THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ICIHIGAN GENTIRAL Time Table (Revised) March 1 190 Mail and Ex-_3150 Mail - 838 .N. Y. Special--. 5 00 N. Y. SeciaL..._ 7 30 Eastern Ex---101 N. S. Lmite.._19 25 Atlantic Ex-__7 30 Pacific Es ----12 1.5 D. N. Express.... 1 40 Western Es-...2 00 4;.,I. Express ___11 05 Chi. Nt. Es-...10 1il G .Ex -.- 5 57 . W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt. Ann Arbor RAILROAD. Time Tahle, Jan. 1, 16. 7:2a. m. "7:40 a. m. 112:2 p. m. 11:4 a. m. 4:1 p.m.o,:21 p. n. All trains daIly except Snday 'Trains ron between Ann Arbor ad Toledo only. I. . GREEN WOOD, Agent W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toled . ANN ARBOR & YPSILANTI ST. RY, Time Table, Oct. 27, 1895. Leave Ypsilanti from Congres t., 7:10.8:45 and 11:00 a. m.; 1:45,2:15,5:00, 6:45, 9:13 and 10:45 p. m. Leave Ann Arbor Junction, 7:40,9:15 and 11:30 a. i.; 1:1, 2:45, 5:30, 7:15, :43 and 1115 SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti from Congress t.. 1:30,3:30, :00, 6:30 and nb :00.mJ .. Leave An rouJncton, 2:00, 4:00, 5:30, 7:00 and 9:30 p. m. ~Cars run n city time are: eingle trip 15 cents; rosnd trip ticets 25 cents. W. F. PAKER,OSup. STUDENTS T if yeu vat good reliable life isurace call on Ped T MeOmber, office No. 1, S. Forth ave. NEW MYACHINE SHOP HUNTER BROS., 9 E. LIBERTY ST. Skates Concaved. Experimental Work. RENTSCHLER, PH10OTcC~r-HE1M ANN ARBOR. MICH. HOT LUNCHES AT ALL HOURS Chocolates and Candies -AT-- JOLLY & CO'S. 20. State St. Sager Block. Large Line of Sie Pipes, Toaro and Cgar. RANDALL Phtot ogr apher 15 Washington Block. lOOP & 01CO TREET Call on them for_ Fine Lunches, Fine Chocolats, and Baked Goods. Try Our Lunches. COTRELL & LEONARD, Albany N. Y. Makers of t.caps Gowns for Yale 96,arvard '9, Princeton 96 and may we not add Michigan '96? Good Tailoring No lottery schemes. You poy for what you get and CASH saves you 25 per cent. Every garment fittt d and guaranteed. 'Thousands of students ore amongst our customers. The largest line in the state to select from. Full line of samples at the Cook House every Tuesday. It will will pay you to see the line. THE GOLDEN EAGLE CO., DETROIT. E Discovery in Egypt. AT THE GRAND OP'ERIA HOUSE.1 [Univ. of Cbicago weekly.] 'Ir. IVin. C. Andrews will play a re- Professoir Breasted, the Egyptiologist, turnlenglagemuent in "'My Wifes has rec-eive:thtle following msessge Friieni," ltth[le oGrand opera ihouse froin Egypt: nlext Tuesdlay Oevening. The ti:tle of 'We have discovered a new temiple 111e comedy suoggests, o satire and such heore in whlichI Ite Nuobin king Ergam. it is, with morc-Clau5g11s to [lie square, cues ;is found, togethler with Ptolenmy inchlithall was squeiezed into 'Charlie's, IV. There is practically notinig to Aunt,' thse ouihior Mr. Fcc-i. 'Marsiden ae seen of this temlpe boot I 1h0110we has token for his thnenml a youong Jer- shlli be able to reco~nstruict it. se'ymian, who dois unot thinsk tile 15111 "Yooors, B0itSC!HIDT'." DgillntoIhimliby0'his lparental3.1111:god- paren'Its, oquitoe in kecping wsitho lil am- Mr. 3o1sellbl-it is theIer1113cial Eni- litioiis, sos lie rechlristens himiself-Jack ginecer of tiso Germlanl gove-rnmlen~t 511:1Luster', a name li'which he 'has lieard isretpresenitative' at the excavatioitc is the 'shinling cognomen- of one of till' iiow goin~g forwaicd 011tile islanid of First Famiilics of Virgiia. Aimed 1'hli~e, :a0 the birst caitarnet of tileithM his tradie miark of Aristacc-atic linea':ge', aiidthe-,:ability to [iell white Nile. 'T'he imessage is :datedl Jllanuay leI: :o ~ssu iti vt 22, a1111proba:bly the bc-st pulblic - much111-lisuccess,; buoltran;lge1to s~iy [lie lioooleieoit, us Amleia, of the disov-. widlow is als~o sailing uncl,1': 1ilce cal- cry. 015. 'Thie worthy -ouople so .:1 find it ve'ry diicltllto hi:-1ptititheir respec- FUJNNY SKETCHES WANTED. [isn' c-hims 0to:lr~st(:c-ltl-il(descent aond H~avinlg decided to omit short, pc-eir-! eei co'::l::icadlt:ls tahkeIliac-e, W-Ali~ s51111 grinds in this yeiar's hook, the gts-esfi::e:audieniie' io endtof funo, 00 Castalian Board is desirools of getting' last filey haive to :31:oine down to eaorthi.1 as many humllorotus sketches of [Univer- :1111everybodly is happy1:, esitcc-crliy sity life as possible, If you bnow a tho:se wo~ succeeidediill getting go::d laugable incident or amin:75g charac- se-ats tos see' tiie 11rfoc-liillcc. 'lilt' ter abotot the tUniver'sity, miake a! C-omed:y favors li echicis0-1i041, bolt breezy sketchl antI pot it in the C-is. is prfctly w-Iholesoaiio'oaid will es- talian contributionl boxes in the main pec:-ally dlelight tlie lavlies. hail.a -J BASEBALtL NO'TICE. The Daily hias bcelinlbeliveedlfor 'PT'e folloling 11:1-I will withioot fail s-es-ral weeks to all1 imemlbers of the l presenit tbems:-le es it the Giymo. oil Univewrsity faculties who are nSot regu- "Monda:y at 4:'301). ini:. Buttler, WV. oar subscr-ibers. 'flits-has beeni (ole 1McKeie,- alctioig stoneiE. V. Deans, Sihiounlly expeonse to thein-l 1 order I). Lowrey, 0'. E. [lacti-c, E,. IT. (or- to shoaw tlielli thie value of the -D,013ly1 don, J. It. Sliowaillec-, tHtald, C. Web- 15 a Unliver-sity onewsp~apec-. A.solidt-' stci. Ally c-:ialotc-s hot lmentionedo for wvilca:ll opon echl:professtc- who c-nilani in iitheir namlies at thit tOilne. has ben sent tice1111er an~d those w~ho Systell:5,tic triinlg will be begunl 0. desire to becomne regoular suobscrciber-s. thaot tilii. It is absolute-ly niec-essary u-ill he givenos111opp~otunuity to sv't) fec- tle old lalyers ecia-lily to realiz~e scribe. Otherwise, th~e paoper- will log th~e i::)oc-ailcc (If this Ipreparuatory discontinued withlout tony cliac-ge for wo:rk and repor ft tltat time. thie numbers delivec-ed. W. tF. 1tI1,MES.- TICK%' rj. 1THE BESTI' MiLEA '1:1 I If you trav-el one thousaoid miles 'hInt iterc-haiige-able 1,000 mile tic-. duoring the year youo will saive ilon; et i sued by the Ohilo Ceniti-al Lines by purchasing a thoulsand muile tcket.' covers inoc-einporfant railway sys- rThe beat in the market are those is. (tlls than any oilier. It is good ovei sooed by ogents of Ohio Centratl Lines. the B. & 0., Big 'ooir, C., II. & D., etc. They are good over oil the importanlt Prcic-e $20. (ood out' year. 'There ore systems including the entire B3. & 0. othlers in. the market, but the Ohio system wvest of tPittsburg, the Big Cenltral Lines' tick(et is thio favorite. Four, etc. See agents of Ohio Central See agents Ohio Central Lines, or{ Lines before purchasing. Price $20; address good one year. MOULTON tHOUK, G. P'. A., NOTICE.Toledo, Ohio. All candidates for the freasiman Student members of the Political baseball team wxilisand thir nanies Science Association caoi gel. the pub- and positions to the manager at once. Ileotions as lliey come out by clling HARR[Y B. PO'ITER, at room 11, Tappan Htall, at 1t a. m. 31 S. 'T'hayer st. on any day except Saturday. Five numlbers ore now out and a sixth, do- One front suite, $2.50. One single voted to city government, is printing. room 75 cents, Furnace heat, light Mtembershlip, which includes the pub- and bath. 20 5. Ingalls at. 1313 lications, is open to all students at $1 The Daily will be delivered by ear- a year. rior or by mail for the remainder of CHARLES H. COOtLEY, the year for $1.25. Treasurer. T. O. &C.RBy. K. &M.RBy. Solid through trains between Toledo, Ohio and Charleston, W.Vav., via Colmbs, the short and only direct rote. Toledo, . Findlay, . Kenton, . Columbus, . Athens, . Middleport, . Pt. Pleasant, W. Va. PmrO Richmond. Va. Petersburg, Va. Old Point Comfort, V. Williamsburg, Va. Newport News, Va. Nforfork, Va. And allotheassern ~oIns. Eegant drawing room cars on all throgh trains. Poe further information call on yor local Ticket Aent or wrie,- MOULTON HIOUK, e'] Pas. Ag., Tledo, O. W. A. PETEES, Michgan Pass. Agent, Detroot Mics Crand Opera Ho0use. ONE NIGHT ONLY. TUESDAY, MARCH 17 RETURN ENGAGEMENT- MR. WM, C., ANDREWS And His Comedy is Ped ardon's Briliant Comedy, "My Wife's FriĀ±end."~ Same Styesflayoa, IToShck luhssoo. Prices, - 35c, 50c, 75c and $2. Gibson & Clark, PHOTOGRAPHERS 12 W. 1HURON ST. The new sles have arrived. Opeca Crooko are te thing. See our window. WMt ARNOLD'S JEWERf' STORE. THE KINDERGARTEN BILLIARD HALL . RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS MONEY TO LOAN ON I EE1SONAL l'MOPIR'1 Y. Wholeale Cigas, Tobaccos and Cgaretes rrnCATEWRR HANGSTrFE , to20 t O. YOU PLAY We Furnish the best Bicycle Cards FOR $1.80. Handsome embossed poker chips (or counters), 65c per 100 Noiseless poker chips (or couners), $1.50 per 10. Extra quality Dominos, 25c per set. T. B. Rayl Co., Detroit, Kich.