TH1E UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. M JGHIGrAN NT-IL4Good Tailoring Time Table (ReviesdMarcaL,180.15 Mal and Es-_._3 5 Mall _8 3 No lottery schemes. You pa for whiat you get and = NYSp cal... 5 00 N Y Sproal 7 303 Eastrn Ex-...1 12 N. S Loed_S t9o CASH saves you 25 per cent. Every garment fitted'; ."M I E° 0. aN 'SpEX_____ 7 0 Pciiesx..~.__1 5 and gua'ranteed. 'I ootsanls of students tre amongst our -s- Ito°LE - s ° G. R. Esxpress ---00 05 Chi.oNt Ex-lb-S 1!cusotomers. The largest line in the state to select 0. W. RuSoolr, : R,.WOHAYES from. Full hin of samples at the Cook House every 0. P a T 04. Ch~ago go A~o AborTuety. It will will play you to see the line. . / T TAE GOLDEN EAGLE CO,, DETROIT, The Prese btand the Past. AMI5Od( \ AS I .AIItO)_4ING .*ovaSwsr ° - - T~~~ohe Non York (eontral aoool btoooo0 RAIRO .Theofac thabio .00 0s001a 10201n too aolooltoatoooobOsjosb- The 0n1y Sleeping Gar Line between To- Tinme Ta4,le, Jan. I, 11,96. atlo. ns ioc s al 0011 Co000in, to a clo se : tiOtootoe, atiolto t 0is omaniofet- The Onl Sleeping or Drawing Room Gar CeOST. 5SOUT1. clls atteotionso tov omor hthe blo 1)0000- iog tite recod hokhigclsog is- I Line between Toled, Colmus and 7:22 a. in. 5:40 a m' t 00coos000O lglssbool00 o Marieta. 12:2:0 p. m, 1000 a: m 1:01of thb locooOtoo of 2t- OS,07 00tes ,b 1 , -The Onig Drsang Seem Car Line betwee 4:IS p. r. :21 p. n . tmber '0'11, oaleady1 eooont o 11up 000 on n TeO le Dangoomar Len bttwrenn All trainssdaily recept Suday boto vtioostiolaoooo t o b:blh lulOt (0old,7olmusad'halstn *Trains runo lseoweooo An Arbor atd Toledo a lel te~ay lt ho lcoccooliosole only. 00 li~oejOio Asd-e roo tlO oolt otobotl bcool:ng of otall Flman Sleepers between Colmbs and R.. 8.GREENWOOD, Aet Press. Th O lo-foslionioo : lltoof 10- ooheroo' looloc oliet trnc n r n s 000fo CoaYgoNE bSOasco a al W.i H. BNNETTG.0. VlA Tlo .TIE ONLY LINE wtO4tis eaoc wy onl A tiRfD~l06ir~ikU4I T~11 lot asof dthe.SOOi sold it ovobdoe0107 oood (:f 800 otlos i""ttiog01.0ooriulte twe n 000oledo baend olumbadus. eose hoo lc tltb t oour, iclding twenoty-elglot lt owboten .Toledo, iBowln Grenosand Time Table, Oct. 127, 1895. to olo noOsot exlootltootw stos el ts TE ONLY LIN1E withb2rai se, wy daily bot of lob'e year ollooc asben aboseoes 0 Soools(oo fo ltog ftweeno Toleo and (hareon, W. Va. Leav Ypilati romConressst. 7.0;345 l futes(lela or linge ogies), TE ONLY SDIECT LINE btweea Toldo. and 1:00 a. i.: 2:45, 2:5,5:00, :45, 9113 and ltole, as :boobh coooloootes oanold e te obbo:Ogooiin e tu-ore o i t tlt obo UpOS an c OE owosTldo o lee p.m.B yrsGrnilanNe rk Leave Ann Arbor.Juenato, 7:40, 9:105 and colloges r:-ec ntiotog bo setate 1007h1i v as looob it nos ain bosol olotob ra, Ooso enoo n ea e1o30 a.i.; 1:5, :45, 5:0,7:15, 9:5 and 11:5 kio sC ertoooet-to]loyilot, o ooa .raotlooo 00001 s Io sog :ooolhbavy os tloe I glslo ruo l Intoios rltiveetoo rae Sme P n onff il '} tra~~isoet . illSll bobe rully Iueniohed bosny SUND)AY T I. lsloing t lnois. Z'ldtots (iroot S s ot foour Aget lof t ebOhi entrl LLns. Leave Ypallsti romongress t..10.:30, ftooolts ort tot(iftitbocg, dch pollbot . 1000- o 1oce, ngo f 0:,000 pOonstb, hoavinog MOULTON HO0UK, . P. A. :0,000anel 000p,. olooi ott liTfoob otbbo 00 TOLEDO, (? 410 ,Leave Ano Arbor Jonction, 2:5, 400, 5:30, -.tooP . tt tb:O07100: tfooteootly. 00 laogbloooolsicty- 7C00dars mon ef cty time Pare: singe trip Y5 00t00 0~w~ o oloolto 1 st07~.l 0:050l: b cents; oad trip tickers 15. 'ont. o ta tre 0,000.0,e o't. Ito s10'ors otol oobo le IyeseatooOrenoclioiseoosecl ooIoIlot otolis o pre'ls_road :1000 toolr1Ufa it:,ong31,aoslowe et- I~oterl~b o~e. cut ,lOO 9boh t :10u5 t iotoot. :oool, oo', o- ess ]iot~lO at he :1 E:0 i reolt , sltos lX- osTo' oronogosoo'oldbyilotolo gootoolg b c, , 00 50 1 toto :0:0 oboooteloure Iy lae Ixno ea ifeinsura 00001ll iseed llotie i'a tosoisa o y lontoI st o oroso0.: ob to clrytb sNol on I'e~dlT Mc~sber-orrie. toO bl s.o-ai. 30an ol ott 10 0 , de , 0 lto Biy le nam eved andate :Isgieoenoadnhnc loc tloea t lroooond ufl 00 oo 0ootlv .Ao :ooos-ttfilleodol00, -:ill 1r0000' looooooyowic h gtoo' bo wih rs coaculeinbis ps rso A. Pootlegtfoole od m e w rk 10:1 Al Noo' Ttikos -re stoloolsotsoi to 1 otoe s-ond . full. 0 etd tict-e 7scn p ll Leso sooo h1ooto o- it hire too:- so-hl~to t t bo tiytvotbo ots e ottbsoyoung trams~t m ei 000 a0.05 toastiL'lerroy St. 'he bit tiooooo io ft , ell c.t. ofm eliNTSOLworklrto AllolooocoeweoY:Iorkeos00.0 ootO e Brot0000' i (. Of stouc I 1 /0°f°l-1: :nd Sot willtendooo . Iool oo 03 ' bttoio- o sooi - 0003 7wclls 0000croal 0t3 lt:0:7 oo' 0 -000ho o rtoo sbo nd l o n H U N H R 1o1so co i tll t o:-A Itoo;oet too h-Ool~~lege0) ititsl o 23 . e l og e o t. 15 o h0t odoninnoo e:'osooii0lellsofst:-~ - t 0p tasooty. Ibotosi. ne t law.sove0 5 pa. Os ooo~oo t st - DD nnrn fttit yyaen alk u otairn Romth Chocotesad =3MCandieath.o20h5loItgalls ste1tE oooo b tno tO iOON Y TO) e es. LON PEESONAL -Al--sioo It abl So 000001o00: 00: 00: :00'call upIon t61B ay Hou04A. N, Et) m ANNj,,-y :0: o1o'io'etssllool M1'to04ttt4.50 l F1!"(ob OotOoo. n 0 ~:e0 ock c1omfl,(, t: al sX. ,.sO'1 .J 030, p0000n(10eppofylofss&obt1 0- 0 oihoo-inn 23h.eSateSt,'teoUSc of uloo osieuo. Inot ia p toe y0: oeotweeo boo tolo--oATd It msioto b o tlo o. pT EKNDRATEyILIR AL o rpivatoesearlord oat iy o ckre X. nlv bi AIRA IKET BROERS 00910vcool oty ostdoors 03N R~oomy 8. oootoooiooo t coolo stle oao oc:l- NIE iY T SCOANOL EOACNL t uiessrcl o:d-ooo whichi1NI).1, ae b ttletoo ol th bloc PROb O PoieRTAW building.N andleiontell0(01101 stppot Sofo:vr' oootin i it'" iim ndW el, rohr persoonalg r palner prtoperiyof. - ERMS$3eFRaTE RET OFTHE EAR 1WahntnBok oish norar Comittee AeopojLineed ciy.waeiol.aod adJwl 20S SaeStGae lc. ST TE a st 'e r ryfo r ooa ors r~sAlknso TOOP &Lineof mine Pie oreT.++ Wl:h l.(I nlit aL3 bloss:.lrooosco tai(oo 1 N fem ister.S ! This isty a reerved Flee Lnnchen, bloc to()toictiag msooe-soencell3ott.ossioeootoo- Fine rchocolateselo in f eJescrios .of0000oooeoId ors, 8So-ItEaster1 Perfanmesleought,.to CORELL & LEOAR, ioct )oso, aoo n art, f 11rorol;rob-Oppolo site LWtbildSping.~ oem o Hor on onotarse bllyaoioo TERMSw $3od OR THEob STLilacHLiYEA, e___ A5Wsigo loank. H AonorderyComithoo tee Apointed.ob ( iidl Cas p Violet n~ Tb newmStyleS liaise Calo hforA Jbiotloin-.OIbtpefolnS oil oc sito aI realusdu . Hou se.lf'VJW~'SOE r, theOIIS 20 loarintten will letnt l, m fobosoIswe otlte for B ake 0,r vard piit anPed entcoo Gp overb, lebotarty g wth Eate- llis- n 96 PrU LEOARiD, ri cnetbonaEiotoft vr;Po- W aeal-teSrn osrirrsnofPnslyvIiao, J.A. aae uha iaLlK S Weadwtlpesuelcia 6 dros o r , Uan iverSity aseph lIVIThe URJ newD s CtyeREha, Makrs f f. hoae nd re~idnt ilmnOf._ Pe loss1omngiww&c.lII a)LIrivd. pUr CroW