" THlE UNIVERSITY OF MIHIGAN DAILY. DSO YU INTEND _ TL I ' LA~TES3T 0T V ° i' Cl sig u TO UET A +INI Ruu W tr ou e ec w a We have left a fair stock of DSrfui-tV -ik Yt k all sorts of S of Palri Pants PICE IS THE LOWEST. Spring Style Flats, 1890. Suit Cases. I Tunkes and Tr71..aveling Bags. Ir~nEASTEn? RITN'G ABLES..which can be closed out as HATESANs.N URIHES No. 9 s. main st. MAMMOTH 200 PAGE TABLET, 5C Jo . ollauf, SAN IEFUNSES.tp .-ags line of Shirts, Collars aiid Colfs in the city. GOOD RULED TABLETS, 100 PP. 3 FOR IOC tlI\ 3.LagetROOD WRITING TABLET, - 80 Merchant Tailor, CRANE LINEN TABLET, - - 15C DOU.. 11OK~E BEST CRANE LINEN TABLET, - 350 Will give y0 i Pet ct S eisfaction 4 Pittsburg Stogies foe O- - c WRITING PAPER BY TFE. QUIRE OR LB, Prices Ifeisonilol. 7 Full Value Cigara for-------- ----------25c 6~~~h Prodigy Cigars for - - - 25Cc This stock will net he replaced. 10 E.VWashilngton S~t. 4 Owl Roque t Cigars for- 25c Coyne quick for fist choiice. 2d3 Ioyal Dlaonr Cigars for-----------------c Argus Printi. House. 2 e ester. Lowent Market Price by the Box. t UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING 44 South Bramn Street. Opposite LAW building. UIVERS5ITY NOTES. INTER-.HIGH SCHOOL MEET. OPERAHUS JEWELER TERMS M3FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. Proposition sMadn eby Athletic As- PINS:-v. of X$., A. A. H. S. A G Sjadi~& BrOS, y ToNamee is a Guar- ane"that the article ' :etig it is the test. nYpoduced, Uiorms ettdSuplies af svtty decription tor t' s Iustraed Catesi gee. Thne Acmea jettr ectin- Spa/ing icycle FOR lace. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., New York, LChcaga, ChiIadeiphia. Largest MSusacsttrerse at Bicycles and Ath- tetic Geods titeold. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OFC ANN ARBOiR. Orgaantzed i8h3. Capital, $100,000. hurples and refits, 1640,00 Tran-ttsatte n eeral hanhing husiness. Caoret.... exchatteshboughtsandsld.Curnish etters of credit. P. BACH Pres.S. W. CLARKESON, Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital StatS,000shi. Surptas, $150,000. tReources, $1,100,000. Organtzed uneder the Gieneral IBanking Lees of thstate. iRecetves depusts, hays and selts escl ieonasttte prtintipal cities at the United Otilee. Dtrafts rcihed apse peeper identifict'etion. Stfety depetsit hoses to test. tOriceitotChritian latch Pres.t W. ID. Herimtatttt, Vice-Pre.tCites E. iiscaoct, Ceshtiert:5. J. ritz Assistanit Casihier. Lowney's Chocolates. Hot Lunches. TUTTLE'S1 48 S. State St. Ceapest place to buy it is at M.STA[8L[R'S Cylo Emporium, 11 W. Washington St. Bicycles, Sundries, Sport- ing and Athletic Goods. Itit_" lee i~ittl pla in i let-tire tote'l IaNtisclosets evtny attihue Nveelt. { ; It. ic ttt110 Intel :1. ii. :;Net ,.':_ G. ii. lDyi.'r i. ''1%5I,.eels tielete lie'ittl;It1<1w toe'. lit xsetsIt'.ltit tef Ilie 'rarsily feothltl teattitfoirtecte Yearsi'. W'.IF. ltlititto. eteiaofeth le ht:t' Itall teamiti. ssidck CItn-tilitic 'iaie sociation. The finest in the city. Come and see Cetletittelfownet t' Aiteleetel Asiokit- Cog, ii AititArbotee it cniet icldtticlad efel h it' iiigei II e-i S,lettel Atltic-t Aset citii. ye' tetrecy helt wih A. Ii.I 'tth''t.Gr eebek, f GantItiel lidel t hit lreitleilltelf the'att.co.ieie ten. Mr. Ii i'etlcclt setl lit t li igitschltts wotutldlItetttitablee' glade it tilnae' sue't MOORE & ETMORE 65S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST,,, CORNER OF WILLIAM, UNIVERSITY - TEXT - BOOKS! For the Second Semester, New and Second-Hand peroehaelyl will ntite itabltcle t iel'tice' 0.11 tlli'tin' elieiiieiad sed lt'e on- hichIthecy ofetr with. tii 'Clnithis ss'c'k. ellte' tt inae act iet te itretit iolleAt the Lowest Prices. ________ - toisubmtit, twhieIt will te'dtitle. 'ilec CALENDAIC. ptcc iiiti ec1i ))l titti i~ellee's: STRICTLY A SCHOOL OF DANCING Ilerai l I'niil iii e's't'rryitall. agree's lt nete'rlle n tteire 1011 .-ijl ....In i Fi., Match 0-tRegiilarti' ti tg of 22tet' tt'iiiof tli:' eilleicil illt' bu ttl uill ' Yote'aneltoin our'c'lasses ntt, area Boar'ttof Retgets. it'ne t i ttle.' o oltt' etee'cilyhoesyttii aetsitte ceiettotetyourst'lfltoe Fri., ?0rti 1)-tinatl oratorical cot'- itrpl' illte " lrlie tmstartinig weityttudo. thie tand test. fret' tndithit';gatle' ret'csiwsill ,getoI liottn., T3t'ti't'a2. 1 itail ctiih'urit'tc i'hecietlAst iaie lRt'v. .1 lilisKctay itttl)et'tt, tef ilestithe . col."s~ain ' ' ' '® r' Ini lelc elneitti('11 .)itou il r"f lyolcc'' 'rete't tlls ytar rcill itt' held ~ PEA NilT1 CANDY ts's.. llioe't'i 1. 5 litlit ettcurech-le Iee iito'.butl ittoite'le t-AinnlArbor 7 ISI IUlU ilit's'. butt's i tt.' Aiiltle, ('11tell l 11x(y.tiit't 'e. Tte finstIyot eer tasted. Cresh 'Shlet'sle't Sittitels.''______an_ ed tcrsp .We sellettei ahurry. 20 cen tsa pound maktee itgo Motu.,2ht1-1101 II.30, icnittf cliii'chrh- lust re'eiv'cd, a lttt of new Carpets. Revc. J.iese Kay ,hiitichec, oct Ifelgeir titgsanadel atetlung at JIALLER'S AL0' HRAY Allele Poe." FIIRN'TIE STOIRE. Holmsehtoethe 5ietbha rdlig hats Tiite.. Nlarchtit31, hilinit lltili'l "A1'alithuru I itltinfCr silt. Artone i ttecity. lie ktoasehow to ctesfor Ile . 7.Llt IL.Iy .\1)_)i1 '~t.,t~y on Johl 7,offct ' g hoses rilit., W'sley." 'e't'ctlel A' h utliiing t'cNartl ftr _________________________ Thurs., Apr. 9-Facially concernt it biard and rtt~ttes. S-1 1 5. M'uci sI.SPCIL Frieze Stemorial HallS CIL Sit. Apr. it-Sping recess begins, CREAT INIPiOVEfxlTENTS ON THtE Ta OCTAS & SCHIANZ cell Selts aned Pasnts oioeoCEN~tAL. 1l at prices to suit everybodtyt Nye also da ''hef t~cathata 1erfr"Inr payspairing, ceaninga sd pressitng. Wtrk 'lithe fti'l TodaylIthel'hioteC'ntra'l addttysctlled fttr aettide_1Stred. No. toS. state st., Bet'heve'n's SontttIa,stil. 81, Blicl's TuaCeOtoCeta tth0.'etndifloor. sixltvittliti Sontant. tettiStel'ssit hits fourth tain betwceenaToleudo antd Cs- ttt. ii 111 i latjo .leiitiiand adits hersice isgraty tn AT S. SiARIN.Ctuneral iDirector, Cloth (10lec r~ooU. -lon abrani o rc ° ctl~l. adMetasllic Cesketsanatd Cite Gradse proved by tswo elegatat Wagner crn- Colfins. Emihalming a Specialty. Nee. if S. newoes r~c'sl5in tCue inueelu'nties.-lt- CFurthe eve. cage Ineer Ocait. hiluatiets sleepter anti parlor crts. Thec - ____ Ohiio CelercIl is noSw te nostideeirable ' OF MC . SHAVING PARLORtand Ilcth- e*roms'.511l pintentsIist t lass. Lest- A rinig iholdiing about eighst route betwccen'iTledlo aid Coluitebuos. Imported taed demestic citrs. Ladies' rtes- keys. Foulr of tuthemceCoin Yale locks Marietta. or ('harlestota. It to ehe only tie haird'ew ieu30 S.ted hiieg pasrio):, J. R andi c-ill be identifitetd by 1ttiolters sleeping car liac betwe'en thesec toints~ stamhpedi spoot heme. The fieler will andth(le itost direct one to th e ir InidEs YOU WANTP your clothe cleaend, Si ypressrd, relined orrebtoundttiga teoirs. he rewairded for oany trotihle incurred giniaxt Everything is done fer the isgerle, ever Sheehan'sheokstaoe Lah- oratary apronse sude to ordert bty leasing thteen at Il9 E. Williaem Si. comfort of passengers and it seens as or at the 'C. of Mi. Daily ofiier. Olongh the acne of perfect :service ia statoney ad enravngde-now reaced by these late improve- The sainr n e igd-nienis. partment of Wright, Kay & Co., oP ........______ Detroit, is producing the Ilingernpart of PRIZEE FOlt SHORT STORY. '\ the finest socisty stationery that ho be- The '911 iRes hiestee" Board offer a inag need by the various fratee itics in cs rc f$5r tebetshr the United States. They have also fur- story on a legal sublject. Contribu- nished many of the most elaborate pro- tions freo all departaments are Invited g;rams, reception cards, etc., etc:, for a nd the Beard reserve the right to use M RD - UARKC universities throughout the country, all manuscript "submittedl. TAD