THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. MIGIGX W AL .A MAN WITH MONE-Y TO BUR N . Can't afford to pay f5000 for a Bicycle until he haos seen the Time Table (Revised) March 1, 18061i' g l O X L LN ES.P. M. WS.AM I JOHN.&M. TyI Mal and Ex-11_5300 Maill - 5_______8 8T. o.& C.Ry. X. .R,. N. Y. Special....-I500 N. Y.Special--.7 30 The thcre is .the Majstics the superiorofomany so calcO hinh grade wheelos oiloo.hI o ess uTldOi Eastern ERu -__10 12 N. S. Limied.--. 9 25 n10l ad and (CWhehaurlesIIiI-.1,'to' , ba, via Coloombss, the A. .P.M. hkort ad only iecst route. Atlantic Eu-___7 30 Pacific Eu .--- N13 0 M A C H .DN.Eupres....5IsO Western EWa.'.1200 BEWNv s G. R. Expres .11 01 Chi. Nt. Eu.---10 1! 56, 58 and 60 S. Main St. Furnitusre. Toledo, 0. G. . Es . .I? ______________5__57___Findlay,______ _. 0. W. RuGoLSns, B. W. HiArEu, ___________________________ ida,0 G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt. Ann Arbor C B SPRING S AMP LEBS 1 Kenton, 0. _______.,,,.;--I___,.,__ IQ U R J c +.fn7fnwt Qtrm-1 ,v rcnni nnAhr ~it 4Cdlunabus, 0. a i 8' fromo$14 to Pant.Fous froms $5to SC. t - Ml f'- u-co I Weoknowtawecaso ple ase you ansd 'toill plcase you to look at our sampies before Athens, 0. Dliddleport, 0. 'rt .~- E1 IPomery, . " . Gl 1, Ytue tate i S " 3ailor, IPt. Pensant, W. Va. 20 S. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR, MICH. Richmond. Va. Petebug, Va. RAILROAD. Old Point Comfort, Va. ThoseTable, Ern. Iii, 196. Will Go to Athen. AT THE.' GIiAND OPtElt. LOUSE. Wiliambug, Va. NORTH SOTH. ___ 7:22 a. o. '0 a m Newport News, Va. nilslu P. M. W6i6 Sa: m Compillete arsra'nigemeBs ll i e been1511 (lsils, I. lllaorlslEliluI . Ssl- Norfork, Va. 4:15 p. m. 1 O:21pon All traissdaily except Sunday iiiose by theiss iietoli:Atletic A-so-ceran'11NsroO lritli, wo rssssss fler- AuIsill souestercouiens i. Figana *Ta ewen An A rbradoeodeswig room crion ll ulseug iss onlyaSrs tueo o rbro. o e lion lto silidI tesi oll 00 rs'W'c idedslsslWith 55i15mos:ilvisi prilsi',Wil FTifthAert Ifsormatonocloil ourysolocal WB.BNEIt. 9. GREENWOOD, Agent becs't nt Oyssss sis 0I: sen isss s'svisal sst isk sptl. sickeAenMoULrtON10e,CiiPaoAg. 0.l.BE N T . P. A. Toledo . siovisitgedsssy ot".Juliste os'll' 'isoedo, . hlstO ill Alillis, ('lieev.e, Aril iis WA. PETERS, Mchigoun Pa-i A eeit ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY. iil' t tslss'is 0h-i-ll 'lsiss.age tthss esi Is'. n( cispsi'ssl IXit li pose, t his' laiillsCptaiinl, ltissrt (Gar- lssssisrsi ol,,I bus' H s ite. f imeii r d o e a. 1 u e Timen Table, Oct. 27, 1895. rti, 'l7; A. C. 1yls'r.1i7;.1. I. (si ttsr. Ihsir s'.issl is's pls y-s l sly isis < - i Leave Ypila nti from Congoress st., 7:10.8Ssti'96l, sindsl'. A. Lanale i. ii' isisien sil '"Msy sililis' wssli iils ]'hil t I ii 50;ONE NIGHT ONLY. and 11sOW a. u.;1l:s5,2:i5,I5:00, :4, :15 aud Isssvs-sniss v is allbsss's's al 0. ss -i 5 li s is vs ,' a Y , , oTT 4 1:45 p . sl.esivsNews York lOSaturasy oil t'he V L! YBD i1 1 Leave Ann Arbsur Juncton, 7:d0,9:15 sld xstn, his-s eiir 1sssin~,' c us1srsilii is sl 11:30 a. o.; I, 2s45, :W, 71, Os45and 1110 samer tFuldalor sit(le -Noris ri155isil I ge. nts'. li-i Olrirtp ;si ) ' i'~ E U N E G G M P. M. R E I ndRsO Ep. on. ' I _.B ars run on city time Fare:sige trip 15 - 5ne nths 4y nsan c0int R M cens;round trip ichets 2s ceoits. ' tlscDaily 11ris b'encc i sis'l cr's for lc s ot r iss'1ilvsilit i .,S ass hisesl is AusdIlllssssss'dy is ri Ii losdcssn's Wlt . PARKanR, Supt. Br''l sslo Iiiilssllso U ~s ''--s li~ ssl-il is i i'ilelianot C'omed-y, ST ULID) EINTS T 0LIisesisly faculieso isare iot regt ol- iissss 'ii is ofsateeauts'siyol s't ' he '3« r .fe'z Friend." larsusli rs. Til . , ha sss been donelis l ris' )(i''s e d teigss'ssits are'5'5oi a parssis O Si 'Oyls o lasy is- 's o Isloels if you n tuso osd4relsia leslife. is'. s iii s call 'iwithoost ills exenl s s o hellss' orde s rs ls'r - til us' s's-s sisry. - isrt ve o 0i s uaWihem hiicvno~sqsr.te alsc-ly tNNY Sl T'('HE"S VANE]. Price, - 35c,50, 75c and $1, tot W~iIsiciI 5ill l lxi sll h5 ss oessors'siss'hio IIaOrnqi teeslescltsi o o lsh lort, tr-1 issshsEI oMACllHINE55i'shl ii'-i'OsPis griidss il Iis b'srolsosi, hser 5 ' iss -(/\N[ S. ilsbe etteppradloe1h ersHUNTER BROS., 9 E LIBERTY ST (lIsre to lscns ssiCrslssssls's (ostaliiBIssard 10 s sirmos ofistt get Skates Concav d..1usill te g'iss'i l l r sility Sto is- ioas maily iisiisissrssketchsssot uallissr- '5J'h, neistoyles have Skat'ses. 's uConis'isicaved.i'.It311W s rrs-ie t. <)1ro Ciosks Experimental 'Wore' '55, led ilhot1)ny1 .lii s)r!laghbe n'' et.or5 areg haac isow. 5gle s lie niisicsi'dteliIersd tsr ar )11tst'Ie 1 5555 1051, nle RENTSCHLER, -i~S.breezy ossshtlislnd pati ithise (s-ifWM.ARNOLD'S JEWELR' STORE. tailtan cotribsiut sin bsesi n te I n151 _____________________________ PHOT0C~~..PH~~P.!T It youl trav'l0o tis osssus iisicill. ________TEKNRGTNBLIADHL A.NN{ARBOR. MICH. ldulrini the year youo Will 0s' mllIEKIDRAREsBLIRDHL _______________________________by isssclisisilast' ihous-ssadusle isrkt. '110'. tEST LI I-AtIE. RAILROAD TCKET L RlD KRS HOT LUNCHES AT A4iLL H-OUR Suetd by sgens Of (1111Central lt~iiise,51sId55y iissOhio (Cintra'ltLins i STONliT TO LOAN ONI 'Ri0 Chocolates and. Candies' -ssems incuding the enire IB. 0Icuc i liii iany ssther. It is gossslover sssoiClss,'ssss'-ssil'5setc -A'L--.Syse sticilof 'ittblsrg. hie ig Ii - 12. & (0., 115.s, TobsnerosC1,It.Cigr.,tct For, edc Se agetslosf Ohio (entrli 1crs')-- Good(bssshc Oyer. T]166ere s s.' I." " O~ Lines before praisnIig. lric }0; sii =sin thieismussrl s'ttisi Mis- Ilis0issvahin 20. Stae 0., Sagee Boh. good one year.(entr'alILis'ses ot B ,ise 'sfa orie Io________________________ Large 5Line ofr 5inor 'pe, Tobaccos and __ --- - ( Seaet ho(ctia i ,o _______________--_--s Irec 00 YOU PLAY IRAN IA. 141.~ L0eagu Ball Sls'tudn umblers othels-Political I s I7 1.0t og r a l will bat frther and last cince AocOiatiol c vll hel Ishelib- 010 We Frns 15Wahigtn loklonger -than any other icssiois s they comessosst by calisgtebs l5 asingonBlok.make. It contains the st roolmo 2, YIiPi5OINhlsl t 11t1s Ill best materials andi shows onIllyiiladsy excpt S liid i e 1 iscIl C rd 1s 11 S'I EETUiIthroughout. vossed (o ciy gserlsuielt is plining, B c cl Call on them for llbsrhil, which inslsdes Ile pulb- FOIR $1.80. Fine Lunches, Every "1official 3 lictons, is 0111n o all slsudents t $ 1-adnse-iselpor'Iio(r Fins Chocoatns, league ball offered to a ya.Hanoometers).ed pe100 hpsior and Baked Goodcones,6cpr10 osae _TOrLhs. the public s an (I'1I01tES If. COI'91EY ploker chips (or rosilr). 1.00 TrmOriunhe. ti~o f the Treasurer. er ll0. Extra quaiy Domslios, GOTRELL & LEONARD, V ICTO R. Al O hiss' t5esh pmrl seT . eAicniaefothfrsmn T B.Albany, N.Y. Demand the Victor in all baeblltemyilIan Co.,nvis ands positos to at once. Detroit, Mich. akers of is ,n guarantee of finest IfAIttY R.I PPTER, zquality. 391 S. '5Iayer st. S UD N S L 14 UWI OVERMAN WHEEL CO. One front aie, $250. One siliole Tb crKdkIots fnryale'96,Harvard BOOc E Osc eeu 000Renk E.noom7 Tnsounaehetirgh so'. ss 'sssss osss ossp5 and bath. 20 s. Ingallst. 136BERYM IlT rnIuunRERn may we not adid Michigan 96? Subscribe for the tDaly. Saisacto guaranteed. 6E. Huron t.