the . a ' VOL. V I. No. 124. ANN ARBOR, MICHIG)'AN, SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1,196. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. IrME11= S M 11 EIS=M a ,-IFIR1ST FUR JNGRIIAMf 61 BICYCLES. 1i LAST NIGHT'S ORATORICAL S We desiet ieenotice that weo00 CONTEST BEST YET HELD. ptropose to make ati9<-id feor______ 1U biecyele tositness th is season. OWe hate ssecd the agency for the W. M. Mertz, '96, Given Second IDAY TOQN Place - Each Oration Showed 1 lliecie' lowhch has earned a Careful Preparation - Close Ge- high retitinass one of the 1116 6J1 bst whleels ma de; prce $100. We 1°6 cision by Judges - Markings in CI etinthe aiecy forthe Full. 1t B1N0IU1+1F. L. Iiigriaiam, l196 L, wio flet fy that excellent 'ttl,l which has 6 M this ceaso t eens otgreatly ism- 110 and AVt. 1. Meets, '96, seolad.'This eettroetdthat weshall make itcour 61 1 leanee. $1 is the bet ealue atte 5 6 sthylieresult as anioutinced itheiicool- S antd $100 you coo find. Weao hi ff tell tic' CLI -'PER, a icene 1lilttre of the Oelttrcial (onlestl losi whtse'i at his to t85. Ot'We ttaeu 11 prices talt. Termso, cashi or easy 1111iglit afte a o'oson of orellcey lasltiiig N paymtents. N6THE ANN ARORORGAN COO I I 1111tio its.alWOs-l ol'lWt No S. MAIM ST. 16 ato cthitatie nudillee. :III ait, teiel- positicontic lalwyert'bes to tht'e ren wvoek as tttstiligtitictt eiiiiimall odine', lndthel ei'roni'ous fidetsttscutlly pre'- railinig ais to tfil etya11111itligely "'l'he laswyer u ae111 st a thioroiughi knoiwsleidge of hilstoiryiot muiipa101 latws alldtaliotve all tie a gooti juilge it "Iris seok ill the toretr'eis otito 1111151 beltoni'st. M1r. Dc'ill dieeddtetave%1-ltt eedcilials, 'ndassyco TN THlE NEXT CENTURY A. B. WILL BE REQUIRED FOR EN- TRANCE TO MEDICAL DEPT. Medical Faculty Considering the Question-Latin Must'Be Studied for Two Years -Modern Lan- guages Instead of Greek. Thle miediecil fiicuilly b ss'titiii'i'er ol- slilitl l lit e etlsing li t tiglec lfltllu l 'et5 noiwy ii' Oil' 011101' asIie Why ritot shave yourself? See what we' Gallfurnish you in A SHAY1'NG 001111 at....... 17 E. Washington St., cor. Fourth Ave. IMPORTANT NOTICE. G. H. WID, The Leading Tailor, anod only direct Importer $11 fhe city. has juof receiveod liftiofeestock of Foreign and D~omestic Woolens foe Spring and lSonitee'f9t. at NO. 2 E, WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN, Foil Dress Suits a Specialty. WAHRS__BOOKSTORES. Stat'ionery. We can show you all the latest tints, in all the popular slzeet with envelopes to match, for Ladies' and Genflemen's Polite correspondeoce. We give special attenititon to engraving tif swed- dingr invitations, reception and visiting i'ards, and making Mono- ogra 10s and address dies. Plate printing. We take pleasure in showing you.S ' p Town, Down Town, University Boohstore, Opposite Court~louse 20tS. State St. 4 N. MSin St. thit'greatest statlno ot Etir'ipi' 'ndl sAlitliithe l'x'epllti, tit ili'i'li'loty, 11111 tilon lit the halt that oratory is niotlyet boicerl ssliio liavt' been Ilstgls ii it still olffestunliiimit e o'eoiteos from dIl 1101' lackinig finttoerist ini lte'ih ctal ln na los= to lhii' stoti'k of 1Ia.It-slo In thlbols otf 5li i IIiiil ll'l 111 tiis' l'iilt,,,,.,o' aegiottlon atnt our Stoirem '011 Thei' Wtlln stiggestoid, toy t'riof. It Avs a1 stptle'ndid arel-y ot younig lllil' gavse'a, lelef "st l i olfI.the CI A I N al ishe til a slt itm ie s-who eaiie 1110010thii' plot toatm plllllil~y at s o'clock, rceese'ntati'e anit of thii'prn'ofessiotiof tl ',111 tol A 11B. t'e're'e, n haIt tlh c 11la1' tco iiio 11110h0tm . Or, ae ok highie. sshlatkithe olttti't lifI stnitiig ihisilf pre'siing ollicee of thlieeiitin '' .Iekli'ot 'ntni'g t ot ttlli'salliaolti tu 1Ot lu-tet spieeihtilinotitced ttii'lpur'poose i1'~in w ylso ~tuz 1britef skletchi ofthIli' tounldatlionttt sitlliisi ttoles ttlufii i it th t'cootest until the precse'nltti ttet~,ttisto-iiit't tion "lil ~byt alsos to tic rotqtilleid. I1 st-oesthat it tistitioujalo by ex-Sinaiti' l'llinl'' dtuplicty a5nild dislitini .'' Ilet'di's- titth'- lire 1110110' ottall 'otlogisIit otgh thii ititerestlnes'er laggedl itniteac-h o'l' leA trnau i ut 1111'counltry t11at1give tie ll'igri'o stp'aler wasO giv entile cosesl t tt uit ~l~~~tt ttiion iootiof A. 13. stien t'e ne' 1 cctl io'nlioii. t~hain-lg aismchebrigh't tfre ol ott superiorttheii'Ann Arliori I 15-11 Schtool (it tll illofto' 01 ' ss, ef iotlhout s-tiv atin"udto h asan pep , tat he tdnwll1.teso m c It'e ssorlot, 11n11 it -glotoing ,termts ile- fii ht ltitl til tlsi o tte iutenecs n azzlinig llitt llrs -utse tot'it in tils totts here',blot that I)it h prs~1 b Iu" ' t1 htoitattract ot' the itistant aond 111 1111 ll ist isile itt t -iii o o tiis fith tailinitt0 115111~us liith itotihinlg ssas not iced iii tll ott 1111' tti1itili a_ bittteiiiohiiticnito cope tttietit tstore- tfoutida d''thi ct thittighi 1I lntnit'i tn'o ii edt anl T l'hi iotiliritlanguagii'es-itt ilb' stilt- if ft'esttbject i'alctulate'itfcintusre fbi' .lof dilomacyl0 tiotitbr-oten a tooiti Ill- tih've twsl oiersofittbooth. I-r~c iantl losting iteret o f ctall hiiare'rs. As tot i'ell-io lai ltt ti b lttgt, itiiolii' l'tltia t eretho tot'111'rotct o 1 the lis of1110111 awn ttelgo'tsh utf 11111' Nil att'th e101 fiat gndividualiltspeakeotrsituoh,, iigihttI' illdt'si ntitt ficlpl-ut:lg ofotller ttoi l -R-ti itu 'Detiocicy it icercot"ifsc'lllol tiietlg. hIhtle ih(1tt iii''aitttitstt11 rt- iih-tiiio l 11i-isttilr thu ,reli.fotisoceitcce fuly toiroogiss (hoto i' itltllt gel e-hiloo'11 t ii's, mtti f t hetgti attf 111111 ill i iit' itt lio cothltr'toboth i ljprear Isatio t