THlE UNIVERSITY OF MMI IGAN DAILY. DO YOU INTEND TO GET A Sit or Pair of Pants FOR I.EASTEP.? Jos. I. Kollauf, Merchant Tailor, Will give you Perfect S tisfiCtion Prices Resonablel. 10 E. Washington St. 2d Semester. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING Opposite LAW building. TERMS $3 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. U I Spadin & Brs "ThNmenes a Gtar- htee thai; the article 7arooig it is the bst S producd. Uniformns '- nd Spplis of es-ry decripion for ussro- 3+~ Send for hlisdoe Illutsraed Catligs. THEF Spalding Bicycle FOR 1896. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., New York, Chiag, 5Phildlphia. " Largest Mnuactrer of Bicycles asd Ath- letic Grods ii the,wrld. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOR. Organized 184. Capital, $10,0. Surplus and Profits, W4,00 Transacts a general banking bsines. Foreign ehnges boght andaold. Furnish Letems of credit. Y. ACK Pe. . W. CLARSON. Cashier. THE ANN ARDOR SAVINGS ANK Capital Stock. 5505. Surplus, $1500. Resources, 51,00,00. rganzed under the Genera anfsngfaws of this Stae. Receises deposni~itsfbays andh sells eciange on the principaciesoth United States. Drafts cashed upon proper identificatio. Safety deposit oes to rent. Omnionno; Christian Mach Pes. W. 1. Harrimnan, Vice-Pre.: Chas . Hiscck, Cahier: it. .. FrtzAsistat Cashier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S. 49 S. State St. Cheapest place to buy it is at M iSIADL[R'S ~Cie[rmpoium, 11 W. Wahington t. Bicycles, Sundries, Sport- ig and Athletic Gloods. ALL THE LATEST ITOVELaTIES IN Rufuis w Waterhouse m Neckwear! PRICES THE LOWEST. Spriiig Style Hats, 1896. Suit Cases. Trunks anid Traveling Bugs. HATTERS AND FINE FUONISHERS. No. a 5. Main St. r N. B-Largest line of Shirts, Collars and Cnffs in tile oily. Fancy Mixed Nuts-- ---------- ----10c per pound Fancy Fixed Nuts----------------------------l11lbs for $1 Fancy Virginia Peanuts- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- - -l c per pound Fancy Virginia Peanuts----------------------- 12 lbs for $1' IDEAN & COMPANY. 44 South Xain Street. Closing Out We have loft a fair stock of all sorts of - - WRITING TABLETS which can he closed out as follows: MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 50 GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR DOC GOOD WRITING TABLET, - BC CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. This stock will not he replaced. Coiiie quick for first choice. Argus Printing House. 0a. H. KEYES. OPERA HOUSE JEWELER PINS:-U. of X., A. A. H. S. The finest in the city. Come and see MOORE & WETMORE 6GS. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM, nH-AVACOMPETnEnSOCKOFo UNIVERSITY NOTES. I CALENDAR. Tiies.,. Marceli"24, Unitarian chourch- 'Rloe recitlar tiee til of lie Altliiel le Icvt. Jamcs IKay Applebee, 001 b-ard (will11beohll, 1illlRcoi t) lii lis "Shtakespearean Sonnets." clig . This 11'illbe tHo last locreI- Fri., Marchli27-Meeling of Michigan in- of this year's boaird. Scrhoslecoisters' Clib. Mlayor Iliioree and(Col. .101011Aikin- Fri..ilrl t.tlie,-o igl debt i innirersilty 11a11. son, of' letroit, Nct11 sp ark in the 05t., Alnr it2.-'04-I lass hanqulletat Cu-tool opera, louse this c!owoinlg. No i retlyiio'iiis. 1 (oil. Johniti Aloit, wot ~ot Oat ctioril iiasters CMltb. the Ccorit Otoera iouse tlotight. orillt Stit., Iittch 2tt-, Wtolcaii (yioiia- lieo'io-'t'tite M ii tolia ..11 lth Coftest for Sielate Treohy. For the Second Semester, been;Yrilnd tth S a;A~i1 M1on.. Mairchl 10, lUniteci-an churche- New and Second-Hand Epsiloni Ilolso'ie(11,1"li ts sOty f lii 1llRev. James Kay Alilleiet', e tgrwihte oilerllga Arlior. Allen Pee"At heL w s Prc . Priif. Kaorti toiabId to ou0000 Tiles.,Moteb it3, Uittariatn cliolCil A h ows-rcs anid aitAvork aolgitin, loo',oroig -tie iestBoov.Jo!iico layAppileboee,on 'lobe. Wesley. STRICTLY A SCHOOL OF DANCING yooaebchso reciein Cii Iliteats yet ~- it.,Apriii 1,2 p. ilo., Chapel --All- dlay. Hie explects tin 1:11.E1hisco1se 1100-l clecltilotof (te Athletic Assacia- (- A ~(-P 1 rlarlly frmte oii n 1. lion .-G -- - Ex1,.co1ioios ill C'otistillliiionl Llaso Sat.,AprIil -4, :00 p. ini., Athletic You coo ljoin our classes now, or at Fetraoo le toi .icldlMli"i ii 's. Mlilgai Agri- any time cons-enitent to youself, Itie anod i'tieitoti'ii wnc(Vfri' o lltrlColg erm startigslient ysu do. O01icc and -ivtios loillet toopails i Ilio si' e-oltli, IAcademy 6 Saynard it. soill 101 hldllS itottl 10 ,Apl i4,. at t5 ills (olesollin i(111 01.aiiloSi. 'The sli"ggesttilii o liobenllill' So. Tlllals., Apr. i-F+aceltly concert at Ou0ooh Freca Itelnorial H-all. is recomnmended by the dental 0 P~eryi'T-atfor;ofIt111ll(Iar'.i ohAiti- oofoosi n o n'1t hort thie Sat, Apr. Il-Spriegreceos hetgiii', eiethoscud willcleano thim.If you loic- cotoiiittee, 11t it oi"lBoarofiitAr-____________0_ don't like it bring it hick and'oct btltlatioli le a olilitedll. tocootosit fIIOIISELE'S C'AitkIA~ti SiON. E:ST, your noney. We's-c yet to get thise nei'trailtolico'Sis to'- dty of wloldo 'l1 ee raicol ofrlth' Arol'.ylliie Gen- 0 PALMER'S PHARMACY. 0 cra oileotooaiillf;g tle 0. S. C('lrps of shal be to wpati.Gy dcidothlva.1- _Holmoes lion the fineot boarding born shal b li itoitrliltyh~l il.' loe'Ii'-Otginers, Vice P1 osidlenlt Webbiiof i theo'iy.Il~e hmnowshoiw to came hor io11s fotoblalIl iliepltli which iay AliiethcIe New Yook (Cenitral, anmiohnoliiJocob honses right. btalwl'1'lthe iffteren'oicollegecs. Astor, collpost.'I hos(,'osnololicau '' ' ' ' Thi' follosrilig course of lectoures thr .l' ito, is ~Iot (Iof tohlges lto ie- thhe beiof eIlarvarit bo4 os ielax- ide the mierits of theii'totsochesstOer- SPECIAL. toai ei by the Hlavaotil il.'ioeiml S o tg' hil wl h ltril l le IETAS & SCHANZ sell Sults and Panss Mly trSls, for' w-ic-itShe ('~ooSlhi- a t priceo to suit es-cryboody: woe ahso do ehiety; "Sarvardillihithe l fitie." Sly tl fe' l i t' ii~iaarepairing, cleoanimigand presshng. Work tanoffrs,.$3001) i prlz( . . riis«m-culled for and deisered. No. 4inS. State t., t'ssohlent Charles 11'. Eioh, '56; "la"11- inttcl' is uholoitohielly the niost(hios- ecomd looor. vart lthlo Sxtes, b Moreied iiogolhihcihthrat lhis er c oise.nte ®t C MI. MiARTIN, Funeral Drector, Cloth Storey. 16,lt lari'lrll initheic even-o-Leoc nt hlme 0oson a t the Si-al of o ndevorCovenion atIonawill be utiled with miarkeid intelrest 1WHIEN YOC WANT your clotheo ceammd, Sia EncnorCbothlioo t na, ndes sf Shoe Albtoihic. -pressed.,irlined or rebound go to Mrs. Mtich. Tickets sold April 1 and , Gm- onh_ iFincerle, os-er Sheehian 's bosh tore. Lab- ited to return not later that April 4, Mtessrs. XIWniht, Kay & i ;Co.. of De- oaor-prn ad -o re 1896. (roil, being aware thiat acit manufac- Rtates of one anid one-thiird fare will turer of silver ware hias specialties be nmade for this (. A. It. shale en- which are desirable, do not confine campmsent at Saghoaw, Mich. Tickets themselves to the production of any sold Miarch 30 anid 31, limited to re- one firm, bnt bring' out the host of all, turn April 3. as fat as they are plaiced on the Soar- r p 0 One and one-Chited fare for round het. They have .also nmany choice A d trip on the certificate plan for Sloe Phi specimens of Eussian. Norwegian, N JEWI Kappa Psi Fraternity at Ceveland, Turkish, German, Italian, French, April S to 10, 1806, and English silver, which can hardly C~OuLLAR R. S. GREENWOOD, Agcnt. be duplicathed in Ibis country.