THE UNIVERSITY Or MICHIGAN DAILY. THE VICTOR League Ball will bat further and last longer than any ether make. It contains the best materials and shows the finest construction throughout. Every I"Iofficial" league ball offered to the public is an imitation of the VICTOR. Demand the Victor in all cases. Our trade mark is a guarantee of finest quality. OVERM AN WHE EL CO. A G Spading & Bros "The Nomes Gar- si.rue' that. the atclue gerig it is the hest pr ordced. Uifortms nd Supplies of eey deriptio for 1 tee Sedfo ,nsm IlustatedOCatal cc. Spalding Bicycle FOR 18n. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., Netw Yor, Chicg, 1hiadephia. Lcrgest SManeiscturersof01 Biycls cd Ath- leteteGood inthewoeld. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN AuBOR. Ot.atedi1K0.l ,aplI0,00i0i. Srpls cd rofits,W1,0 Tansats a general asing busnes. .Fr:,eshanges oght cd sold. Frish letters of credi. P. BACHPFee. S. W. CLARKSONOCshier. THE ANN ARBOR SAYINGS ANK Capital Ste, 50,00. srpls,$i150,i00. tiesources., $1,ihU,00. Orgaiedudee the Geeral icnking icws ofthis State. Rlivt~esadeposits, huys cd oells esehange o the prlscipal cities of the tUnited Staes. IDrafts cshed upen proper identificaton. Safey deposit oes to reel,. Orreteo: Christian Mach re.; W.1). ficrritea, Vice-lres. Cias E. Hilcoc, Chier 5. J. Frito Assistat Cashier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot .Lunches. jTTTLE'S, 48 S. State St. Cheapest place to buy it is at M SIRUEBS Cle [Emporium, 11 W. Washington St. Bicycles, Sundries, Sport- ing and Athletic Goods. El [ST SWITINGS AN0 LATEST 5JI[[IC1Sosiug Out for Spig 'and Summer Suits - T w E S N'- - - 18 North Fourth Avenue, Arlington Block. - - - BOARZD, BO ARD. NEW DINING PARLORS OPENED AT NOe II MAYNARD ST. T'he Fly-ettle ordting Iouse he. chaseedItands. Wil row 1h' rue on c differet psan.II cs eryhb(t iS' oardsiithe ctyewill he serve.Comee aed try it and he csnv'ineed. A epecial diet tahle osly fer thsese sh itesii it. F. J. RENNINGS, C. W. PRINGLE, PROPRIETVORS DO YOU SMAOKBD ? 4 Pittsburg Stogie for - S c 7 Full Valor Cigare for------ ---- ---- ----25C 6 Prodigy Cigars for - - - - 25c 4 Owl Boquet Cigare for----- ---- ---- -----25c 3 Royal Banner Cigars for - - - - 25c Lowest Market Pricer by tho Box. IDEAN &COMPAN-Y. 44 South M'Jain iStreot. UNIVERSITY NOTES. A. B. at Columbia. lit; elfeesailiali Sesitly' 1110- f .s ilegeit Cocker lclo e osi' li-I brary Itoday. "l eeal iRomaniti iisirtieslits' lees. iddled ts thtelibsrary-. CALENDAR. Fri., Mlarch 20-Filial oratorical eon- test. Fri., Marcl 20 tiegular mee~iting of hissed.o1' esents. 'ti., lai 5"li '?0. ltltgiitsei's'fagS All studeits, eltltlllatesfor lilt' te- ales o' A. 13., iare'lsreir'edto liu iti' ties elealtrs' lhlilsletlgt ofsti' l cel alid GIts'rissti.bsut ciesslknow! t' titi Latininii-steadl of .La til tiu(reek:, as at pr'eet. 'lTe ir~tlllr1etOsfotr,'ii- tranie'pIroviieltt aandtl~idate' for atdtitissionitot 11itieirtla slss list pass ssti'te:aters examinlatiois inl Etta- liiih, Lb.tli, anlcientl history, getsral'1y. lilteisalies. an~d 1)1it'of ithe Gollolwilu; groupsfs: (01)Griek andti Il11l, (b) Greekt, 111(1Geittaei.(c) afilsa'ed We have left a fair stock of all sorts of --WRITING TABLETS which ccii be closed out as follows: MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C 0000 RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR 10C GOOD WRITING TABLET, - BC CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C REST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 35C WRITING PAPER BY THlE QUIRE OR LB. This stock will not be replaced. C2oimefquick for first choice. Argus Printing House. C. H. K EYES. OPERA HOUSE JEWELER PINS:-IT. of X., A. A. H. S. rho finest in the rity. Come and see MOORE & WETMORE 65S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM, nAVE A COMPTreE oSoOsO UNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS! For the Second Semester, New and Second-Hand swhichithIey offcr At the Lowest Prices. STRICTLY A SCHOOL OF DANCING You ean jiouor clatsses roe', or at try tinse cneetreiettt to yourself, ite terom sta rtittg when Oto de. Offee and Academyt6Maytnasdist Ou ToQoth Powder isrcmmne y ste dental0 trofs iiision t ntihurtifhe tet atd itctet hurletcyo den't lieelit igif sachand get , youremntey.Ste'sve yet te Oct ste first bhele tact. S PALMEFR'S PHARXACY. 0 Hotilmes hIttihefitesthioardieg horn iteicity.lIreitnowsshowetotecaneefor horises righet. SPECIAL. IETAS & SCiIAN'! sell Sells and Pants 1J at prices to suit everyhbtdy; see also tie repairing, clettitng eiid pressieg. Work ctalled for cud de'ered. No, 48rS. State st., secotd fPeer. O 11IIARTI N, iFuneral ODiretor, Cloth .an dlMetallic Casksets and Fine Grade ('sfrs. Emalmipg a Specialty. Ne. 17 S. Fonrths sve. U OF it. SiAIA~NG tARLOR atidiBath- .rees. All sppttittots first clots. imported ansd domestic cigars. Ladies' artis- tie heir dressing and bahingi parltirs. J. R Trejanowuhi 305S. State st. 'THEN YOU WANT your clothes cleaied, Vpressed, relitied or irebiun d go tsoire. Fingerle, ever Sheehan's ootk store. Ltah- oratory aprons made to order 6:1i1 at Nickel's flail.Illti ielnaii s, tllli. 11 scienlel',911iti lisa., Mareli 23, hifiturti nchusrch, both flentehtandtl(littoami. Tllrtl- lies'. tJamies Kily'Applebeei, ef Btol ilatioli pecrmilsuofst student eniteriti it tUnitly ub111) '(ifii, sni "Shy leek.' Tules., Mateli 21, Utrian tlilli'cli I 'slatba Cuolt'gse silioutthlts niossvl- R~esv..1ae's Kty Appltlise, 0,1edge o1 (reekh,ad tllos the usti- ''SI lkeesleean iilSnoats.'' titioll duiius p1lce if llodili bait. Sal.. Maceli25 lu'tiig of ihigan t i Scho'almiasters! ('1111. it .tills .tettialldi'ulethet 'sash'eits 1t55A' Sat., Marcsit20,uV iWatieiian 1-111- takc'ni by Ilis frsliittls lass, sihile :lum-iColitisti for Sit T roph'tiiiy. ithrequirementt il aatral scienci's lion., lMaus-li30. UH-uiiaria~nii e'iile phyt~sii's, iicludiiig 1111 i5151lf5t'td coi' lies-. Jelles Ktsy- apllbi'i, 0ou"Edtgar'~ e~e'ti'lsi'fuaut t itsl Allsn t'oe."x Tote's.,.Mlereh 31, Untitarian.ichc-elI or tChemaistr's- ssillcei lllseiiste,r bios. Jamies Kay Applebee, ein "Johni s'iit the 1e5ltissisle sf thie tleanl, aii Wesley." acceptable egquis-aletit iniTonlie othler Thisrs., Apr. 9-Fecutly ctncert at heanch of na11'turalseicllee. Frieze liemiorial II all. Sat., Apr. 11-Spuriig recess, begins, Senior Law Memoriai. 4 host-A rnis lildilig abthtteighie keys. Foutr sf thetm are for Yale leeks andll sibehoidentified by' sutmsers stamupecd sisonithem.'fite lfader swill bte ressardeitforarnis trouble incurred bty leas-ibigthieiiiat 81 jE. Wili iu s'. or at the U. of LAT. Daily office. Thte sole iii the seniior lt'-elites iii i'egarslto seocuritig a clatss ti liiect ws.1vs-ry' close', the seimiaent of the clatss beiig tbouit squbaly div'ided. tlisere swerse 224 soles cast antI if these 117 ssere for ainsl107 agairist the tpre- ject. A mleetineg of the class wvill ha Rugs and Miathiug a.1 IALht'R'S cailldsoon to takee fulrthter action it FURNITURE STORE. regard to thueisattet'. Mlessr's. Wright, Kay & (to.. of De- troit, being ttssare Itat eathis iusfae- tetrer of silvser wsaesthas specialties sshie'lih are desirable. do inot confiie thetuselv-es to -the ptroduction of aoy one frim, but biiu out thte beet of all, aes Ttst as they aie plated on the niar- beet. They have also uiaiiy choice sptecimens of iRussian. Norsweg ian, Tuirkishs, German, Italian, Frenwh, 'and English silver, which can hardly be duplicated:irn this country. Uniqe Monthly. PTie Waste-Bashed is the inaimicofa new mnethily swhose first tedition has .- 'u't been issed.s The ,inital nusmbere contains many hoed things. As its nae indicates, its puiposc is to do=.- ! velop nesw- sriters. It is issuetd by .. : the Colletor Publishiiig Co. of De- tioit.I( \A NVAted-A' hostling steward for! board and roamsn. 84 S. 11-am t TAE