiALLMEN. c'are'fuilobse'rsvers :11 llbot la811110,:11:7thost' illthI 11l9Ol'sty wh1)1oexpec't tto of 9107s 1119 70911g. menlt111tra'c1tedl 917'f~aailir'el'elIttste:d to re'polrt111oil t' is 'c':l :tlidilllllltled b t1101211' l:t i yaif 4 p. in.., for:r Olinigy; prctic'e. ctys12eo7' 1111 o 91191iivei:'iscii 1905 1 ilitnt t tIIt.197' )) liso 95'itl:9119 91)111 II 11:90 bo:'ii jst7' o1sllteibai 1e r. 11:19':'ub11ri9151'r1'he Ill 2d. thati sesy gtolie.witho111 117k 1f11." ______ UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING Largest of Russian Institutions. Opposite LAW building. T'loe largesyt of theo 911ellnie'OritiesI $3 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR, i usiith niesyoffosnllc:1;in 2775. Its librairy liibero S v'ONE'YLOOA.N BED The Ony Sleeping Gar Lie betee To- leod edColoibs. The Onlg Slspiog or DrawigRoomm ar Line between Tolod, Clms ad Marietta. The Olg IDraweg RosomnGarLinee btwe Toledo,Coluinbusan ed Charlst, wI. f. Pullinan Sleepers btwee Colainbusoild Cioago. THE ONLT LINE writ 4 traneamob way daily betwen Toledoand Clumes. THE ONLTLINEIIwit 0tr1insreachayeon Snasys tetweena Toldo ad fClumb. THE ONLT LINlE with 5 traisoah way daily bewen Toledo, Bowlig Grenad TEE OLY LNE with 2 trans ech way dily between Totleoad Chaleosn W. S. THE ONLY DIREfT LINE betwee Tled aed tbs Viratels. THIE POPULAR lINE beweene Toledo, Foser ris. Bcyrs, Ganville adNewarik. Fal ifonation retails 5o roes, ie S4 traisec, w .illbscaberfulliy furishdb ay AgsetoftheOhoetrelalLns MOULTON HOUK, . . A. TOLEDO, OHIO M1rs. IF. ichhit, thec o::l1'fuly rifled shs il ieladd th belr t t'3::sl 'a r a1rka, eifttofsc- toert y :i::yos ':and91111 host9151 gtcs 1:1019bu1st-01' lo wan fat ha ol 1 5'05i 9te ells it 1,1:1 Fcc.90:' a~ 01.0. tc:daysland tr, i- l 11a91110 a fll90110111. I is iccity 0119 watt osnly. Private Parlors at Unity Block, N. Fifth ave. Walk up stairs. Room 8. THE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS. MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PRIOPERITY. WVholesale Cigars, Tobuccos 1110 Cgaett This space is reserved for the Grand Opera0 House. EASTER IFTS. Perhaps a 'U. of M." spoon or pin? A handsome line ofsuitable novelties. WM. ARNOLD'S JEWELR( STORE. UANGSTE RFRD CAERE1 1.75,000 9'oluslllas:nd It has l,(il tu-91 delilsanti 75 iltirllt-ors.Tlio 7'pcarly foes lire9119i5'.119t 9:o $75 in 1211 mioney~ of -tis count1ry'. Netsr'ly t1ll of theo ltIlimli 111i9' tireo lib. 91911097'supol'red by' Ili, (20oa'-lltucO I. Mluly of tdikoli lal n1o01d: for' solliel special breostli of science, a~s ie'r forl ledicinte, IDorI::tatfor 11591'00111117' hed Mosoos'for izltsurail1 1sci:ics. A stliislity ruourse'klo'sfouri ye':as, as in this coutry, anti the grlllitlatl' receivsotheiadegree of "canldidalte." At the end of tsso years of studly, onl presentfationl of a thesis, lihe dogree of "niagio,,tor" is.eonferre'd. Instructi~n is for fieba11o001 part gliven by micans of lectures, tihere being fesv oral or ss'riften exerrises. Those uis'ersitioo have always boen hot-b~eds of Nihl- islil, and the students are foridkdeni On Wachles, tDiamonds, Whee91,1or oth~e persosnsl properly of valvea4a collateral srcsrity. Walolc . lDiasmondsad.Jecel- ry forsateait i.oweO'e prior's. Altkinds lit rrp~lirillg axrcuted neatly :and lirnmptly. Office atmy residence, 223ER Liberty "t. Hou11r, 011:s m_,11 oid 1109p.m. All business strictlycosnfidentiatl. J. C. WA'TTS. RIP-AN.S LL. W1 z 0 The modern stand- 1ard Family Medi- )cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. T"eis A