THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. .J Of1#I+ pet + Published 1Daily (Sunday excepted) during the Coillyeeyear, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OFFICE: Timoes building N. Mli st., opposite post office. EDITORS W. W. im lips, '98, W. W. Te1ArRn, '9a L. E. L. CEsosico,'S8 L C. HAMS, 'S3. J. L. WALtn, '98 11. EiDITORI-tN-CHIIEF C. IB. IIATMISSS, '95 L. 11I1NAIOINIO EDITOR . P. THOMcAS, '57. BUSONEOS IIANAOERt L. C. WALKER '96. ASSOCIATE EDITORS L. A. Pratt, 'Pt G. Ml. eath, 'SOeIP. S. tR. Smith, 'SO L. hi. B. Metheosy, 'SO F'. Slios, '98." It. B. Gammon, '97 M. F. A. Fooil(, '93 E. C hi. Roe, '98 1). The subscription price of the Doily hos been redsced to $1.25 inadevace for thsoeest of the poe. Leave tsbsciptions at lhe Dball fices crwith P. C. Meyer, C. 141 Neoo Stad. Editor of Itday's pallor, Communication, America at the Olympian Games. lore breakfast. Capt. Carrett andl Mfaitag eriiii cciii cwillthxat.thir litir U. of M. Doily: The ship tFulida, bounds for Napls's, i ii get ol liii' good Ilicei to De May I, lirasigli youir lairc, 'hof called Friday w lli Ills'eight in icotn a matteir wthich ee'iiio III(i'to ii.' athletesiles will reproeil tik Bo~s-1111eCocnsat'xrecsiii i. ovelookedinisconniltoil wtith thlily- ltii Athletic Acs oeiitonia oil r-t'iC'ii e. __________and _____________~s rsy iiiaiiagciiicit. ts it slot ai feasi loll college ini11eliic l;iii~ii (riiics Ilt Boys Will Be Boys. tile sclieiiie tii ih ese sesci arriige- Atliciis. 'Phi' four t'iiiceoii.aiis wirele ('onosideralile alteiiioli cas gisen inepit fur distlsilig or silrptos wraps Itotiert Garrett.jr.. the (txill sitreceniily Dy use oscirspapleis of theic of (liegirls snidi as that which is ciii- Itic icoesi, whio is lnt('redt for the clihot-conr to ,ii i lsiisIliioii- piiiyeit lot the 11? 7 Vt'r siftci, iput, liii' tro-u,( tiissop. aid this' throw - sti on"i lt l'tiiii'tiii i tli leusstal e'speiaslly sdiig 1-smseli Colsl 'Nccialis,i hug1 the t1: 5i; Albeit ('lintaul T ylce , "Cipci';eatioii of i siiiil l ma tter.. ts that of list twick, when extra Who will rompiete in tile ioleiltm; P dn 'atoie c clte(pn scraps wer'i' edsss, eithiir the pile' of 1Urles A. tLane, wiisssi' spialty' n-Al ion lilt the ilaits'i- vSSnot of sulii- ilisoaislirt wriaps, upillltile disk is-'- le the 100-metespsrinit; anIi thsrtsi cicilt ilstorlaluec to wari'ant a, Facility conie~ss o huoge that It is iitiossihle to B" J.amiision, wSha wll ryis lick-I 1 ncetgiilsyh ls iclethe stik fur wrlily or Ireallligr, itii 40ii-mie's'trs'. "'t win) sso inihsliis cthe fait lihait o'r cltsloneiist sit i tlis'roomlII wlli The Biostoii Atlilitic Assoi'litiois n lst'e inoe tt cc sii'i-'eliirse lilay-alt iiiiesieonand) inersase the doilger of wt~ir: Tliois Buisrki'. winhos a ccwanetbullitioii of yssutlifel splirit;. AsI takinig i-out iii leas igthii'hisateid at- al i ints'ratioiial ripti' lo~ton 'I uxndcrsi~aos if, there 0-as a. thorough ioioslihiu-. If ilse s oiidb e distpisedilisirtei'-iiiet'and whxo wcc- n i l~ l sece of aisytlllalke insligliathus of thae atdded riciu(,'~isce NI-r ell wotiul thii100, 4i0i,.aiss)500tmetir i-are.a; E-sir Ill feiling. Theiocemeisi, if3yio be exisirns-ed by thle freilucicro of IDry tH. C'lsrk, a Ia1rsarsi lliiighu cod-(al gaitsuthlita nasiic failisItolii i-- the library woiusiildhmore than solipsais ill~lil i ulii, holiii xenlterest fur lthiiiadlhet li'synlplslC-of, St- nlisissofithea thie inessnv-init'iie'aOtilliilt uiiin the hi gh11onid broadt jumspsani thIe lush-tiscscloieuassfntey. I inliothuilfo. A 'PS 1)GIRL. stehs-anisuJ p; '1. tP. Curtis, ccliii s-ill it iiisit not Ibsen thanitoiieof lie csil- o. 11. HA\ S,' '98,1ev, J. Rogers in England,. opt nteSan eetasCare ________________________________and 1111ArtiusrtPagse, wcho Avilrepre-sseut Thelo attes lssto organize aniothisi AidispatchlsfromstiLodo, puslished lie Bostoniassin tlii"Illt) 111111 iIIs5 "lsrsCr lubD" Shoutlsd urece i-iiv u-i3-'sts'rsliI3'slipaper'5s siys. eseter laces, sills)alsoin th Ie Al-1iles losis tisiilisiig -t till' liandtssioft is' The Itevs. .I. Ilisgirs. sitClianiliss 5., risnifrlaltarsislien Ia to isRsi>s .t su facisllls's. Studien'its osf aIt litselsity strsawi], cillig litiasssIf ta'"prodfs'ssr I ar 115111 kilhletic _Man-sires'osith11, SItos- shioiilstbetabo sutioc c cus ilislclness out of the Nsionial lii-ersity of Illinois," I (tsi Athletic A'sossioatisin, sails's) c:tii of re'spect for the tnic'rsi3-, if niot lscrrirlg to Trnths, wcihh l'as Sis thi' telihil ianiti ciii Isik chalerge of ils firthIeiir owcn digitiy. 'T'lse orga-si-e'lsosc ,"AcadlemicH'tonors frogiilisrk- iiitcrests lealtions hac-i isirely-Ifllril s'td.mate'- ouiolis,'' h-r~ sbe'n dsois iastrising tbiu 's- Tee mci silefts in:firs)ts'Isic:.. oii il for thenospapss''eroretstpoidetsniiesinibogus ullh riltiy di'is's' dition ainsi 'Managerti'itahaisi lis t andil l-ccs' lmsde liii'studen'it tbodyp- t Inia.circular lie climeiidsthei' Nutlilili h lc-chis s'lsirgsci insto d lillil istI li laughing stick anioni; readesrs of out- UivetrsityofsIltlinois 1ticbe"oisf' thelii-endi)of tiie'ocesin Iritsue's.hssinel~, sidtepapiers. best kiiocwin uicersiiies 10n the['silted (t'estor'my -wsinssshiouldtbloic slls - ~Stats's, ihtansecilly chestlered to cssi- tliii'inner scorks 5of(the' stls'es lie 'l'is I~c' tsulin~' tsi~s'i, f c-fs'ril toliegiate cterec." iiutherebys'lou51slisrcsisuaois'l. Ar tsolt), has giveli outsids'rs soihhi'glilixi- '1'Thcscale sf pr'ces is fr tou B . A. I'Illheili'l~s 1111cc bsenn lid lse sith iIlls se f h orig o h Uiesits'dgrs'e$160, 1M1. A., $711;ID. D. a1nd1LL. steaemhshl~ir5company 1-h 115-tulpor )ltion laws deparhutmie'nt landsiof )ticprofessors I).,$1'i . h.elii 'c'iullso iless-rilses of the eckig ''s'uc'lais'"ie 1111 ohu iushruessus ii sare o Ihe il'the ''beasutifeulhoolts linedcitl i ipialt in srs'ttt'i hiotuhie sitesisS1115' Ie's'c- Its'eisnt,.whchresi'wcorthiyof coi- - bdue -ilhk,''whcc'iii hie succsstul s-ik ue a1t -h rts,, 'ti'.,i''s' uiehsinrig he- I hiichdsstisii. Iiiliasdsitioni to acuaeisiodilates cc-ll iss' llossNes to cci'oc. arcountis of 'enhls oct-urrig Itt the This faskir itas bs'n cxpos cl se-enish K - tiversity, the i-icrStudntls' t Heertihest'n hils couhntry. ha~s ti'rn uc cceli-c-ri) ti skech of - - eachmembr o thefacutyacctux- Ladies' Edition oP the Daily. tglhhssd tiy an exceclist haslf-tonetier- 'The Apsril 1st hnutier of tile Da~ily A [ IRta.wilea,"m erEdio"b th girls sit the )' iy. 'The e 5r still TLe Daily will he deL rTleri'scnsioos the fDatciyshtisr-o be eunlarged to ttw ele pages our)cl '1lwsntato i h al' dtr Arbor or by m-ail to any cosntainhl ahticesoftg'eeihlinterest., itil Bo~ardthas beenuugivenia15yesur's relative to the v-arious detpartmestnts of until CCmhencemlent forq trisal, ais) ae rihiisusnouithe resulhtsa hotucest.Tehae ofe s nm e orti eri this rhanige 11111y'not be ont of tllae sesenforbur unrhi)ofithtyis)rsib ih im iofitthse approachtiniiu leetig of souibiaag fekitusre of otus' I ultouls, tile have nlot earned $1 .25 thuk the L'urbliu'ihig ,t s-erltisa. 'Thuat it "1X'ecu's GC3'hihuiloei," auind iissh to you. Da~ hieli1 ssos specotocs'sir oeie Ii e! , erty' shpport from sll stag- . for lie Daily cahnnot las denied by any dents. Your attention is call tsueletoiflent scha is it all ftnousiiar sc-l the ienaiisig,)eisii't of thue pape5r., Dr. Mary Wood-Allen Talks. Daily is thle only p),aper The Daily is tisorsiug~ily rehiroehita- Du.'N ary Woodl-Alleun gave a ploinr, ports of Univercity evgO-hAS, dicre of the tstehnt bosh', as a, college praica- al talk to a, large andiecie of ssecvosapesnhsouli) ti, 0usd it caninot hniehi;at Necwherry Hill yes~teh'day13'f- by whiCh you can obtaia z be okt.a to be run in the interest of ternoon on the subject of I"Terutiels Si ty organiZation. any3 cliqhue or organizatiosn. Sonme of Centuy Mosshsoot." Tlse influncaes ofusrpto a the harshest and atbleot workers on theo tierodity, the ignorane upon subjects Sbcito a staff iss -c heenis iienwho lhase come; of fnsnadusoaenta-l imptortance Puss) tse of tle alat on the Board shnre last March, and j sieces-ity of' ashy eqnal 'stosslord of Meyer's News a thseir work baa heels atill hosles for !'puity for suen anduttvouscn score euuu- by 17ail should t (hoe brat :interests ef thsepatper, asnd I hshasizeds. At the elose of the talk dthe ness manager. not to further ally private nehoesR pledge cardls of (lie White Cross Sa- or fraternity polities. Oielt' scre given out. hug'e iiu'-c'apsuh cr'iticisedi(le' afir,.t I shuuld iprobtatbly is's-r hasv'e hrt, of it. 't calli sesi~dihy nlurslsiuii haws'the intlshhoigsuse isf su-h i thus air nhuisghlt bsuco uctru'ditnCsShauli,aiid h It IS cchy3't Isih'v' t-srih'tis (silals aboust iti stt oil. I don'ut 1sc-slush Iluusu'~isuuu hi) goradrsss thhusut pisuiti -sit-ctIlughut us thhis ilU'eoil, or Ill-t 5l'iosri- tiosss sIi~-'sus-t veourirtd ill Sptlihi s'olhs'gc lire tole'r t't liii's'. At the casw ie ea 'scat hi ii shsouldst is' giveusnuall' 151)35.hcisss' it is 1'I}I5hil ths-t t huh'iriiigissstiI hsush issu aroused55,) 1551' the' re'ports out ussolts lti our ls' . Boo. suwciiibe bosys.,saut-sv 1usissnslt uxltum)eni Is h is cosil I reussult thuat I reaar hett'whiole' at- fai' is triialc ;an1111)utterly lhuun ~rlh3of seriosus sattenution.'' ivered by tarrier in Ann raddress in tis tounitry $h1. 25. If, after the la t is-sued, you feel that we samuounit will be refunded Iled to the fast that tile publsitg tcomplete re. It is the only medium a rccord of each Univer- yt be left with any edi' or tt the Dlaily office or at t'and. Subscriptions sent be addressed to the busi.-