the . a
)NWlAY, MACH 2.liP(3 our PAGES-3 CENTS.
VOL. V I. No. 1 25.
Vot.. VI. No. 125. ANN AR13O~?, MiCHIGAN, Mt
We posie to noncesi thatforeI CE SSEULLY PRESENTED.
propos to i b,,obd o rW e1
o y eh7I1 t ~isori hvsenrdteaency ifo heo The Parts Well Taken-Stage "Bus-
1941D.AiY'T'O N it 1'ess" Under Weitzel of Detroit-
)} icces lehs earned aI, The Mob Scene a Good One-1
¢4 hnt sptte ne of te Pro speots for OtieDates,
1rH b esi hal ae;'4 r~ice'eet$0000.' lWe"hu s (eiir
1hrt 1ie 1t 0 INi~1)111 llon th itet111 liijilly ot' itts
rhtexctlsttr hl ioaliiehfts c 5 111t5'11i¢ I s o 50 ogesioo'ttigliii' 111f01 aeek
p rovledta . e hltmae'iour l ad.eseill odui telstcek
5551 aue.I s 5the*est vi t 5 'Iii tCi os'books fois, heelt lispttoseil
sell the CL T -p pEfRne ith itfsi 1Ws ii s i
sohs-I"tot1histos,685. ito Uzithe o i ll t td r mtlw oi'lt in n
1111 payments. I Itilore of thi' e eitlro f 'liit'oiioipoyy
lol 0THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN Cot oct11 toll beedeited entiirely lto perfeelieg
til S. MAIN Sf'. ll1411 'e"~tsies' 1it~ie lt
lit ___ _ 4 _x= itl, otf l1110'stois's ly(liii, sof Debur~t,
{ wtas it selit tot toils'rchlyi tl lheist Sat-
[[ d Out'ill theoera houist' slid (cx
\ oitpiy ssit Is being tprestetedsl
In atn alltiftiseitnt is taiud to ltigfclsri
of (glitttiiitig eitc''stities. Very 'I' l li tit' lrof. Tmeloilod s li te
s ~cl tiou imtoir scthe lis iilotolytlls i
lhe Sin gle Fact li ont'lit' ttya siti l -oo tn-ti ' i 1
tht~t Wishto itll~i'~s>; pon blit'oslves t ii gis itioicleat~ c;
yotur tiind is thtat I halve by intti lici slito. Omtioriat i Itisi ofa
itl(ielits il erelslitiltoltaut' diiw
Il;. ofIii f. "Ju litis I dciii'.'' A 1i's
tss'efii'iitice hlie'is till iti I isinestos-
)sto it isutll' "ll 55 ii ipt lilt'ttlil.
sii ltil tes. IFromti Ieese tti' iti
sil 't'(ss ili l t'e hit;ii llI'('1 ci'rtaii.
sitititifplaiyssAv ile tijifi oge. ettlsntse
'ists'i' ot' isci t it'liiils'lsiphtlithlt
$I175iwto sdisw5 iii l is s~iltilice to
sil i t ere is til 'ertlst III(,et axesos
'seolitly adlists'istd il id slit for' tixi.
Blind Asylum OQtestten Disposed if lt'e 1Joiiitse-g'osisl lisi onoiiedsi
of.-Degrees Conferred.
ts'' odtss'i -Ilii t ' itt111I is iliilA lii
I 'isiiiisl''ttlsls(' lilisfewsll 5 i tlit tl- s1iieso. ;('f'tit'lex' haiti':isa'sl''ssfei'l
sit <0ii nt ill.iso5f liii'Iigililns b1l by tie tisisistolielfofilt liiDM-ctit
oily.otisupi' t t'litt c'tl se(of t1l'iitllilisio.
tif liti ii .1 klit.. if ss huh ('Coi. (i!ts usis
Mary Lowe Dickinson Speaks.
t. nis'intst''. 'I'l lith''io Itobsilie
s-Ill' of lii'e-stlo Ila ,ss'.1c,'i1.epro i' .. Ittotoy Itiss's' ilitssu, tsiis'
liits a ti sit tI'olli(ikl fr'ch iies1"Iiig' te i'l'tiildos'i' fst'hies'Nl lriitil Ituiofe
teress.i.ftfinoosie f. t2:1','0iin NtisiprtyItill
ts li' itlisilfy sp 'i i'tsii'rott lsubjet iiithu ssilsh' s a ~lliilii'
nthu tlos'ii iss1 tsisAuld icscssl. ties 1,1its' itis'' tsldl sf liii'gi'tstclyiof.
fli t tilt s 00 n0 111101;i degreeii as betesnits'ie'ilist'd.landi lii' Itio e ariis t t'e'ttkly iliegs' itf'$a lith irl't'tit ttli t liii'nd t'hitioiitii ll
B a ' uh eo a l s, W n os , 'a ts tive flleof itio scll ii' ndtin l (1 t Ip aino eni is li' c ''Itsf r ord . n l ed Ici s'' tullu. c r l s" n ' e i t, I n y f r
Mo i rti, tt i t nt , it d Sa t hat. C. Sil r l ti css e lo o ' a s i fsi i ca selis'b en sli on.ei'''ti I ' ''le a1t'il S h if l I'i"stensi"y tilt'vilc
plnt ufltcctt'pri'ei itels Ii'sofr. oi'sosi0aflt' tlt li'i ll jst I the ist 'sti ll.otu't tuc e m oti'iiiiiig ti s c'stig sof tall its' put's'-
in'AliU.rofr. lSpeil)les
so'nrli st sE anes, a $100 ilillil'part ot bntn il isbentkeby a stlii t'is'iolisgtws'r ute to ieg'- 'li ufssit 'it. Alllo'
flonr e 85. ( i 5 .; and ii 55 St felll.Ii'ils ok n I~~ c slai iiold ill tsis lit i'Iicn 's''sip 1 Ttlile s oifstheloie iiis-i st'ssore t't
plelltlio loifr ptcedAvisesen"~ts ," is_ sic o 'd -lioy 15' ' 'i'list itt'i'ill l l if 'st'ii' :it'sose's' icli s isoj ltliii' tist
to . o . S e ia s tl s In o , S ,, f n i l u h (.'stu1w i 'l i tis gc' ,i' _ii'h 'idiu 'lss . lisIs.0li i' is i io ey sstj i I >if h(
I t~ 1 of it 2a usa a r ii'l~Z tiu essi t i ncc i t cstr iib t " o a li ' i s 'lst loltim s ndlaielii's ne lyltatss 1si f s'i t:sx nC its'l.i l ul soK i s
gorl$l5.i as alfr'nd:.fryas an .actu l liogs' o t ss' hI i ft Dliseutif illo hiv'I'wyp''ctso]) st its-r
i--'r' -v~~~r ThoI1° cs-hIp. Cuas , suo rutuss' , i veryi !'t it 'or ifaxetete ils' de-I csfeti U." i't't'ls ichre1st e s itui'oteietog'ji'htsu hiusn(si
ri. VVMYiL DDGST hRE ste.11,t".P. a uieshtasnis ('irleI otneii hedticPpiohn'IOciruclse.Ihul ies i-is ut et' e-tt otf'il
TheeLeadingnTaheorrSfi'. Qsou e , i'si. s altterlG.tto ihulloute evol ved spu ts'i'owilbi rtu yIsts'otdwis. i n
IMuo cuhydieTA cpeT erN ThIsCity, ItisthO, Cvioououo, Deo-o't'e'soon be alit! (1(u'c's 'u' icifisolositoioflettset'- floss ieiital t'i's hciaoctuog liii'duat the
tos us ecivd los haie tok o ellin. li'ousieo e uh g isut ii- hiu fik I oghioho tiithith iiity tintof idi soitsal o 10 e tuy e'ts'nstant'so
_3L 2_x W SHNGTNhTeNER.MIN citols'Potui sot (ahiltnettnu gim ooust i ughou i tusuiis t titlp huu thiuo o hub oteloti'.s 1
Fu Leos dSits aSpcat. tp ilsi'hOhilor, .Nshou SlQuarles.ueuo li' ehis' ill \fis)Isthintdoiii'e esfi rmtts' of los v'seouuirl-s. St.Jtoau
ii's al-- C thinai ls' u-oni ,an i ttev raf of esiiorso si-i' t ' otl'iht oo ho s Tsh tougi of liii' vi ng-e t lt. - t
and only direcigft-luro f hismifirtiiersuiirftef1ATet DbaetHld
Spring and S mmer '96, atitn les lust oleunt. hunt 1gfe, lu is tcc' ue P r ps' tor eIfe ls's' if ulo it atesi- tegrlsNil -"ss l
SND 2t , A HI GT ONer3 EA. M IN insultfthP trtsi'd . lhuros tus hi's i' si o l-l is 'ols'obos (itu (oitt iii' Iif louiti uuIllteii'lu-ast to
Full ressSuit 'a pecilty. sy his sit'l~olsuuh iai'ti=s ii51t'liirlt'- 1 new r1', chp ate efr olvs ohiileht'fc''om i.-A.SJoir, at.
Werca shoryouottfe-elates.iire tote f5 isi'ac co c host heightr ish i iie1--still111 ososes Slaps,
Atts n altS theOOKS tisRESo, hA fTestip plheoebatteui ffeeuilbtt
wit eveope t mtes, aor fieuillo hon Io iscenehiasuut osuso-olt AssstanePofes'ruuoepl Mauuey
Ladies'tseoodirentemen'shPolite -- , . ,' lotsu'on o t L . fiet's, sturb usc _'otethu itt' , thus' ' 'presenceuif a tu oui les
corresondener. W ie pcatuotuto f e y ssusuHai'su and Olsonlti 1 , tisdll eteso f - tossufto flityaitproivcct testdago t
Wantiow oungaithelitt est o' oti' tte oootp~trilyuiht
dingsinvialtosh e c pl iept and ay typcal-le'an lfe tnd isBrnaIt .Iso it'lrts'nt w ofhad' bes' briohtoh ___Block_ nd________ flays
viiti necards to matn c fon- (hristhou'sshino fits tulip tio l beslag-lluou tuo to' ilis ,bs'uho i of to r aHospa 'i App otet. es
Lgais and Gaddreess os. itte , I ns' t u,t prvt u s iutir ts'fistIo oi
showin you. ofltt ofarf eif Iit tolothe Jicer't- Ni'oa r fo ciyIsru ori' lnatte it tsaiuioitsistjnbrls-iti tfo
attenion toenF{ai±ll ofweS A01ssoito 'i ''tT'ptios ol c ntedprmn feail'tyFia ilt
ssinarPhrttDnvoittatfionostttartutcueointoidin hoaopdtai
visitingcards, ad making thee- snthetwoltirertpsatprvi totbsttagr u'istiteIatte 100csc fae ituaryHopta ofinmet
Toisadadesde.Paen.(tsowoTows, s5cosmvukiceonfield.attSh, aculty
pltsrintinBooks roedo fa btppopsis(ote A.flo teeet97IIossoite
asS.wlagsyo. 45 S tsi orepto n suce titgem eanivar- e v orditova tskerstht lyeGte Subcrncs i orDai. tal tl