THEI UNIVE RSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. THEV ICTOR League Bali will bat further and last longer than any other make. It contains the best materials and shows the firest construction throughout. Every "official" league all offered to the publi san.u Demand toevctor ins'll cas. Our trade merk i a;ura tee 01tineat quality. OVE-RMAN WHEE L. Co. 1o rscf i to loo 'oti. 0 p d~ G.SpldiycG~j tlo o duc to Unfom 0.r0t'cAN, -idO er + 61 .0, 0 w otooo r'eoo oon, $40 1. 5i~ too, 0, C. A~thN ~d OFE A A N A ' i BA :I'o)l,000. : oo oh, 'I ro fits 000 0,0 to 10000000 ('oo- 00 loo, tON, 't.I) 10'oo'o, to- 0'oO (hoo ij,(m. ,I 0 1 . 'IIIlo -1 OL1 III. I( ).lol L-owney's Cocolates5. Hot Lunches. U. tL'b S8U0tt t. I Sf, [IEISh Qill GS AND LATEST I 5~~5Cosing Out -___for Spring, and Suimmer Suits- -'We havs left a fair stock of al1 sorts of TH IE'THE TAILOR, - - WRITING TABLETS ---18 North Fourth Avenue, Arlington Block. - - - v butt can be closed outt as folloox a: IEOA FLID, i130,AFID. MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C NEW DINING PARLORS OPENED AT ND. 11 AYNARD ST GOOD RITIEGTABLET, 10 - BC FR O a OBNEL~IHE TABLET, - CC15 (.cuvlt'd.A s(,-ia det abe olyforChse ho\vih t.BEST CA~NE I ~iTBLET, - 35C F. J. RENNINOS, G. W. PRINGLE, PROPRIETORSI WRITING PAPER BY Tt'E QUIRE OR LB. 00 yo"'Otis stock xwill riot too'rooploorod. F S Com t'lilkfotrfirst choice. 4 7.Pitsburg Stogies for -Se- A5c rous 'rinti g. HOuse. ;Full Value Cigars for- --- ---25C G Prodigy Cigars for - S - 2C 4 Owl Boquo t Cigars for ----- -- ---- ------5c 0'.K YES Roa anrCgr o 5 EALowe Market Frice by the Box. u OUI44 South anSro. DAN- & COMPANY.I INS-U ofI., A. A. H S. 'il' bfnet in itho cily. Coomera,.il see UNlVER-SITY NOTESb. Wins from Princeton, _ llt 'lot ot bob olttot 041 tooT-to Oo'\-O'{MOORES& \ETMORE Iio~ l htoo ; tot,11 he l or Uhrt 0000001il 1 1O B 'tlt': 6S. ANST. AND STATE ST. to ot- to'oott.. 10 0 ~, i~'tto'o '000ltO tooooo'oollooiolo 1 ooto, CORNER1 OF WILLIAM,1 4 o d 0 '0tto (0 1 0, 0 1oo 000000 ltllI L___30S_________ Revvl 111ilo',,t Ka101p1l.btovioil .' '1l'- or t ow itof aly('offloOie.1 x 711-o\ YOUloWAN1)your clotylCoc, oi ott - Jtotrt ro'01of Nd, aitof o- (00 ,; i bc 0 , lI11100'iilI.otlil.'1Il 111tti- 1,jgre ovrS ehn hoksuv. ,: 90(00(.0 8 oroolo'nt~ ~oo~ rgo r art o 0o000t.ory.apronstncmaodestoo olrder b lc f Itos sololy ollloono y<1, t; o lo, 0i01l00 0100 ( ioN 01 1000101 0100 1 loots- . - r1ito t UII-.SO E.ru4,Ar .Fclycnet t ll l oob111ro. y110(00 iogo'oalo1111-ool tode00101 111lt iiOooll' p1lool (0101$ f lhoi 110001 0No S-O ., 0 ",~ olo~'ool it 00 1b~uo ooo rra~os roelliooo 001110, ~togaeto.,f Apr1.11' 1-u'oro i nbi receissi bob(1ll.(to Dtoitei'si~otrotuchoot ? the 0ollo pIy 'l' tIt of011. ,T A E (AR