THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. jjg~.1everl ~yi' s New -spapers are chr~h;Ip S f, J ti.+ P L1I+ w I tee'sie free readinig rooms; timeL could not be better spient. So no rceat- Published Daily (Sunday- excepted) during sonahile excuse exists. Let our CIO'- the Cole ~t wear, atiii uceisa eat mrv THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. loatng tsoie.isa esiirv Greets:Times blaildiisg N. Main st., opposite _________ post office. - EDITORS W. x. llaS, '9, IW. W. TAivEi, ' L. E. L. tGesoun, 'L Ok . IlAS,'98, J . WSu, '08Yi. EDITOI-NcIIE I G. . IkusisSOoc, 'it L. lht 5NAGINic EDITORS J. P. TnsOAS, '7. BUSINIS MSANAGER L a. WsiKa, '1. ASSOCIATE EDITORS L, A. lrat'tO G.M.lleath,'96tP. S. i. Smith, 'iiitL. 1B. . ethay, '9. F. shnoos, 'i. I. taima, 'it A. F. A. fssi , '9l85E. C 13. lte,'iO I. Thesbsriptin price cc the Doly has bees reduced o .23 s indaceefor the ret o the ,year. Leae sscOriptins at the Diaily chlico or with P. C. Meyer, U. oCi t NewS itlss. It is to bi hipeil that sonic isians of imaprovinig the baths at the gymnila- siumsl will le fouid before the scr11ol year closes. I' waer and stain arc all right ini their pl-tiesbut they were never intuded to be usei in who, cc baths. The cliiss touriaimient for liii chni- pionsipilofutthe tiiscrsity wiicli is to begini 'hisdiy evencig deserve the hieary suort sitll siidets. Chess is t game that soldtibte eicotragei by everybody who desires to see our gooses sonaietistib sits s "itu-kilr" anidcmenssfiiithe lslevict11111of 55ihll bliniglproesisiiis. 11t his iiis it 141e isppilctiity for iienitl diiiilir ow wel as for rercati. Liet.a tour- aliiileq1ua losi' of cisrl coleges. Th'ie lack of interest lhtilhe imajr- ity' of stiiii'ts Stios lv neilig events of imiflcttsice that are happeiniig ill the otiside wori is someithiniig to be deplioreid. Mutch of tis ciiitiontiiof thinigs coiiis froii igoriance. For ii- sbsnc, ot of iiy tll tudetics to Nx-hoi the Cuail qusesion is troaced, notl 1m011'thiaitwoo r tretwill exei know that Coigrss tias cnsiderei te suhject. T.Ihey give 119 their excuse, "I inv-ct seenIt paier in lure mothis." Aiother filt tins) shwsvsthe lack of interst in current history Is the thl'sossesisi of the college debt- ing societies of thi coutry negectiig hinninsg toicis of the cly for sh questiocs as "will ()sr tGovernent Continue?" "Shall the Goveriiiient Own the Iailrovads" e., etc. These things ought not to be. Mien and woimen who intend to live ii the world after inisliig the college course ought nt to deprt froul -it entirely for a period of four years. The time spoint in a university should not be a periol of hibernation, but a season of pre- paration. And in this preparatoy1 training Students should keep in touch wills the Imporsant events that occur . Communication. Editoxr U. of M. Dasily: A comimittee habs Been apiinted lby the bossrd of dirictors of she Athletic Associa tion to 'onsidler the isoesdtdlilt of brinisgii to Aiiii Arhr lihi anus-ial hield meetof flii' dichigaiioIhighi Schlc Athletic As sc isstioi. whsichi is cmsposs- el of the h:g-li schools olf Grandi l ap- ids, Ann Arbor, Ltiisiiig, Jlacksoni, fBat- tie Creek andi Detrisit. This project is most cciuuiieniiile. ais it would, if earnes t iistiiilate asil~iiiiin tiihei high schlis, Nxvhis-ii s~sirsishlat wheu'e ARRANGEMENTS COMPLETED. Drawings for Chess Tournament________ Made Last Night.,.>5 ~ K The drtixings fur the flust toursts-, O® l ba sient of the Chess Club wero mdea Misuday evening, and resuiltsed as fol- losvs: BMnosweiovr, bye; Haimilton, bye: Thomias, iiye;F. Cl':sidge-Wool- l-icss, Ciitriiidn-'aintih ii, tHers,-irk- o s- P'alier, Albirighit-Rlhsies', S. C"oolidg e- Mtoses, Kroiik-'2hoiiipsoii,'Martin-Coul- ht fir, Mahnniiarit.St. Glair, Sqluier, bye; u" Itetir, bye; Colbuisn, bye. The tourna- mend ANviii hegiinext Tisursilay cviini- ig tail the biest twoiigiilss out of three xviildeie theliiwxinneir. Anuiii- ioc'oslegiaite tournamnent, iiicluniik'ywer,4( re'presenltatix-es froim Cilsicago, Wis- 31iehilgillt'niversities, is cne sitfill'e - M' the stuidents inter c'llegi' thiy cilii lrceady trate hail athilitic training, anid he so msuch sios-i' xaiiatlle 051l11i11 Irairsity testiocs. The M. II. .. A. tucluls il itsii sports baseball an1l1 tracas itlbtics. 'Ili(1501151 Ixwishi to soaks' to thai, viiil1e thoeetwox braniches are tolug losokest afties', ter'silosiu i e ac-- mliftie apspoistedltto iiivcstigsiii' huh sciggist 511150 iieslnauiiic' icassof "is- i'isi'sgilig footbail iniitir high s(-hiocs. It s'ciics to Iiilleithatthe'becsi and issoec! piractical xvay xx'uisI hbeItocffer a prize', as a silve'r' iup, to he giv esi to lie s."lotfirstxwtnning liii'c'iiaii- pioslih lrs'e time's. Silit tile consti- ioslcsold hi' foriiuatli, sanItic.~ siplpcrsisioli ifi'vc'rylli.1shiouiiild ti' iii Itic' leusls of liie' Uivirsity Atleltic As ccilticil. This tonlil hi'pt i toli ieet heginning witi next fail. Thie' tonlit citsu ll anrsrangcementil x wsuld not tielappalrient fur somt eluers, hut nit 11 1':11xxiileiny Itiat ilIi'e eiii, it xxiliprovxes to bii'tihe'osie'thintiis xvh-li scill lki'sp _3icichg~sn wxc '1('.i =histiist hi'eii lllcsics. 1. March Inlanider. Tile bisiret Inlandser is out scust sn satle today'. This numbsser collies ut to lie usual highl standard that his.'osn iiltil, this yeair. Tue csox-er di'- sglis .s most excellent pliece of xvork. 'helictuion 5i113' Wale1Vuirren Tltuycar, Arthur M. Snisth, Kthlerine It. Broixn andsCi(linde I.11.VuifL'yne. Harold 311. Boxwmasn itdPhilip DaggettP siur- hsiiui coiitribiute the xversie,xx-hichi is es- pecially good. tGcerude Btuck xrites on "Thle Eticual Significansce of Corto- luinus" ansd J. F. Thioias on "College Jourusulisn." A spec'ial feature of the iumber is an excellent cost of the Dily board, ELECTION NOTICE-DEMOCRATS. There will be .a meeting of the U. oaf Mt. Democratic Clulb Wednesday at 7:30, in Newberry tHall, for thu. purposo of electing officers and trals- ,acting other important husinces, Demi- ocrats of all. departusents of the Phi- versity and of the Ann Arbor hgh Schlool are requested to be present L. E. TEO3IPSOiN, tFirst 'ice President ,I I. 'I hossibilities tgross-thg out of lthue crg ci- iztionl of the ('hies ('hub. A cirres- psondenlcei' ut b'en siutel'd cwitihthe Chuess Chubs of thiuse svariouisutivier- sitius andlit flue lmrching uil 3londsuy iigilt the executis'e consiliiexxsuc .atlhorize'd to do OseOryttuilg it) its powesr'tuc arranhge for tun interrcollergisut' tousrnsameint. tix-orabicureulies hasise two'niri'ceivesd frosh Chicaigo antutulir- 'l'e laudhincxent x iii cxii'thii x-.ciisli'sful executni51o5f A. A. lu'rlsiiis, cc in x'sxxxtw irclledi(atlt ht:enid of 'stcilt nuimues',an111thcli er'it'ahiy could doin iuarvtsu'io tiugs initti ' wasy' is bsanjo pisixisig.-Asluu is Itt-iDeocrast, Atiril i, 1i8tu4. hliss 'hiariotte 0. Stowve, gdntersil tuinist 51nd tiacihmpanuit. House piarty c'igs ients sathsfactorily tilled. Ad- dre'ss No. 48 5. University ave. Theuu'xw-st andctlargest assoirtmn'it of CasrptsR u bgs. Mutting tansd.hDrtut- iries at tbsihcr's lFsriiiuire Store. Gibson &Clark, PHOTOGRAPH ERS, 12 W. HURON ST. a The modern stand--IdFmlMei tI C7i cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. Li li (jhu-uituc o ¢tlls The Daily will be delivered by carrier ii# Anti Arbor or by mail to any address in this country until Commencement for $1. 25. If, after thue last nutmber for this year is isFuccd, you feel that we have not earned $i1.25 this amount will be refunded to you. Your ~attention is called to the fact that the Daily is the only paper publisbivig complete re- ports of University events. It is the only medium by which you can obtain a r ,cord of each Univer- sity- organization. Subscription may be left with any editor of the Daily, at the Daily office or at M~eyer's News Stand. Subscriptions sent by mail should be addressed to the busi-- nesslmanager.