THNE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. DO YOU INTEND TO GET A SUit or Pair of Pants FORl E.STEZ3.? Jos. W.Kollauf, Merchant Tailor, Will give you Perfect RAtio otion Prices Reasonab~le. 10 E. Washington St. 2d Semester. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL GF DANCING notsdte TAW buildtig. .LL TH=E LATEST INOVELTIES IN Ru-fus -Waterhouse - Neckwear! PRICES THE LOWEST. Spring Style Hats, 1896. Suit Cases. 'trunks and Traveling, Bags. D. A. TINKER m& SOIN, HATTERS AND FINE FURNISHERS. No. 9 S. Main St. N. B-Largest line of Shirts, Cellars and Cnffs in the city. 1DO -YOU SIVOI ? 4 Pittsburg Stogies fur - - -C c 7 Full Value Cigars for------------------25c 6 Prodigy Cigars for - - - - 25c 4 Owl Boqutt Cigars for------------------25c 3 Royal Banner Cigars for - - - - 25c Lowest Market PricebyteBx DEAN &COM~PANY..l~I 44 South Main Street. Closing Out We have left a fair stock of all sorts of --WRITING TABLETS which can he closed out as fellows: MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR IOC GOOD WRITING TABLET, - BC CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C WRITING PAPER BY THE QUIRE OR LB. This stock will net he replaced. Comse quick for first choice. Argus Printing House. Ca. H. K EYES . OPERA HOUSE JEWELER PINS:-U. of M., A. A. H. S. The finest in the city. Come and see MOORE & WETMORE 6 S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST,, CORNER OF WILLIAM, TERMS $3 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. A. G Spaldiog & Bros. "The Namoe is a Gimor- irse" tat the article produced. Uniforms ted Supplie's of every descoription for t se.- Fahlt.,' tuls Glf S.te nd lor h -dosl z w Iitteottrted Ctotal gut'. THE Spalding icycle FPOR 189+6. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., New Tirk. Chicago, iPhitadetphlia. Largest Manufacturers ohfIBicycles sod Ath- letir Goods to tho~wortd. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ARBOR. Orgaoized 1813. Capital, $100,00 Surplussad Ptrofis, $40,00 Toit stoa genealat totttttbutiess. 1urorritcages bought atd told.lFarntot letters of credit. P. BACHS Pres. S. W. ChAR (SON. Cashier. THE ANN ARBOH SAVINGS BANK Capital Stuct, 000,000. Surplus, $110,000. Rtesoure.o, $1,100,000. Organized under the General Banting Laws of this State. Rteceives dettosits, bouyossd sells exctangfe onthte principal cities of the Gaited States. Sleuthscasohed spas proper identification. Safety depousit buooe to reat. Oresuntuso Christians Matct tres.; 'W. 10. Harimna, Vioe-Pres.: Chss E. iiscopo-, Cashiert:IS. J. Frito Assistant Ctashier. Lowney'S Chocolates. Hot Lunchaes. TUTTLE'S. 48 S. State St. Cheapest place to buy it is at MSIA[BL[BS Gcyle EmporiumI 11 W. Washington St. Bicycles, Sundries, Sport- ing and Athletic Goods. UNIVERSITY NOTES. STAG SOCIAL. Theit' itrol oory C~lbtotatt' sill So Engineers Enjoyed Themsetves gis'toti tttl tiy t's't'il-, Iotrcll 2i. Last Night. 'lTel'r(.ltllgtll tard club wsill tttt'tl 'She ttiotttllog , ocrioltog tilt- Ewoill- it ltwr Ailt11lol l(t 1t 'li)hiottst' tixi t'~ro was10ld tlat o rilitig ' tNirkt'l' Iritloy (tortlitlo. Sll ilowts ato Otli't'' ittll ryr'- Prof, 'Ind Mrs. C'. C. A'all~ban e11-'spt.Abu20WeepentAl 'rl tBar to Conltl 11tttin. t Il~ll itotti'frit'ed titI+ irro 'I'l toUNIVERSITY -TEXT -BOOKS A. ri Mal'lhl, Slast'e'ening. Ano till-iand Alliodill 11ub. tDllllitigawlFor the Second Semester, rttnlt' 1 t~lle t'as Stydett the ntiow ttt i 11 1 illlttoott ottlto .New and Second-Hanid St~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~gnc t' aor 1 r5tlltOlllo o l''rltllo ti's oeolS 111 olirt ttusiile Sdlls. sOlltttlt'assed Iteili ttim lltlally. At the ]Lowvest Prices. "l'rlllPatrty'"oatliii' Viiis'roil - MedicltMen Meet. SRCL Scool of' Danc-ig tisov"e"ililtog. Ot. 0D 1.rIse.itlF ISitt-A SCHOOL OF DANCING CALENODARt. ly.of til t' ro'lit toolli'' Iot Meliilt'; jJG ~ ~ ' i N E RI 9 S tDt. A. '. lllat'ler. ttt W'owiot'' th- d Stltloly Botirch22, 2:3011i. tti.t-o. ''' '. lyoou' Scanv j11osnturcilosses row, orat MllrI'lo D Sit'linlol.Nt'sewberryt'll. anl.(t'5olt~ timte tonveet tto youself, te ttttoedott1u01h11ledll Cotlle'ge, ('lIli- lermutatin t henloyou do. Offcead Mono., NMarcli 203, 1-lli tlriallchrhl, Rey-'. 21011110Kly'Aplebeet, of Iloasto. -otto; lDr. 'litortC. \'llglliltn, ofthe~" Aadm aaaIo ill Utily Club ot0010e, o00 i 10" n'ilersity ot Mirlilg:ln, and Dtr. hoay' '1Tueo., '-Malih21,SUiltrianl chueroll- andII1lnlKof the Colle't lof h-l O rT ohP w e ies.Jttejil' Al 'h' lantiottoalldtiSturgeto, ctliclirt'.tr"i lug is er~ot elIded by ttedentttl "ShlIpakeeuoll''l Sontstt." 'i' t~lOlllit~ 10\. ~ 5ttOtt t tt' tn h Fri., trli 'I7-?-Aliii tt M lirligaut' ' ''I teeth andttltlttleatntthemi. If yto Schltoltolstr'' ltlt. (rtiioniof Alfll ole'ttll are is' your money. we'vetyet to atget h Sat., Marci 25 3Stiing stt iitigan uittssig lt' bst ttlollott a t fiig rst tottloe Sreoloolmagr' Cloth. utifttomltlt'ltlostotr a toor yer0011 PALMER'S PHAR1IMACY. SatI., llorrcl20, Va'tt'tllllhl i'llli'0' lolntr has te fnest boardingSbara 'ttllll-Cottf0(or Solente'ropthy. ' orhorselllil teit tlof', itt sole tity lit. tssioot seh Mloo. iLlari11) ., tiilari<2chrchltl- 'Th'etssoritation leli'e'es thatthIlls o- toss0 ii les'. James00Kay1'Applebeet,o "Etdgtlr lgt' tandtliveritiit'- Of eSIr 'iite'o Allen Poe." States rtanl Se rnolfar ttbo'v' thost' SPECIAL. Tues., lutrchl 31, Ultaniao c'hurch'- ot Eutrope '111iltat thetedrtical pit- Bros .JaeiraKy Applebre, on "JSohn IEAS & OL'IANZ. seil Suits and Pints Wesey" t-rtli osill llirrlv St ' is't'ii ,lool a t prietohosuit everyboody;we also do Wesley."repsiriug. clreniganod pressing. Work 1d. ~r .25 ll.(lt5tlOlIignlity' indtl sltuo. csllrd for tied de'ivred. No.Ott S. state so. Lion. 'sill'of lIicllilltns'ecetly.'hA I'r (fis-( M. OMARTIN, Funeral SDirector, Cloth -a "2 and Metallc Caskets and Flee Gradet Sit., Aprlil <,1:311l51. 111., AllichrI .Oi C111' ol h trtli'o(offins. Emibalmieg a Speoialty No. 11S h'irl Bligtl: n vs". MOi'higanllAgri- of 110le'lttio lsinsitutlionsit soilSl Poetit soc cuiltral Colleg;e. 11 U OF M. SHlAVING P'ARLORI aed Batth- for lt'e ilitoionlinii Ialilnlre, soil1t' Vi'.roomsl. All toppoietmentsoftest class. Theirs., Apr'. 9-Flttly concert at' Imported aed domestiocears. Ladies' setis- Frieze ilenoorial Hall. tillle il l211aitandswill reor0t toth11e tic talerdressieg and bthinga parlors. J.R. Sat., Apor. 11-Spng reress hegino, nattionlasstoclition ii Alttioftt Tros' os 0S.Sat t S~THEN YOC WANT your clothes tleatend, NOTICE. ilollit fer. T presscd, relined or rebond go to Sirs. The l~llill t'OC~ttl of he oloer-Fie-erle, user Shteehan's boo tore.01wLab- oily ofnual-h ltionAtfiteeir Aot'orioin Meoors. Wrighlt, Kay & Co.. of De- oratory aproas made to order wil behel int~echael t 2p, 11.Sltoit, beilog awarterhat ecrlomanuofac- soil e ueh l Ilet'lthoil ot ~11,,toter of silo-cr ware hasspial'ies' 011 Satoidoay, Aptril 4. 18110. oslirli are deolt. hle, do not colofille SA .PE'tSPe'. tesle otepouto fayLost -A ring holding about eight ono fin Ii, hut bing out the host of all, keys. Fouarof thetm are for Yole locks as foot as they are plated en thcetoar- and will ho identified hy numbors ket. Thiey Ihay also mny ~choice stamped upon0 them. The finde will specimoens of Rtossian. Norwvegiain, he rewarded for any trouble incurred Turkish, Cerma n, Itlsian, French, hy leaving tthem at 39 8. William sO. atid English sihver, svliieh can hardlyj D AR or .at the U.of MS. Daily office, he doplinatrot in this coont'y.R