THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. IGHIGAN GNT~ Time Tabe (Revised) March 1, 106. Mail and E ---3M50 Mail-......828 N. Y. Special.... 5 00 N. Y. Special.... 7 30 Eastern Ex...10 12 N. S. Limited....9 25 Atatic Ex.7130 Pacific Es.-- 1215 D. N. Express....- 1 40 Western Es ...2 00 G. i. Epress ---.11 05 Chi. Nt. Es....10 1 GREx . Sit--- 5 . W. RUGLES, H. W. HAYES,' G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt. Ann Arbor RAILROAD. Time Table, Ja. 1, 196. 7:22 a.m.e7:0 a. m. -12:20 p. m. 11:46a .m. 4:15 p.m. 9:21 p. m. All trains daly except Sunday Trains ran betweens Ann Arbor ad Toledo only. R. S. GREENWOOD, Agent W. H. ENNETT G. P. A. Toledo . ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. Y. Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress St., 7:10.8:4 and 11:00 a. i.: 12:4, :15,5:0, :45, :15 and 10:45 p. m Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:40, 9:1 ad 1:0 a. i.; 1:15, 2:4, :30, 7:15, 9:45 and 1:15 p. M. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress S.1:30,3:30, fl 00, :and 9:00 p. m. leave Ann Arbor Jnction 2:00,4:00, 5:0, and 9:0 ars rn on city time Fare: single trip 15 .ents round trip tickets 25 cets. W. F. PssARKE, Supt. STUIDENTS!T If you wash good reliable life Issrace call on Fred T MOmber, ofic No. 1, S. Forth avce. NEW MYACHINE SHOP BUNTER BROS., 9 E. LIBERTY ST. Skates Concaved. Experimental Work. RENTSCHLER, PHOMTOCP.B&WHEnU 'ANNI ARBOR. MICH. HOT LUNCHES AT ALL HOURS Chocolates and Candies -AT-- JOLLY & CO'S. 20. State St., Sager Hloc. Large Line nf Fine Pipes, Tbccossnd Cigrs. RANDALL Photographer 15WahintonBlck. TOOP & CO.12Gil4. STATE Call on them for Fine Lunches, Fine Chocolates, and Baked Good. Try Our Lunches. COTRELL & LEONARD, Albany. N. V., Makers of t h Cops t Gowns fnr Yale '96,Harvard 91, Princeton 96 and we add with pleasure Michigan '96? A. MAN WITH MONEY TO BUREN Can't afford to pay $105 for it Hicycle until hreIhassoen the IVBR. JOHNSON W'HIEL Thcc thierc is th~e iajestie, thc auperior of many so caled 1high grade wheels, also Road Niug and Slascot Whecls at M.AC= & COMP*ATY, 56, 58 and 60 S. Main St. Furniture. OUFa NEO. SPFING SAMPLES Have.acrivcd.Thlargest and inlst .issortmeict ever'shooa in Ass Arbor.Soits. fromo$14 to i0. Pants firom U ohM. We lksow that mecranpica'se you ond'toil) plcase you to lobk at oar samplcs bctosc buying springIfurishings.5 FJ. Glen, The State St. Tailor, tid' o op I 1 20 S. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR, ICH. I~~ ___________________________________________________________ The Onig Slneping One Linbetwnen Tn- ___________________________________________________________ leds andCoslumbs. AT TE GAND PER HOSE. 1,00 INPEIE-SThes OnigSleeping or Drawing Soom Oar AT TR GAND PEIA HOSE. $1,00 I I1RZESLine between Tnindo,Columbus and ____ Marietta. The Haiiford, Spence', O'Birieii Go. To lie Distribiiti'i Absolutely Free. Ths Onig Drawing Room Oar Line between reetypeetd"Julius Caesiar" atl--Toledo, Columibus an~dCharieston, recetly resetedW. Vs. It11)ca.5111 the Corioell boys, a1 numbiler Use 1110lebtrrs contlaine'd ini tle text: Pullman Sleepers betwsenConlambus and; of whlomilappealredt 50111thIollaIii 1111, "tll M eedls Griow," aiid, forlmlas10 Chicago. extraced. hge chuks. o fullout of113tIIly AordA a you aTHE sONLY hLINE- TwithLY4LNErwihs4 tains way wdillyl extrcted111cc eitinss.of fn ot ofililllyworii ooyo~i i-n, isin thelii whcencaToledo and Columus. 1111 occasion. Casoas1 their 11100 tiro eithler biackwardl or forwavirslbut' THE ONLY LINK with 31trais each way en Susdays betwieis Toledo and Colombus. marlik. Whlen hie baidi' Cassiu~s tari- 110111 151'elily litter ill samIe wtordsh THE ONLY LINE with 5 trainseach way daily 1 heween Toledo, Bowling Green aid we'i ll e boys yelled, "Ma lonll g, oldt 1111re1tunes 11ha1n11itllllarilr 11"2100011 Findlay. THE ONLY LINE wih I transnteachi way dily 111:11." In the "QuirrelScene" 'when eedlM'i:s (Grow." 1+:1' cx:llllplc Oll:' wordls: between Toledoanod C.hareston, W. Va. THE ONLY DIPIEC0T LINE botween Toledo t'lls5;i1s5draiws 1115 sword oil Brtuls, 001', 01111e, wed's, iii'.'i'hil1erson11 and the Yicglsis. the foiotbiali lplayrou't5 in 1fronti alled fo:rmlin~g tie gr('li't llilnumber of wordls. THE POPL'IAR ibet between Toledo,rFosto. ~~~~~~~~~~~iout. "Falir play thieie ash." W11:11 ingtll"'the lers in the text wsill r- Fl sowlo resto1 ~cheo Btrutius xolitosto t'aesair's shiale, (('150 (9111'tindreil Dollairsi, 1.1 (:1511.trais, e1c., will50becheerfully fueoishod hr any Agent of Ike 01h1o Central Lines. "Who art th11011.heIlor lll'gi10aslOwer-Fotohle next. lirgiesi. list we will give MOULTON IOUK, O. P. A. oil with ll rI'rged lr(eisioll. "('ire:i! $75In crash, for lie lnext $25 Ini l, TOLEDO OHIO 0':i s 52's! Ghlost!'" 'Fortuntly:11 thel a11d11for e':111 of 1111' next to'l.l1.1071st __________________________ 1'olmipll~y is composed entoilirely sit ohil ls211'e sill give' $10) in1gold.. If yoo taa$ dOpe a "o s timiers, who 0enjoyed(ltlls'fuln 1s 11u1c1 lale'good it wordI lwakling 7(1 (a1casc- pr. H u e is thoeboys (did so 1110hllrorllInc ecu('e01a valule priz'e11 as0',15_i'1 IlilR ONE NIGHT ONLY. parry will iappe'ar here paodtio Gn Isto':'i11prioz's to }leso's s enl'010: A1:11:FRIDAY, MARCH 20. illa com~plteI' eni6101110 onof!listsls ('.111:1111111e(15w1'issly-fivi' sords. "'lb' Alercllant of Venle" lollloerlxSl-'wWite' y011' naive1 1111list of wordso nligh~t. (lilllli(ri'oll1an1d enlclose' twvetso vvCHARLOES B. HANFORD. FUNNY SKETCHES SYANTED. (f111 01:111111 s too : rowlliil wh101ilhkAt.DEL NOURR.SPENC RE H~aving decided to oinit shlort, per- ' 0101Mosti~lgos.5lih Frs N O AOBIN yersbotcilulos swilve-i'a(lllO'sl'of Ille'late-stia10111 shirosm T'riumphs in Detroit, mill brig sonlal grinds in Ohio yar bo00te5utBooth isndilaireti's tiiii'eni Castillianl Board is desirous of geltilig mostIpola)11r flowss-iof u diffe're'ntl5110- productionoil no iniy hum~oronussetchles of Univer- 'tii's, also hilylicliiro111nih'uls of is-p AlIR lEldI[1 ity life as possible, If yoko iliioio rms ti vodOllil I[Mhw iV iul lughbleOincitdent or amul~sing eharac- ',11 ti'be cre fullby ndbconbsceiouslyj _____ tear abot the Univ-ersity-, mizle a Conlducted, 11111 is solely' fortpr (i101-MR AF DASSYL birezy sketch andl put it in thle Cobs- lose' of fuirther intr'oduinilg our sieids MRSENCR AS BASYLO, talian contribution boxes in the mlain ill nel'5'boaliies. XYoiu will relceehie5 SBASNO 'hail. biggest value iinfoswer Secds over MISS O'BRIEN, AS PORTIA. ofrdanboieif-olaealtoSudeit members of the Political lake 1I gooid list of wordosuitdainswvor Prices, - 35c, 50c, 75c and $2. Science Association 0211 getle1110puib-iiroilil ' 7(01ouxwill Standll bn equalop- licationo 0as0110y'c00100out by callin~g'portunity ho secu~r' 11 valiuabli'trize'. 1 P1 S at room 71, Tappan Hail, lat 11 a.Im. WlihOli ; (Illlg2cag,,lhlhl __ on any day except Satulrdahy. Five moile iii' etdistributioni of prizes in1 Tlii new stles have nunobers are now ou~t and a 5si111, he- ills 'onite'st. We as'aire 01(lt arsti pin rok sldtciy governnment, ho printing. lriail order oitli 110svill lie mos0.01goulli- i areitheIirhng. See our Me~mbershiip, which incluides th' pub- yi 52 rite' yurIllIe10p1laily :111 a tlo libationo, in open Is all students -.t $1 511ls seryu onib.~ WM. ARNOLD'S JEWELRY' STORE. ayear. Address, 'INOON SEFD ____CO.,________________ CHIARLES H. COOtLEY, 10011111 lclg., Ch1cago, Ili. TEKNEGRE ILADBL Treasurer. I TH KINERGAREN BLLIAR HAL TeDalhyyIhabelldelisvered frRILODTICKETBOKR N O 1'CE. several weeks to all mhemlbers of thieRIRA RKR All candidates for tile freshmn:Uniiversity tacultieo who ore not regn- baseball tealm will hand Itheir nameOsrs oiarbr. Y Monbel oe ONEY Ti) JOAN (SN 3 ES(ISAL and positions to tbe inanalger at once. withiout any expense to thirs ll i order i'lOS'-R7 Y. HARRY B. POrTER, to show them the value sf the Daily WVlii' 'le Cigrars. Tobaccos n' itii (iretli's 7)1 S. Thayerr at. . .1C , 'nit..-nci z--~nn dn One front sutle, $2.50. One single tor xiii call ution echcb professoir woo room 75 centa. Furnace heat, lig ht ilhas beena sent 0tbr paper and those who and bath. 20 S. Ingalln st. 1391' desire to bieconme regullar subsribers wiltie given 1111oppotusnity 1o sstb- Just received, a lot of ness Carpeto. scribe. Othlerwise, thte paper wvibllie Rugu and Matting at S-IALIEZR'S discontinueil without any charge for FURNITURE STORE. tile numbers delivered. mmi m ~ e CATERER, PRIZEPFOlI SHORT STORtY. t1ANGSiNIFKl+K2.1 F. Wssinhx, The '96 "'Hes Gestae" Board offer a I ton xi. cash prize of $25 for the best nhort story on a legal su~bject. Csutribu- Gibson &ic Clark, tioins from all depaartmelnts are invited adthe Board roserve the right to use PHOTOGRAPHERS. all manuscript suibmitted. Washburn Guitar for sale, Argus 12 W. HUFRONTT ST. office. 128 TL LI) LI 7 O RI-PAN-S The modern stand' ard Family Medi- cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. waa