TILE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. THEVICTOR League Ball will bat further and last longer than any other make. It contains the best materials and shows the finest construction throughout. Every c"cofficial" league ball offered to the public is ane timitation of the Demand the Victor in all cases. Our trade mark is a guarantee of finest quality. OVERMAN WHEEL co. ?MaersciVctorBcycles. FINEST 50111G 'SAND LATEST STYL ES A INGL FAST T wrLISEN, T L TAILOR, ---18 North Fourth Avenue, Arlington Black. -- The lItaeic thoardin ueg ac- a,l ealds. Will noe e run cn a d1'rn Wan. Tie iery icI hsh c 5 ard ile ciil he served.Lme ancd try it and be rcriaicrO. A special1 dirt tablecocay for thoe whocislh it. F. J. RENTIINOS, C. W. PRINGLE, PROPRIETORS In an advertisement ts said to -] ite worth more thatn a column of glititerittlg generallities. Very well! The SIngle Fact that I wish to impress ttpott_ Tot utind is thtat I have hy far tite fittest huie (If SI C'YC0LES DO - 5OL . SI\IOI 1E itnAnti Arbor. IlRtttblers, 4 Pittsburg Stogies for - - - - 5c W'edries, Lt ches, Winton", 7 Full Value Cigars far- - - - - 25c Ihitarclta, Ltiutm s, atti 6 Prodigy Cigars far - - - - 25c plety oif Iotit-et pricet hteels. 4 Owl Boqur t Cigars far- - -- - --25c .Our 1U. of M. Sptecial is 3 Royal Banner Cigars fer-c - - 25c trorth)- of its name. a $100 Lowest Market Price by the Box. for $85. 44 South DCem Street.BDEAN &S DR UG STORE. A1 ('' n rs UNIVERSITY NOTES. Easing and Fencing Tonight. Cl U it !D l[ G__ -M ORE & WETiVORE" s' liyt atli e atic-rlerli 11ii i l i i 1 i :" , eai11) t ha e s t ie iii-t riillf:ii'ic l ill te l04l i- ll f f h 11lo le.wll bi- - lotl S 6 S. MAIN ST. AND STATE ST., 'cihe.utl l i iitltid~liy. t-eI l ii .1 iliilll ls IIi CORNER OF WILLIAM, h:1. .'~ai 111 TPrfii i al dee iiiiii; r, eol-Iril : a- ?1i ll Al l o11 h E' whoie ciiu l ii (iI .1 A I Iltrtt o1f51 The cmeof erretin- illbe ~lilitt d ree Ioa, tlw Zv,( UNIVERSITY- TEXT -NBOOKS! FutoI&'lll iooEsPrctcl lti'dlittnefeoftvn -fv etFor the Second Semester, lm _ f1iililhis liwill nlldhe lte lxi tikob ill iillletch ii 1. New and Second-Rand Spalding icyclea('n te arou A~.. ci. PAiLDINO- & BROS iial di rcI- Prluf. lulton i'foill(' ii i-lla. Thiriei'freiiingi-coitesisc nill(,ii thtle L:O Test Prices. Nitecti York, ertcferCh ica hld~li- .C .lt~ n l'tt( nt)10"') Larges i c1i ls aof ti elat nd ' )1 ll I he liffi-roilt ilaly Iaceswill11e1 111111 STRICTLY A SCHOOL OF DANCING FIRST NATIONYt.,AL BANiK. 'i' 'ls l lll lii~ertlli ib ile111111 lf ii iliiiihll' lii'11.1121 l1 tl11 li G N I OF ANN AtBtR, hlle.i'. evraTl l r -llliiliii' ss hrri I. is posscible' soiI: Itiiulai' the s-s-ct- Youc ane;jiniour clatcs sei-, er is anty titie coitietnient toCiyesrcei, thie Oruiee Slil)lllittfeil. 105 0li'0.teem stairting swieiiyiieoOfits tbc ad Capinial, $100,000. Serpitis asd tProts, $4000 Tt etuehts a gteteral bnttnkiti- be-iees. Thiii' Tru'clu rd 'nT I'leli of tiii'Pal- theii'iiili liTC sill ii b : .ttiil ;c'sI),. C. Acadetry 6I Maynard ct. Fe r:gi cct- ters boughil,tiidsold.tFurinist a ill 'aenie ed te.;oott1.Nt:r~eP os of ll e'n' P. BACtt tres. 5.i,~ W. Atll0N, Peshier.ci itic i tliithe Pi Kappa u- i bls' timeirs. Mr. Kutt itzptrick an( ~IsT. S itiluiy istllg. I ititiiiitisia : 'I E Iiy. N OW ABOUT THAT COUGH ? THE NN RBO HAK iclutetlin nd efrslluent tvl~e ofCouhyrups.,'fricheas antd La- TH N RO AIO AKlidl rii111 tficiiitt sci 11 st ~1esr~Oi. 'Weckno i,iutilursu Ca pita te ii,?551100. Serplus, $150,00. as i-il. All w m c-i, ft hit iiillllt rilayi 0 f Cir iandutiue'Ctberryr Pr-ei i ht015it e cttit-111 11111d a 11111- )8, 98 .L andi ilit, i l ' A clGubesS te t; t. 25cent bottles. ta, treOrganizedunesdrthe GeneaingttLavaes of thise State. tRecrivesepotteits, buys andlttccllli' isee gtun tu thIl icti pf "rtfat th flu'iil