f ecture by James Kay Applebee. INTERESTING EXPERIMENT. Communication.
4 of4 1. A- I L l3fi-tof t l« it eiofc four tee- Wesleyan Man In Air-Tight Box for Ettitor U. of M. Doily:
ftheblyodyeetetslgtt'ifx4 to he giviti bylh'v. Jaonoes1ay Ten Days. A mnoet4releeltion oud ~a
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. oo gret oo ngt ofthtl' Ttitotii a1bet rt'lrPtt(l fromt r-ih bx tooontoiniii'yulloutoshn
timocet T'ine aoo ti'tg N. Male t., opposite rihurelt .kTe ite oka1er tts o it--ten feto isquaore ondl tinorfeet 1ligh),in there ore niony "t iiote"t ioo
coot office. tote 'Anti Artbotrttudienies 5sotoften whithmItoadbe lidfo see oitniiiiioting with his teaotiero with-
>HI)ItoE0 1tet Klots befts twere Well kl-t t l tninan gaoa'. T'le' toh l.s oto oole ly the' itt-tI vio,aig ;the oreditnary cu
W. W. llt7(3ioo, 900 W. 0W. TeotnoR, '03 ,.L a. itto' ttlttire~(e' tros IrteIttto itEtiill'115it"te.l facuolty y ti f W'eolcyort. ttf life.
E. L t tir mtot't98I L . O t. ,'9C i rlto i',tlizaltii of :'ftte tIetcittit of Th'liii' iii'of liiie tox hs As lihere to oosin o iittfatietry of aup-
J. L. Woo,SI'00 .te-
tonto.'hick~, oia'li'of tiotrlson t r olt Ittipratusc iniAntn Arbtor it twos necessory
~. ~. lM~O~eo,-~ 0. 'The ltewoo t oreftutly' tollnttt'il lire oIt tile stoact-iiiti, oil1 a ziii whtent tho voltitigblottevotobroitcen tee
-(rititi tegitito iiendilaoditl ot refit- ontg tn t lettti riter at specital troiteonte tifrom tle
M tSA~tNGt OIIOTOR ireitri'givelltoiiithe chraciriters rif Sly- Henoicie iititil fr~"tttrir'tti' ttdelay. The trtkzlig
.1. f. Teooooo, *lo ittletutu Atiilto. tOf Stlit-teo , oh sti- noitstre toi-ietrot( tthlemt. bite siet l-o 'r itt etrrgtol vr
Bsnt'Sns 31XOONAER ptet, avriclitos atdtuel eint 0 ii'Oof i teroo itof tplate' glass0. lii tatoon. if aott orrietit lnitieno too
L. U. WoiLoEII, 'li. the osieakler siid "l I klot ilot(1b hiii 1rtul i idditie liii' illthemit istof couetto, ]ot possoible for
AsSto[ATE EDITORS . .'eoli't.i-,tnobleltpeonatet lthnAittitroamt, zitatority otii inritg cititll 11its emptltoyeit to lott..e thteir ctrl(eeork
L A. Peatit, 'tt 0. Al. Ilettb,'00 P., wottly, honoest ottitl ii'bloti't." ot wichliare 'oofotthl' 'titil: d ive-I t 'illttimtes to reptie tho'itt itnt'td-
S. It Seoit, 'ItL. I3. 0. Mleteatty, 'tt. '
I. 01initoo , '05. H. B. oGamtmoo, 9i0M. Sltyhitek's harediol ~s ettitirtto e ltlii'fully foor'nished.oI. i5holightit oby i 't I
h. At. oucito, 'tooE. nG n. itoe,9r , tOrIt. mta it tt iat i t)lolah andtt iitoitor- t-tili'oce'tligh'lts tl toiuopr ovit A. l5,e ito(itir itt ltrist'in atort~-
too e ndh ol sa nrei h-itt t otl lott hxe given fl( tue tutts to 'at
Theosohtieeitntsprice of te hotly 'i-',tthleaotsloto itro ai ii- itle lion:, tatu ty a loorterftl tootit1
Sbott redot't o t t oo ott lladaeotefote the rostt fotiseo'fit tltitohtredo lttu Athoniti. _titt3 f t'c oe o I, aodi o u otllld otte ciel tin rtblc'
o1 Cite yet.. loasupply f ""reiairooto6:5lie
hotly ot 'o'e or wthu P. OU. Meyer', U.. 0M tloto It'gttttioit-ot ato to lt-'giI "1itiipooratlttt'is ottilllil, totll',i tt eotll' o tticn.
NoeOStond. oitthlii'Joewt'nttu ci-tll thtm tbogto'-btio' 'fot otl'riit' it a ss of liiotoel'.
I. he e'p'I']tneJ A-.asB.1FI'f t0 tter- h
heteg t-l oio ot stotgi ro if oife re'dlii religiontfriomttimwtu, Ott ineot rltey hoot'mutototoof reetoiti __AS__B__________________
totollottec to utoAtlote otei-t't 3 ii o.coterioi'oal 00 l itetetttiottt otliti- toold tosott iniihoto'ol 'tuu tt tthe oujo'-t Penn's Relay Meeting.
o ctteoittif.1tott gtt' --Ae-s'ooono iioArobortgiolcooi ltt'e'ford t oi'tru il lttoiotg titu'teis, 'li'M ioo'too'ssitsiIoeto l',u
contteso-oilt a ridi -tooiga'. 0 .0-c' ou- liitnOt- etoakr 'otte i 'it. sitoiot ottti tto is iii.Instihtute'fce t n
Ot 'oc to o o o n' ot(to ~ f ta t iottSet ou tti l. h asiticei s. i r faotn 00 is il tio ootgt
titi-ii'slete-ititly toteav't'he tsyit-.tnit 'f en-
ok ly. boia'u'toihi oito("'iclot'aui. o'otroaf -s ottite-Jo ioot'.) loot-ilatoe'set'u ae-
totc i'sto110t .'ot-o-o l Ito 12oooto'ool~o itti'les- 'o' tui 00 ef o o t-to ~paseloo11,o tlo l ru looa'l t'orcittu 'otth
ul'ouoo sooou o'oliui u ~- to, ' AtOf hl et oes'Ea t . otgot ototi to'rot i' 00. .totuI tou' noloohoo stiltilg 'a h'(t
u'unto'oos iii t os -till h tt ieiotooi o utbt itu r'indcttl~to llitt tilt'ttub , a d'cokell~e' et'ge, o o-April,50-u-ottlit unit
o't'ltu'ooo'io~oo to o' tt the-lItuitt-thlt thou o ilel ooo t o. Otti o'nho t e irec ittn ot titot it lorsotll Iiolooooolandi'ou'ty1t
theot100-00 3tilrObeootto tJoT heo I t to t totI e 'O'toentrtoioetsl 0 tt. iott itt'tr it tio«. iuiot. li' 11000501 i uosohav tteen of ' X'ns'iae-
tttootuotto bo-tit liii 100000'littlell t t-ti
1_____________ o etuoo fu l toea ot«-o ltouittolus n f tn avadllege.o=lCorrxl,
ottos iota- elal ias it tilltotticNoters.tootoito-r' ittieyheno,-0oo-'011ouut oorthoooe.COtue frontLehich, C$2.50. on~e ig-1
r~oogt-ottt 1i -tolig-outhto-ill ii tirtalot y 'ttsoy, to o'iihottI' forIo t i-ht-v. lii 0 0 et-ot i IlloflPof.' t wat e-o it tat, oh 0 S o al i 3
aiitotloluott1(" ii41uo os. Vt'iot tutor sto aett 'ii : lllih loto's ootso'o''oo 'on tototoiii, o n Io ins a~k lit
lotu luttomlto'e-i- '1ttettttil' 0000011e0ots1itteso ituyto-lltuheutt' 1000coo
elotit too 0 to100tliietorott' ut-le
held to, yc~r ago the cb~i t W t oellot 050001eo t'too-t~~iit.i itoor totol li"'t ftemtras eT ivr4y -i-l~t f .e
fettlig 'ihi-iooi, it ott' utot, totoo tots
etutosotol storbtoitohreotIoo it'e etoult to-
detor ouo''Otoill ciliy-turnltoth o -to~ey
day taoldoworkc to5toardl fcu' the''otrSily
too they odietfor Ileole ott-to loo-y,
B-hsidest'tthoe's,,then' orepleoty ouf
othier'goodtienooo o-oohoutev01000 01s yet
begouotorkicnto tetogytuucosut.
Thto'fresoliioototi-seiloolooro' hell oday
ioust ye'oil' troottlu out a. large'numbuler'
of spllidlolh' t, t-It~lo by oude'-
goinug 00000'toeuoha rotuo' nloug. tootliesooan
e too' oi't to-u-ourthlt etaolonooogo'ooo,
tuoutlit isOtoeir dtuty to tile l'lltoe'eity
too try toertthtuuon, ev'e'nif lhey ttick
they hatve' 10 tossitbeeleancec of trio-
cu~lg ally iuonors.
We luocoefeoliedouOto' oesteet riv'als
on tooth the foob ll anti basehbalitolod
nitt let us dlo thae soulouc on tile to'oelc
Theuedoticool suenooots haove joust cotul-
iphoteethtie csecond teolvetweelks of
laorhatory wook, otod there Is n, choange
il aroundi in floe laboraorite, this
heing the hoc0,,towo weeks' course this
'Ai'sotugltt-le orfu totti ~II II U I I L I I u
teamt to-to Ie'sooooeti yt sheroduy tft.'0'-
n-natl eoogsttedt of nunt tu-I the Daily will be delivered by carrier in Ainn
toacklitug, boot tha otgrundtuol toso005004 Arbor or by mail to any address in this country
to hp ttitit oaly fost otourk. it-',
Iluteliuoot, toebse t, V , ,l:rstt toutl until Commencement for $1. 25. If, after the last
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t asosts utuouly hietO too's to tuoro1l cult
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Chess Club Tournament. to you.
The Chess Cluntoutcnio'ououtonAtato-usnt- Your attention is called to .the fact that the
tiinoeI host nighut. Of thue otouhislueth IDaily is the only paper publishing complete re-
ou'A ts ofthe irst routil _I&teutlln h--t
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Intot fo'secotudrounuolBooooolow' r b hc o a banarcr fec nvr
blrt littnilot, Thuounous bout Wcolteo- si ty. organization.
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